934 resultados para Aparelhos ortodonticos - Projetos e construção
Due to the great impact caused by construction, the university has a major role in the development of alternative projects and studies aimed at sustainable development. This project presents the advantages and importance of building in a sustainable manner from the beginning to end of the Center of Experiences at UNESP, Rio Claro / SP. It will be presented alternative building materials that have high environmental performance and that bring the least negative impacts as possible. Providing a Center of Experiences through a sustainable building is in need of the university to renovate the new trends of society in which the construction is in harmony with the environment in which it is inserted. This sustainable building will serve as a model for students and residents of Rio Claro, since the building itself will serve as a way of learning to the audience goer, as well as for the other campuses of UNESP. Thus, this project will serve as a guide for decision makers facing the huge amount of building materials available in the market
Esta pesquisa trata de um grande projeto hidrelétrico, Inambari, que estava se transformando em realidade como parte de acordos entre o governo do Brasil no segúndo período de Lula (2006-2010) e do governo peruano de Alan Garcia – AG (2006-2011). Inambari é um dos mais recentes projetos hidrelétricos peruanos feitos para exportar ao Brasil. Mas, apesar de formar parte de um acordo entre esses países, por agora está detido devido a protestos e mobilizações da população dos territ´porios de Inambari contra a política hegemônica de AG. Analogamente ao caso da estrada Interoceãnica Sul, a construção e operação da Usina Inambari pode ser entendida como um caso emblemático no cenário Latino Americano atual. Esta não seria apenas o maior projeto hidrelétrico da amazônia peruana, custando aproximadamente 4 bilhões de dolares e prometendo um potencial de geração de energia elétrica de cerca de 2.200 MW para exportar ao Brasil por ano, mas também concretizaria o vínculo energético estratégico entre estes dois países através de um complexo de usinas e linhas de transmissão interconectados. Para sua concretização se conta com o amparo financeiro e legislativo dos dois governos e suas instituições de fomento, além de instituições de internacionais de investimento (como o BID e o BM) e do capital internacional (este útlimo proveniente principalmente de empreiteiras brasileiras beneficiárias do modelo de concessões federais). Aqui se estudam os potenciais impactos na economia amazônica do modelo vigente de exploração de recursos naturais hídricos amazônicos através do caso INAMBARI. A conclusão aponta que inexistência de participação popular como o maior entrave ao desenvolvimento amazônico e tenta explicar a novaconfiguração dos movimentos sociais que buscam voz para os povos da Amazônia bem como o pioneirismo peruano em relação a lei de consulta prévia
In Brazil , the construction industry is on an upward trend, mainly by the housing shortage , and yet there are few builders that take a Quality Management System ( QMS ) to improve the quality of its services and processes . The ISO 9001 standards are guidelines for an effective QMS and this certificate is recognized worldwide as a seal of quality standard. This paper will describe and analyze the implementation of a QMS in a small construction company of Guaratinguetá - SP, identifying best practices and major difficulties , besides proposing preparatory recommendations for other companies that seek the ISO 9000 certification. Access to company’s data made the nonconformities and the customer satisfaction research analysis possible, and a questionnaire and unstructured interviews allowed a deeper understanding of the situation. Despite this ISO 9000 QMS not being fully implemented, the company has already conquered some improvements in document control, project planning, process traceability and established focus on customer
The formation of intellectuals, in Gramscian terms (GRAMSCI, 2000), was addressed throughout our academic career, for example, Villela (2003; 2008; 2009; 2010-2012; 2011; 2012; 2014). This article aims to resume some relationships between education of intellectuals in Italy for years 1920, the organization of industrialization in São Paulo and the construction of bourgeois hegemony in Brazil. In this paper I review my dissertation, Villela (2003), whose aim was to understand the rationalization of work processes in architectural offices. This dissertation possible to trace, among other things, another story of the relationship between architecture and state in Brazil from industrialization in São Paulo. Based on the notion of intellectuals Gramsci, we discuss the extended state design and envision a particular kind of state, which in our case is the State industrialist. And relate interested in public policy of that State for industrialization industries office designed by Rino Levi Architects Associate SC Ltda. (ERLAA) that has developed over the decades its activities from 1920 to 1990, many projects in the city of São Paulo. The relationship proposed here is unprecedented. Grounded in this relationship, put in another scene about the formation of intellectuals and hegemony, a Gramscian point of view.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Planejamento, Urbanismo e Ambiente - FCT
