1000 resultados para Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre


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Hydrological disturbances, light availability and nutrients are the most relevant factors determining the structure of the biological communities in Mediterranean rivers. While some hydrological disturbances are able to induce catastrophic effects, which may cause a complete reset in physical and biological conditions, continued enrichment or changes in light availability are factors leading to the progressive shift in the communities of autotrophs and heterotrophs in the systems. Primary production in Mediterranean streams shows relevant seasonal changes which mainly follows the variations in light availability. In most forested streams, the algal community is shade-adapted. Nutrient enrichment (especially phosphorus) leads to marked increases in primary production, but this increase is not lineal and there is a saturation of algal biomass even in the most enriched systems. The heterotrophs (bacteria, fungi) are related to the pattern of DOC availability (which most depends on the seasonal discharge and leaf fall dynamics) and to the available substrata in the stream. It has been repeatedly observed that shorttime increases of extracellular enzyme activities are related to the accumulation of autochthonous (algal) and/or allochthonous (leaves) organic matter on the streambed during spring and summer, this being more remarkable in dry than in wetter years. Flow reduction favours detritus concentration in pools, and the subsequent increase in the density and biomass of the macroinvertebrate community. In Mediterranean streams collectors are accounting for the highest density and biomass, this being more remarkable in the least permanent systems, in accordance with the effect of floods on the organic matter availability. Nutrients, through the effect on the primary producers, also affect the trophic food web in the streams by favouring the predominance of grazers


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El Reglamento 1223/2009 establece las normas que deben cumplir todos los productos cosméticos comercializados en Europa, con objeto de velar por el funcionamiento del mercado interior y lograr un elevado nivel de protección de la salud humana garantizando el uso de métodos alternativos que no impliquen la utilización de animales. El Laboratorio Europeo de Referencia para las Alternativas a la Experimentación con Animales (EURL-EURL- ECVAM) es el laboratorio de referencia en Europa encargado de validar los métodos alternativos. Posteriormente pueden ser homologados por la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico (OCDE). Por otro lado, el Comité Científico de Seguridad de los Consumidores (SCCS) asesora a la Comisión sobre todos los temas relacionados con la seguridad de los cosméticos. En esta revisión se detalla una relación de métodos alternativos necesarios para evaluar la seguridad de los ingredientes cosméticos así como los métodos usados y sus limitaciones.


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The aim of this workshop is to present the main methods of subsoil studies (namely mechanical and geophysical methods) to the Earth Sciences professorate. These methods frequently involve the use of specific material. The different methods are usually taught in the classroom where there is no real contact between the students and the equipment. Several activities, all of them taking place in surrounding areas of the university campus of Girona, will provide the assistants to the workshop with the opportunity of making measurements with different equipment. These activities will be made in the field so as to contribute to the resolution of a problem which will have been previously proposed. The problems presented are situations, most of them real, when subsoil investigation techniques are usually used. These cases have been employed as teaching-learning strategies with university and second grade students in the area of Girona. Finally, some examples of exercises involving the treatment of data obtained through subsoil investigation techniques are also presented to complement the workshop


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Descripció de la zona lacustre de Banyoles des del punt de vista geològic i hidrogeologic


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El Reglamento 1223/2009 establece las normas que deben cumplir todos los productos cosméticos comercializados en Europa, con objeto de velar por el funcionamiento del mercado interior y lograr un elevado nivel de protección de la salud humana garantizando el uso de métodos alternativos que no impliquen la utilización de animales. El Laboratorio Europeo de Referencia para las Alternativas a la Experimentación con Animales (EURL-EURL- ECVAM) es el laboratorio de referencia en Europa encargado de validar los métodos alternativos. Posteriormente pueden ser homologados por la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico (OCDE). Por otro lado, el Comité Científico de Seguridad de los Consumidores (SCCS) asesora a la Comisión sobre todos los temas relacionados con la seguridad de los cosméticos. En esta revisión se detalla una relación de métodos alternativos necesarios para evaluar la seguridad de los ingredientes cosméticos así como los métodos usados y sus limitaciones.


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La competitividad emergente entre destinos turísticos ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de enfatizar las estrategias de comunicación –con el fin de crear un valor añadido intangible para el potencial cliente- encaminadas a crear una imagen favorable de los espacios que se pretenden promocionar, mediante el diseño de acciones de comunicación con objetivos que van más allá del mero interés promocional o informativo. En este sentido, tanto los emplazamientos que conciben el turismo como una solución de diversificación económica (destinos emergentes), como las localizaciones geográficas que ya disponen de una cierta solera en relación a su tradición turística (destinos maduros), aúnan esfuerzos en aras de consolidar una identidad territorial acorde con sus posibilidades turísticas. Si además se tiene en cuenta que, en la actualidad, el consumo de imágenes percibidas a priori representa, de antemano, un primer viaje simbólico previo a un posterior viaje real, se puede llegar a vislumbrar el papel decisivo que desempeña la interpretación del consumidor (creación de imaginarios individuales y colectivos) en un escenario global de comercialización del territorio. Por tanto, el valor añadido en una situación de dura competencia entre destinos, radica en los valores que se asocian a la imagen de marca turística, que representa la primera carga de sensaciones y emociones que percibe el potencial turista y/o visitante antes de decidirse por uno u otro destino.


