985 resultados para Abramson, Allen
Lovell and Allen accompanied Holyoke to Nathan Prince's lodging in Boston, to personally inform him that the Board of Overseers had voted for his dismissal and that his belongings had been removed from his chamber and were being stored in town until he chose to claim them.
Paper-covered notebook containing handwritten poems and verse by Harvard graduate John Allen. Some of the poems refer to Allen’s illnesses in October 1772. The notebook also contains a short list titled “The Gentleman that I wrote diplomas for," with a list of sixteen individuals who received degrees from Harvard. The inside cover includes the inscription: “John Allen – November 4, 1772. Poetic Composition.” “Dr. T. C. Gilman” is stamped on cover.
On verso: This was said to be a picture of Ann Isabella Barry McCue Allen. She was born Jan. 22, 1797 daughter of Ihmus Barry (& brother of Andrew) & Ann Isabella Smith of New Kent, Md. The birthplace is given by John McCue at Staunton Va. She died there Nov. 28, 1876 at the home of her daughter Sarah Allen Waddell. Her first husband was Wm McCue M.D. born July 14, 1787 Augusta Co. Va. Died Nov. 7 1818 of flu. Her first husband was a man of prominence & education. She had two children Thomas W. McCue and John McCue
Lima and Scio Township (Mich.) residences. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Ann Arbor, Mich. residence. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Pittsfield Township (Mich.) residences. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Bridgewater and Manchester (Mich.) residences. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.