965 resultados para ACIDS CONTENT


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Diatomaceous mud and an organically-rich claystone from holes at Sites 474 and 476 at the mouth of the Gulf of California were analyzed by organic geochemical methods to characterize their organic matter. The lipids of all three samples are primarily marine autochthonous, with the exception of Sample 474-5-3, 105-107 cm, which also contains some vascular plant wax. Based on the lipid composition, the sediment was deposited mainly under oxic environmental conditions. The kerogens were aliphatic and autochthonous marine. Two lignite fragments were also analyzed, and the data indicate that they are driftwood that absorbed marine bitumen from the surrounding sediment during coalification.


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In this chapter, we will report on the amino acids in the total acid hydrolysate of eight sediment samples from Leg 68 Site 502. This site was located on a topographic high at a depth of 3051 meters in the Colombian Basin of the western Caribbean Sea. Four holes were cored at the site by means of the hydraulic piston corer to a maximum sediment depth of 218 meters. The composite section is a virtually continuous, undisturbed sediment record covering almost 8 million years from the Holocene to late Miocene. Age estimates for the section are based on excellent magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic records. Four lithostratigraphic units (A, B, C, and D) were recognized, based on differences in color and content of clay, ash, foraminifers, and siliceous microfossils (Prell, Gardner, et al., 1980): A, yellowish brown to light brownish gray foraminifer-bearing (> 10%) nannofossil marl; B, gray to olive gray foraminifer-bearing nannofossil marl with occasional ash beds; C, light gray to dark greenish gray calcareous clay and foraminifer-bearing (< 10%) nannofossil marl; D, pale green to grayish green calcareous, ash-bearing clay with siliceous microfossils. The calcium carbonate content of these sediments increases from about 27 to about 49% from late Miocene to middle Pliocene (about 3.6 Ma) and remains uniform at about 48 to 50% from that time throughout the Quaternary. The eight sediment samples for amino acid analyses came from the third (502B) and fourth (502C) holes at Site 502. Samples ranged in sub-bottom depth from 4.3 to 225 meters spanning time from 0.3 to 7.7 Ma.


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This study of vertical fatty acid profiles, based on analysis of 58 fatty acids sampled at 3-mm intervals throughout the blubber column of a model marine mammal, the ringed seal (Pusa hispida), revealed three chemically distinct layers. The average depths of the outer and inner layers were quite consistent (~1.5 and ~1 cm, respectively). Consequently, the middle layer varied greatly in thickness, from being virtually absent in the thinnest animals to 2.5 cm thick in the fattest. The relative consistencies of the thickness and composition of the layers as well as the nature of the fatty acids making up each layer support the generally assumed function of the various layers: (1) the outer layer is primarily structural and thermoregulatory, (2) the inner layer is metabolically active with a fatty acid composition that is strongly affected by recent/ongoing lipid mobilization/deposition, and (3) the middle layer is a storage site that contracts and expands with food availability/consumption. The remarkable dynamics of the middle layer along with the discrete pattern of stratification found in the vertical fatty acid profiles have important implications for methodological sampling design for studies of foraging ecology and toxicology based on analyses of blubber of marine mammals.


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Altered tissue fatty acid (FA) composition may affect mechanisms involved in the control of energy homeostasis, including central insulin actions. In rats fed either standard chow or a lard-enriched chow (high in saturated/low in polyunsaturated FA, HS-LP) for eight weeks, we examined the FA composition of blood, hypothalamus, liver, and retroperitoneal, epididymal and mesenteric adipose tissues. Insulin-induced hypophagia and hypothalamic signaling were evaluated after intracerebroventricular insulin injection. HS-LP feeding increased saturated FA content in adipose tissues and serum while it decreased polyunsaturated FA content of adipose tissues, serum, and liver. Hypothalamic C20:5n-3 and C20:3n-6 contents increased while monounsaturated FA content decreased. HS-LP rats showed hyperglycemia, impaired insulin-induced hypophagia and hypothalamic insulin signaling. The results showed that, upon HS-LP feeding, peripheral tissues underwent potentially deleterious alterations in their FA composition, whist the hypothalamus was relatively preserved. However, hypothalamic insulin signaling and hypophagia were drastically impaired. These findings suggest that impairment of hypothalamic insulin actions by HS-LP feeding was not related to tissue FA composition.


