902 resultados para Application method
An application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to the solution of a geometric problem is shown. The problem is related to curve fitting i.e. pass a curve trough a set of given points even if they are irregularly spaced. Situations where cur ves with cusps can be encountered in the practice and therefore smooth interpolatting curves may be unsuitable. In this paper the possibilities of the FEM to deal with this type of problems are shown. A particular example of application to road planning is discussed. In this case the funcional to be minimized should express the unpleasent effects of the road traveller. Some comparative numerical examples are also given.
The aim of this paper is to develop a probabilistic modeling framework for the segmentation of structures of interest from a collection of atlases. Given a subset of registered atlases into the target image for a particular Region of Interest (ROI), a statistical model of appearance and shape is computed for fusing the labels. Segmentations are obtained by minimizing an energy function associated with the proposed model, using a graph-cut technique. We test different label fusion methods on publicly available MR images of human brains.
Los análisis de fiabilidad representan una herramienta adecuada para contemplar las incertidumbres inherentes que existen en los parámetros geotécnicos. En esta Tesis Doctoral se desarrolla una metodología basada en una linealización sencilla, que emplea aproximaciones de primer o segundo orden, para evaluar eficientemente la fiabilidad del sistema en los problemas geotécnicos. En primer lugar, se emplean diferentes métodos para analizar la fiabilidad de dos aspectos propios del diseño de los túneles: la estabilidad del frente y el comportamiento del sostenimiento. Se aplican varias metodologías de fiabilidad — el Método de Fiabilidad de Primer Orden (FORM), el Método de Fiabilidad de Segundo Orden (SORM) y el Muestreo por Importancia (IS). Los resultados muestran que los tipos de distribución y las estructuras de correlación consideradas para todas las variables aleatorias tienen una influencia significativa en los resultados de fiabilidad, lo cual remarca la importancia de una adecuada caracterización de las incertidumbres geotécnicas en las aplicaciones prácticas. Los resultados también muestran que tanto el FORM como el SORM pueden emplearse para estimar la fiabilidad del sostenimiento de un túnel y que el SORM puede mejorar el FORM con un esfuerzo computacional adicional aceptable. Posteriormente, se desarrolla una metodología de linealización para evaluar la fiabilidad del sistema en los problemas geotécnicos. Esta metodología solamente necesita la información proporcionada por el FORM: el vector de índices de fiabilidad de las funciones de estado límite (LSFs) que componen el sistema y su matriz de correlación. Se analizan dos problemas geotécnicos comunes —la estabilidad de un talud en un suelo estratificado y un túnel circular excavado en roca— para demostrar la sencillez, precisión y eficiencia del procedimiento propuesto. Asimismo, se reflejan las ventajas de la metodología de linealización con respecto a las herramientas computacionales alternativas. Igualmente se muestra que, en el caso de que resulte necesario, se puede emplear el SORM —que aproxima la verdadera LSF mejor que el FORM— para calcular estimaciones más precisas de la fiabilidad del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta una nueva metodología que emplea Algoritmos Genéticos para identificar, de manera precisa, las superficies de deslizamiento representativas (RSSs) de taludes en suelos estratificados, las cuales se emplean posteriormente para estimar la fiabilidad del sistema, empleando la metodología de linealización propuesta. Se adoptan tres taludes en suelos estratificados característicos para demostrar la eficiencia, precisión y robustez del procedimiento propuesto y se discuten las ventajas del mismo con respecto a otros métodos alternativos. Los resultados muestran que la metodología propuesta da estimaciones de fiabilidad que mejoran los resultados previamente publicados, enfatizando la importancia de hallar buenas RSSs —y, especialmente, adecuadas (desde un punto de vista probabilístico) superficies de deslizamiento críticas que podrían ser no-circulares— para obtener estimaciones acertadas de la fiabilidad de taludes en suelos. Reliability analyses provide an adequate tool to consider the inherent uncertainties that exist in geotechnical parameters. This dissertation develops a simple linearization-based approach, that uses first or second order approximations, to efficiently evaluate the system reliability of geotechnical problems. First, reliability methods are employed to analyze the reliability of two tunnel design aspects: face stability and performance of support systems. Several reliability approaches —the first order reliability method (FORM), the second order reliability method (SORM), the response surface method (RSM) and importance sampling (IS)— are employed, with results showing that the assumed distribution types and correlation structures for all random variables have a significant effect on the reliability results. This emphasizes the importance of an adequate characterization of geotechnical uncertainties for practical applications. Results also show that both FORM and SORM can be used to estimate the reliability of tunnel-support systems; and that SORM can outperform FORM with an acceptable additional computational effort. A linearization approach is then developed to evaluate the system reliability of series geotechnical problems. The approach only needs information provided by FORM: the vector of reliability indices of the limit state functions (LSFs) composing the system, and their correlation matrix. Two common geotechnical problems —the stability of a slope in layered soil and a circular tunnel in rock— are employed to demonstrate the simplicity, accuracy and efficiency of the suggested procedure. Advantages of the linearization approach with respect to alternative computational tools are discussed. It is also found that, if necessary, SORM —that approximates the true LSF better than FORM— can be employed to compute better estimations of the system’s reliability. Finally, a new approach using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is presented to identify the fully specified representative slip surfaces (RSSs) of layered soil slopes, and such RSSs are then employed to estimate the system reliability of slopes, using our proposed linearization approach. Three typical benchmark-slopes with layered soils are adopted to demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the suggested procedure, and advantages of the proposed method with respect to alternative methods are discussed. Results show that the proposed approach provides reliability estimates that improve previously published results, emphasizing the importance of finding good RSSs —and, especially, good (probabilistic) critical slip surfaces that might be non-circular— to obtain good estimations of the reliability of soil slope systems.
