383 resultados para Aspartato aminotransferase


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Aims Increases in inflammatory markers, hepatic enzymes and physical inactivity are associated with the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). We examined whether inflammatory markers and hepatic enzymes are correlated with traditional risk factors for MetS and studied the effects of resistance training (RT) on these emerging risk factors in individuals with a high number of metabolic risk factors (HiMF, 2.9 ± 0.8) and those with a low number of metabolic risk factors (LoMF, 0.5 ± 0.5).

Methods Twenty-eight men and 27 women aged 50.8 ± 6.5 years (mean ± sd) participated in the study. Participants were randomized to four groups, HiMF training (HiMFT), HiMF control (HiMFC), LoMF training (LoMFT) and LoMF control (LoMFC). Before and after 10 weeks of RT [3 days/week, seven exercises, three sets with intensity gradually increased from 40–50% of one repetition maximum (1RM) to 75–85% of 1RM], blood samples were obtained for the measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP), -glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT).

Results At baseline, HiMF had higher interleukin-6 (33.9%), CRP (57.1%), GGT (45.2%) and ALT (40.6%) levels, compared with LoMF (all P < 0.05). CRP, GGT and ALT correlated with the number of risk factors (r = 0.48, 0.51 and 0.57, respectively, all P < 0.01) and with other anthropometric and clinical measures (r range from 0.26 to 0.60, P < 0.05). RT did not significantly alter inflammatory markers or hepatic enzymes (all P > 0.05).

Conclusions HiMF was associated with increased inflammatory markers and hepatic enzyme concentrations. RT did not reduce inflammatory markers and hepatic enzymes in individuals with HiMF.


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BACKGROUND : Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) displays vasodilative, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective activities. Impaired production of H(2)S contributes to the increased intrahepatic resistance in cirrhotic livers. The study aimed to investigate the roles of H(2)S in carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4))-induced hepatotoxicity, cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

METHODS AND FINDINGS : Sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS), a donor of H(2)S, and DL-propargylglycine (PAG), an irreversible inhibitor of cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE), were applied to the rats to investigate the effects of H(2)S on CCl(4)-induced acute hepatotoxicity, cirrhosis and portal hypertension by measuring serum levels of H(2)S, hepatic H(2)S producing activity and CSE expression, liver function, activity of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2E1, oxidative and inflammatory parameters, liver fibrosis and portal pressure. CCl(4) significantly reduced serum levels of H(2)S, hepatic H(2)S production and CSE expression. NaHS attenuated CCl(4)-induced acute hepatotoxicity by supplementing exogenous H(2)S, which displayed anti-oxidative activities and inhibited the CYP2E1 activity. NaHS protected liver function, attenuated liver fibrosis, inhibited inflammation, and reduced the portal pressure, evidenced by the alterations of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), hyaluronic acid (HA), albumin, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, liver histology, hepatic hydroxyproline content and α-smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression. PAG showed opposing effects to NaHS on most of the above parameters.

CONCLUSIONS :  Exogenous H2S attenuates CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity, liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension by its multiple functions including anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, cytoprotection and anti-fibrosis, indicating that targeting H2S may present a promising approach, particularly for its prophylactic effects, against liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension.


