980 resultados para Archaeological charter
Os solos de terra preta arqueológica são ricos em matéria orgânica, contêm fragmentos cerâmicos e artefatos líticos e apresentam nutrientes em concentrações mais elevadas do que outros tipos de solos. Com o intuito de contribuir com informações sobre concentrações de micronutrientes disponíveis em solos de terra preta, foram avaliadas através de extrações químicas sequenciais, a distribuição e disponibilidade de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em um perfil de terra preta arqueológica no município de Juruti, estado do Pará. As maiores concentrações de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn no perfil são encontradas na fração residual. Este estudo mostrou que ferro, manganês e zinco são preferencialmente disponíveis a partir das frações, associados aos óxidos de Fe-Mn, variando de 1265,39 a 1818,12 mg kg-1, 0,83 a 48,51 mg kg-1 e 1,92 a 12,05 mg kg-1, respectivamente, e o cobre a partir da matéria orgânica, variando de 0,13 a 0,45 mg kg-1.
Vários sítios arqueológicos de Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) encontrados na floresta Amazônica Colombiana também contêm alto conteúdo de fragmentos cerâmicos semelhantes aqueles da Amazônia Brasileira, como mostra o sítio Quebrada Tacana. Seus fragmentos cerâmicos são amarelo a cinza, exibem matriz argilosa calcinada envolvendo fragmentos de cariapé, carvão e partículas de cinza, grãos de quartzo e micas. A matriz é composta de metacaulinita a material amorfo, quartzo, folhas de micas, clorita e sepiolita. Cariapé e cauixi são constituídos de cristobalita, da mesma forma o carvão e as cinzas. Embora não detectados pela difração de raios x, os fosfatos devem estar presentes, pois foram detectados teores de P2O5 de até 2,90 %, possivelmente como fosfatos de alumínio, já que o conteúdo de Ca está abaixo 0,1 %, o que elimina a possibilidade da presença de apatita. Estas características mineralógicas e químicas permitem relacionar estes fragmentos cerâmicos com aqueles encontrados nos sítios de TPA no Brasil e reforça o fósforo como um importante componente químico, originado pelo contato dos vasos cerâmicos com os alimentos do cotidiano dos povos amazônicos pré-históricos.
Neste trabalho realizou-se a caracterização química de fragmentos de artefatos cerâmicos encontrados em sítios arqueológicos com terra preta no Baixo Amazonas (Cachoeira-Porteira, Pará, Brasil), representativos da cultura Konduri (de 900 a 400 anos AP). Esses fragmentos são constituídos de SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O e P2O5, sendo que SiO2 e Al2O3, juntos, perfazem mais de 80 % em peso. Os teores de P2O,5 são relativamente elevados (2,37 % em média) sob a forma de (Al,Fe)-fosfatos, incomuns em cerâmicas vermelhas primitivas, mas encontrados em algumas cerâmicas arqueológicas egípcias e romanas. As concentrações dos elementos traços são comparáveis ou mesmo inferiores ao nível crustal, embora a composição total seja próxima a mesma. A composição química (exceto P2O5) em conjunto com os dados mineralógicos e texturais indicam material saprolítico derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas ou rochas sedimentares como matéria-prima das cerâmicas. Os teores de K, Ca e Na mostram que os feldspatos e fragmentos de rochas foram adicionados ao material argiloso, como sugerido pela mineralogia. Os altos teores de sílica respondem pela presença de cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias quartzosas. Fósforo deve ter sido incorporadoà matriz argilosa da cerâmica, quando do cozimento de alimentos nos vasos cerâmicos, e ainda, em parte, durante a formação do perfil de solo tipo ABE sobre Latossolos Amarelos. A matéria prima e os temperos (cauixi, cariapé, rochas trituradas e fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos descartados) encontram-se disponíveis próximos aos sítios até a atualidade, e, portanto foram a área fonte dos mesmos para a confecção dos artefatos cerâmicos.