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The phenolic ellagic acid (EA) is receiving increasing attention for its nutritional and pharmacological potential as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. The Australian native Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) fruit is an abundant source of this phytochemical. The fruit also contains large amounts of vitamin C (mainly as ascorbic acid, AA) and possibly the undesirable oxalic acid (OA). Regular consumption of high oxalate foods poses a variety of health risks in humans including interference with calcium absorption and kidney stone formation. Oxalate is also the end-product of AA metabolism so that consumption of fruit with heightened AA content has the potential to elevate urinary oxalate levels. The aims of this study were to investigate the distribution of EA and the presence of other bioactives in other Kakadu plum tissues. Chemical analysis of Kakadu plum fruit and leaves for EA (free and total), OA (water-soluble and total), calcium (Ca) and AA indicated that EA and AA concentrations were high in the fruit while the leaves had significantly higher EA levels but little or no detectable AA. OA content in fruit and leaves was substantial with the fruit being placed in the high-Oxalate category. These findings suggest that there is potential to elevate oxalate levels in the urine of susceptible people and intake of fruit-derived products should be closely monitored. By measuring tissues collected from specific trees, high EA-producing or low OA-containing individuals were identified.


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The biochemistry of cheese ripening involves mechanisms such as glycolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis. Fatty acids are released by the action of lipases from different sources, milk, rennet, bacteria, moulds included as secondary starters, and other exogenous lipases, during lipolysis [1]. The composition of the lipid fraction contributes positively to the flavour of cheese, for being precursors of more complex aroma compounds responsible for the characteristic “goaty flavour” of goat cheeses [2]. Goat milk is recognized by its easier digestibility, alkalinity, buffering capacity and certain therapeutic values in medicine and human nutrition [3]. A high total content of fatty acids is strongly linked to a rancid and tart off flavour in goat milk and may be considered undesirable in most cheese varieties [4]. In this sense, the purpose of the present study was to examine the composition and changes in fatty acids and saponification value of goat cheese during curing period (2, 7 and 12 months). Goat cheese was made in industrial unit of Cachão - Mirandela (Trás-os- Montes) with raw milk Serrana goats’ race, salt and rennet from animal origin. During the first two months, the samples were stored in a ripening chamber (9.5-11 °C and RH 75-85%). From the second month to one year, the samples were stored in a preservation chamber (10.5-12 °C and RH 75-85%). The fatty acids profile of the inner part of the cheese was analyzed by gas-chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The degree of saponification was determined both in the crust and inside the cheese by HCl titration of ethanol KOH solution of the samples. Twenty-six fatty acids (FA) were identified and quantified in the inner part of the cheese (total fat was 45-46 g/100 g during the curing period). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) did not change up to 7 months of curing, increasing only after 12 months, being palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), myristic (C14:0) and capric (C10:0) acids the most abundant FA in this class. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) decreased only after 12 months, and oleic acid (C18:1) was the predominant FA. In polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) class, the most abundant were linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids, and followed the same tendency of MUFA. This is corroborated by an increase in the degree of saponification, either in the crust as in the inner part of the cheese, after 12 months of curing, probably related with the saturation of the fatty acids [3]. Extra-long curing can be done in cheeses produced with goat milk up to seven months of storage without changing the total fat and individual FA content.


