950 resultados para ANSYS-CFX (R) software


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La propuesta WMS Cached (WMS-C) surge ante la necesidad de disponer de una solución más escalable al actual servicio web de mapas (WMS). Mediante la limitación de los parámetros de las peticiones a un conjunto discreto de valores, el servidor de mapas puede servir imágenes pregeneradas (teselas) a gran velocidad. En este documento se recogen las medidas de rendimiento realizadas sobre las implementaciones WMS-C: Tilecache, GeoWebcache y WMSCWrapper, todas ellas basadas en software libre. Los resultados de los benchmarks reflejan que, con todas las peticiones cacheadas y bajo las mismas condiciones, la caché WMSCWrapper ofrece un mejor rendimiento que las otras implementaciones. La difusión de estos resultados será de utilidad para ayudar a diversas entidades en la elección de una de estas soluciones libres en función de su objetivo de optimización


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SAP R/3 és un software estàndard de gestió empresarial que engloba tots els processos i activitats d’una companyia i permet el disseny de l’aplicació a les necessitats de l’empresa. Diferents avantatges, com ara disposar d’una base de dades única, han fet escollir aquest sistema a una empresa del sector metal·lúrgic com a eina de gestió: Aquest projecte té com a objecte la implantació de dos dels mòduls que inclou el sistema SAP R/3, concretament el mòdul SD (Sales and Distribution), amb el qual es controlen les vendes de l’empresa, i el mòdul MM (Material Management), mòdul amb el qual es controla tot el que fa referència als materials, la gestió d’estocs i tota la gestió de compres de l’empresa


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Consider the statement "this project should cost X and has risk of Y". Such statements are used daily in industry as the basis for making decisions. The work reported here is part of a study aimed at providing a rational and pragmatic basis for such statements. Of particular interest are predictions made in the requirements and early phases of projects. A preliminary model has been constructed using Bayesian Belief Networks and in support of this, a programme to collect and study data during the execution of various software development projects commenced in May 2002. The data collection programme is undertaken under the constraints of a commercial industrial regime of multiple concurrent small to medium scale software development projects. Guided by pragmatism, the work is predicated on the use of data that can be collected readily by project managers; including expert judgements, effort, elapsed times and metrics collected within each project.


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The evolvability of a software artifact is its capacity for producing heritable or reusable variants; the inverse quality is the artifact's inertia or resistance to evolutionary change. Evolvability in software systems may arise from engineering and/or self-organising processes. We describe our 'Conditional Growth' simulation model of software evolution and show how, it can be used to investigate evolvability from a self-organisation perspective. The model is derived from the Bak-Sneppen family of 'self-organised criticality' simulations. It shows good qualitative agreement with Lehman's 'laws of software evolution' and reproduces phenomena that have been observed empirically. The model suggests interesting predictions about the dynamics of evolvability and implies that much of the observed variability in software evolution can be accounted for by comparatively simple self-organising processes.


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This paper addresses the need for accurate predictions on the fault inflow, i.e. the number of faults found in the consecutive project weeks, in highly iterative processes. In such processes, in contrast to waterfall-like processes, fault repair and development of new features run almost in parallel. Given accurate predictions on fault inflow, managers could dynamically re-allocate resources between these different tasks in a more adequate way. Furthermore, managers could react with process improvements when the expected fault inflow is higher than desired. This study suggests software reliability growth models (SRGMs) for predicting fault inflow. Originally developed for traditional processes, the performance of these models in highly iterative processes is investigated. Additionally, a simple linear model is developed and compared to the SRGMs. The paper provides results from applying these models on fault data from three different industrial projects. One of the key findings of this study is that some SRGMs are applicable for predicting fault inflow in highly iterative processes. Moreover, the results show that the simple linear model represents a valid alternative to the SRGMs, as it provides reasonably accurate predictions and performs better in many cases.


