1000 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS


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The Late Weichselian glacial history of the continental shelf off western Spitsbergen is discussed, based on acoustic sub-bottom records and sediment cores. The outer part of Isfjorden and the inner shelf to the west of this fjord are characterized by a thin veneer (10-20 m) of glacigenic sediments and absence of ice-marginal features. Towards the outer shelf the sediment thickness increases significantly, and exceeds 500 m at the shelf edge. Possible moraine complexes were identified in this outer part. Sediment cores from the inner shelf sampled a firm diamicton, interpreted as till, beneath soft glaciomarine sediments. Radiocarbon dates on shells from the clay resting directly on the till, suggest an age of around 12,500 yrs B.P. for the base of the marine sequence. We argue that grounded ice covered the sites shortly before. In contrast to suggestions that the fjords and coast were partly ice free during the Late Weischselian, we conclude that the ice must have reached out onto the continental shelf.


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The sensitivity of terrestrial environments to past changes in heat transport is expected to be manifested in Holocene climate proxy records on millennial to seasonal timescales. Stalagmite formation in the Okshola cave near Fauske (northern Norway) began at about 10.4 ka, soon after the valley was deglaciated. Past monitoring of the cave and surface has revealed stable modern conditions with uniform drip rates, relative humidity and temperature. Stable isotope records from two stalagmites provide time-series spanning from c. 10380 yr to AD 1997; a banded, multi-coloured stalagmite (Oks82) was formed between 10380 yr and 5050 yr, whereas a pristine, white stalagmite (FM3) covers the period from ~7500 yr to the present. The stable oxygen isotope (delta18Oc), stable carbon isotope (delta13Cc), and growth rate records are interpreted as showing i) a negative correlation between cave/surface temperature and delta18Oc, ii) a positive correlation between wetness and delta13Cc, and iii) a positive correlation between temperature and growth rate. Following this, the data from Okshola show that the Holocene was characterised by high-variability climate in the early part, low-variability climate in the middle part, and high-variability climate and shifts between two distinct modes in the late part. A total of nine Scandinavian stalagmite delta18Oc records of comparable dating precision are now available for parts or most of the Holocene. None of them show a clear Holocene thermal optimum, suggesting that they are influenced by annual mean temperature (cave temperature) rather than seasonal temperature. For the last 1000 years, delta18Oc values display a depletion-enrichment-depletion pattern commonly interpreted as reflecting the conventional view on climate development for the last millennium. Although the delta18Oc records show similar patterns and amplitudes of change, the main challenges for utilising high-latitude stalagmites as palaeoclimate archives are i) the accuracy of the age models, ii) the ambiguity of the proxy signals, and iii) calibration with monitoring data.


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Results of conventional K-Ar dating on five samples from two sites from the Izu-Bonin forearc are presented. Two samples recovered from a volcanic edifice and overlying sediments drilled on the western side of the forearc basin (Site 792) indicate a basement age of 34 Ma. This is consistent with early Oligocene biostratigraphic ages from the overlying sediments. Three samples from the basement of Hole 793B at the center of the basin are not analytically distinguishable, with a best age of 27.1 +/- 0.6 Ma. This is slightly younger than the 30-33 Ma biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic estimates from the overlying sediments, suggesting that alteration processes have lowered the apparent K-Ar ages. These ages suggest that syn-rift volcanism occurred in a forearc location during the middle Oligocene.


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Stable isotope measurements on the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) have been carried out on a number of selected deep-seas sediment cores from the South Lau and Norlh Fiji Basins. The d18O-curves show good correlation with the inter-ocean oraphic correlation composite d18O-record of the standard reference section (Prell et al. 1986), which, in combination with the chronostratigraphic classifications of Herterich & Sarnthein (1984, modified) and Imbrie et al. 1984), allows a detailed dating of the sedimentary sequences. The deepest layers in core no. 119 (southern Lau Basin) could be assigned to Isotope Stage 24. Measurements made on bulk carbonate in two cores show a much higher glacial-interglacial amplitude, allowing the general identification of the conventional oxygen isotope stages. The d13C-values of the benthic foraminifer Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi show progressively lighter values northwards reflecting an increasing contribution of the isotopically lighter CO2 from the remineralisation of organic matter during the general northward movement of the deep water masses. Cyclicities in the sedimentation rates were observed in core nos. 117 and 119 (both southern Lau Basin) where the interglacials exhibit higher levels than the glacials. Calculated new or export paleoproductivity show that the glacials had higher productivity in the euphotic zone. From the oxygen isotope stratigraphy, the five ash layers in core nos. 117 and 119 could be dated as about 530 ka B.P. in Stage 14, 695 ka B.P. in Stage 18, 775 ka B.P. in Stage 21, 790 ka B.P. and 825 ka B.P. in Stage 22. Carbonate dissolution occurred during stages 5, 8 and 10 to 12.


