Mesoscopic organization in soft, hard, and biological matter is examined in the context of our present understanding of the principles responsible for emergent organized behavior (crystallinity, ferromagnetism, superconductivity, etc.) at long wavelengths in very large aggregations of particles. Particular attention is paid to the possibility that as-yet-undiscovered organizing principles might be at work at the mesoscopic scale, intermediate between atomic and macroscopic dimensions, and the implications of their discovery for biology and the physical sciences. The search for the existence and universality of such rules, the proof or disproof of organizing principles appropriate to the mesoscopic domain, is called the middle way.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Issues for Nov.-Dec. 1961 issued in 2 pts. each.
Pulsed coherent excitation of a two-level atom strongly coupled to a resonant cavity mode will create a superposition of two coherent states of opposite amplitudes in the field. By choosing proper parameters of interaction time and pulse shape the field after the pulse will be almost disentangled from the atom and can be efficiently outcoupled through cavity decay. The fidelity of the generation approaches unity if the atom-field coupling strength is much larger than the atomic and cavity decay rates. This implies a strong difference between even and odd output photon number counts. Alternatively, the coherence of the two generated field components can be proven by phase-dependent annihilation of the generated nonclassical superposition state by a second pulse.
We provide optimal measurement schemes for estimating relative parameters of the quantum state of a pair of spin systems. We prove that the optimal measurements are joint measurements on the pair of systems, meaning that they cannot be achieved by local operations and classical communication. We also demonstrate that in the limit where one of the spins becomes macroscopic, our results reproduce those that are obtained by treating that spin as a classical reference direction.
We present an experimental analysis of quadrature entanglement produced from a pair of amplitude squeezed beams. The correlation matrix of the state is characterized within a set of reasonable assumptions, and the strength of the entanglement is gauged using measures of the degree of inseparability and the degree of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. We introduce controlled decoherence in the form of optical loss to the entangled state, and demonstrate qualitative differences in the response of the degrees of inseparability and EPR paradox to this loss. The entanglement is represented on a photon number diagram that provides an intuitive and physically relevant description of the state. We calculate efficacy contours for several quantum information protocols on this diagram, and use them to predict the effectiveness of our entanglement in those protocols.
What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? It has been shown that all two-body Hamiltonian evolutions can be simulated using any fixed two-body entangling n-qubit Hamiltonian and fast local unitaries. By entangling we mean that every qubit is coupled to every other qubit, if not directly, then indirectly via intermediate qubits. We extend this study to the case where interactions may involve more than two qubits at a time. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary n-qubit Hamiltonian to be dynamically universal, that is, able to simulate any other Hamiltonian acting on n qubits, possibly in an inefficient manner. We prove that an entangling Hamiltonian is dynamically universal if and only if it contains at least one coupling term involving an even number of interacting qubits. For odd entangling Hamiltonians, i.e., Hamiltonians with couplings that involve only an odd number of qubits, we prove that dynamic universality is possible on an encoded set of n-1 logical qubits. We further prove that an odd entangling Hamiltonian can simulate any other odd Hamiltonian and classify the algebras that such Hamiltonians generate. Thus, our results show that up to local unitary operations, there are only two fundamentally different types of entangling Hamiltonian on n qubits. We also demonstrate that, provided the number of qubits directly coupled by the Hamiltonian is bounded above by a constant, our techniques can be made efficient.
Simulating quantum interference in a three-level system with perpendicular transition dipole moments
We consider a three-level V-type atomic system with the ground state coupled by a laser field to only one of the excited states, and with the two excited states coupled together by a dc field. Although the dipole moments of the two dipole-allowed transitions are assumed perpendicular, we demonstrate that this system emulates to a large degree a three-level system with parallel dipole moments-the latter being a system that exhibits quantum interference and displays a number of interesting features. As examples, we show that the system can produce extremely large values for the intensity-intensity correlation function, and that its resonance fluorescence spectrum can display ultranarrow lines. The dressed states for this system are identified, and the spectral features are interpreted in terms of transitions among these dressed states. We also show that this system is capable of exhibiting considerable squeezing.
We derive optimal cloning limits for finite Gaussian distributions of coherent states and describe techniques for achieving them. We discuss the relation of these limits to state estimation and the no-cloning limit in teleportation. A qualitatively different cloning limit is derived for a single-quadrature Gaussian quantum cloner.
We show that interesting multigate circuits can be constructed using a postselected controlled-sign gate that works with a probability (1/3)(n), where n-1 is the number of controlled-sign gates in the circuit, rather than (1/9)(n-1), as would be expected from a sequence of such gates. We suggest some quantum information tasks which could be demonstrated using these circuits, such as parity checking and cluster-state computation.
Dynamical tunneling is a quantum phenomenon where a classically forbidden process occurs that is prohibited not by energy but by another constant of motion. The phenomenon of dynamical tunneling has been recently observed in a sodium Bose-Einstein condensate. We present a detailed analysis of these experiments using numerical solutions of the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the corresponding Floquet theory. We explore the parameter dependency of the tunneling oscillations and we move the quantum system towards the classical limit in the experimentally accessible regime.
We discuss the long-distance transmission of qubits encoded in optical coherent states. Through absorption, these qubits suffer from two main types of errors, namely the reduction of the amplitude of the coherent states and accidental application of the Pauli Z operator. We show how these errors can be fixed using techniques of teleportation and error-correcting codes.
By stochastic modeling of the process of Raman photoassociation of Bose-Einstein condensates, we show that, the farther the initial quantum state is from a coherent state, the farther the one-dimensional predictions are from those of the commonly used zero-dimensional approach. We compare the dynamics of condensates, initially in different quantum states, finding that, even when the quantum prediction for an initial coherent state is relatively close to the Gross-Pitaevskii prediction, an initial Fock state gives qualitatively different predictions. We also show that this difference is not present in a single-mode type of model, but that the quantum statistics assume a more important role as the dimensionality of the model is increased. This contrasting behavior in different dimensions, well known with critical phenomena in statistical mechanics, makes itself plainly visible here in a mesoscopic system and is a strong demonstration of the need to consider physically realistic models of interacting condensates.
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and quantum entanglement are at the heart of quantum mechanics. Here we show that single-pass traveling-wave second-harmonic generation can be used to demonstrate both entanglement and the paradox with continuous variables that are analogous to the position and momentum of the original proposal.
It has been shown [M.-Y. Ye, Y.-S. Zhang, and G.-C. Guo, Phys. Rev. A. 69, 022310 (2004)] that it is possible to perform exactly faithful remote state preparation using finite classical communication and any entangled state with maximal Schmidt number. Here we give an explicit procedure for performing this remote state preparation. We show that the classical communication required for this scheme is close to optimal for remote state preparation schemes of this type. In addition we prove that it is necessary that the resource state have maximal Schmidt number.