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This paper presents the development of an autonomous surveillance UAV that competed in the Ministry of Defence Grand Challenge 2008. In order to focus on higher-level mission control, the UAV is built upon an existing commercially available stabilised R/C helicopter platform. The hardware architecture is developed to allow for non-invasion integration with the existing stabilised platform, and to enable to the distributed processing of closed loop control and mission goals. The resulting control system proved highly successful and was capable of flying within 40knott gusts. The software and safety architectures were key to the success of the research and also hold the potential for use in the development of more complex system comprising of multiple UAVs.


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This paper describes some of the preliminary outcomes of a UK project looking at control education. The focus is on two aspects: (i) the most important control concepts and theories for students doing just one or two courses and (ii) the effective use of software to improve student learning and engagement. There is also some discussion of the correct balance between teaching theory and practise. The paper gives examples from numerous UK universities and some industrial comment.


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The SPE taxonomy of evolving software systems, first proposed by Lehman in 1980, is re-examined in this work. The primary concepts of software evolution are related to generic theories of evolution, particularly Dawkins' concept of a replicator, to the hermeneutic tradition in philosophy and to Kuhn's concept of paradigm. These concepts provide the foundations that are needed for understanding the phenomenon of software evolution and for refining the definitions of the SPE categories. In particular, this work argues that a software system should be defined as of type P if its controlling stakeholders have made a strategic decision that the system must comply with a single paradigm in its representation of domain knowledge. The proposed refinement of SPE is expected to provide a more productive basis for developing testable hypotheses and models about possible differences in the evolution of E- and P-type systems than is provided by the original scheme. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We describe a compositional framework, together with its supporting toolset, for hardware/software co-design. Our framework is an integration of a formal approach within a traditional design flow. The formal approach is based on Interval Temporal Logic and its executable subset, Tempura. Refinement is the key element in our framework because it will derive from a single formal specification of the system the software and hardware parts of the implementation, while preserving all properties of the system specification. During refinement simulation is used to choose the appropriate refinement rules, which are applied automatically in the HOL system. The framework is illustrated with two case studies. The work presented is part of a UK collaborative research project between the Software Technology Research Laboratory at the De Montfort University and the Oxford University Computing Laboratory.


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Metabolic stable isotope labeling is increasingly employed for accurate protein (and metabolite) quantitation using mass spectrometry (MS). It provides sample-specific isotopologues that can be used to facilitate comparative analysis of two or more samples. Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture (SILAC) has been used for almost a decade in proteomic research and analytical software solutions have been established that provide an easy and integrated workflow for elucidating sample abundance ratios for most MS data formats. While SILAC is a discrete labeling method using specific amino acids, global metabolic stable isotope labeling using isotopes such as (15)N labels the entire element content of the sample, i.e. for (15)N the entire peptide backbone in addition to all nitrogen-containing side chains. Although global metabolic labeling can deliver advantages with regard to isotope incorporation and costs, the requirements for data analysis are more demanding because, for instance for polypeptides, the mass difference introduced by the label depends on the amino acid composition. Consequently, there has been less progress on the automation of the data processing and mining steps for this type of protein quantitation. Here, we present a new integrated software solution for the quantitative analysis of protein expression in differential samples and show the benefits of high-resolution MS data in quantitative proteomic analyses.


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A new electronic software distribution (ESD) life cycle analysis (LCA)methodology and model structure were constructed to calculate energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to counteract the use of high level, top-down modeling efforts, and to increase result accuracy, a focus upon device details and data routes was taken. In order to compare ESD to a relevant physical distribution alternative,physical model boundaries and variables were described. The methodology was compiled from the analysis and operational data of a major online store which provides ESD and physical distribution options. The ESD method included the calculation of power consumption of data center server and networking devices. An in-depth method to calculate server efficiency and utilization was also included to account for virtualization and server efficiency features. Internet transfer power consumption was analyzed taking into account the number of data hops and networking devices used. The power consumed by online browsing and downloading was also factored into the model. The embedded CO2e of server and networking devices was proportioned to each ESD process. Three U.K.-based ESD scenarios were analyzed using the model which revealed potential CO2e savings of 83% when ESD was used over physical distribution. Results also highlighted the importance of server efficiency and utilization methods.