829 resultados para Algoritmos genéticos


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Launching centers are designed for scientific and commercial activities with aerospace vehicles. Rockets Tracking Systems (RTS) are part of the infrastructure of these centers and they are responsible for collecting and processing the data trajectory of vehicles. Generally, Parabolic Reflector Radars (PRRs) are used in RTS. However, it is possible to use radars with antenna arrays, or Phased Arrays (PAs), so called Phased Arrays Radars (PARs). Thus, the excitation signal of each radiating element of the array can be adjusted to perform electronic control of the radiation pattern in order to improve functionality and maintenance of the system. Therefore, in the implementation and reuse projects of PARs, modeling is subject to various combinations of excitation signals, producing a complex optimization problem due to the large number of available solutions. In this case, it is possible to use offline optimization methods, such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), to calculate the problem solutions, which are stored for online applications. Hence, the Genetic Algorithm with Maximum-Minimum Crossover (GAMMC) optimization method was used to develop the GAMMC-P algorithm that optimizes the modeling step of radiation pattern control from planar PAs. Compared with a conventional crossover GA, the GAMMC has a different approach from the conventional one, because it performs the crossover of the fittest individuals with the least fit individuals in order to enhance the genetic diversity. Thus, the GAMMC prevents premature convergence, increases population fitness and reduces the processing time. Therefore, the GAMMC-P uses a reconfigurable algorithm with multiple objectives, different coding and genetic operator MMC. The test results show that GAMMC-P reached the proposed requirements for different operating conditions of a planar RAV.


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Oil exploration at great depths requires the use of mobile robots to perform various operations such as maintenance, assembly etc. In this context, the trajectory planning and navigation study of these robots is relevant, as the great challenge is to navigate in an environment that is not fully known. The main objective is to develop a navigation algorithm to plan the path of a mobile robot that is in a given position (


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Oil exploration at great depths requires the use of mobile robots to perform various operations such as maintenance, assembly etc. In this context, the trajectory planning and navigation study of these robots is relevant, as the great challenge is to navigate in an environment that is not fully known. The main objective is to develop a navigation algorithm to plan the path of a mobile robot that is in a given position (


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This thesis presents a hybrid technique of frequency selective surfaces project (FSS) on a isotropic dielectric layer, considering various geometries for the elements of the unit cell. Specifically, the hybrid technique uses the equivalent circuit method in conjunction with genetic algorithm, aiming at the synthesis of structures with response single-band and dual-band. The equivalent circuit method allows you to model the structure by using an equivalent circuit and also obtaining circuits for different geometries. From the obtaining of the parameters of these circuits, you can get the transmission and reflection characteristics of patterned structures. For the optimization of patterned structures, according to the desired frequency response, Matlab™ optimization tool named optimtool proved to be easy to use, allowing you to explore important results on the optimization analysis. In this thesis, numeric and experimental results are presented for the different characteristics of the analyzed geometries. For this, it was determined a technique to obtain the parameter N, which is based on genetic algorithms and differential geometry, to obtain the algebraic rational models that determine values of N more accurate, facilitating new projects of FSS with these geometries. The optimal results of N are grouped according to the occupancy factor of the cell and the thickness of the dielectric, for modeling of the structures by means of rational algebraic equations. Furthermore, for the proposed hybrid model was developed a fitness function for the purpose of calculating the error occurred in the definitions of FSS bandwidths with transmission features single band and dual band. This thesis deals with the construction of prototypes of FSS with frequency settings and band widths obtained with the use of this function. The FSS were initially reviewed through simulations performed with the commercial software Ansoft Designer ™, followed by simulation with the equivalent circuit method for obtaining a value of N in order to converge the resonance frequency and the bandwidth of the FSS analyzed, then the results obtained were compared. The methodology applied is validated with the construction and measurement of prototypes with different geometries of the cells of the arrays of FSS.


