205 resultados para Alternaria helianthi
El trabajo presentado estudia la presencia de Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani(sensulato), F. equiseti y F.acuminatum en puntos del litoral de Almería, Alicante, Gerona e Islas Baleares (Menorca, Ibiza, Espalmador). Se analizaron tanto arenas de las playas (zonas intermareal y supramareal) como fondos marino situados a 27,9 y 7,2 metros de profundidad en Almería y a 10 m de profundidad en las Islas Baleares. Exceptuando el litoral de Gerona, en el resto de los enclaves se presentaron varias especies de Fusarium que se aislaron de las arenas de las playas, confirmando así resultados obtenidos con anterioridad. Lo más novedoso fue encontrar especies de Fusarium a diferentes profundidades marinas. En Almería F.oxysporum y F.equisti se aislaron a 27,9 y7,2 m profundidad. F. acuminatum se aisló de la muetra recogida a 27m de profundidad. En las islas Baleares, a10m de profundidad, se aislaron F. oxysporum, F. solani (sensulato), F.equiseti y F.acuminatum. El efecto antrópico, el comportamiento como "airborne" o los arrastres de aguas por las ramblas y torrentes podría explicar la presencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados. La permanencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados, especialmente en la zona intermareal de las playas y en los fondos marinos donde soportan elevadas presiones osmóticas por la alta salinidad del agua del mar Mediterráneo, permitirá estudios específicos sobre el comportamiento de estos hongos en medios muy salinos. Otros hongos aislados de arenas de playa y fondos marinos fueron: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Dreschlera, Gliocladium Humicola, Penicillium, Phialophora, Rhizopus, Stemphylium, Trichoderma, Trichocladium y Ulocladium. Muchos de ellos fueron aislados del fondo marino, testimoniando así que estos hábitats no son exclusivos de Fusarium.
Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la microbiota fúngica asociada a la fumagina del madroño, determinándose las especies de pulgones recogidas sobre madroños muestreados en la Comunidad de Madrid (España). Las especies de pulgones del madroño encontradas en los muestreos han sido dos: Aphis arbuti Ferrari y Wahlgreniella nervata (Gillette). La especie más frecuente ha sido W. nervata cuya presencia se observó en el 80% de las muestras, mientras que A. arbuti estuvo presente en el 35% de ellas. Parecen ser especies bastante específicas del madroño, de las que no se habían recogido citas en la Comunidad de Madrid. Los análisis microbiológicos realizados sobre las hojas de madroño muestran que no existen diferencias apreciables entre las que visualmente tienen negrilla y pulgones de aquellas que están aparentemente normales. La microbiota fúngica total de las ramillas es muy semejante a la de las hojas. Sobresalen entre los géneros y/o especies Alternaria, Aspergillus, Niger, Aureobasidium, Cladosporium y Fusarium. Este último género representado por dos especies (F. dinerum y F. solari) no ha incrementado considerablemente su presencia cuando se ha utilizado un medio específico para el análisis.
Se caracterizó la micoflora presente en las semillas de 5 cultivares de judión (Phaseolus coccineus L.) procedentes de una explotación dedicada a la agricultura ecológica de Oteruelo del Valle (Parque natural de Rascafría, Madrid) y de 5 variedades incluidas en el Catálogo Común de variedades Comerciales de la Unión Europea. Se analizaron un total de 3200 semillas de todos los lotes cosechadas en la campaña 2005-2006. Para ello se colocaron 5 semillas de cada muestra en placas de Petri con medio agar de patata glucosado (PDA) y 6 semillas por muestra en cámara húmeda, realizándose 20 repeticiones en cada caso, analizándose de esta manera al menos 220 semillas por muestra. Para conocer la presencia del género Fusarium se realizaron análisis específicos con todas las muestras, utilizando para ello medio selectivo para Fusarium realizándose lecturas periódicas y anotando el número de especies presentes en cada semilla. Se identificaron un total de 11 especies fúngicas diferentes. la presencia de los diferentes géneros varió entre los cultivares estudiados, siendo mucho menor, aunque no ausente en las semillas comerciales. Entre la microbiota fúngica aislada cabe destacar, por su potencial patogeneicidd o por su capacidad para la producción de micotoxinas o metabolitos secundarios, especies de los géneros Aspergillus, Alternaria o Rhizoctonia. En una segunda parte del estudio se evaluó el efecto que dichos hongos tienen sobre la germinación y nascencia de las semillas, realizándose pruebas de patogeneicidad sobre un total de 200 semillas de Phaseolus vulgaris variedad Calgary. Las inoculaciones se realizaron con cada uno de los dos aislados de los seis géneros de mayor importancia cuantitativa del inventario(Aspergillus, Penicillium Ulocladium, Rhizopus, Cladosporium y Alternaria) Los resultados de las inoculaciones muestran efectos negativos sobre los porcentajes de germinación en todos los tratamientos estudiados y muestran la diferente capacidad parasitaria de cada una de las especies estudiadas sobre Phaseolus vulgaris.
