976 resultados para Ammonium sulfide
[EN] This thesis focuses on the zooplankton NH4+ regeneration that supports about the 80% of the phytoplankton requirements. In its more oceanographic facet, it elucidates the control that the mesozooplankton community exerts on the primary productivity in the northern Benguela, and models the N-fluxes from zooplankton NH4+ excretion. At the physiological level, it examines the relationship between the NH4+ excretion and its associated biochemistry. Assuming the substrate availability as the critical factor in regulating the velocity of NH4+ production, a bisubstrate model was developed to predict its actual rate in zooplankton. Overall, this research provides knowledge about the implications of zooplankton NH4+ excretion on the biogeochemical cycles, and introduces new insights into the study of this process from enzymatic measurements.
[EN]Zooplankton play a key role in marine ecosystems and their biogeochemical cycles. They exert control over the primary productivity through the consumption of organic matter and, at the same time, the release of nutrients that sustains the phytoplankton growth. This thesis focuses on the NH+ 4 excretion processes related to these heterotrophic organisms that support, at a global scale, about the 80% of the phytoplankton requirements. However, thereisno clear constant pattern in the zooplankton contribution to theNH+ 4 regeneration throughout thedifferent pelagic ecosystems, so continuousmonitoring of thismetabolic processisessential at widetemporal and spatial scales...
Carbonylsulfid (COS) ist eines der stabilsten reduzierten schwefelhaltigen Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In der gut durchmischten Troposphäre bewegt sich seine Konzentration um 500 ppt. COS spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktion von stratosphärischem Aerosol und im Ozon Zyklus. Dieses Spurengas hat eine Vielfalt an natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen, denen gleichstarke Senken, darunter die dominanten wie Vegetation und Boden, gegenüber stehen. Die Stärke der Senken ist trotz langjähriger Forschungen immer noch Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Daher ist es wichtig die kontrollierenden Parameter zu charakterisieren. Alle Austauschmessungen vor 1990 vermuteten Böden als Quelle von COS, was aber durch Castro and Galloway (1991) klar widerlegt wurde. Heute werden Böden in Ergänzung zur Vegetation grundsätzlich als Senke betrachtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Bodenproben auf den Austausch von Carbonylsulfid mit der Atmosphäre unter verschiedenen Umgebungsbedingungen untersucht. Drei Ackerböden aus Deutschland, China und Finnland und zwei Waldböden aus Sibirien und Surinam konnten parametrisiert werden in Relation zur atmosphärischen Umgebungskonzentration, Temperatur und Bodenfeuchte (WC). Neben Umgebungskonzentration und Bodenfeuchte, scheinen Bodenstruktur und enzymatische Aktivität die Richtung und Größe des Austauschflusses zu kontrollieren. Die übereinstimmenden Optima für boreale Böden in Relation zum wassergefüllten Porenvolumen des Bodens (WFPS) und die Linearität zwischen Depositionsgeschwindigkeit (Vd) und Bulk density lassen auf eine Dominanz der Abhängigkeit der COS-Aufnahme von der durch WFPS bestimmten Diffusionsfähigkeit schließen. WFPS ist abhängig von WC, Bodenstruktur und Bodenporosität. In Ergänzung zu diesen eher physikalischen Parametern konnte die Carboanhydrase (CA) als kontrollierendes Enzym in Böden identifiziert werden. Erste Versuche zur direkten Bestimmung der CA in den untersuchten Böden erlaubten eine erste, aber noch sehr ungenaue Abschätzung der Enzymaktivität.
The G2, G3, CBS-QB3, and CBS-APNO model chemistry methods and the B3LYP, B3P86, mPW1PW, and PBE1PBE density functional theory (DFT) methods have been used to calculate ΔH° and ΔG° values for ionic clusters of the ammonium ion complexed with water and ammonia. Results for the clusters NH4+(NH3)n and NH4+(H2O)n, where n = 1−4, are reported in this paper and compared against experimental values. Agreement with the experimental values for ΔH° and ΔG° for formation of NH4+(NH3)n clusters is excellent. Comparison between experiment and theory for formation of the NH4+(H2O)n clusters is quite good considering the uncertainty in the experimental values. The four DFT methods yield excellent agreement with experiment and the model chemistry methods when the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set is used for energetic calculations and the 6-31G* basis set is used for geometries and frequencies. On the basis of these results, we predict that all ions in the lower troposphere will be saturated with at least one complete first hydration shell of water molecules.
A mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the ammonium/water clustering system. The use of the high level MP2 calculation method and correlated basis sets, such as aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ, lends confidence in the accuracy of the extrapolated energies. These calculations provide electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of ammonium and 1−10 water molecules at two different temperatures. Structures and thermodynamic values are in good agreement with previous experimental and theoretical results. The estimated concentration of these clusters in the troposphere was calculated using atmospheric amounts of ammonium and water. Results show the favorability of forming these clusters and implications for ion-induced nucleation in the atmosphere.
The addition of a ZnS shell to CdSe and CdS quantum dot cores was explored using various methods. Spectrophotometry was used to assess the success of ZnS overcoating, which produces both an increase in overall fluorescence and decrease in particle size distribution. A new method was developed, involving preheating of the zinc and sulfide precursor solutions, resulting in CdSe(ZnS) particles with improved fluorescence and a more uniform shell coating from oleylamine-capped CdSe core particles.
This dissertation involves study of various aspects of sulfoxide chemistry. Specifically designed t-butyl and propanenitrile sulfoxides tethered to indole-2-carboxamide were used as a source of intramolecular sulfenylating agents to synthesize novel indolo[3,2-b]-1-5-benzothiazepinones which are structurally analogous to the other biologically active benzothiazepinones. This study reveals that the intramolecular cyclization of sulfoxide follows an electrophilic sulfenylation (Sulfoxide Electrophilic Sulfenylation, SES) reaction pathway. Evidence of the absence of sulfenic acid as a transient reactive intermediate in such intramolecular cyclization is also provided. In another study, sulfoxide was used as a “protecting group” of thioether to synthesize 8-membered, indole substituted, thiazocine-2-acetic acid derivative via Ring Closing Metathesis (RCM). Protection (oxidation) of inert (to RCM) sulfide to sulfoxide followed by RCM produced cyclized product in good yields. Deprotection (reduction) of sulfoxide was achieved using Lawessons Reagent (L.R.). Application of the sulfide-sulfoxide redox cycle to solve the existing difficulties in using RCM methodology to thioethers is illustrated. A new design of a “molecular brake”, based on the sulfide-sulfoxide redox cycle is described. N-Ar rotation in simple isoindolines is controlled by the oxidation state of the proximate sulfur atom. Sulfide [S(II)] shows “free” [brake OFF] N-Ar rotation whereas sulfoxide displayed hindered [brake ON] N-Ar rotation. The semi-empirical molecular orbital (PM3) calculations revealed concerted pyramidalization of amidic nitrogen with N-Ar rotation.
The equilibrium relations of many of the metallic sulfides have long been a source of scientific and commercial interest, of particular interest, are the sulfides of nickel and copper, since the economic recovery of both of these useful metals, from their ores, involves the formation of a sulfide at some stage of the operations.
The aim of this research was to investigate the possibilities of roasting and leaching a bulk copper-zinc sulfide concentrate, and the subsequent separation of the metals from the leach solution by electrolytic deposition.
The aqueous phase processing of glyoxylic acid, pyruvic acid, oxalic acid and methylglyoxal was studied simulating dark and radical free atmospheric aqueous aerosol. A novel observation of the cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond in pyruvic acid and glyoxylic acid leading to their decarboxylation was made in the presence of ammonium salts but no decarboxylation was observed from oxalic acid. The empirical rate constants for decarboxylation were determined. The structure of the acid, ionic environment of solution and concentration of species found to affect the decarboxylation process. A tentative set of reaction mechanisms was proposed involving nucleophilic attack by ammonia on the carbonyl carbon leading to fragmentation of the carbon-carbon bond between the carbonyl and carboxyl carbons. Whereas, the formation of high molecular weight organic species was observed in the case of methylglyoxal. The elemental compositions of the species were determined. It was concluded that, additional pathways that are not currently known likely contribute to aqueous phase processing leading to high molecular weight organic species. Under similar conditions in atmospheric aerosol, the aqueous phase processing will markedly impact the physicochemical properties of aerosol.
At present copper sulfide ores are recovered by pyrometallurgical processes. While the recovery of copper from sulfide ores by hydrometallurgical means has long been considered attractive, the impurities, low recovery and mechanical difficulties have kept this process from becoming commercial.