1000 resultados para ADULTO MAYOR - CUIDADO
In some species parental care is vital to survival. Many studies have reported various parental care behaviours in cetaceans. In Sotalia guianensis, some behaviours have been already described and linked to parental care. However, many aspects are still unknown and all these information might be important for the species conservation. The aim of the present study was minimize these gaps, showing the options involved in the marine tucuxi parental care. The observations took place in Enseada do Curral, located in Pipa, Tibal do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte Coast. Between January and December of 2005 the local population of tucuxi was observed during 42 days. The methods used were Focal Animal and Ad Libitum. The results suggest that calves are present in the bay all year long. Groups with calves had a mean of 6,9 animals, allowing the animals to participate in different activities in the group besides caring. The calves created different associations, being usually followed by an adult. In groups, the calves stay mainly in the centre, which offers them protection. Calves remained next to the adults tail, facilitating breastfeeding. The calves most noticeable activities were those in the surface and the behaviour frequencies decreased, in general, in the presence of human swimmers and boats, what could be considered a threat to the animals. Adults shared positions when caring for calves, suggesting allomaternal care; food transfer from adults to calves was observed, which might be related to diet acquisition; three non-described behaviours were seen, indicating a diversified behavioural repertoire for this species
The Callitrichidae family presents cooperative breeding, where breeders and non breeders take care of the offspring. The aspects of care analyzed in this study were infant carrying, supervision, proximity and food transfer. Three sets of infants from two wild groups of Callithrix jacchus were studied in the environments of Caatinga (Assu group) and Atlantic Forest (Jundiaí group). The methods used in the study were instantaneous focal sampling (infant carrying, supervision and proximity) and continuous focal sampling (food transfer). In the two sets observed in Assu group, the father carried and transferred food to infants more than the rest of the group. The biggest contribution in supervision was from the father and from another adult male. The members that remained in proximity to the infants in both groups were the younger in the groups (juveniles and sub-adults). In the Jundiaí group, the father and the adult male helper of the group were the main caregivers; one of the sub-adult females was responsible for supervision of the infants. With the disappearance of the reproductive male and one of the sub-adults females in 3º month of infants life, the care was redistributed and the only adult male left in the group was the animal that contributed more in provisioning of the infant. In the Assu group, there were adult females in its composition which were involved in agonistic interactions with breeders and adult males, and seemed to influence their low participation in care. Food transfer initiates early in the development of the infants, as a way to encourage nutritional independence. Different types of food transfer (active food transfer, food steal, food steal attempt, passive food transfer and food handling) were observed in the study and frequency of each one varied with developmental phase and tolerance by the members. One relevant data of the study was the presence of active food transfer in Assu group, since in literature there are very few registers of this type of transfer for this species. It is important that groups from distinct environments and composition be studied for a better understanding of the dynamics of infants development
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
El acceso a la edad mayor origina en las personas necesidades específicas que, en el marco del envejecimiento demográfico, repercuten sobre el conjunto de la sociedad. Cuando no se anticipan las medidas y reformas de protección social necesarias para enfrentar las necesidades derivadas del proceso de envejecimiento, el tránsito de una sociedad hacia la madurez demográfica genera dificultades de funcionamiento. Las condiciones de alojamiento de las personas mayores suscitan la atención de la comunidad a nivel internacional, debido a que representan un factor importante vinculado con su independencia y calidad de vida. Disfrutar de una vivienda adecuada, vivir en un ambiente seguro y saludable, y permanecer en el propio hogar durante el máximo tiempo posible, en función de las preferencias y necesidades personales, son básicamente los criterios considerados en relación con el derecho a la vivienda y el entorno saludable de dicho grupo de población. Conocer la estructura del hogar permite estimar necesidades de cuidado, y conocer las condiciones de uso y tenencia de la vivienda posibilita analizar los condicionantes del cuidado. Las dotaciones y equipamientos de la vivienda contribuyen decisivamente a la calidad y permiten determinar el tiempo del cuidado. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis comparado de la evolución demográfica, las condiciones de las viviendas (estructura y equipamiento) y las formas de los hogares de los adultos mayores (residencia con otras personas o en soledad, y composición de edades de los hogares multipersonales) en tres países latinoamericanos y en España durante las dos últimas décadas. A partir de la evidencia disponible, se describe la aptitud de los entornos residenciales para el cuidado de las personas mayores y se realizan inferencias sobre el tema.
