917 resultados para Amor
Con esta tesina se pretende poner en relieve la importancia de escribir textos narrativos de modo que el lector pueda concebir lo que está leyendo como real. Por este motivo, el objetivo es ilustrar de qué modo un texto puede faltar a las pautas de credibilidad, haciendo que el lector ponga en cuestión la verosimilitud de lo relatado. Como objeto de estudio se ha elegido la novela Castillos de cartón de Almudena Grandes. Se ha realizado una interpretación hermenéutica del texto centrada en la relación que mantienen los tres protagonistas. Con el apoyo de la teoría aristotélica de la amistad y de la teoría triangular del amor de Stenberg principalmente, se muestra por qué el lector no puede aceptar como creíble que dicha relación sea de amor y amistad como afirma la narradora. Asimismo, se estudia la credibilidad de la narradora a través del análisis del discurso narrativo partiendo de los conceptos de narratología de Gérard Genette. La conclusión a la que se llega es que no se consigue crear una realidad fictiva creíble debido, por una parte, a que los sentimientos que la narradora afirma existen (amor y amistad) no están respaldados por lo que se relata y, por otra, a que el uso lingüístico de la narradora y sus razonamientos contrastan drásticamente con las expectativas del lector.
El viaje de Salvatore en La sonrisa etrusca: desarrollo del personaje a través del espacio y el amor
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo tornar explícita a vivência do sentimento de amor e desamor da díade amorosa de um grupo de pessoas, através de uma abordagem existencial fenômeno lógica. Caracterizou-se por uma pesquisa exploratória de campo que apreendeu os relatos de histórias já vividas por 69 pessoas, mulheres e homens, universitários dos cursos de Educação Física, Engenharia e Filosofia, tendo a maioria a idade de 22 e 23 anos. Com pressupostos da técnica dos Incidentes Críticos norteando uma entrevista, procurou-se captar como as pessoas expressam e percebem o sentimento de amor e desamor em relação ao companheiro(a) da díade amorosa. O sentimento de amor foi expresso por ações tais como "Declarar", "Acarinhar", "Presentear", "Confiar", "Ceder", "Mostrar interesse" através de "ajudar em momentos difíceis", "Apoiar/Preocupar", Acolher", "Procurar o outro" e "Querer estar junto". O sentimento de desamor foi apreendido como “Agredir", "Terminar o relacionamento", "Ser egoísta", "Mostrar desinteresse", através da "Indiferença, mostrar-se frio e distante", "Desatenção/Indelicadeza", "Ter outros interesses em momentos de lazer que não estar com a pessoa", "Interessar-se amorosamente por outra pessoa" e "Mostrar dúvidas". Pela análise efetuada observa-se que homens e mulheres não possuem diferenças significativas no número dos relatos por categorias. No entanto homens apresentaram maior proporção de relatos de amor em "Acarinhar" e "Presentear" e as mulheres em "Confiar" e "Ceder". Foram levantadas também as definições pessoais de amor e desamor e os indícios autoperceptivos do estar amando, encontrando-se alguma correspondência com as categorias vivenciais. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada em termos de proporção e conteúdo entre as pessoas pertencentes aos diversos cursos.
The thesis intends to discuss the ethics by the way of love. So, it uses as a mention the musical work and the set of attitudes of the group that changed the way of thinking across the 20th Century mass-comm, entering a new way of thinking about the World: The Beatles. Analyzing the lyrics and the writing of the songs was searched the comprehension of he intrinsic love message at the Ethics it expresses. At the musical art of The Beatles political messages had been announced in a time that the World sought a Ethic way beyond the several declared war and the Cold War. Taking the Edgar Morin works as a base, O método 6, Ética (2005), it sought to understand the idea who permeates the human relations: the good, the possible, the necessary. Another works used as a cognitive base were Meus demônios (2003), Cultura de massas no Século XX: neurose (2005), Cultura de massas no Século XX (2006), The Beatles Anthology (2000) and Many years from now (2000). Holding the Ethics idea showed by Morin were established imaginary lines that perpass the behavior of the group known in the entire World understood till nowadays as tolerance, comprehension, peace, love and endurance messengers. The Beatles operate during the sixties a musical reborn, which allowed to the people the discussion and the reflexion about the World and the human being new behavior,endurance but acting with tolerance. Permeating the basic study, we find the Beatles way, the group origin, the fast walk till success, the spiritual choice, who guide their behavior and the end of the band. The music used as a masscomp instrument passes by the condition of a simple way of communicating. It deeply action feeds feelings, allows transcendence and is showed as target of human being transformation. The Ethics in music passes by the ideological barriers and becomes to comprehension with a clear synthony for the man, cause the polyphony and the new musical order establish the messages worldwide
The following text addresses the magical-religious experience carried on by many individuals when they seek to solve their love, financial and health problems by means of white magic spells done by pais-de-santo e mães-de-santo (saint s father and saint s mother) from umbanda. The rites through which this seek can be detected are free love spells, troublesolving spells, and healing spell. The concept of experience, here understood as the thing which gives sense to the sense, has been the main guiding idea of the reflections here enclosed. People who seek the umbandista spells as a way of solving their daily afflictions have the opportunity of living a rich magical-religious experience in which several dimensions intersect. Among these dimensions I decided to study the performance, the knowhow and the subjetivity. Each one gave rise to the opportunity of studying a range of other themes, such as the corporeity, the gestuality, vocality, the world knowledge, the science, the secret, the emotions and the moral. The ethnographic research was carried on in the yards which are named after Dona Luiza, Pai Gledson, Pai Salviano and Dona Terezinha umbanda, all of them situated in the town of Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará
The discourse about love, in the Western modern world, is an effect of the power that constructs bodies that matter, paraphrasing Butler, which represents a performative reiterarion of the domination drive, forming and ego of love through the imposition of a cultural super-ego. The domination, a real process of social constraint, is concomitant to its ideological secret, which lead us to the expression domideology , inspired by Sousa Filho, to determine the unconscious domination of the ideological discourse, Through a critical analysis of the bases of Freudian discourse about love, we question, inspired by Foucault, the sexual nature of the drive, to put it in a place insecure of critics to the substance metaphysics expression used by Nietzsche. In our point of view, the domination drive is a critical tool for the individual to think about, as interpellated by the love domideology , making believe the only interpretation of the social interchange is love, nuclear element of our modern Western love complex
This research aims to examine the phenomenon of sexual relations by observing the Social Network Badoo. As a means to achieve this objective, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted online. The main question is to understand how the amorous expectations in the liquid modernity are configured. Added to that, there is as analysis categories the insight about relationships and the love experiences provided by the use of the Social Network Badoo. There are three initial hypotheses: 1) a time of transition is experienced, in which the liquid love in the proposed terms by Bauman (2004) was gaining ground and, as consequence, the relationships would be presenting themselves shorter, more open and with another interactive proposals for the relations. 2) The consuming practices of the liquid modernity can interpellate the relational practices molding them according to your logic. 3) It is assumed that the reasoning, inherent to the market, of the use followed by the disposal settles itself in the social behavior and this practice is accentuated by technology, through the use of the internet for the establishment of romantic relationships.the empirical analysis shows that both the vision on relationships as the amorous expectations in liquid modernity have as references the model of solid loving relationship, inherent to the traditional modernity. However it also demonstrates that the romantic experiences and practices refer to the liquid relationship model. Therefore, from these statements it is argued that there is in liquid modernity the cohabitation of the liquid and solid models of romantic relationships. In summary, this research aims to understand the contemporary love relationships across the spectrum of relationships that develop on the Internet Social Network: Badoo
Romantic love constitutes a central value in the social imaginary of modern societies and with reflexes in today s society. This is because the romantic expectation of realization of love appears, in the majority of cases, as a guarantee of completeness and happiness of individuals. However, the ideal of romantic love imposes a series of demands and character roles that are not easy, in modern age, to be brought about into practice by the ones in love. And, it is in this sense that possible conflicts appear between the romantic proposition and the practical reality of contemporary love. Consequently, the possibility of suffering from love emerges because of these propositions. Initiating from these presumptions, this paper aims to study the contemporary forms of representation and expression of love and of the suffering because of love, through the course of love in the life of some men and women, residents of Natal/RN, that live and/or have lived emotional-sexual relationships, observing the relationship that can be established between suffering from love and the ideal romantic love
The research Cecília Meireles and the Pedagogical Lyric in Children My Love (1924) consists in a critical analysis, a cultural and historical approach to the pedagogical intentionalities and to the social and educational functionalities expressed in the childish literary work of the poetess and educator Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), in Brazil, during the first decades of XX century. The author s conceptions of the literary art, the philosophical and educational foundations, the Christian and liberal ideologies and values pertinent to her work for children and the relations between her texts and the ideals of the Brazilian intellectuals to effect changes in the every day life based on the child formation and on the teaching feminization process were examined in the work. This paper shows a content analysis with the intention of offering signification to the work Children My Love (1924) according to the investigation of specific categories: child, motherhood and schooling; through the exploration of synonymous and bipolar key-words found in Cecília s documents: child/adult, teacher/mother; school/home, ignorance/intelligence. The research intends to understand how the author articulates, in her informal pedagogical action in Children s Literature, science, literary and Christian faith knowledge, in order to expand her social and educational ideal concentrated in children, guided by the maternal hand and aimed at constructing a New Man, New Civilization and a New Social Order