954 resultados para Adverse Effect
We evaluated the effect of pH on larval development in larval Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and blood cockle ( Arca inflata Reeve). The larvae were reared at pH 8.2 (control), 7.9, 7.6, or 7.3 beginning 30 min or 24 h post fertilization. Exposure to lower pH during early embryonic development inhibited larval shell formation in both species. Compared with the control, larvae took longer to reach the D-veliger stage when reared under pH 7.6 and 7.3. Exposure to lower pH immediately after fertilization resulted in significantly delayed shell formation in the Pacific oyster larvae at pH 7.3 and blood cockle larvae at pH 7.6 and 7.3. However, when exposure was delayed until 24 h post fertilization, shell formation was only inhibited in blood cockle larvae reared at pH 7.3. Thus, the early embryonic stages were more sensitive to acidified conditions. Our results suggest that ocean acidification will have an adverse effect on embryonic development in bivalves. Although the effects appear subtle, they may accumulate and lead to subsequent issues during later larval development.
This paper investigates the relationship between access to micro-credit and temporary seasonal migration, an issue which is largely ignored in the standard rural-urban migration literature. Seasonal migration due to agricultural downturns is a common phenomenon in developing countries. Using primary data from a cross-sectional household survey from the northwest part of Bangladesh, this study quantifies the factors that influence such migration decisions. Among other results, we find that network effects play a significant role in influencing the migration decision, with the presence of kinsmen at the place of destination having considerable impact. Seasonal migration is a natural choice for individual suffering periodic hardship; however the strict weekly loan repayment rules of Micro-credit Institutes can have an adverse effect on this process, reducing the ability of borrowers to react to a shock. Our result suggests that poor individuals prefer the option of not accessing the micro-credit and opt for temporal seasonal migration during the lean period. The results have numerous potential policy implications, including the design of typical micro-credit schemes.
The behaviour of the interface between the FRP and the concrete is the key factor controlling debonding failures in FRP-strengthened RC structures. This defect can cause reductions in static strength, structural integrity and the change in the dynamic behavior of the structure. The adverse effect on the dynamic behavior of the defects can be utilized as an effective means for identifying and assessing both the location and size of debonding at its earliest stages. The presence of debonding changes the structural dynamic characteristics and might be traced in modal parameters, dynamic strain and wave patterns etc. Detection of minor local defects, as those origin of a future debonding, requires working at high frequencies so that the wavelength of the excited is small and sensitive enough to detect local damage. The development of a spectral element method gives a large potential in high-frequency structural modeling. In contrast to the conventional finite element, since inertial properties are modeled exactly few elements are necessary to capture very accurate solutions at the highest frequencies in large regions. A wide variety of spectral elements have been developed for structural members over finite and semi-infinite regions. The objective of this paper is to develop a Spectral Finite Element Model to efficiently capture the behavior of intermediate debonding of a FRP strengthened RC beam during wave-based diagnostics.
El presente trabajo estudia el empleo del olmo de Siberia (Ulmus Pumila L.) y el chopo (Populus spp.) en corta rotación y alta densidad para la producción de biomasa con fines energéticos. En el área mediterránea las disponibilidades hídricas son limitadas, por lo que la mayoría de los cultivos energéticos utilizados hasta el momento requieren el aporte de agua de riego; por ello resulta fundamental encontrar especies con bajos requerimientos hídricos, analizar la eficiencia en el uso del agua de diferentes materiales genéticos y optimizar la dosis de riego. Las parcelas experimentales se ubicaron en la provincia de Soria. En el ensayo llevado a cabo con olmo de Siberia se ha analizado el efecto en la producción de la disponibilidad de agua mediante el establecimiento de parcelas en secano y con dos dosis de riego (2000 m3 ha-1 año-1 y 4000 m3 ha-1 año-1 aproximadamente); además, al ser una especie poco estudiada hasta el momento, se ha estudiado también el efecto que tiene sobre el rendimiento la densidad de plantación (3.333 plantas ha-1 y 6.666 plantas ha-1), el tipo de suelo (2 calidades diferentes) y el turno de corta (3 y 4 años). En el caso del chopo, se han evaluado cuatro clones (AF-2, I-214, Monviso y Pegaso) establecidos con una densidad de 20.000 plantas por hectárea. Durante el primer ciclo de tres años se aportó el mismo volumen de riego a todas las parcelas, mientras que durante el segundo ciclo se establecieron 8 regímenes hídricos diferentes. Por otra parte, se ha investigado sobre el uso del potencial hídrico de las plantas para evaluar el estrés hídrico de las mismas y se ha estimado la producción de biomasa foliar y el Índice de Área Foliar (LAI) de ambas especies, relacionando los valores obtenidos con la dosis de riego y la producción de biomasa. Los resultados muestran que los suelos inundados reducen la tasa de supervivencia de los olmos durante el periodo de implantación, sin embargo la mortalidad durante los siguientes periodos vegetativos es baja y muestra buena capacidad de rebrote. La productividad (kg ha-1 año-1) obtenida fue mayor con un turno de corta de cuatro años que con turno de tres años. El área basal y la altura fueron variables eficaces para predecir la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia, obteniendo una variabilidad explicada de más del 80%. En cuanto a los parámetros que mayor influencia tuvieron sobre el crecimiento, el tipo de suelo resulto