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Surface and deepwater paleoclimate records in Irminger Sea core SO82-5 (59°N, 31°W) and Icelandic Sea core PS2644 (68°N, 22°W) exhibit large fluctuations in thermohaline circulation (THC) from 60 to 18 calendar kyr B.P., with a dominant periodicity of 1460 years from 46 to 22 calendar kyr B.P., matching the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) temperature record [Grootes and Stuiver, 1997, doi:10.1029/97JC00880]. During interstadials, summer sea surface temperatures (SSTsu) in the Irminger Sea averaged to 8°C, and sea surface salinities (SSS) averaged to ~36.5, recording a strong Irminger Current and Atlantic THC. During stadials, SSTsu dropped to 2°-4°C, in phase with SSS drops by ~1-2. They reveal major meltwater injections along with the East Greenland Current, which turned off the North Atlantic deepwater convection and hence the heat advection to the north, in harmony with various ocean circulation and ice models. On the basis of the IRD composition, icebergs came from Iceland, east Greenland, and perhaps Svalbard and other northern ice sheets. However, the southward drifting icebergs were initially jammed in the Denmark Strait, reaching the Irminger Sea only with a lag of 155-195 years. We also conclude that the abrupt stadial terminations, the D-O warming events, were tied to iceberg melt via abundant seasonal sea ice and brine water formation in the meltwater-covered northwestern North Atlantic. In the 1/1460-year frequency band, benthic ?18O brine water spikes led the temperature maxima above Greenland and in the Irminger Sea by as little as 95 years. Thus abundant brine formation, which was induced by seasonal freezing of large parts of the northwestern Atlantic, may have finally entrained a current of warm surface water from the subtropics and thereby triggered the sudden reactivation of the THC. In summary, the internal dynamics of the east Greenland ice sheet may have formed the ultimate pacemaker of D-O cycles.


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The palaeoclimatic conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of southern South America and especially latitudinal shifts of the southern westerly wind belt are still discussed controversially. Longer palaeoclimatic records covering the Late Quaternary are rare. A particularly sensitive area to Late Quaternary climatic changes is the Norte Chico, northern Chile, because of its extreme climatic gradients. Small shifts of the present climatic zonation could cause significant variations of the terrestrial sedimentary environment which would be recorded in marine terrigenous sediments. To unveil the history of shifting climatic zones in northern Chile, we present a sedimentological study of a marine sediment core (GeoB 3375-1) from the continental slope off the Norte Chico (27.5°S). Sedimentological investigations include bulk- and silt grain-size determinations by sieving, Atterberg separation, and detailed SediGraph analyses. Additionally, clay mineralogical parameters were obtained by X-ray diffraction methods. The 14C-dated core, covering the time span from approximately 10,000 to 120,000 cal. yr B.P., consists of hemipelagic sediments. Terrigenous sedimentological parameters reveal a strong cyclicity, which is interpreted in terms of variations of sediment provenance, modifications of the terrestrial weathering regimes, and modes of sediment input to the ocean. These interpretations imply cyclic variations between comparatively arid climates and more humid conditions with seasonal precipitation for northern Chile (27.5°S) through the Late Quaternary. The cyclicity of the terrigenous sediment parameters is strongly dominated by precessional cycles. For the palaeoclimatic signal, this means that more humid conditions coincide with maxima of the precession index, as e.g. during the LGM. Higher seasonal precipitation for this part of Chile is most likely derived from frontal winter rain of the Southern Westerlies. Thus, the data presented here favour not only an equatorward shift of this atmospheric circulation system during the LGM, but also precession-controlled latitudinal movements throughout the Late Quaternary. Precessional forcing of latitudinal movements of the westerly atmospheric circulation system may be conceivable through teleconnections to the Northern Hemisphere monsoonal system in the Atlantic Ocean region.


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The rate at which hydrothermal precipitates accumulate, as measured by the accumulation rate of manganese, can be used to identify periods of anomalous hydrothermal activity in the past. From a preliminary study of Sites 597 and 598, four periods prior to 6 Ma of anomalously high hydrothermal activity have been identified: 8.5 to 10.5 Ma, 12 to 16 Ma, 17 to 18 Ma, and 23-to-27 Ma. The 18-Ma anomaly is the largest and is associated with the jump in spreading from the fossil Mendoza Ridge to the East Pacific Rise, whereas the 23-to-27-Ma anomaly is correlated with the birth of the Galapagos Spreading Center and resultant ridge reorganization. The 12-to-16-Ma and 8.5-to-10.5-Ma anomalies are correlated with periods of anomalously high volcanism around the rim of the Pacific Basin and may be related to other periods of ridge reorganization along the East Pacific Rise. There is no apparent correlation between periods of fast spreading at 19°S and periods of high hydrothermal activity. We thus suggest that periods when hydrothermal activity and crustal alteration at mid-ocean ridges are the most pronounced may be periods of large-scale ridge reorganization.