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Deep-fat frying is susceptible to induce the formation of undesirable products as lipid oxidation products and acrylamide in fried foods. Plantain chips produced by small-scale producers are sold to consumers without any control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of plantain chips from local producers in relation to production process parameters and oils, and to identify the limiting factors for the production of acrylamide in plantain chips. Samples of frying oils and plantain chips prepared with either palm olein or soybean oil were collected from 10 producers in Yaoundé. Quality parameters determined in this study were: fatty acid composition of the oils, determined by gas chromatography (GC) of free acid methyl ester; trans fatty acids, determined by Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy; Tocopherols and tocotrienols as markers of nutritional quality were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in isocratic mode. Free fatty acids and acylglycerols as markers of lipid hydrolysis were analyzed by GC of trimethylsilyl derivatives of glycerides. Conjugated dienes, Anisidine value and viscosity as markers of lipid oxidation and thermal decomposition of the oils; acrylamide which is formed through Maillard reaction and identified as a toxic compound in various fried products. Asparagine content of the raw fresh plantain powder was also determined. Fatty acid composition of palm oleins was stable within a day of intermittent frying. In soybean oils, about 57% and 62.5% of linoleic and linolenic acids were lost but trans fatty acids were not detected. Soybean oils were partly hydrolysed leading to the formation of free fatty acids, monoacylglycerols and diacylglycerols. In both oils, tocopherols and tocotrienols contents decreased significantly by about 50%. Anisidine value (AV) and polymers contents increased slightly in fried palm oleins while conjugated hydroperoxides, AV and polymers greatly increased in soybean oils. Acrylamide was not detected in the chips. This is explained by the absence of asparagine in the raw plantains, the other acrylamide precursors being present. This study shows that the plantain chips prepared at the small-scale level in Yaounde with palm olein are of good quality regarding oxidation and hydrolysis parameters and the absence of acrylamide. In contrast, oxidation developed with soybean oil whose usage for frying should be questioned. Considering that asparagine is the limiting factor for the formation of acrylamide in plantain chips, its content depending on several factors such as production parameters and maturity stage should be explored.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias, especialidade de Produção Animal


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Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Meat industry needs to reduce salt in their products due to health issues. The present study evaluated the effect of salt reduction from 6% to 3% in two Portuguese traditional blood dry-cured sausages. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters, biogenic amines, fatty acids and texture profiles and sensory panel evaluations were considered. Differences due to salt reduction were perceptible in a faint decline of water activity, which slightly favoured microbial growth. Total biogenic amines content ranged from 88.86 to 796.68 mg kg 1 fresh matter, with higher amounts, particularly of cadaverine, histamine and tyramine, in low-salt products. Still, histamine and other vasoactive amines remained at low levels, thus not affecting consumers’ health. Regarding fatty acids, no significant differences were observed due to salt. However, texture profile analysis revealed lower resilience and cohesiveness in low-salt products, although no textural changes were observed by the sensory panel. Nevertheless, low-salt sausages were clearly preferred by panellists.


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The use of environmentally friendly products increased the interest in renewable resources as alternatives to petrochemical products. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are examples of such promising products, as they are biodegradable polymers with numerous potential applications. PHA production approach consists of using an open mixed microbial culture (MMC) and inexpensive feedstocks (waste or industry byproducts feedstock). The PHA process generally comprises three stages: (1) acidogenic fermentation (AF) stage (conversion of organic carbon into fermentation products); (2) culture selection stage (enrichment in PHA-storing organisms by applying Feast and Famine regime); and (3) PHA production stage (PHA accumulation up to the culture’s maximum capacity). AF of protein-rich residues results in ammonia-rich fermented streams, which can be presented as a challenge for the PHA production stage. The presence of ammonia during this stage may induce organisms to grow instead of producing PHAs. For this reason, the assessment of the effect of a high content of ammonia on PHA production it is the utmost importance. The main goal of the current project is to select a MMC enriched in PHA-accumulating organisms in conditions of high ammonia content and to evaluate the effects of ammonia presence during PHA accumulation. The culture was selected applying the Feast & Famine strategy, and fed, firstly, using a synthetic mixture of VFAs and later using a fermented stream obtained from the fermentation of protein-rich raw materials. The selected culture could accumulate up to 24% PHA per VSS with the synthetic mixture of VFAs and up to 29% for the real fermented stream. The PHA accumulation resulted in different production in the presence and absence of ammonia. Regarding to the synthetic feed, 59%wt. PHA (VSS basis) in the absence of ammonia, and 55%wt. (VSS basis) in the presence, were obtained. For the real feed, the PHA content was about 40%wt. (VSS basis) in both reactors.


