843 resultados para African cooperation.


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Replicate Ponds of 0.02ha stocked at 500 catfishes with 20,000 tilapia/ha were used to assess growth performance of O.niloticus, average weight 50.4g with (i) darted catfish; H.longifilis (shooters) average weight 60.3g (ii) non-shooters of H.longifilis, average weight 35.4g. Final mean weight, mean growth rate, specific growth rate and food conversion ratio were 499.5g 26g/day, 1.36% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with longifilis (shooters) and 440.4g 2.3g/day 1.23% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with H.longifilis (non- shooters) and 246.9g, 1.2g/day, 0.93, 6.30% respectively for tilapia in monoculture. The least growth was noted for O. niloticus in monoculture while the best growth was recorded O. niloticus in polyculture with darted catfish


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An account is given of a study of African tropical waters, drawing on the personal experiences of the author. Reviewing developments since 1900, the author examines the way in which research has developed and the influence the changes in the policitcal map of Africa, in particular the change from colonial rule, has had on research.


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The East African Great Lakes are now well known for (1) their fisheries, of vital importance for their rapidly rising riparian human populations, and (2) as biodiversity hotspots with spectacular endemic faunas, of which the flocks of cichlid fishes unique to each of the three largest lakes, Tanganyika, Malawi and Victoria, offer unique opportunities to investigate how new species evolve and coexist. Since the early 1990s research involving over a hundred scientists, financed by many international bodies, has produced numerous reports and publications in widely scattered journals. This article summarizes their main discoveries and examines the status of, and prospects for, the fisheries, as well as current ideas on how their rich endemic fish faunas have evolved. It first considers fisheries projects in each of the three lakes: the deep rift valley lakes Tanganyika and Malawi and the huge Victoria, all of which share their waters between several East African countries. Secondly it considers the biodiversity surveys of each lake, based on underwater (SCUBA) observations of fish ecology and behaviour which have revealed threats to their fish faunas, and considers what conservation measures are needed. Thirdly, using the lakes as laboratories, what have the international investigations (including DNA techniques and follow-up aquarium experiments) now revealed about the origins and relationships of their cichlid species flocks and mechanisms of evolution?


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Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os ganhos geopolíticos do programa sino-brasileiro de satélites de recursos terrestres (CBERS). O codesenvolvimento pelo Brasil e pela China de uma série de satélites de sensoriamento remoto elevou a capacidade de ambos os países de ampliar os meios para zelar pela soberania sobre seus territórios nacionais. Esse programa de cooperação Sul-Sul também impactou positivamente no desenvolvimento desses países, à medida que possibilitou a execução de políticas públicas mais eficazes para áreas de difícil acesso como o deserto de Gobi na China e a floresta amazônica no Brasil. Além disso, o desenvolvimento e lançamento exitoso dos satélites da família CBERS também auferiu ganhos políticos no âmbito internacional. De fato, a aquisição dessa tecnologia permitiu ao Brasil e a China uma atuação mais proativa nos regimes internacionais relacionados ao espaço exterior, como COPUOS, CEOS e GEO/GEOSS. Ela também ensejou a realização de uma política de vanguarda de distribuição de imagens, baseada na premissa de que os dados geoespaciais são bens públicos globais. Esse entendimento levou, enfim, à realização de uma política de distribuição gratuita de imagens CBERS, primeiramente para os territórios nacionais do Brasil e da China e, posteriormente para países da América do Sul e para todo continente africano, culminando, em 2010, com sua globalização. Desse modo, o presente trabalho visa analisar se a aquisição da tecnologia de sensoriamento remoto via satélite efetivamente facultou ao Brasil e a China uma maior capacidade de influência no sistema internacional de poder e, igualmente, se há relação entre o programa CBERS e as políticas externas do Brasil e da China, principalmente no que tange à promoção da cooperação Sul-Sul na política externa solidária do governo Lula e ao conceito de mundo harmonioso da diplomacia chinesa.


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We have reviewed the phytoplankton composition and succession in the East African Great Lakes, their response to environmental changes, and the communities of microorganisms of the microbial food web. Recent studies in some great lakes, as well as progress in understanding phytoplankton succession and response to environmental factors, enable us to update knowledge of the phytoplankton ecology of these lakes. In particular, we present information indicating that phytoplankton composition in lakes Tanganyika and Kivu may reflect recent changes as a result of global warming or species introduction. We also stress the importance of microbes (at the base of the food web) in these systems and suggest that the microbial food web, which has been mostly overlooked until recently, may play a very large role in determining productivity and nutrient cycling in these large lakes.


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O arco geográfico de atuação internacional de um país se delimita a partir das linhas de ação traçadas pela política externa. No caso brasileiro, o continente africano é percebido pelo pensamento diplomático como espaço privilegiado para a presença internacional do Brasil, em vista dos laços históricos e culturais, além de complementaridades econômicas e políticas. Essa percepção apresentou oscilações ao longo dos anos, nas relações Brasil-África, em uma dinâmica de maior aproximação ou afastamento, em vista de conjunturas internacionais e domésticas de ambos os lados. Nos últimos anos, ao longo do governo de Lula da Silva no Brasil, esse movimento convergiu para o estreitamento de laços e estabelecimento de parcerias e acordos de cooperação diversos. A compreensão desse processo, bem como de seus desdobramentos iniciais, é o que se pretende tratar na dissertação ora apresentada. Ao arguir acerca da relevância das relações diplomáticas do Brasil com países africanos, a presente dissertação baseou-se em levantamento de dados de comércio exterior, análise de discurso diplomático, leitura de reflexões de especialistas e acompanhamento dos desdobramentos suscitados pela valorização do continente africano para a política externa brasileira. A pesquisa efetuada encaminhou-se para o levantamento da hipótese acerca da assertividade e pragmatismo da política africana de Lula da Silva, em vista de seus resultados e vínculos com o interesse nacional.