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This thesis presents a hybrid technique of frequency selective surfaces project (FSS) on a isotropic dielectric layer, considering various geometries for the elements of the unit cell. Specifically, the hybrid technique uses the equivalent circuit method in conjunction with genetic algorithm, aiming at the synthesis of structures with response single-band and dual-band. The equivalent circuit method allows you to model the structure by using an equivalent circuit and also obtaining circuits for different geometries. From the obtaining of the parameters of these circuits, you can get the transmission and reflection characteristics of patterned structures. For the optimization of patterned structures, according to the desired frequency response, Matlab™ optimization tool named optimtool proved to be easy to use, allowing you to explore important results on the optimization analysis. In this thesis, numeric and experimental results are presented for the different characteristics of the analyzed geometries. For this, it was determined a technique to obtain the parameter N, which is based on genetic algorithms and differential geometry, to obtain the algebraic rational models that determine values of N more accurate, facilitating new projects of FSS with these geometries. The optimal results of N are grouped according to the occupancy factor of the cell and the thickness of the dielectric, for modeling of the structures by means of rational algebraic equations. Furthermore, for the proposed hybrid model was developed a fitness function for the purpose of calculating the error occurred in the definitions of FSS bandwidths with transmission features single band and dual band. This thesis deals with the construction of prototypes of FSS with frequency settings and band widths obtained with the use of this function. The FSS were initially reviewed through simulations performed with the commercial software Ansoft Designer ™, followed by simulation with the equivalent circuit method for obtaining a value of N in order to converge the resonance frequency and the bandwidth of the FSS analyzed, then the results obtained were compared. The methodology applied is validated with the construction and measurement of prototypes with different geometries of the cells of the arrays of FSS.


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This work proposes a new autonomous navigation strategy assisted by genetic algorithm with dynamic planning for terrestrial mobile robots, called DPNA-GA (Dynamic Planning Navigation Algorithm optimized with Genetic Algorithm). The strategy was applied in environments - both static and dynamic - in which the location and shape of the obstacles is not known in advance. In each shift event, a control algorithm minimizes the distance between the robot and the object and maximizes the distance from the obstacles, rescheduling the route. Using a spatial location sensor and a set of distance sensors, the proposed navigation strategy is able to dynamically plan optimal collision-free paths. Simulations performed in different environments demonstrated that the technique provides a high degree of flexibility and robustness. For this, there were applied several variations of genetic parameters such as: crossing rate, population size, among others. Finally, the simulation results successfully demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of DPNA-GA technique, validating it for real applications in terrestrial mobile robots.


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This work proposes a new autonomous navigation strategy assisted by genetic algorithm with dynamic planning for terrestrial mobile robots, called DPNA-GA (Dynamic Planning Navigation Algorithm optimized with Genetic Algorithm). The strategy was applied in environments - both static and dynamic - in which the location and shape of the obstacles is not known in advance. In each shift event, a control algorithm minimizes the distance between the robot and the object and maximizes the distance from the obstacles, rescheduling the route. Using a spatial location sensor and a set of distance sensors, the proposed navigation strategy is able to dynamically plan optimal collision-free paths. Simulations performed in different environments demonstrated that the technique provides a high degree of flexibility and robustness. For this, there were applied several variations of genetic parameters such as: crossing rate, population size, among others. Finally, the simulation results successfully demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of DPNA-GA technique, validating it for real applications in terrestrial mobile robots.


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Variable reluctance motors have been increasingly used as an alternative for variable speed and high speed drives in many industrial applications, due to many advantages like the simplicity of construction, robustness, and low cost. The most common applications in recent years are related to aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles and wind power generation. This paper explores the theory, operation, design procedures and analysis of a variable reluctance machine. An iterative design methodology is introduced and used to design a 1.25 kW prototype. For the analysis of the machine two methods are used, an analytical method and the finite element simulation. The results obtained by both methods are compared. The results of finite element simulation are used to determine the inductance profiles and torque of the prototype. The magnetic saturation is examined visually and numerically in four critical points of the machine. The data collected in the simulation allow the verification of design and operating limits for the prototype. Moreover, the behavior of the output quantities is analyzed (inductance, torque and magnetic saturation) by variation of physical dimensions of the motor. Finally, a multiobjective optimization using Differential Evolution algorithms and Genetic Algorithms for switched reluctance machine design is proposed. The optimized variables are rotor and stator polar arcs, and the goals are to maximize the average torque, the average torque per copper losses and the average torque per core volume. Finally, the initial design and optimized design are compared.