La enfermedad fúngica de la punta negra del trigo se caracteriza por provocar en las semillas afectadas un oscurecimiento de la zona del embrión que en ocasiones puede extenderse hacia la hendidura central dejando el grano completamente ennegrecido. Su incidencia en el cultivo de trigo es extremadamente variable y depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales, así pues, condiciones de alta humedad pueden incrementar a punta negra. Su presencia en el trigo duro repercute en el rendimiento semolero. Además la pasta elaborada a partir de semilla enferma presenta manchas negras y adquiere color y olor desagradable. Esta enfermedad es poco conocida a nivel europeo, sin embargo existen numerosos estudios para conocer su etiología y los factores que afectan a su aparición en países como Nueva Zelanda, Australia, Estados Unidos o Canadá. El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer esta patología en España, determinando la influencia del riego, el abonado nitrogenado y la variedad cultivada en la incidencia de la enfermedad. Para ello se ha contado con un diseño experimental basado en 10 cultivares sembrados en parcelas con dos tratamientos de riego y dos de abonado nitrogenado. El análisis de las semillas infectadas en cámara húmeda y medios de cultivo PDA y K reveló 12 géneros fúngicos diferentes, de los cuales Alternaria alternata y Fusarium proliferatum estaban presentes en todas las muestras. El estudio del riego y abonado nitrogenado mostró diferencias significativas en la incidencia de punta negra pero fueron los 10 cultivares incluidos en el ensayo los que mayor importancia cobraron desde el punto de vista de la aparición de la enfermedad. El genotipo resultó determinante a la hora de establecer los niveles de afectación ya que las muestras encuadradas botánicamente como Triticum turgidum subsp. Turgidum convar. Turgidum presentaron una mayor susceptibilidad. las prueas de patogenicidd con los tres principales hongos asociados a la punta negra dieron resultados negativos para la germinación-nascencia de las plántulas de trigo duro inoculadas.
La prevalencia de las alergias está aumentando desde mediados del siglo XX, y se estima que actualmente afectan a alrededor del 2-8 % de la población, pero las causas de este aumento aún no están claras. Encontrar el origen del mecanismo por el cual una proteína inofensiva se convierte en capaz de inducir una respuesta alérgica es de vital importancia para prevenir y tratar estas enfermedades. Aunque la caracterización de alérgenos relevantes ha ayudado a mejorar el manejo clínico y a aclarar los mecanismos básicos de las reacciones alérgicas, todavía queda un largo camino para establecer el origen de la alergenicidad y reactividad cruzada. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido caracterizar las bases moleculares de la alergenicidad tomando como modelo dos familias de panalergenos (proteínas de transferencia de lípidos –LTPs- y taumatinas –TLPs-) y estudiando los mecanismos que median la sensibilización y la reactividad cruzada para mejorar tanto el diagnóstico como el tratamiento de la alergia. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias: estudiar la reactividad cruzada de miembros de familias de panalérgenos; y estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas. Para estudiar la reactividad cruzada entre miembros de la misma familia de proteínas, se seleccionaron LTPs y TLPs, descritas como alergenos, tomando como modelo la alergia a frutas. Por otra parte, se estudiaron los perfiles de sensibilización a alérgenos de trigo relacionados con el asma del panadero, la enfermedad ocupacional más relevante de origen alérgico. Estos estudios se llevaron a cabo estandarizando ensayos tipo microarrays con alérgenos y analizando los resultados por la teoría de grafos. En relación al estudiar moléculas-co-adyuvantes que pudieran favorecer la capacidad alergénica de dichas proteínas, se llevaron a cabo estudios sobre la interacción de los alérgenos alimentarios con células del sistema inmune humano y murino y el epitelio de las mucosas, analizando la importancia de moléculas co-transportadas con los alérgenos en el desarrollo de una respuesta Th2. Para ello, Pru p 3(LTP y alérgeno principal del melocotón) se selección como modelo para llevarlo a cabo. Por otra parte, se analizó el papel de moléculas activadoras del sistema inmune producidas por patógenos en la inducción de alergias alimentarias seleccionando el modelo kiwi-alternaria, y el papel de Alt a 1, alérgeno mayor de dicho hongo, en la sensibilización a Act d 2, alérgeno mayor de kiwi. En resumen, el presente trabajo presenta una investigación innovadora aportando resultados de gran utilidad tanto para la mejora del diagnóstico como para nuevas investigaciones sobre la alergia y el esclarecimiento final de los mecanismos que caracterizan esta enfermedad. ABSTRACT Allergies are increasing their prevalence from mid twentieth century, and they are currently estimated to affect around 2-8% of the population but the underlying causes of this increase remain still elusive. The understanding of the