El presente documento aborda la experiencia de dos países de la región que han desarrollado instrumentos jurídicos e institucionales para promover mayor justicia para las mujeres en el ámbito de la economía del cuidado: el caso de Colombia a través de la Ley 1413 que regula la inclusión de la economía del cuidado en el sistema de cuentas nacionales y la experiencia que aporta la política de los Círculos Infantiles en Cuba. Este análisis se enmarca en el trabajo de sistematización y análisis de políticas justas para la igualdad de género desarrollada por la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL, en base al instrumento diseñado especialmente con este fin, una matriz de análisis de políticas justas de género, el que permite dar cuenta —considerando todas las fases del ciclo de las políticas públicas— de aquellas políticas orientadas a superar las desigualdades que afectan a las mujeres. En esta ocasión, se aborda la desigualdad que enfrentan las mujeres respecto de su autonomía económica a causa de la organización social el cuidado, desigualdad que las dos políticas analizadas pretenden subsanar, mediante distintas estrategias y mecanismos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
The quality of life of nursing professionals of character is relevant because the service involves every aspect of workers with personal, social and cultural, so that professionals can result in unproductive and emotionally shaken, and may influence the direct patient care.The aim of this study is to report the quality of life of nursing staff working in the adult ICU of a university hospital.Methodology will be applied to qualitative, through interviews with guiding questions, with the subject all the nursing staff of the Intensive Care Unit - Adult, located in Bauru State Hospital. The survey results were analyzed through content analysis proposed by Bardin. The interviews were divided into categories and subcategories in the sequence. In the category Defining quality of life - hidden connections got four subcategories: happiness, pleasure, interrelation and practice in nursing, which are directly related to the meaning of quality of life. What about the profession as interference in quality of life of nursing staff reached the category A profession in contrast with the quality of life - Connections Exposed that led to the division of four subcategories: proximity to death, absenteeism, double day / salary, shifts, ranking at work and work process. Finally, it concerns the improvement of the profession that can intervene in the quality of life of workers obtained the category Improving occupancy improving the quality of life - Connections to be built, which is subdivided into sub-categories: professional incentive, hierarchy and enhancement of the profession. These categories and subcategories showed significant and important aspects of quality of life of nursing professionals
Patients with primary malignant brain tumor endure several motor and cognitive dysfunctions, demanding the presence of a caregiver even more because the time necessary for their assistance increases considerably. Usually this task is performed by a family relative, whose activities include taking care of the patient’s personal hygiene, escorting them to medical appointments, managing their money and performing their housework. All of this overwhelms the caregiver both physical and psychologically. This bibliographic research intends to analyze the role in which a caregiver plays in the quality of life of those kinds of patients, the complications of such task, the caregivers’ needs and the daily life of those terminal patients. It was used CAPES, PubMed and Google Academic databases for researching articles related to family caregivers who assisted adult patients with primary malignant brain tumor. The study concluded that being a caregiver of patients in such conditions harms one’s quality of life, with consequences such as stress, insomnia, financial problems and lack of social support. Theirs needs include: having someone to talk to about the matter, attending programs for reducing stress and increasing their knowledge about the disease. In advanced phases of the condition, the patient shows great mobility problems, aphasia and regular seizures, which end up overwhelming the caregiver. The level of quality of life found was above other types of cancer’s caregivers. Therefore, they represent a group with special needs, which should be especially handled by health professionals.
The purpose of the study was to understand the experience of nursing professionals on the care provided to adult patients and relatives who experience the dying process in an emergency room. Statements of 12 nursing professionals, being 8 technicians and 4 registered nurses of the emergency room of a high-complexity university hospital were analyzed. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and evaluated according to Bardin’s content analysis. As a result, the theme entitled the relative’s mourning process emerged with two categories: alterity as an opening and suffering as a limit. when subjectivity, which was revealed under the principle of alterity, permeated the subjects’ actions, the nursing practices were targeted at the patients and their relative’s needs, but suffering as a limit imposed distancing by the professionals during care provision, even when it was perceived as necessary.
Programa de doctorado en oceanografía
Programa de doctorado: Psicología de la salud.
Esta presentación intenta compartir la experiencia de una jornada de integración organizada en el marco del Programa "Cuidándonos cada día" destinado a adultos mayores con patologías prevalentes de esta etapa vital. El programa tiene como objetivo mejorar la salud integral, poniendo el acento en actividades terapéuticas no medicamentosas enmarcadas en la prevención y la promoción de la salud. Considerando que en toda enfermedad el control exitoso de la misma, depende en gran medida de la participación activa de cada sujeto, resulta indispensable para tal fin de una persona conocedora de su enfermedad, de los factores de riesgo, de su forma de tratamiento y de su auto-cuidado. Tales condiciones intentan lograrse mediante un abordaje interdisciplinar que articula Talleres de trabajo corporal, Talleres educativos y Talleres de cocina saludable. "Movimiento mayor", nomina una jornada de integración cuya finalidad fue festejar la semana del jubilado a través de actividades aeróbicas y recreativas. Dicha propuesta fue organizada desde un abordaje interdisciplinario, y con articulación interinstitucional favoreciendo de este modo el punto el trabajo en red