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Mid-Miocene pelagic sedimentary sections can be correlated using intermediate and high resolution oxygen and carbon isotopic records of benthic foraminifera. Precision of a few tens of thousands of years is readily achievable at sites with high sedimentation rates, for example, Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 289 and 574. The mid-Miocene carbon isotope records are characterized by an interval of high d13C values between 17 and 13.5 Ma (the Monterey Excursion of Vincent and Berger 1985) upon which are superimposed a series of periodic or quasi-periodic fluctuations in d13C values. These fluctuations have a period of approximately 440 kyr, suggestive of the 413 kyr cycle predicted by Milankovitch theory. Vincent and Berger proposed that the Monterey Excursion was the result of increased organic carbon burial in continental margins sediments. The increased d13C values (called 13C maxima) superimposed on the generally high mid-Miocene signal coincide with increases in d18O values suggesting that periods of cooling and/or ice buildup were associated with exceptionally rapid burial of organic carbon and lowered atmospheric CO2 levels. It is likely that during the Monterey Excursion the ocean/atmosphere system became progressively more sensitive to small changes in insolation, ultimately leading to major cooling of deep water and expansion of continental ice. We have assigned an absolute chronology, based on biostratigraphic and magneto-biostratigraphic datum levels, to the isotope stratigraphy and have used that chronology to correlate unconformities, seismic reflectors, carbonate minima, and dissolution intervals. Intervals of sediment containing 13C maxima are usually better preserved than the overlying and underlying sediments, indicating that the d13C values of TCO2 in deep water and the corrosiveness of seawater are inversely correlated. This again suggests that the 13C maxima were associated with rapid burial of organic carbon and reduced levels of atmospheric CO2. The absolute chronology we have assigned to the isotopic record indicates that the major mid-Miocene deepwater cooling/ice volume expansion took 2 m.y. and was not abrupt as had been reported previously. The cooling appears abrupt at many sites because the interval is characterized by a number of dissolution intervals. The cooling was not monotonic, and the 2 m.y. interval included an episode of especially rapid cooling as well as a brief return to warmer conditions before the final phase of the cooling period. The increase in d18O values of benthic foraminifera between 14.9 and 12.9 Ma was greatest at deeper water sites and at sites closest to Antarctica. The data suggest that the d18O value of seawater increased by no more than about 1.1 per mil during this interval and that the remainder of the change in benthic d18O values resulted from cooling in Antarctic regions of deepwater formation. Equatorial planktonic foraminifera from sites 237 and 289 exhibit a series of 0.4 per mil steplike increases in d13C values. Only one of these increases in planktonic d13C is correlated with any of the features in the mid-Miocene benthic carbon isotope record.


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Since studies on deep-sea cores were carried out in the early 1990s it has been known that ambient temperature may have a marked affect on apatite fission track annealing. Due to sluggish annealing kinetics, this effect cannot be quantified by laboratory annealing experiments. The unknown amount of low-temperature annealing remains one of the main uncertainties for extracting thermal histories from fission track data, particularly for samples which experienced slow cooling in shallow crustal levels. To further elucidate these uncertainties, we studied volcanogenic sediments from five deep-sea drill cores, that were exposed to maximum temperatures between ~10° and 70°C over geological time scales of ~15-120 Ma. Mean track lengths (MTL) and etch pit diameters (Dpar) of all samples were measured, and the chemical composition of each grain analyzed for age and track length measurements was determined by electron microprobe analysis. Thermal histories of the sampled sites were independently reconstructed, based on vitrinite reflectance measurements and/or 1D numerical modelling. These reconstructions were used to test the most widely used annealing models for their ability to predict low-temperature annealing. Our results show that long-term exposure to temperatures below the temperature range of the nominal apatite fission track partial annealing zone results in track shortening ranging between 4 and 11%. Both chlorine content and Dpar values explain the downhole annealing patterns equally well. Low chlorine apatite from one drill core revealed a systematic relation between Si-content and Dpar value. The question whether Si-substitution in apatite has direct and systematic effects on annealing properties however, cannot be addressed by our data. For samples, which remained at temperatures <30°C, and which are low in chlorine, the Laslett et al. [Laslett G., Green P., Duddy I. and Gleadow A. (1987) Thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Chem. Geol. 65, 1-13] annealing model predicts MTL up to 0.6 µm longer than those actually measured, whereas for apatites with intermediate to high chlorine content, which experienced temperatures >30°C, the predictions of the Laslett et al. (1987) model agree with the measured MTL data within error levels. With few exceptions, predictions by the Ketcham et al. [Ketcham R., Donelick R. and Carlson W. (1999) Variability of apatite fission-track annealing kinetics. III: Extrapolation to geological time scales. Am. Mineral. 84/9, 1235-1255] annealing model are consistent with the measured data for samples which remained at temperatures below ~30°C. For samples which experienced maximum temperatures between ~30 and 70°C, and which are rich in chlorine, the Ketcham et al. (1999) model overestimates track annealing.