Na última década dos anos 90, alguns estudos acadêmicos voltaram-se para a questão de se valorizar as investigações sobre o saber docente, o saber pedagógico e a prática pedagógica. Dentre os inúmeros temas abordados, o papel do aluno frente à escola, foi o que chamou nossa atenção. Com base nisso, estuda-se sobre o habitus do aluno, sobre seu papel enquanto ator social, sobre sua identidade de aluno, sobre seu ofício de aluno, entre outros. No âmbito desse processo e com base nas vivências da pesquisadora este estudo buscou como objetivo geral compreender o papel da socialização primária na constituição do ofício de aluno e na construção de sua identidade. Especificamente: (1) Levantar dados sobre o papel da socialização primária na construção da identidade de aluno e; (2) Identificar em estudantes do ensino fundamental como eles constituíram o seu ofício do aluno. Nosso trabalho se baseou em uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. Contou com 7 participantes, todos eles alunos de uma escola pública do munícipio de Rio Claro. Para coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada. Na disposição dos resultados optou-se pela divisão em três eixos: (1) Infância, (2) Escola e (3) Ofício de aluno. Já para análise do conteúdo, a discussão, separou-se em dois eixos temáticos: o primeiro sobre a socialização primária na construção da identidade de aluno e o segundo sobre a construção do ofício de aluno. Com isso, pudemos concluir que o ofício de aluno é de ordem: temporal, social, plural, heterogêneo, personalizado, situado, biográfico e estrutural. E que papel que o aluno desenvolve na escola é influenciado pela socialização primária (família e escola) à qual o mesmo foi submetido. Porém, deixamos aqui uma contribuição singular, visando que futuros projetos possam ser desenvolvidos de forma a ampliar o entendimento desse tema
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Due to the huge impact negative on the environmental caused by the civil construction, the university plays a majorital role in the proposal of studies and projects that aim the sustainable building. Nowadays, it has been noted the great demand for projects which contain a systemic focus in the tripod of the sustainable development, that is to say, more and more the consumers are demanding that the final result of a project contemplate the social, economic and environmental areas. According to the National Industry Confederation (CNI) and the Brazilian Chamber of the Industry and the Construction (CBIS), the goal for 2020 is that the constructions have an environmental performance 20% higher in comparison to the actual one, starting with an index defined by many indicators, such as: water consumption, energy, residues generation and social-environmental performance of the bought products. In this case, the theme of the project comes around the adequation of scholar institutions to the sustainable construction through simple changes of tecnologies and habits aiming the growth of the environmental eficiency of the enterprise and, consequently, the improve of sustainable practices inside the institution. Once the change is proposed, it will be furnished datas liable of reproduction for the adequation of others scholar institutions, according to it's necessity or interest. After the realization of the studies, it was possible to notice that the environmental performance of a scholar institution can be improved through the implantation of tecnologies of fast return in the investment, such as: flow reducers, rain water reuse system, green roof, retrofit of lamps and execution of a photovoltaic system. Besides the fast return of investment, the monthly economy of the applied tecnologies combined can reach 75% when compared to the actual spending with water and electric energy
The questions arise about the teaching and practice of the methodology of communication research. The aim is to reflect on the possibility of building research projects and develop research and scientific production in the area of social communication at the graduate level, articulating the epistemological interfaces, methodical, theoretical and methodological techniques for design of empirical research in communication, developed by Lopes (2010), adapting it to the Spiral model of knowledge creation, developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka (2008), to support the learning of the methodological procedures that involve scientific research in communication.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management
The presented work aimed to present the Modular Construction scenario, relating it to the fundamentals assumptions on the Modular Coordination Theory. The presentation of this theory, its historical development, its scope and tools, were conceived to further, show how the applicability on the conceptual and design phases is done. Also, studies cases are shown, in order to illustrate didactically how this process occurs. Basing on these studies, considerations are made about the use of modulation in projects in Brazil, at the expense of what happens on the international scenario, to highlight the importance of Modular Coordination for raising the standards of construction quality and rationality in the country
This paper presents a study based on bibliographic research on LTE technology, chosen for the fourth generation of mobile phones, and the current status of implementation of 4G network in Brazil. The change in user behavior, which now uses data over the voice services, requires transmission networks to be increasingly robust and fast to enable the viewing of videos and use of other platforms that require internet connection. The retrospective of the development of mobile technologies, from 1G up to 4G that is currently used, shows the long road until it came to appliances and how the phone is used nowadays. Finally, the popularity of smartphones and hence the growing number of people with access to 4G networks, demanded new researchs for the development of future generations technologies in order to achieve the demand for speed enabling significant changes in user experience