Application of the Boundary Method to the determination of the properties of the beam cross-sections
Using the 3-D equations of linear elasticity and the asylllptotic expansion methods in terms of powers of the beam cross-section area as small parameter different beam theories can be obtained, according to the last term kept in the expansion. If it is used only the first two terms of the asymptotic expansion the classical beam theories can be recovered without resort to any "a priori" additional hypotheses. Moreover, some small corrections and extensions of the classical beam theories can be found and also there exists the possibility to use the asymptotic general beam theory as a basis procedure for a straightforward derivation of the stiffness matrix and the equivalent nodal forces of the beam. In order to obtain the above results a set of functions and constants only dependent on the cross-section of the beam it has to be computed them as solutions of different 2-D laplacian boundary value problems over the beam cross section domain. In this paper two main numerical procedures to solve these boundary value pf'oblems have been discussed, namely the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). Results for some regular and geometrically simple cross-sections are presented and compared with ones computed analytically. Extensions to other arbitrary cross-sections are illustrated.
Recent studies on proteins whose N and C termini are in close proximity have demonstrated that folding of polypeptide chains and assembly of oligomers can be accomplished with circularly permuted chains. As yet no methodical study has been conducted to determine how extensively new termini can be introduced and where such termini cannot be tolerated. We have devised a procedure to generate random circular permutations of the catalytic chains of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase; EC and to select clones that produce active or stable holoenzyme containing permuted chains. A tandem gene construct was made, based on the desired linkage between amino acid residues in the C- and N-terminal regions of the polypeptide chain, and this DNA was treated with a suitable restriction enzyme to yield a fragment containing the rearranged coding sequence for the chain. Circularization achieved with DNA ligase, followed by linearization at random with DNase I, and incorporation of the linearized, repaired, blunt-ended, rearranged genes into a suitable plasmid permitted the expression of randomly permuted polypeptide chains. The plasmid with appropriate stop codons also contained pyrI, the gene encoding the regulatory chain of ATCase. Colonies expressing detectable amounts of ATCase-like molecules containing permuted catalytic chains were identified by an immunoblot technique or by their ability to grow in the absence of pyrimidines in the growth medium. Sequencing of positive clones revealed a variety of novel circular permutations. Some had N and C termini within helices of the wild-type enzyme as well as deletions and insertions. Permutations were concentrated in the C-terminal domain and only few were detected in the N-terminal domain. The technique, which is adaptable generally to proteins whose N and C termini are near each other, can be of value in relating in vivo folding of nascent, growing polypeptide chains to in vitro renaturation of complete chains and determining the role of protein sequence in folding kinetics.
All the structures designed by engineers are vulnerable to natural disasters including floods and earthquakes. The energy released during strong ground motions should be dissipated by structural elements. Before 1990’s, this energy was expected to be dissipated through the beams and columns which at the same time were a part of gravity-load-resisting system. However, the main disadvantage of this idea was that gravity-resisting-frame was not repairable. Hence, during 1990’s, the idea of designing passive energy dissipation systems, including dampers, emerged. At the beginning, main problem was lack of guidelines for passive energy dissipation systems. Although till 2000 many guidelines and procedures where published, yet most of them were based on complicated analysis which was not so convenient for engineers and practitioners. In order to solve this problem recently some alternative design methods are proposed including 1. Lopez Garcia (2001) simple procedure for optimal damper configuration in MDOF structures 2. Christopoulos and Filiatrault (2006) trial and error procedure 3. Silvestri et al. (2010) Five-Step Method. 4. Palermo et al. (2015) Direct Five-Step Method. 5. Palermo et al. (2016) Simplified Equivalent Static Analysis (ESA). In this study, effectiveness and differences between last three alternative methods have been evaluated.
Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contribution of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Final report for Texas Federal Aid project 25-R, July l, 1946, to March 30, 1948.
Mode of access: Internet.
The articles of which this book is the outgrowth appeared in the Caxton during 1913.
Mode of access: Internet.
"In answer to the objections started, and to the very imperfect account of the religion of nature, and of Christianity, given by the two oracles of deism, the author of Christianity as old as the creation; and the author of the Characteristics."