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The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants are committed through the ability to understand each other’s intentions. Despite its popularity, some serious issues arise with this approach to cooperation. First, one may challenge the assumption that high-level mental processes are necessary for engaging in acting cooperatively. If they are, then how do agents that do not possess such ability (preverbal children, or children with autism who are often claimed to be mind-blind) engage in cooperative exchanges, as the evidence suggests? Secondly, to define cooperation as the result of two de-contextualized minds reading each other’s intentions may fail to fully acknowledge the complexity of situated, interactional dynamics and the interplay of variables such as the participants’ relational and personal history and experience. In this paper we challenge such accounts of cooperation, calling for an embodied approach that sees cooperation not only as an individual attitude toward the other, but also as a property of interaction processes. Taking an enactive perspective, we argue that cooperation is an intrinsic part of any interaction, and that there can be cooperative interaction before complex communicative abilities are achieved. The issue then is not whether one is able or not to read the other’s intentions, but what it takes to participate in joint action. From this basic account, it should be possible to build up more complex forms of cooperation as needed. Addressing the study of cooperation in these terms may enhance our understanding of human social development, and foster our knowledge of different ways of engaging with others, as in the case of autism.


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Durante os dois mandatos presidenciais de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), percebeu-se, em virtude de pressões intra e extraburocráticas e de causalidades sistêmicas, maior acentuação do esboroamento da histórica condição insular do Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE). A participação de novos entes que não o Itamaraty na configuração da política externa, notadamente em seu vetor de execução, enseja novas agendas cooperativas e processos decisórios. Atores da burocracia federal, como os ministérios, vocalizam preferências que influenciam o jogo interburocrático e têm o condão de estabelecer possíveis pontes com a instituição diplomática, unidade de decisão por excelência. Na perspectiva intraburocrática, a ascensão de corrente de ação e de pensamento dos autonomistas, frente aos institucionalistas pragmáticos, permite escolhas de inserção internacional como o reforço da perspectiva sul-sul, na qual se inserem as parcerias com a África, o que indica a inexistência de monolitismo de opiniões no interior do MRE. Essa dinâmica faz-se presente e é necessária para o entendimento da Cooperação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (CBDI), tipo de Cooperação Sul-Sul (CSS) do Brasil que tem na Cooperação Técnica, Científica e Tecnológica (CTC&T) em segurança alimentar uma de suas modalidades mais atuantes e complexas. Convencionada como instrumento de política externa durante a ascendência dos autonomistas, corrente influenciada por quadros do Partido dos Trabalhadores, a cooperação em segurança alimentar teve o continente africano como locus primordial de manifestação. Embasado na internacionalização de políticas públicas domésticas, o compartilhamento de conhecimentos nas agendas de combate à fome, de combate à pobreza e de desenvolvimento agrário é fenômeno tributário da abertura da caixa preta estatal, o que ratifica o argumento de que há correlação entre níveis de análise. As diversas iniciativas cooperativas para com parceiros da outra margem do Atlântico Sul, eivadas de componente retórico de promoção de ordem internacional menos assimétrica, donde também subjace a busca consecução de interesses diretos e indiretos dos formuladores diplomáticos, guardam relação com as diretrizes mais gerais da política externa articulada no período estudado nesta dissertação.


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In this issue NAGA introduces a new page on profiles of fish species. This page will be a permanent feature of the NAGA and will be based on information derived from FishBase (http://www.fishbase.org), the world’s premier information system on fishes and a global public good. FishBase is being developed by the WorldFish Center and an International Consortium. The first species selected is the North African catfish Clarias gariepinus, one of the most important freshwater fish species in Africa. It has been chosen in honor of Prof Dr Guy Teugels of the Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale (MRAC) of Tervuren, Belgium, who recently passed away and who spent many years investigating this species.


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The article focuses on the types of training needed in African aquaculture development. The author suggested that rather than needing less training, extension agents and others who operate in the idiosyncratic world of the poor African farmer, need a far deeper understanding of fish culture (particularly the basics of pond dynamics and ecology) than do those who can take advantage of industrialized-country infrastructure.


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Despite the expenditure of huge amounts of money and human effort, the Green Revolution has largely failed to benefit the vast majority of the rural poor in Africa: those smallholding farmers who sell little, if any, of what they grow and rely almost entirely upon natural soil fertility, rainfall and traditional broodstock and seed varieties. New approaches on food production and income generation in the rural areas must be found if this sector of agricultural community is to be assisted. Integrated resources management (IRM) in general, and integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) in particular, may offer some solutions in cases where the classical methods of improving farm output have failed and/or been unsustainable.


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Rather than using more or less ideal conditions for setting experimental controls, the use of conditions similar to those likely to be encountered by farmers should produce research results which are realistically achievable on the farm. ICLARM has developed an approach to farmer-led experimentation which utilizes a spreadsheet to collate and analyze data collected from participating farmers. The simulation of actual management practices utilized by farmers produced results in replicated on-station trials which were within 11% of net yields on-farm. In addition to giving researchers a tool for comparing farm and station management practices, giving farmers a realistic indication of what yields will be if a technology is adopted should help overcome the problems of disillusionment often encountered when farm results fall below those expected by researchers on the basis of experiment station studies.