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This paper presents a summary of the evidence review group (ERG) report into the clinical and cost-effectiveness of entecavir for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in adults based upon a review of the manufacturer's submission to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) as part of the single technology appraisal (STA) process. The submission's evidence came from five randomised controlled trials (RCTs), of good methodological quality and measuring a range of clinically relevant outcomes, comparing entecavir with lamivudine. After 1 year of treatment entecavir was statistically superior to lamivudine in terms of the proportion of patients achieving hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA suppression, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normalisation and histological improvement, but not in terms of the proportion of patients achieving hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) seroconversion. The incidence of adverse or serious adverse events was similar for both treatments. The results of the manufacturer's mixed treatment comparison (MTC) model to compare entecavir with the comparator drugs in nucleoside-naive patients were considered to be uncertain because of concerns over its conduct and reporting. For the economic evaluation the manufacturer constructed two Markov state transition models, one in HBeAg-positive and one in HBeAg-negative patients. The modelling approach was considered reasonable subject to some uncertainties and concerns over some of the structural assumptions. In HBeAg-positive patients the base-case incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) for entecavir compared with lamivudine and pegylated interferon alpha-2a were 14,329 pounds and 8403 pounds per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) respectively. Entecavir was dominated by telbivudine. In HBeAg-negative patients the base-case ICERs for entecavir compared with lamivudine, pegylated interferon alpha-2a and telbivudine were 13,208 pounds, 7511 pounds and 6907 pounds per QALY respectively. In HBeAg-positive lamivudine-refractory patients entecavir dominated adefovir added to lamivudine. In one-way deterministic sensitivity analysis on all key input parameters for entecavir compared with lamivudine in nucleoside-naive patients, ICERs generally remained under 30,000 pounds per QALY. In probabilistic sensitivity analysis in nucleoside-naive HBeAg-positive patients the probability of the ICER for entecavir being below 20,000 pounds per QALY was 57%, 82% and 45% compared with lamivudine, pegylated interferon alpha-2a and telbivudine respectively. In nucleoside-naive HBeAg-negative patients the probabilities were 90%, 100% and 96% respectively. The manufacturer's lifetime treatment scenario for HBeAg-negative patients and the ERG's 20-year treatment scenario for HBeAg-positive patients increased the ICERs, particularly in the latter case. Amending the HBeAg-negative model so that patients with compensated cirrhosis would also receive lifetime treatment gave probabilities of entecavir being cost-effective at a willingness to pay of 20,000 pounds and 30,000 pounds of 4% and 40% respectively. The NICE guidance issued in August 2008 as a result of the STA states that entecavir is recommended as an option for the treatment of people with chronic HBeAg-positive or HBeAg-negative hepatitis B in whom antiviral treatment is indicated.


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O transplante hepático é o tratamento de escolha para uma série de doenças terminais agudas e crônicas do fígado. Contudo, sua oferta tem sido restringida pela falta de doadores, o que tem provocado o aumento do número de pacientes em lista de espera. A escassez de órgãos condiciona a aceitação para transplante de enxertos provindos de doadores sem as melhores condições para tal – os chamados doadores marginais. O dano de isquemia/reperfusão (IR) é resultado dos fatores perioperatórios inerentes ao procedimento, incluindo as condições do doador. Quanto pior o doador, pior o órgão transplantado, e maior a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de disfunção primária do enxerto (DPE). DPE comumente é definida pela elevação das enzimas hepáticas. As aminotransferases, entretanto, podem alterar-se por outras complicações que não a lesão de isquemia/reperfusão. A histologia hepática, por sua vez, pode fornecer informações acerca da IR. Com o objetivo de estimar a extensão histológica do dano de preservação (necrose hepatocelular e neutrofilia sinusoidal), correlacioná-la a variáveis bioquímicas (índice de reperfusão: AST + ALT + LDH / 3) e avaliar a sua influência no período pós-operatório imediato (até 7 dias), foi realizado um estudo transversal com análise sistemática de 55 pacientes adultos que receberam seu primeiro enxerto hepático entre Setembro de 1996 e Dezembro de 1999. Foram comparados os fatores de risco relacionados ao doador, ao receptor, ao procedimento cirúrgico e ao período pós-operatório e analisadas as biópsias feitas antes e imediatamente após o procedimento cirúrgico. Houve dano de preservação em todos os pacientes estudados tanto por critérios anatomopatológicos quanto por critérios bioquímicos. Houve associação significativa entre os achados bioquímicos e histológicos (p=0,04; coeficiente gamma=0,49). A extensão da necrose hepatocitária parece ser o dado anatomopatológico isolado que melhor se relaciona ao índice de reperfusão (p=0,05; coeficiente gamma=0,48). Houve associação entre DPE e a histologia hepática (p=0,02). O índice bioquímico associou-se à DPE (p=0,001) e à incidência de insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (p<0,0001). A mortalidade inicial foi maior nos pacientes com índice de reperfusão grave (p=0,002). O índice de reperfusão foi um fator de risco independente para a função do enxerto (p=0,004) e IRA (0,04). A sobrevida atuarial em 1 ano foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com dano de preservação grave (p=0,003). A análise da biópsia de reperfusão é capaz de detectar o dano de preservação sofrido pelo enxerto e se correlaciona às variáveis bioquímicas em sua estimativa.