Sítios arqueológicos com Terra Preta, denominados de Terra Preta de Índio ou ainda Terra Preta Arqueológica (TPA) são muito freqüentes na Amazônia. As TPA geralmente contém fragmentos de vasos cerâmicos, por vezes abundantes, além de líticos, que são materiais de grande importância para os estudos arqueológicos. Para consubstanciar esses estudos, realizou-se pesquisas mineralógicas e químicas em fragmentos cerâmicos provenientes de dois sítios arqueológicos da região de Cachoeira-Porteira, Estado do Pará. Os fragmentos foram classificados segundo seus principais temperos em: cauixi, cariapé, areia+feldspatos e caco de vaso cerâmico. Mineralogicamente são compostos de quartzo, minerais de argila calcinados (especialmente caulinita), feldspatos (albita e microclínio), hematita, goethita, maghemita, variscita-estrengita, fosfatos amorfos, anatásio, e raramente apatita, rhabdophana e óxidos de Mn e Ba. Cauixi e cariapé são componentes orgânicos silicosos e amorfos a DRX. A composição mineralógica e a morfologia dos seus grãos indicam saprólito (material argiloso rico em quartzo) derivado de rochas ígneas félsicas de granulação fina ou rochas sedimentares ricas em argilominerais como matéria-prima dos vasos cerâmicos. Neste material argiloso cauixi, cariapé e/ou areias, ricas em sílica, foram intencionalmente adicionados. O elevado conteúdo de fosfatos de Al-Fe, amorfos ou como de baixa cristalinidade, originou-se a partir do contato entre a matriz argilosa da parede do vaso cerâmico com a solução aquosa quente durante o cozimento diário de alimentos de origem animal (principal fonte de fósforo). A cristalização dos fosfatos deve ter prosseguida mesmo depois que os vasos foram descartados, e juntos com os restos de matéria orgânica vegetal e animal incorporaram-se aos solos residuais. Participaram desta forma na formação dos solos tipo TPA.
This study aims to determine the atomic ratio of O/C in an archaeological black earth (ABE) profile of the Ilha de Terra site, a region of Caxiuanã in the Pará State, Brazil, to determine the types of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) particles and to infer the source of biomass and burning temperature necessary to produce the PyC. The O/C ratios were monitored using scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS). The results indicated atomic ratios for clay, silt and fine sand fractions that were between those registered for the PyC particles types: condensed combustion (CC) (0.09, 0.1, 0.13), charcoal (0.32, 0.31, 0.34) and char (0.43, 0.45, 0.52). CC is the predominant type of particle found because of the high firing temperature (> 350 °C), which is consistent with the probable biomass sources of wood, cellulose and lignin.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nomadic Plains peoples such as the Cheyenne and Sioux have become the stereotypical image of North American Indians in general. In contrast to the hunting and gathering lifestyle of these groups, however, many Plains tribes lived in settled villages and grew extensive garden crops through much of the past millennium. These groups developed a habitation distinctly characteristic of the Plains village way of life-sturdy, earth-covered timber structures known as earth lodges. The remains of thousands of these structures dot the landscape of the Central and Northern Plains. Lodges of various forms persisted from about 1000 CE into the twentieth century. Particularly characteristic of the Pawnee, Arikara, Mandan, and Hidatsa, earthlodges were also adopted by several other Plains tribes. In this well-illustrated volume eight authors offer nine essays that explore the earth lodge as a subject warranting archaeological and anthropological research in its own right and from numerous perspectives.
The passage of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) in 1991 significantly changed the way archaeology would be done in the United States. This act was presaged by growing complaints and resentment directed at the scientific community by Native Americans over the treatment of their ancestral remains. Many of the underlying issues came to a head with the discovery and subsequent court battles over the 9,200-year-old individual commonly known as Kennewick Man. This had a galvanizing effect on the discipline, not only perpetuating the sometimes adversarial relationship between archaeologists and Native Americans, but also creating a rift between those archaeologists who understood Native American concerns and those who saw their ancestral skeletal remains representing the legacy of humankind and thus belonging to everyone. Similar scenarios have emerged in Australia.