ser el más relevante, obteniéndose en un suelo agrícola considerado de buena calidad una producción en condiciones de secano de unos 8.000 kg ha-1 año-1. En condiciones de regadío el rendimiento del olmo de Siberia fue al menos el doble que en secano, pero la diferencia entre las dos dosis de riego estudiadas fue pequeña. La producción de biomasa fue mayor en la densidad de plantación más alta (6.666 plantas ha–1) en las parcelas de regadío, sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las dos densidades en secano. El clon de chopo que presentó un mayor rendimiento durante el primer ciclo fue AF-2, alcanzando los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1, sin embargo la producción de este clon bajó sustancialmente durante el segundo ciclo debido a su mala capacidad de rebrote, pasando a ser I-214 el clon más productivo llegando también a los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1. Un aporte adicional de agua proporcionó un incremento de la biomasa recogida, pero a partir de unos 6.500 m3 ha-1 año-1 de agua la producción se mantiene constante. El potencial hídrico foliar ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para conocer el estrés hídrico de las plantas. Los olmos de regadío apenas sufrieron estrés hídrico, mientras que los implantados en condiciones de secano padecieron un acusado estrés durante buena parte del periodo vegetativo, que se acentuó en la parte final del mismo. Los chopos regados con las dosis más altas no sufrieron estrés hídrico o fue muy pequeño, en las dosis intermedias sufrieron un estrés moderado ocasionalmente y únicamente en las dosis más bajas sufrieron puntualmente un estrés severo. El LAI aumenta con la edad de los brotes y oscila entre 2 y 4 m2 m−2 en los chopos y entre 2 y 7 m2 m−2 en los olmos. Se encontró una buena relación entre este índice y la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia. En general, puede decirse que el olmo de Siberia podría ser una buena alternativa para producir biomasa leñosa en condiciones de secano, mientras que el chopo podría emplearse en regadío siempre que se haga una buena elección del clon y de la dosis de riego. ABSTRACT This work explores the possibilities of biomass production, for energy purposes, of Siberian elm (Ulmus Pumila L.) and poplar (Populus spp.) in Spain. Irrigation is required for the viable cultivation of many energy crops in Mediterranean areas because of low water availability, for this reason species with low water requirements should be a good alternative for biomass production. Moreover, the optimal amount of irrigation water and the performance of the different genetic material in terms of production and water use efficiency should be studied in order to use water wisely. The experimental plots were established in the province of Soria in Spain. Given the small amount of information available about Siberian elm, besides studying the influence of water availability (rain-fed and two different irrigation doses) on biomass production, two different plantation densities (3,333 plants ha-1 and 6,666 plants ha-1), two different soil type and two cutting cycles (three years and four years) were assessed. In the case of poplar, four clones belonging to different hybrids (I-214, AF2, Pegaso, and Monviso) were included in a high density plantation (20,000 plants ha-1). During the first cycle, the water supplied in all plots was the same, while 8 different watering regimes were used during the second cycle. The suitability of the use of the leaf water potential to assess the water stress situations has also been investigated. Moreover, leaf biomass production and leaf area index (LAI) were estimated in both species in order to analyze the relationship between these parameters, irrigation dose and biomass production. The results shows that flooded soils have an adverse effect on elm survival in the implantation period, but the percentage of mortality is very low during the following vegetative periods and it shows a good ability of regrowth. The annual yield from a four-year cutting cycle was significantly greater than that from the three-year cutting cycle. Basal diameter and height are effective variables for predicting the production of total biomass; equations with R squared higher than 80% were obtained. The analysis of parameters having an influence on elm growth shows that soil type is the most important factor to obtain a good yield. In soils with enough nutrients and higher waterholding capacity, biomass productions of 8,000 kg ha-1 yr-1 were achieved even under rain-fed conditions. In irrigated plots, Siberian elm production was double than the production of biomass under rain-fed conditions; however, small differences were obtained between the 2 different irrigation doses under study. Biomass yield was greater for the highest planting density (6,666 plants ha–1) in irrigated plots, but significant differences were not found between the 2 densities in rain-fed plots. The clone AF-2 showed the highest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1) during the first cycle, however during the second cycle its growth was lower because of a high mortality rate after regrowth and I-214 achieves the greatest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1). An additional water supply provided a greater amount of biomass, but over about 6500 m3 ha-1 yr-1 of water the production is constant. Leaf water potential has been shown to be a useful tool for finding out plant water status. Irrigated elms hardly suffered water stress, while rain-fed elms suffered a pronounced water stress, which was more marked at the end of the vegetative period. Most of poplars did not show water stress; leaf water potentials only showed an important water stress in the plots irrigated with the lowest doses. LAI increases with shoot age and it ranges from 2 to 4 m2 m−2 in poplars and from 2 to 7 m2 m−2 in elms. A good relationship has been found between this index and Siberian elm production. In general, Siberian elm could be a good alternative to produce woody biomass in rainfed plots, while poplar could be used in irrigated plots if a suitable clone and irrigation dose are chosen.