mechanism by which a harmless protein becomes capable of inducing an allergic response provides us the basis to prevent and treat these diseases. Although the characterization of relevant allergens has led to improved clinical management and has helped to clarify the basic mechanisms of allergic reactions, it seems justified in aspiring to molecularly dissecting these allergens to establish the structural basis of their allergenicity and cross-reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular basis of the allergenicity of model proteins belonging to different families (Lipid Transfer Proteins –LTPs-, and Thaumatin-like Proteins –TLPs-) in order to identify mechanisms that mediate sensitization and cross reactivity for developing new strategies in the management of allergy, both diagnosis and treatment, in the near future. With this purpose, two strategies have been conducted: studies of cross-reactivity among panallergen families and molecular studies of the contribution of cofactors in the induction of the allergic response by these panallergens. Following the first strategy, we studied the cross-reactivity among members of two plant panallergens (LTPs , Lipid Transfer Proteins , and TLPs , Thaumatin-like Proteins) using the peach allergy as a model. Similarly, we characterized the sensitization profiles to wheat allergens in baker's asthma development, the most relevant occupational disease. These studies were performed using allergen microarrays and the graph theory for analyzing the results. Regarding the second approach, we analyzed the interaction of plant allergens with immune and epithelial cells. To perform these studies , we examined the importance of ligands and co-transported molecules of plant allergens in the development of Th2 responses. To this end, Pru p 3, nsLTP (non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein) and peach major allergen, was selected as a model to investigate its interaction with cells of the human and murine immune systems as well as with the intestinal epithelium and the contribution of its ligand in inducing an allergic response was studied. Moreover, we analyzed the role of pathogen associated molecules in the induction of food allergy. For that, we selected the kiwi- alternaria system as a model and the role of Alt a 1 , major allergen of the fungus, in the development of Act d 2-sensitization was studied. In summary, this work presents an innovative research providing useful results for improving diagnosis and leading to further research on allergy and the final clarification of the mechanisms that characterize this disease.
The endogenous plant hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA), whose levels increase on pathogen infection, activate separate sets of genes encoding antimicrobial proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. The pathogen-inducible genes PR-1, PR-2, and PR-5 require SA signaling for activation, whereas the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, along with a PR-3 and PR-4 gene, are induced by pathogens via an SA-independent and JA-dependent pathway. An Arabidopsis mutant, coi1, that is affected in the JA-response pathway shows enhanced susceptibility to infection by the fungal pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Botrytis cinerea but not to Peronospora parasitica, and vice versa for two Arabidopsis genotypes (npr1 and NahG) with a defect in their SA response. Resistance to P. parasitica was boosted by external application of the SA-mimicking compound 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid [Delaney, T., et al. (1994) Science 266, 1247–1250] but not by methyl jasmonate (MeJA), whereas treatment with MeJA but not 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid elevated resistance to Alternaria brassicicola. The protective effect of MeJA against A. brassicicola was the result of an endogenous defense response activated in planta and not a direct effect of MeJA on the pathogen, as no protection to A. brassicicola was observed in the coi1 mutant treated with MeJA. These data point to the existence of at least two separate hormone-dependent defense pathways in Arabidopsis that contribute to resistance against distinct microbial pathogens.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are both signal molecules and direct participants in plant defense against pathogens. Many fungi synthesize mannitol, a potent quencher of ROS, and there is growing evidence that at least some phytopathogenic fungi use mannitol to suppress ROS-mediated plant defenses. Here we show induction of mannitol production and secretion in the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria alternata in the presence of host-plant extracts. Conversely, we show that the catabolic enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase is induced in a non-mannitol-producing plant in response to both fungal infection and specific inducers of plant defense responses. This provides a mechanism whereby the plant can counteract fungal suppression of ROS-mediated defenses by catabolizing mannitol of fungal origin.