When I teach geoarchaeology, I tell students on the first day of class that "soils are the canvas for much of the archaeological record." Just as an artist's canvas holds and affects the paint, soils hold archaeological materials, and soil-forming processes strongly influence the preservation and spatial pattern of cultural deposits. Given this close relationship between soils and the material remains of humans, we have long needed a treatise that addresses all aspects of soils from an archaeological perspective. Vance Holliday's latest book, Soils in Archaeological Research, does this and more.
In this article we present some results of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies carried out at the Lapa do Santo archaeological site. This cave is within the Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Results from 44 GPR profiles obtained with 400 MHz shielded antennas indicated anomalous hyperbolic reflections and areas with high sub-horizontal reflection amplitude suggesting archaeological and geological potential targets, respectively. These results were encouraging and were used to guide excavations at this site. Excavation of test units (metre by metre) allowed identifying an anthropogenic feature, e.g., a fire hearth structure and natural features, such as a stalagmite and top of bedrock. Results also indicated the importance of the GPR survey as a tool for orienting archaeological researches, increasing the probability of finding archaeological interest targets in an excavation program in an area of environmental protection.
Sixty-three pottery fragments from four archaeological sites, numbered RST110, RST101, RST114 and RST114, in the Taquari Valley, vicinity of the city of Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, have been dated by the thermoluminescence method. Some of them from RST110 and RST101 are as old as 1400-1200 years, whereas those from RST114 and RST107 are younger than 800 years. This result indicates that RST101 and RST110 were peopled earlier than RST114 and RST107. The recent dates found are 302, 295 and 146 years and they are possible, since the first German immigrants who arrived in this region encountered Tupi-Guarani Indians still living there. One interesting result refers to the glow curves of quartz grains RST110, RST101 and RST114 that differ from the glow curves of RST107 quartz grains.
In this work, 50 ceramic fragments from the Lago Grande and 30 from the Osvaldo archaeological site were compared to assess elemental similarities. The aim is to perform a preliminary comparison between the sites, which are located in the central Amazon, Brazil. The analytical technique employed to obtain the ceramics elemental composition was instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The data set obtained was explored by the multivariate statistical techniques of cluster, principal component and discriminant analysis. The analyzed elements were: Na, Lu, U, Yb, La, Th, Cr, Cs, Sc, Fe, Eu, Ce and Hf. The results showed the existence of at least two compositional groups for Lago Grande and Osvaldo. Each compositional group of Osvaldo archaeological site matches with one group of Lago Grande. Correlated with the archaeological background, the results suggest commercial or cultural exchange in the region, which is an indicative of socio-cultural interactions between those sites.
Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos da Universidade do Porto. Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. EscolaUniversitaria de Enxeñeria Forestal, Universidade de Vigo
The aim of this project was to achieve a deep understanding of the mechanisms by which Baltic amber degrades, in order to develop techniques for preventive conservation of archaeological amber objects belonging to the National Museum of Denmark’s collections. To examine deterioration of Baltic amber, a starting point was to identify and monitor surface and bulk properties which are affected during degradation. The way to operate consisted of the use of accelerated ageing to initiate degradation of raw Baltic amber samples in different conditions of relative humidity, oxygen exposure or pH and, successively, of the use of non/micro-destructive techniques to identify and quantify changes in visual, chemical and structural properties. A large piece of raw Baltic amber was used to prepare several test samples for two different kinds of accelerated ageing: thermal-ageing and photo-ageing. During the ageing, amber samples were regularly examined through several analytical techniques related to different information: appearance/colour change by visual examination, photography and colorimetry; chemical change by infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and elemental analysis; rate of oxidation by oxygen measurement; qualitative analysis of released volatiles by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. The obtained results were analysed through both critical evaluation and statistical study. After the interpretation of the achieved data, the main relations between amber and environmental factors during the degradation process became clearer and it was possible to identify the major pathways by which amber degrades, such as hydrolysis of esters into alcohols and carboxylic acids, thermal-oxidation and photo-oxidation of terpenoid components, depolymerisation and decomposition of the chemical structure. At the end it was possible to suggest a preventive conservation strategy based on the control of climatic, atmospheric and lighting parameters in the environment where Baltic amber objects are stored and displayed.