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A lactação é um processo fisiológico complexo que ainda não foi compreendido na sua totalidade. Inúmeros fatores intervêm na síntese e secreção do leite, sendo os mais importantes a nutrição e o metabolismo endógeno dos nutrientes. A qualidade do leite é valorizada tanto pela sua composição química, como pelo conteúdo de células somáticas. No entanto, visando a comercialização do leite, as maiores mudanças e melhoras na qualidade podem ser atingidas através da manipulação da dieta dos animais, em especial em vacas leiteiras de alta produção. Avaliar os processos de absorção de alimentos, bem como o metabolismo catabólico e anabólico direcionado para a síntese do leite, têm sido uma grande preocupação na pesquisa de nutrição e bioquímica da produção animal. O principal objetivo da presente pesquisa foi gerar modelos matemáticos que pudessem explicar a participação de diferentes metabólitos sobre a composição química do leite. Neste intuito foram coletadas amostras de fluído ruminal, sangue, urina e leite de 140 vacas da raça Holandesa nas primeiras semanas de lactação e mantidas sob sistema semi-intensivo de produção e dieta controlada. Os animais foram selecionados de sistemas de produção no ecossistema do Planalto Médio de Rio Grande do Sul e foram amostrados em dois períodos climáticos críticos. No fluido ruminal foram avaliados o pH e o tempo de redução do azul de metileno. No sangue foram determinados os metabólitos: glicose, colesterol, β-hidroxibutirato (BHB), triglicerídeos, fructosamina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA), proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, uréia, creatinina, cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. As enzimas: aspartato amino transferase (AST), gama glutamil transferase (GGT) e creatina kinase (CK). Os hormônios: cortisol, insulina, triiodotironina (T3), tiroxina (T4), e leptina. Foi efetuado hemograma, para conhecer: hematócrito, hemoglobina, e contagem total e diferencial de células brancas. Na urina foram dosados: corpos cetônicos, pH e densidade. No leite foi determinada: proteína, gordura, lactose, sólidos totais, sólidos não gordurosos, contagem de células somáticas e uréia. Para a determinação de cada um dos metabólitos ou compostos foram usadas técnicas específicas validadas internacionalmente. Os diferentes valores obtidos constituíram os parâmetros básicos de entrada para a construção dos diversos modelos matemáticos executados para predizer a composição do leite. Mediante procedimentos de regressão linear múltipla algoritmo Stepwise, procedimentos de correlação linear simples de Pearson e procedimentos de análise computacional através de redes neurais, foram gerados diferentes modelos para identificar os parâmetros endógenos de maior relevância na predição dos diferentes componentes do leite. A parametrização das principais rotas bioquímicas, do controle endócrino, do estado de funcionamento hepático, da dinâmica ruminal e da excreção de corpos cetônicos aportou informação suficiente para predizer com diferente grau de precisão o conteúdo dos diferentes sólidos no leite. O presente trabalho é apresentado na forma de quatro artigos correspondentes aos parâmetros energéticos, de controle endócrino, modelagem matemática linear múltipla e predição através de Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).