Two novel type I ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were found in the storage roots of Mirabilis expansa, an underutilized Andean root crop. The two RIPs, named ME1 and ME2, were purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, cation-exchange perfusion chromatography, and C4 reverse-phase chromatography. The two proteins were found to be similar in size (27 and 27.5 kD) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their isoelectric points were determined to be greater than pH 10.0. Amino acid N-terminal sequencing revealed that both ME1 and ME2 had conserved residues characteristic of RIPs. Amino acid composition and western-blot analysis further suggested a structural similarity between ME1 and ME2. ME2 showed high similarity to the Mirabilis jalapa antiviral protein, a type I RIP. Depurination of yeast 26S rRNA by ME1 and ME2 demonstrated their ribosome-inactivating activity. Because these two proteins were isolated from roots, their antimicrobial activity was tested against root-rot microorganisms, among others. ME1 and ME2 were active against several fungi, including Pythium irregulare, Fusarium oxysporum solani, Alternaria solani, Trichoderma reesei, and Trichoderma harzianum, and an additive antifungal effect of ME1 and ME2 was observed. Antibacterial activity of both ME1 and ME2 was observed against Pseudomonas syringae, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Agrobacterium radiobacter, and others.
To identify transcription factors (TFs) involved in jasmonate (JA) signaling and plant defense, we screened 1,534 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) TFs by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR for their altered transcript at 6 h following either methyl JA treatment or inoculation with the incompatible pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. We identified 134 TFs that showed a significant change in expression, including many APETALA2/ethylene response factor (AP2/ERF), MYB, WRKY, and NACTF genes with unknown functions. Twenty TF genes were induced by both the pathogen and methyl JA and these included 10 members of the AP2/ERF TF family, primarily from the B1a and B3 subclusters. Functional analysis of the B1a TF AtERF4 revealed that AtERF4 acts as a novel negative regulator of JA-responsive defense gene expression and resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum and antagonizes JA inhibition of root elongation. In contrast, functional analysis of the B3 TF AtERF2 showed that AtERF2 is a positive regulator of JA-responsive defense genes and resistance to F. oxysporum and enhances JA inhibition of root elongation. Our results suggest that plants coordinately express multiple repressor-and activator-type AP2/ERFs during pathogen challenge to modulate defense gene expression and disease resistance.
Plant defence and senescence share many similarities as evidenced by extensive co-regulation of many genes during these responses. To better understand the nature of signals that are common to plant defence and senescence, we studied the regulation of SEN1 encoding a senescence-associated protein during plant defence responses in Arabidopsis. Pathogen inoculations and treatments with defence-related chemical signals, salicylic acid and methyl jasmonate induced changes in SEN1 transcript levels. Analysis of transgenic plants expressing the SEN1 promoter fused to uidA reporter gene confirmed the responsiveness of the SEN1 promoter to defence- and senescence-associated signals. Expression analysis of SEN1 in a number of defence signalling mutants indicated that activation of this gene by pathogen occurs predominantly via the salicylic and jasmonic acid signalling pathways, involving the functions of EDS5, NPR1 and JAR1 In addition, in the absence of pathogen challenge, the cpr5/hys1 mutant showed elevated SEN1 expression and displayed an accelerated senescence response following inoculation with the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarhan oxysporum. Although the analysis of the sen1-1 knock-out mutant did not reveal any obvious role for this gene in defence or senescence-associated events, our results presented here show that SEN1 is regulated by signals that link plant defence and senescence responses and thus represents a useful marker gene to study the overlap between these two important physiological events. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the G beta gamma dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional G alpha or G beta subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in G beta- deficient mutants while G alpha-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in G beta-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, G beta-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate- induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the G alpha- deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by G alpha. We hypothesize that G beta gamma acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.