Esta pesquisa objetivou estudar cefalometricamente as estruturas dento-esqueléticas em pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II, 1º divisão, tratados por meio da distalização dos primeiros molares superiores. Foi utilizado como mecanismo distalizador a placa de Cetlin, associada à ancoragem extrabucal cérvico-occipital, até a obtenção da relação molar normal de Classe I, com ligeira sobrecorreção. A amostra deste estudo consistiu em 40 telerradiografias em norma lateral, 20 tomadas ao início do tratamento e 20 após a distalização dos molares, obtidas de 20 jovens, sendo, 6 do sexo feminino e, 14 do sexo masculino, com idade média de 11 anos e 2 meses, tratados por um período médio de 6 meses e 28 dias. Após a análise estatística do teste t pareado das mensurações obtidas, observou-se que o tratamento não influenciou significamente a maxila e mandíbula, no sentido vertical. Os primeiros molares superiores foram distalizados 3,45mm, em média, sendo que suas raízes distalizaram em média, 2,45mm, ou seja, houve uma inclinação para distal de 4,08°, em relação ao plano palatino. Um efeito adverso encontrado com relação à mecânica empregada foi a perda da ancoragem anterior, que acarretou um movimento de inclinação para vestibular dos incisivos superiores de 4,35°, com protusão de 1,7mm. A correção da relação molar de Classe II ocorreu em todos os pacientes, sendo uma técnica eficaz, porém necessitando de extrema colaboração dos pacientes e controle sobre os vetores de força aplicados aos dentes. (AU)
The identification and functional characterization of Dictyostelium discoideum dynamin A, a protein composed of 853 amino acids that shares up to 44% sequence identity with other dynamin-related proteins, is described. Dynamin A is present during all stages of D. discoideum development and is found predominantly in the cytosolic fraction and in association with endosomal and postlysosomal vacuoles. Overexpression of the protein has no adverse effect on the cells, whereas depletion of dynamin A by gene-targeting techniques leads to multiple and complex phenotypic changes. Cells lacking a functional copy of dymA show alterations of mitochondrial, nuclear, and endosomal morphology and a defect in fluid-phase uptake. They also become multinucleated due to a failure to complete normal cytokinesis. These pleiotropic effects of dynamin A depletion can be rescued by complementation with the cloned gene. Morphological studies using cells producing green fluorescent protein-dynamin A revealed that dynamin A associates with punctate cytoplasmic vesicles. Double labeling with vacuolin, a marker of a postlysosomal compartment in D. discoideum, showed an almost complete colocalization of vacuolin and dynamin A. Our results suggest that that dynamin A is likely to function in membrane trafficking processes along the endo-lysosomal pathway of D. discoideum but not at the plasma membrane.
The rab11 GTPase has been localized to both the Golgi and recycling endosomes; however, its Golgi-associated function has remained obscure. In this study, rab11 function in exocytic transport was analyzed by using two independent means to perturb its activity. First, expression of the dominant interfering rab11S25N mutant protein led to a significant inhibition of the cell surface transport of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G protein and caused VSV G protein to accumulate in the Golgi. On the other hand, the expression of wild-type rab11 or the activating rab11Q70L mutant had no adverse effect on VSV G transport. Next, the membrane association of rab11, which is crucial for its function, was perturbed by modest increases in GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) levels. This led to selective inhibition of the trans-Golgi network to cell surface delivery, whereas endoplasmic reticulum–to–Golgi and intra-Golgi transport were largely unaffected. The transport inhibition was reversed specifically by coexpression of wild-type rab11 with GDI. Under the same conditions two other exocytic rab proteins, rab2 and rab8, remained membrane bound, and the transport steps regulated by these rab proteins were unaffected. Neither mutant rab11S25N nor GDI overexpression had any impact on the cell surface delivery of influenza hemagglutinin. These data show that functional rab11 is critical for the export of a basolateral marker but not an apical marker from the trans-Golgi network and pinpoint rab11 as a sensitive target for inhibition by excess GDI.
