Studies of the 1H n.m.r. and electronic spectra of a series of alkenylferrocenes including (E) and (Z) stereoisomers of various styrylferrocenes, have provided methods of structure elucidation. Crystals of the title compound are monoclinic, space group P21/c with Z= 4 in a unit cell of dimensions a= 17.603(2), b= 10.218(2), c= 10.072 Å, β= 103.27(2)°. The structure has been determined by the heavy-atom method from diffractometer data and refind by full-matrix least-squares techniques to R= 0.043 for 2 219 unique reflections.
The title compound, the first homoleptic Group 6A metal alkenyl, has been prepared from CrCl3·3(thf), and its properties, including X-ray crystal structure determination, are reported.
The molecular structure of trans-[PtCl(CCPh)(PEt2Ph)2] has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P21, with a= 12.359(3), b= 13.015(3), c= 9.031(2)Å, β= 101.65(2)°, and Z= 2. The structure has been solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares to R 0.046 for 1 877 diffractometric intensity data. The crystals contain discrete molecules in which the platinum coordination is square planar. The phenylethynyl group is non-linear, with a Pt–CC angle of 163(2)°. Selected bond lengths are Pt–Cl 2.407(5) and Pt–C 1.98(2)Å. The structural trans influences of CCPh, CHCH2, and CH2SiMe3 ligands in platinum(II) complexes are compared; there is only a small dependence on hybridization at the ligating carbon atom.
The molecular structure of trans-[PtCl(CHCH2)(PEt2Ph)2] has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group Pbcn, with a= 10.686(2), b= 13.832(4), c= 16.129(4)Å, and Z= 4. The structure has been solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares to R 0.044 for 1 420 diffractometric intensity data. The crystals contain discrete molecules in which the platinum co-ordination is square planar. The Pt–Cl bond vector coincides with a crystallographic diad axis about which the atoms of the vinyl group are disordered. Selected bond lengths (Å) are Pt–Cl 2.398(4), Pt–P 2.295(3), and Pt–C 2.03(2). The Pt–CC angle is 127(2)°. From a survey of the available structural data it is concluded that there is little, if any, back donation from platinum to carbon in platinum–alkenyl linkages.
Practical applications of portfolio optimisation tend to proceed on a “top down” basis where funds are allocated first at asset class level (between, say, bonds, cash, equities and real estate) and then, progressively, at sub-class level (within property to sectors, office, retail, industrial for example). While there are organisational benefits from such an approach, it can potentially lead to sub-optimal allocations when compared to a “global” or “side-by-side” optimisation. This will occur where there are correlations between sub-classes across the asset divide that are masked in aggregation – between, for instance, City offices and the performance of financial services stocks. This paper explores such sub-class linkages using UK monthly stock and property data. Exploratory analysis using clustering procedures and factor analysis suggests that property performance and equity performance are distinctive: there is little persuasive evidence of contemporaneous or lagged sub-class linkages. Formal tests of the equivalence of optimised portfolios using top-down and global approaches failed to demonstrate significant differences, whether or not allocations were constrained. While the results may be a function of measurement of market returns, it is those returns that are used to assess fund performance. Accordingly, the treatment of real estate as a distinct asset class with diversification potential seems justified.
A penta-nuclear. star-shaped hetero-metallic compound containing a unique Ni4KO8 core has been synthesized. The X-ray single crystal structure analysis reveals that in the complex, [K(Ni(LH)(2))(4)(OH2)(8)](Br)(ClO4)(8)center dot 11H(2)O (LH=(CH3)(2)HN+(CH2)(3)N=CHC6H4O-) the eight coordinate central K+ ion is encapsulated by four terminal [Ni(LH)(2)](2+) units through the double water bridges between K+ and each Ni(II) ions.
A 1,1' bis(diphenyl phosphino ferrocene) dioxide complex of the uranyl dichloride was synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, H-1, P-31{H-1} NMR and X-ray diffraction methods. The structure of the compound shows that the uranium(VI) ion is surrounded by four oxygen and two chlorine atoms in an octahedral geometry. Two oxygen atoms from the bis (diphenyl phosphino ferrocene) dioxide and two chlorine atoms form a square planar arrangement. Two uranyl oxygen atoms occupy the axial positions. The bis(diphenyl phosphino ferrocene) dioxide ligand acts as a bidentate chelating ligand with a bite angle of 82.90(16)degrees around the uranyl group. The two chlorine atoms are mutually cis with a CI-U-Cl angle of 97.75(7)degrees.
We present a detailed case study of the characteristics of auroral forms that constitute the first ionospheric signatures of substorm expansion phase onset. Analysis of the optical frequency and along-arc (azimuthal) wave number spectra provides the strongest constraint to date on the potential mechanisms and instabilities in the near-Earth magnetosphere that accompany auroral onset and which precede poleward arc expansion and auroral breakup. We evaluate the frequency and growth rates of the auroral forms as a function of azimuthal wave number to determine whether these wave characteristics are consistent with current models of the substorm onset mechanism. We find that the frequency, spatial scales, and growth rates of the auroral forms are most consistent with the cross-field current instability or a ballooning instability, most likely triggered close to the inner edge of the ion plasma sheet. This result is supportive of a near-Earth plasma sheet initiation of the substorm expansion phase. We also present evidence that the frequency and phase characteristics of the auroral undulations may be generated via resonant processes operating along the geomagnetic field. Our observations provide the most powerful constraint to date on the ionospheric manifestation of the physical processes operating during the first few minutes around auroral substorm onset.
The affinity of anthocyanins for human serum albumin (HSA) was determined by a fluorescence quenching method. The effects of pH and structure of anthocyanins on the binding constants were studied. The constants for binding of anthocyanins to HSA ranged from 1.08 x 10^5 M-1 to 13.16 x 10^5 M-1. A hydrophobic effect at acidic pH was shown by the relatively high positive entropy values under the conditions studied. Electrostatic interactions including hydrogen bonding contributed to the binding at pH 7.4. The effect of structure of anthocyanins on the affinity was pH dependent, particularly the effect of additional hydroxyl substituents. Hydroxyl substituents and glycosylation of anthocyanins decreased the affinity for binding to HSA at lower pH (especially pH 4), but increased the strength of binding at pH 7.4. In contrast, methylation of a hydroxyl group enhanced the binding at acidic pH, while this substitution reduced the strength of binding at pH 7.4. This paper has shown that changes in anthocyanin structure or reductions in pH, which may occur in the region of inflammatory sites, have an effect of the binding of anthocyanins to HSA.
Exact, finite-amplitude, local wave-activity conservation laws are derived for disturbances to steady flows in the context of the two-dimensional anelastic equations. The conservation laws are expressed entirely in terms of Eulerian quantities, and have the property that, in the limit of a small-amplitude, slowly varying, monochromatic wave train, the wave-activity density A and flux F, when averaged over phase, satisfy F = cgA where cg is the group velocity of the waves. For nonparallel steady flows, the only conserved wave activity is a form of disturbance pseudoenergy; when the steady flow is parallel, there is in addition a conservation law for the disturbance pseudomomentum. The above results are obtained not only for isentropic background states (which give the so-called “deep form” of the anelastic equations), but also for arbitrary background potential-temperature profiles θ0(z) so long as the variation in θ0(z) over the depth of the fluid is small compared with θ0 itself. The Hamiltonian structure of the equations is established in both cases, and its symmetry properties discussed. An expression for available potential energy is also derived that, for the case of a stably stratified background state (i.e., dθ0/dz > 0), is locally positive definite; the expression is valid for fully three-dimensional flow. The counterparts to results for the two-dimensional Boussinesq equations are also noted.