The naturally occurring reactive electrophilic species 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (12-oxo-PDA) is a potent antifungal agent, whereas the plant growth regulator jasmonic acid, which is synthesized from 12-oxo-PDA, is ineffective. To address what structural features of the molecule endow it with antifungal activity, we synthesized a series of molecular mimics of 12-oxo-PDA varying in the length of the alkyl chain at its C-4 ring position. The octyl analogue (4-octyl cyclopentenone) was the most effective at suppressing spore germination and subsequent mycelial growth of a range of fungal pathogens and was particularly effective against Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea, with minimum fungicidal concentrations in the range 100-200 µM. Introduction of a carboxyl group to the end of the chain, mimicking natural fatty acids, markedly reduced antifungal efficacy. Electrolyte leakage, indicative of membrane perturbation, was evident in both C. herbarum and B. cinerea exposed to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. Lipid composition analysis of the fungal spores revealed that those species with a high oil content, namely Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria brassicicola, were less sensitive to 4-octyl cyclopentenone. The comparable hydrophobicity of 4-octyl cyclopentenone and 12-oxo-PDA accounts for the similar spore suppression activity of these two compounds. The relative ease of synthesis of 4-octyl cyclopentenone makes it an attractive compound for potential use as an antifungal agent. © 2011 SGM.
The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of action of the preservative sodium chlorite (NaClO2), and the relationship with intracellular glutathione depletion. A detailed comparison of the dose responses of two cultured ocular epithelial cell types and four species of microorganism was carried out, and comparisons were also made with the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride (BAK), and the oxidant hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The viability of mammalian and microbial cells was assessed in the same way, by the measurement of intracellular ATP using a bioluminescence method. Intracellular total glutathione was measured by reaction with 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid in a glutathione reductase-dependent recycling assay. BAK and H2O2 caused complete toxicity to conjunctival and corneal epithelial cells at similar to25 ppm, in contrast to NaClO2 , where >100 ppm was required. The fungi Candida albicans and Alternaria alternata had a higher resistance to NaClO2 than the bacteria Staphyloccus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa , but the bacteria were extremely resistant to H2O2 NaClO2 caused substantial depletion of intracellular glutathione in all cell types, at concentrations ranging from <10 ppm in Pseudomonas , 25-100 ppm in epithelial cells, to >500 ppm in fungal cells. The mechanisms of cytotoxicity of NaClO2 , H2O2 and BAK all appeared to differ. NaClO2 was found to have the best balance of high antibacterial toxicity with low ocular toxicity. The lower toxicity of NaClO2 to the ocular cells, compared with BAK and H2O2 , is in agreement with fewer reported adverse effects of application in the eye.
The presence of microorganisms in ophthalmic instruments and surfaces can lead to the exposure of patients to several infections. However, there is no information regarding fungal and bacteria contamination in optical shops. This study aims to characterize fungi and bacteria contamination in air and surfaces from 10 optical shops covering also ophthalmic instruments. Air samples were collected through an impaction method onto malt extract agar (MEA) supplemented with chloramphenicol (0.05%) used for fungi and Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) supplemented with nystatin (0.2%) used for bacteria. Outdoor samples were also performed to be used as reference. Surface and equipment’s swab samples were also collected side-by-side. All the collected samples were incubated at 27ºC for 5 to 7 days (fungi) or at 30º for 7 days (bacteria). Regarding fungal distribution, thirteen different species/genera were found in the air, being the most common Alternaria sp. (62.0%). Eight different species/genera were identified in the surfaces, ranging from 2 to 5x104 CFU/m2, being the most common A. versicolor complex and Penicillium sp. (40.0%). The trial frames were the most contaminated equipment, since 50.0% of the collected samples were with countless colonies. The airborne bacterial population indicated higher concentrations in the contactology office (average: 133 CFU/m3) than in the client’s waiting rooms (average: 126 CFU/m3). The surface samples indicated bacterial concentrations ranging from 2x104 to 1x106 CFU/m2, pointing out the automatic refractometer as the surface with higher bacterial load.
Fungal infection in the eggs of freshwater fish is well known as a problematic disease. That isolation and recognition Saprolegnia fungi from fungal infected eggs of the rainbow trout in Mazandaran province was the aim of this research. For this purpose fungal infected eggs were examined from six fish farm in the fall and winter 2005-2006. The eggs with fungi were inoculated on SDA, CMA, GPagar and hemp seed and sesame seed cultures in sterile tap water at room temperature (18-24°C). In this study recognized three genera and six species Saprolegniaceae members, based on morphological characteristics which contain: Saprolegnia, Achlya, Brevilegnia. Four species were identified in the genus Saprolegnia; S.mixta, S.parasitica, S.moniliphera, S.lapponica and one species was identified in the genus Achlya; A.oblongata. S.parasitica was isolated from almost all the farms. In addition, another nine genera and species were identified; Penicillium, Aspergillus, Paeciliomyces, Acremonium, Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani , Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Mucor.