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O problema de planejamento de rotas de robôs móveis consiste em determinar a melhor rota para um robô, em um ambiente estático e/ou dinâmico, que seja capaz de deslocá-lo de um ponto inicial até e um ponto final, também em conhecido como estado objetivo. O presente trabalho emprega o uso de uma abordagem baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos para o planejamento de rotas de múltiplos robôs em um ambiente complexo composto por obstáculos fixos e obstáculos moveis. Através da implementação do modelo no software do NetLogo, uma ferramenta utilizada em simulações de aplicações multiagentes, possibilitou-se a modelagem de robôs e obstáculos presentes no ambiente como agentes interativos, viabilizando assim o desenvolvimento de processos de detecção e desvio de obstáculos. A abordagem empregada busca pela melhor rota para robôs e apresenta um modelo composto pelos operadores básicos de reprodução e mutação, acrescido de um novo operador duplo de refinamento capaz de aperfeiçoar as melhores soluções encontradas através da eliminação de movimentos inúteis. Além disso, o calculo da rota de cada robô adota um método de geração de subtrechos, ou seja, não calcula apenas uma unica rota que conecta os pontos inicial e final do cenário, mas sim várias pequenas subrotas que conectadas formam um caminho único capaz de levar o robô ao estado objetivo. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois cenários, para avaliação da sua escalabilidade: o primeiro consiste em um cenário simples composto apenas por um robô, um obstáculo movel e alguns obstáculos fixos; já o segundo, apresenta um cenário mais robusto, mais amplo, composto por múltiplos robôs e diversos obstáculos fixos e moveis. Ao final, testes de desempenho comparativos foram efetuados entre a abordagem baseada em Algoritmos Genéticos e o Algoritmo A*. Como critério de comparação foi utilizado o tamanho das rotas obtidas nas vinte simulações executadas em cada abordagem. A analise dos resultados foi especificada através do Teste t de Student.


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Uma das áreas de aplicação da optimização é a Engenharia Biomédica, pois a optimização intervém no estudo de próteses e implantes, na reconstrução tomográfica, na mecânica experimental, entre outras aplicações. Este projecto tem como principal objectivo a criação de um novo programa de marcação de exames médicos a fim de minimizar o tempo de espera na realização dos mesmos. É efectuada uma breve referência à teoria da optimização bem como à optimização linear e não-linear, aos algoritmos genéticos, que foram usados para a realização deste trabalho. É também apresentado um caso de estudo, formulado como um problema de optimização não linear com restrições. Com este estudo verificou-se que o escalonamento de exames médicos nunca poderá ser optimizado a 100por cento devido à quantidade de variáveis existentes, sendo que algumas delas não são passíveis de prever com antecedência.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar una aplicación multiplataforma que, dadas las preferencias de los clientes por las posibles características que se pueden dar a un producto, y dados los productos que vende la competencia, decida las características del producto a vender para que éste obtenga el mayor número de clientes, bien de manera inmediata, o bien a largo plazo. La solución óptima de este tipo de problemas es intratable, ya que no se pueden resolver en tiempo polinómico, por lo que nosotros utilizamos soluciones heurísticas, concretamente: algoritmos genéticos, algoritmos minimax, algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y algoritmos de interpolación. Además, realizamos un caso de estudio con datos reales obtenidos a través de una serie de encuestas utilizando una plataforma web, concretamente de la empresa Feebbo, que nos permitió obtener resultados sobre las preferencias de más de 500 encuestados. Las preguntas de las encuestas se centraron en un tipo de producto en particular, en nuestro caso teléfonos móviles.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação de dout. em Electrónica e Computação, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Programa de Pós-graduação em Integridade de Materiais da Engenharia, 2015.


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Las organizaciones y sus entornos son sistemas complejos. Tales sistemas son difíciles de comprender y predecir. Pese a ello, la predicción es una tarea fundamental para la gestión empresarial y para la toma de decisiones que implica siempre un riesgo. Los métodos clásicos de predicción (entre los cuales están: la regresión lineal, la Autoregresive Moving Average y el exponential smoothing) establecen supuestos como la linealidad, la estabilidad para ser matemática y computacionalmente tratables. Por diferentes medios, sin embargo, se han demostrado las limitaciones de tales métodos. Pues bien, en las últimas décadas nuevos métodos de predicción han surgido con el fin de abarcar la complejidad de los sistemas organizacionales y sus entornos, antes que evitarla. Entre ellos, los más promisorios son los métodos de predicción bio-inspirados (ej. redes neuronales, algoritmos genéticos /evolutivos y sistemas inmunes artificiales). Este artículo pretende establecer un estado situacional de las aplicaciones actuales y potenciales de los métodos bio-inspirados de predicción en la administración.