The nucleolar localization elements (NoLEs) of U17 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA), which is essential for rRNA processing and belongs to the box H/ACA snoRNA family, were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. Injection of mutant U17 transcripts into Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei revealed that deletion of stems 1, 2, and 4 of U17 snoRNA reduced but did not prevent nucleolar localization. The deletion of stem 3 had no adverse effect. Therefore, the hairpins of the hairpin–hinge–hairpin–tail structure formed by these stems are not absolutely critical for nucleolar localization of U17, nor are sequences within stems 1, 3, and 4, which may tether U17 to the rRNA precursor by base pairing. In contrast, box H and box ACA are major NoLEs; their combined substitution or deletion abolished nucleolar localization of U17 snoRNA. Mutation of just box H or just the box ACA region alone did not fully abolish the nucleolar localization of U17. This indicates that the NoLEs of the box H/ACA snoRNA family function differently from the bipartite NoLEs (conserved boxes C and D) of box C/D snoRNAs, where mutation of either box alone prevents nucleolar localization.
Vaccination with synthetic peptides representing cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes can lead to a protective CTL-mediated immunity against tumors or viruses. We now report that vaccination with a CTL epitope derived from the human adenovirus type 5 E1A-region (Ad5E1A234-243), which can serve as a target for tumor-eradicating CTL, enhances rather than inhibits the growth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. This adverse effect of peptide vaccination was rapidly evoked, required low doses of peptide (10 micrograms), and was achieved by a mode of peptide delivery that induces protective T-cell-mediated immunity in other models. Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity could no longer be isolated from mice after injection of Ad5E1A-peptide, indicating that tolerization of Ad5E1A-specific CTL activity causes the enhanced tumor outgrowth. In contrast to peptide vaccination, immunization with adenovirus, expressing Ad5E1A, induced Ad5E1A-specific immunity and prevented the outgrowth of Ad5E1A-expressing tumors. These results show that immunization with synthetic peptides can lead to the elimination of anti-tumor CTL responses. These findings are important for the design of safe peptide-based vaccines against tumors, allogeneic organ transplants, and T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.
São inegáveis o caráter universal e a importância dos avanços tecnológicos e científicos originados das pesquisas genéticas. O sequenciamento do genoma humano, a identificação das principais sequências de DNA contidas nos seus genes e suas respectivas funções biológicas, bem como suas possíveis aplicações biomédicas, são de incalculável importância. Os genes, muito embora possam ser biologicamente caracterizados como compostos químicos, possuem um conteúdo informacional que se revela indispensável ao desenvolvimento da engenharia genética, figurando como elemento básico e central de suporte às inovações biotecnológicas. Desta forma, importante analisar a relevância da aplicação de mecanismos jurídicos como forma de fomento à contínua evolução biotecnológica sob a ótica do desenvolvimento econômico e social do país, princípios constitucionais justificadores da proteção de referidos desenvolvimentos técnicos por meio do intelecto e intervenção humanos na natureza. Para tanto, deve-se levar em consideração que a inexistência de tutela jurídica específica pode gerar desincentivo aos investimentos capazes de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de tais tecnologias, ao passo que uma tutela jurídica muito ampla poderá ocasionar indevida restrição ao acesso a tais insumos biológicos, de modo a gerar um efeito adverso àquele buscado. Assim, deve-se compatibilizar a proteção dos resultados obtidos através do desenvolvimento biotecnológico em relação à potencial dificuldade originada de uma eventual restrição ao acesso a tais elementos fundamentais à pesquisa e desenvolvimento genéticos. É neste contexto que se procura um balizamento entre os diferentes interesses e posicionamentos a respeito da patenteabilidade dos genes humanos, visando solução jurídica que permita um ambiente seguro e propício ao desenvolvimento da engenharia genética, e dos inúmeros benefícios que poderão daí se originar. O presente estudo se voltará, portanto, à análise da necessidade, condições, suficiência e extensão da tutela jurídica a ser conferida pela outorga de direitos patentários aos genes humanos.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The crisis in Ukraine and the Russian intervention have brought about a situation in which it is necessary for Germany to make decisions and take action. No one in Berlin was prepared for this nor did anyone want this to occur. The effect of this is that the government has adopted a clearly critical stance on Russia, albeit in tandem with cautious diplomatic moves; it has given its consent to limited sanctions on representatives of the Russian elite, and has disapproved of economic sanctions. On the other hand, voices have been heard in the political debate in Germany not only warning of the catastrophic consequences of a deterioration in German-Russian relations but also those in fact expressing understanding for the Russian reaction. Although it is typical above all of the business circles engaged in Russia and the authors of Germany’s Ostpolitik to downplay the Kremlin’s moves, political parties and the German public are divided over how Germany should respond to Moscow’s policy, and this dispute will worsen. Berlin will take a whole array of actions to de-escalate the conflict, since the imposition of radical political and economic sanctions on Russia would also have a strong adverse effect on Germany. As regards sanctions, Germany would not only sustain economic losses, but they would also undermine the ideological foundations for the still popular vision for Germany’s strategy towards Russia in which great emphasis is laid on a strong “respect for the EU’s most important neighbour and its interests”.
Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), in the North Island, New Zealand, is arguably the most active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Numerous and widespread rhyolitic tephra layers, sourced from the TVZ, form valuable chronostratigraphic markers in onshore and offshore sedimentary sequences. In deep-sea cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 181 Sites 1125, 1124, 1123 and 1122, located east of New Zealand, ca 100 tephra beds are recognised post-dating the Plio-Pleistocene boundary at 1.81 Ma. These tephras have been dated by a combination of magnetostratigraphy, orbitally tuned stable-isotope data and isothermal plateau fission track ages. The widespread occurrence of ash offshore to the east of New Zealand is favoured by the small size of New Zealand, the explosivity of the mainly plinian and ignimbritic eruptions and the prevailing westerly wind field. Although some tephras can be directly attributed to known TVZ eruptions, there are many more tephras represented within ODP-cores that have yet to be recognised in near-source on-land sequences. This is due to proximal source area erosion and/or deep burial as well as the adverse effect of vapour phase alteration and devitrification within near-source welded ignimbrites. Despite these difficulties, a number of key deep-sea tephras can be reliably correlated to equivalent-aged tephra exposed in uplifted marine back-arc successions of Wanganui Basin where an excellent chronology has been developed based on magnetostratigraphy, orbitally calibrated sedimentary cycles and isothermal plateau fission track ages on tephra. Significant Pleistocene tephra markers include: the Kawakawa, Omataroa, Rangitawa/Onepuhi, Kaukatea, Kidnappers-B, Potaka, Unit D/Ahuroa, Ongatiti, Rewa, Sub-Rewa, Pakihikura, Ototoka and Table Flat Tephras. Six other tephra layers are correlated between ODP-core sites but have yet to be recognised within onshore records. The identification of Pleistocene TVZ-sourced tephras within the ODP record, and their correlation to Wanganui Basin and other onshore sites is a significant advance as it provides: (1) an even more detailed history of the TVZ than can be currently achieved from the near-source record, (2) a high-resolution tephrochronologic framework for future onshore-offshore paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and (3) well-dated tephra beds correlated from the offshore ODP sites with astronomically tuned timescales provide an opportunity to critically evaluate the chronostratigraphic framework for onshore Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary sequences (e.g. Wanganui Basin, cf. Naish et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00075-9).
Insect cell cultures have been extensively utilised for means of production for heterologous proteins and biopesticides. Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) and Trichoplusia ni (High Five(TM)) cell lines have been widely used for the production of recombinant proteins, thus metabolism of these cell lines have been investigated thoroughly over recent years. The Helicoverpa zea cell line has potential use for the production of a biopesticide, specifically the Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV). The growth, virus production, nutrient consumption and waste production of this cell line was investigated under serum-free culture conditions, using SF900II and a low cost medium prototype (LCM). The cell growth ( growth rates and population doubling time) was comparable in SF900II and LCM, however, lower biomass and cell specific virus yields were obtained in LCM. H. zea cells showed a preference for asparagine over glutamine, similar to the High Five(TM) cells. Ammonia was accumulated to significantly high levels (16 mM) in SF900II, which is an asparagine and glutamine rich medium. However, given the absence of asparagine and glutamine in the medium ( LCM), H. zea cells adapted and grew well in the absence of these substrates and no accumulation of ammonia was observed. The adverse effect of ammonia on H. zea cells is unknown since good production of biologically active HaSNPV was achieved in the presence of high ammonia levels. H. zea cells showed a preference for maltose even given an abundance supply of free glucose. Accumulation of lactate was observed in H. zea cell cultures.