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In Europe, the current demand for vegetable oils and the need to find alternative crops for the regions most affected by climate change (i.e., Mediterranean basin) may be a launchpad for camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] to be steadily introduced in European cropping systems. Camelina is mainly known for the unique composition of its oil, with a fatty acids profile including more than 50% content of essential linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, and a high tocopherol content. Being tocopherols part of the vitamin E family of antioxidants, the added value of growing camelina in harsh environments could be the enhancement of tocopherol content in camelina oil, thus having a more stable and nutritionally valuable product. With the final purpose of fully valorize camelina as a tolerant, valuable-oil producing crop for the Mediterranean basin, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether and how sowing date, cultivar choice, and abiotic stresses can affect tocopherol content and composition in camelina oil. The results showed that cultivar choice and growing conditions influenced total tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, and α-tocopherol contents. Moreover, heat stress trial revealed that high temperature increased α-tocopherol content, while no effect was observed in total tocopherols and in γ-tocopherol content. Finally, drought increased total tocopherols in camelina, and in drought-sensitive lines an increase in α-tocopherol was observed. This study allowed to acquire awareness on camelina resistance to abiotic stresses, coupled with a better knowledge on tocopherol content and composition in relation to cultivar, sowing date, and abiotic stresses. This will have an impact for the introduction of camelina as an alternative crop in harsher environments, such as the Mediterranean basin, to produce an oil suitable for food, feed, and industrial applications.


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In the current study, a new approach has been developed for correcting the effect that moisture reduction after virgin olive oil (VOO) filtration exerts on the apparent increase of the secoiridoid content by using an internal standard during extraction. Firstly, two main Spanish varieties (Picual and Hojiblanca) were submitted to industrial filtration of VOOs. Afterwards, the moisture content was determined in unfiltered and filtered VOOs, and liquid-liquid extraction of phenolic compounds was performed using different internal standards. The resulting extracts were analyzed by HPLC-ESI-TOF/MS, in order to gain maximum information concerning the phenolic profiles of the samples under study. The reduction effect of filtration on the moisture content, phenolic alcohols, and flavones was confirmed at the industrial scale. Oleuropein was chosen as internal standard and, for the first time, the apparent increase of secoiridoids in filtered VOO was corrected, using a correction coefficient (Cc) calculated from the variation of internal standard area in filtered and unfiltered VOO during extraction. This approach gave the real concentration of secoiridoids in filtered VOO, and clarified the effect of the filtration step on the phenolic fraction. This finding is of great importance for future studies that seek to quantify phenolic compounds in VOOs.


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Sensory changes during the storage of coffee beans occur mainly due to lipid oxidation and are responsible for the loss of commercial value. This work aimed to verify how sensory changes of natural coffee and pulped natural coffee are related to the oxidative processes during 15 months of storage. During this period, changes in the content of free fatty acids (1.4-3.8 mg/g oil), TBARS values (8.8-10.2 nmol MDA/g), and carbonyl groups (2.6-3.5 nmol/mg of protein) occurred. The intensity of rested coffee flavour in the coffee brew increased (2.1-6.7) and 5-caffeoylquinic acid concentration decreased (5.2-4.6g/100g). Losses were also observed in seed viability, colour of the beans and cellular structure. All the results of the chemical analyses are coherent with the oxidative process that occurred in the grains during storage. Therefore, oxidation would be also responsible for the loss of cellular structure, seed viability and sensory changes.


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Although several treatments for tendon lesions have been proposed, successful tendon repair remains a great challenge for orthopedics, especially considering the high incidence of re-rupture of injured tendons. Our aim was to evaluate the pharmacological potential of Aloe vera on the content and arrangement of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) during tendon healing, which was based on the effectiveness of A. vera on collagen organization previously observed by our group. In rats, a partial calcaneal tendon transection was performed with subsequent topical A. vera application at the injury site. The tendons were treated with A. vera ointment for 7 days and excised on the 7(th) , 14(th) , or 21(st) day post-surgery. Control rats received ointment without A. vera. A higher content of GAGs and a lower amount of dermatan sulfate were detected in the A. vera-treated group on the 14(th) day compared with the control. Also at 14 days post-surgery, a lower dichroic ratio in toluidine blue stained sections was observed in A. vera-treated tendons compared with the control. No differences were observed in the chondroitin-6-sulfate and TGF-β1 levels between the groups, and higher amount of non-collagenous proteins was detected in the A. vera-treated group on the 21(st) day, compared with the control group. No differences were observed in the number of fibroblasts, inflammatory cells and blood vessels between the groups. The application of A. vera during tendon healing modified the arrangement of GAGs and increased the content of GAGs and non-collagenous proteins.