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Introdução: Diversas anormalidades neuroquímicas têm sido relatadas no Transtorno Bipolar (TB), mas os verdadeiros mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia do TB permanecem a ser elucidados. A técnica de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética (1H-MRS) permite a mensuração de certos neurometabólitos no cérebro humano in vivo. Nós utilizamos a 1H-MRS para investigar o N-acetil-L-aspartato (NAA), compostos de colina (Cho), creatina/fosfocreatina (Cr) e o myoinositol (Ino) no córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) em indivíduos bipolares durante episódio maníaco/misto. Métodos: Dez pacientes bipolares (9 maníacos, 1 misto), diagnosticados através de uma entrevista clínica semi-estruturada (SCID), e 10 voluntários normais pareados por sexo e idade foram estudados. Os neurometabólitos foram mensurados através de voxels de 8cm3 localizados no CPFDL direito e esquerdo para aquisição da 1H-MRS de 1.5T. Imagens de ressonância magnética anatômica ponderadas em T1 e T2 foram obtidas para excluir quaisquer anormalidades neuroanatômicas. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para NAA, Cho, Cr, Ino, NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, ou Ino/Cr entre pacientes e controles. Pacientes maníacos/mistos apresentaram níveis significativamente aumentados de myoinositol no CPFDL esquerdo em relação ao CPFDL direito (p = 0,044). Conclusões: Elevação do myoinositol no CPFDL esquerdo em pacientes bipolares durante mania aguda pode representar uma disfunção na via de sinalização do fosfatidilinositol. Estudos longitudinais com maior amostra avaliando o pré e pós-tratamento são necessários para melhor esclarecer este tema.


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Seeds from legumes including the Glycine max are known to be a rich source of protease inhibitors. The soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) has been well characterised and has been found to exhibit many biological activities. However its effects on inflammatory diseases have not been studied to date. In this study, SKTI was purified from a commercial soy fraction, enriched with this inhibitor, using anion exchange chromatography Resource Q column. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and bovine trypsin. . Purified SKTI inhibited HNE with an IC50 value of 8 µg (0.3 nM). At this concentration SKTI showed neither cytotoxic nor haemolytic effects on human blood cell populations. SKTI showed no deleterious effects on organs, blood cells or the hepatic enzymes alanine amine transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in mice model of acute systemic toxicity. Human neutrophils incubated with SKTI released less HNE than control neutrophils when stimulated with PAF or fMLP (83.1% and 70% respectively). These results showed that SKTI affected both pathways of elastase release by PAF and fMLP stimuli, suggesting that SKTI is an antagonist of PAF/fMLP receptors. In an in vivo mouse model of acute lung injury, induced by LPS from E. coli, SKTI significantly suppressed the inflammatory effects caused by elastase in a dose dependent manner. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin/eosin confirmed this reduction in inflammation process. These results showed that SKTI could be used as a potential pharmacological agent for the therapy of many inflammatory diseases


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The seeds are excellent sources of proteinase inhibitors and have been highlighted owing to various applications. Among these applications are those in effect on food intake and weight gain that stand out because of the increasing number of obese individuals. This study evaluated the effects of trypsin inhibitor present in the seed of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) reduction in weight gain, biochemical and morphological alterations in Wistar rats. For this, we partially purified a trypsin inhibitor tamarind seed. This inhibitor, ITT2 at a concentration of 25 mg / kg body weight, over a period of 14 days was able to reduce food intake in rats (n = 6) by approximately 47%, causing a reduction in weight gain approximately 70% when compared with the control group. With the evaluation of the in vivo digestibility was demonstrated that the animals lost weight due to satiety, presented by the reduction of food intake, since there were significant differences between true digestibility for the control group (90.7%) and the group treated with inhibitor (89.88%). Additionally, we checked the deeds of ITT2 on biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, gamma glutamyl transferase albumin, globulin, total protein and C-reactive protein) and these, when assessed in the study groups showed no statistically significant variations. We also evaluate the histology of some organs, liver, stomach, intestine, and pancreas, and showed no changes. And to evaluate the effect of trypsin inhibitor on food intake due to the satiety is regulated by cholecystokinin (CCK) were measured plasma levels, and it was observed that the levels of CCK in animals receiving ITT2 were significantly higher ( 20 + 1.22) than in animals receiving only solution with casein (10.14 + 2.9) or water (5.92 + 1.15). Thus, the results indicate that the effect caused ITT2 satiety, reducing food intake, which in turn caused a reduction in weight gain in animals without causing morphological and biochemical changes, this effect caused by the elevation of plasma levels CCK