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In the last few years, Economic Theory has revised two basic ideas around the economics of the household: that family income is the result of the individual income of each of its members (income pooling), and that all family members living in the household have equal access to its resources. Unequal access to family resources (among women and men, on the one hand, and among the elderly, adults and children, on the other), is now understood as an input (for instance, that women eat less food and of worst quality than men), and as an output (for instance that women have poorer health, higher epidemic mortality, or are less tall than men as a result, among other things, of having received less food and poorer medical care, and/or of a heavier workload). Despite the fact that inequality in intra‐family consumption has become the center of attention in academic and international agencies, it can still not be found in the agenda of Economic History. In this paper we look at some of the resources consumed by Spanish families in the 19th century: food, alcoholic beverages, clothes and shoes. Medical topographies, our main source, suggest that unequal access to family resources among household members had a strong impact on their health and wellbeing.


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In a very short time, the Internet has become an enormous source of information for teachers and students alike, in various scientific fields and at different levels of education. However, not all of this information is as reliable as one would wish and it is not always presented in the right way, nor is the content suitably structured for our purposes. Teachers need easily accessible criteria for selecting, analysing and evaluating web pages for their students, while bearing in mind the level and the material they are working with. In this article, we present the fundamental steps towards the analysis and subsequent evaluation of web pages of interest in the teaching of the Earth Sciences at different levels of education: Primary Education, Obligatory Secondary Education and “Bachillerato” (Pre-University Education)


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Objetivo: Se comparó in vitro la acción antimicrobiana de diversas medicaciones intraconducto frente a Enterococcus faecalis y Actinomyces israelii. Material y métodos: para evaluar las zonas de inhibición microbiana se utilizó el test de difusión en agar frente a diversas pastas, incluyendo una pasta con base de metronidazol (Grinazole ®), una pasta con base de dexametasona, tiretrocina, polimixana y neomicina (Septomixine forte ®) y otra de hidróxido de calciio (Calcipulpe ®) y paroclorofenol alcanforado (KRI-3 ®), frente a E. faecalis y A. israelii. Resultados: La acción inhibitoria frente a E. faecalis fue significativamente mayor (p< 0,05) con Septomixine forte ® (30,7 mm) seguido de KRI- 3 ® (22,5 mm), Calcipulpe ® (16,6 mm) y Grinazole ® (11,4 mm). La inhibición microbiana frente a E. israelii fue significativamente mejor con Septomixine forte ® (p< 0,05) (40,1 mm) seguido de KRI-3 ® (36,6 mm), Grinazole ® (7,6 mm) y Calcipulpe ® (6 mm). Conclusión: Septomixine forte ® fue la pasta antibiótica más efectiva frente a E. faecalis y A. israelii comunmente hallados en las infecciones endodóncicas.


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From the development of concepts related with Natural and Geological Hazards different exercises and activities are proposed. All of them can be used as didactic recourses in order to study such a subject for the most appropriate educative levels


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Monitoring of the 'ecological water quality' in 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà' Natural Park was carried out between September 1996 and August 1997 . The aim of this sampling programme was to design a simple method for rapid detect changes in water quality due to human activity. These include flow regulation by the Park management, nutrient entries from effluents of a nearby wastewater treatment plant or agricultural fertilising. The proposed method is based on the analysis of the abundance of characteristic taxonomic groups of aquatic invertebrates (heleoplankton). The simplicity of the method is ensured by the use of large taxa which are easier to recognise than species. The functioning of aquatic systems has been modelled by means of correspondence analysis between samples and taxa. Results can be summerized in five environmental conditions with a regular community structure. Dominated by one taxon: cladocerans, ostracods, calanoids, cyclopoids and harpacticoids. The dynamics of both freshwater and brackish lagoons can be modelled as displacements between these five groups of environmental conditions. Nevertheless, the “calanoids situation” and the “harpacticoids situation” occur mainly in brackish lagoons, whereas the “cladocerans situation” occurs mainly in freshwater. The four principal axes of data variation have been respectively identified as nutrient turnover rate, hypertrophy, degree of mineralization of the organic matter and eutrophy. The use of these taxa has been validated by comparison with a model obtained from the species. We conclude that in a highly fluctuating system such as the one here, only persistent situations of eutrophy or hypertrophy must be equated to low 'ecological water quality'


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Los autores revisan los artículos publicados en las revistas científicas más significativas en el ámbito de la endodoncia durante el año 2008, comparándolos entre ellos, con otros anteriores y con los conceptos clásicos de la endodoncia.


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Los autores revisan los artículos publicados en las revistas científicas más significativas en el ámbito de la endodoncia durante el año 2009, comparándolos entre ellos, con otros anteriores y con los conceptos clásicos de la endodoncia.


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Los autores revisan los artículos publicados en las revistas científicas más significativas en el ámbito de la endodoncia durante el año 2010, comparándolos entre ellos, con otros anteriores y con los conceptos clásicos de la endodoncia.


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Los autores revisan los artículos publicados en las revistas científicas más significativas en el ámbito de la endodoncia durante el año 2011, comparándolos entre ellos, con otros anteriores y con los conceptos clásicos de la endodoncia.