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Spondias sp. (Anacardiaceae), popularly known as cajá-umbu, is an endemic plant from Northeastern Brazil, where their leaves are widely used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory processes, while their fruits have a great agro industrial potential. This study was designed to evaluate hepatoprotective, antinociceptive, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the acute toxicity and repeated dose 28, using a methanolic extract (MES), a fraction rich in flavonoids (FRF) and a precipitate from Spondias sp.leaves. The antioxidant activity of them was valued to evaluate their free radical scavenger capacity by DPPH test, whereas MES and FRF were used to evaluate while the preventive action on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity. Seven groups (n=5) of female Wistar rats were used as follows: control group, CCl4-intoxicated group treated with EMS (500 mg/kg) for 7 days, three CCl4-intoxicated groups treated with FRF (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg) for 7 days and the CCl4-intoxicated group treated with Legalon ® (silimarina; (phytotherapeutic reference) (50 mg/kg; 7 days). MES and FRF showed a protective action against liver injury induced by CCl4, being observed a significant reduction of serum enzyme activity marker of liver damage (alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase). On the other hand, the lipid peroxidation (SRAT) decrease, as well as the increase of glutathione content and enzyme activity of antioxidant defense system (SOD, CAT, GPx) toward near normal values indicated the ability of EMS to restore the oxidative imbalance induced by CCl4. The histological analysis confirmed the hepatoprotection, compared to degenerative changes in CCl4-treated group. This hepatoprotetor effect was similar to that shown by Legalon®. The in vitro high antioxidant capacity of extract (93.16 ± 1.00%) showed analogous results to those obtained by Carduus marianus BHT (reference standard). This fact explains the obtained results in vivo. Although no antimicrobial activity was detected, EMS and FRF promoted the antinociceptive effect induced in the second phase by the intraplantar formalin test, evidencing the anti-inflammatory action; confirmed by the carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The evaluation of the mechanical allodynia (CFA a 80%) demonstrated the involvement of the Spondias sp. chemical composition in the anti-inflammatory activity toward the acute processes. The acute exposure and repeated dose during 28 days did not produce significant changes in the parameters that evaluate toxicity. Together the experimental results reveal, that Spondias sp. leaf extracts have a promising potential in pharmaceutical area, and due to its non-toxic condition present efficiency and security


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background We present new findings on liver steatosis detected in a group of 20 morbidly obese patients who were reassessed shortly after bariatric surgery (BS) by assaying hepatic markers in their serum.Methods We assayed aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), cholinesterase, cholesterol, total protein, and albumin, and measured the weight and the body mass index (BMI) of patients, before and one and three months after surgery.Results There were significant reductions in BMI following surgery and also falls in transaminases and gamma-GT activities three months after BS. No changes occurred in other parameters between periods, except that cholesterol was above reference values before BS and fell to normal levels three months after BS.Conclusions We suggest that before undergoing surgery, the patients suffered from slight steatosis, while after BS the reduction in AST and gamma-GT indicated that this condition was corrected within three months. Moreover, these enzymes may be useful markers for excess fat in the liver.


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In this work we investigate the possible toxicity of vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4), a compound capable of reducing hyperglycemia, on the following serum enzymes of diabetic young rats: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LD) and creatine kinase (CK), as well as its effects on serum lipids. We find that at a concentration of 1 mg/mL VOSO4 has no toxic effect on the liver and muscles of diabetics young rats. These findings suggest that VOSO4 may be an alternative to insulin in the near future, due to its low cost, low toxicity and ready availability.