737 resultados para A-RFLP
INTRODUÇÃO: O município de Jaciara foi classificado em 2003, como área de transmissão de leishmaniose visceral em situação de surto. O trabalho objetivou determinar evidência de transmissão de Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi por Lutzomyia cruzi no município de Jaciara, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. MÉTODOS: O município situa-se a 127km da capital Cuiabá e é um importante ponto de atração para os praticantes de eco-turismo. Fêmeas de Lutzomyia cruzi, capturadas com armadilha de CDC, foram dissecadas para confirmação da espécie e armazenadas a -20ºC em pools de 10 indivíduos para extração de DNA, PCR genérico, RFLP específico e eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida. RESULTADOS: O levantamento entomológico demonstrou a ocorrência abundante de Lutzomyia cruzi e ausência de Lutzomyia longipalpis, principal vetora da Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. Uma das três amostras analisadas apresentou banda característica de DNA de Leishmania (120pb) em PCR genérico. Para confirmação da espécie de Leishmania, na RFLP utilizaram-se controles positivos de Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis e Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi digeridas com enzima de restrição HaeIII. Constatou-se um padrão de bandas semelhante à Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi em uma amostra, confirmando a detecção de infecção natural de Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi em Lutzomyia cruzi. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de casos humanos e cães positivos, a presença da Lutzomyia cruzi e a ausência de Lutzomyia longipalpis, bem como a detecção de infecção natural por Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi, evidenciam a participação de Lutzomyia cruzi na transmissão da leishmaniose visceral em Jaciara, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil.
INTRODUCTION: Human cytomegalovirus is an opportunistic betaherpesvirus that causes persistent and serious infections in immunodeficient patients. Recurrent infections occur due to the presence of the virus in a latent state in some cell types. It is possible to examine the virus using molecular methods to aid in the immunological diagnosis and to generate a molecular viral profile in immunodeficient patients. The objective of this study was to characterize cytomegalovirus genotypes and to generate the epidemiological and molecular viral profile in immunodeficient patients. METHODS: A total of 105 samples were collected from immunodeficient patients from the City of Belém, including newborns, hemodialysis patients, transplant recipients and HIV+ patients. An IgG and IgM antibody study was completed using ELISA, and enzymatic analysis by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was performed to characterize viral genotypes. RESULTS: It was observed that 100% of the patients had IgG antibodies, 87% of which were IgG+/IgM-, consistent with a prior infection profile, 13% were IgG+/IgM+, suggestive of recent infection. The newborn group had the highest frequency (27%) of the IgG+/IgM+ profile. By RFLP analysis, only one genotype was observed, gB2, which corresponded to the standard AD169 strain. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of IgM antibodies in new borns indicates that HCMV continues to be an important cause of congenital infection. The low observed genotypic diversity could be attributed to the small sample size because newborns were excluded from the RFLP analysis. This study will be continued including samples from newborns to extend the knowledge of the general and molecular epidemiology of HCMV in immunodeficient patients.
INTRODUCTION: Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum are related Apicomplexa parasites responsible for systemic diseases in many species of animals, including dogs. METHODS: This study aimed to determine the occurrence of T. gondii and N. caninum infections in 50 dogs with neurological signs that were admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Estadual Paulista, City of Botucatu, Brazil. All animals were screened for antibodies using an immunofluorescent antibody test for both parasites. Tissues of positive animals were bioassayed in mice (T. gondii) and gerbils (N. caninum), and DNA was analyzed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples for T. gondii by PCR were typed using restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR for 11 markers: SAG1, SAG2 (5′-3′-SAG2 and alt.SAG2), SAG3, Btub, GRA6, L358, c22-8, c29-6, PK1 and Apico, and CS3 marker for virulence analysis. RESULTS: Specific antibodies were detected in 11/50 (22%; 95% confidence interval (CI95%), 12.8-35.3%) animals for T. gondii and 7/50 (14%; CI95%, 7.02-26.3%) for N. caninum. In the bioassay and PCR, 7/11 (63.6%; CI95%, 34.9-84.8%) samples were positive for T. gondii and 3/7 (42.9%; CI95%I, 15.7-75.5%) samples were positive for N. caninum. Three different genotypes were identified, but only 1 was unique. CONCLUSIONS: These data confirm the presence of T. gondii and N. caninum in dogs from Brazil, indicating the importance of this host as a sentinel of T. gondii for human beings, and the genotypic variation of this parasite in Brazil.
INTRODUCTION: Influenza A H1N1 2009 is associated with a high morbidity rate among children around the world, including Brazil. This survey was conducted on samples of symptomatic children (< 12 years) to investigate the influenza virus as the etiological agent of respiratory infections in a day care school in a health facility during the first and second pandemic wave of H1N1 (2009-2010) in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Influenza infections were determined by real-time PCR in 34% (47/137) of children with a median age of 5 years (8 months - 12 years), from June to October 2009 and in 16% (14/85) of those with median age of 6 years (1-12 years), from March to November 2010. RESULTS: In general, most positive cases (64%) occurred in children aged 5-12 years, this age group was significantly the most affected (39.8%, p = 0.001, OR = 8.3, CI 95% 1.9-36.9). Wheezing was reported by 31% (19/61) and dyspnea by 23% (14/61) of the studied patients. An outbreak of influenza H1N1 with an attack rate of 35.7% among children (median age 6 years) was documented in April 2010, before the vaccination campaign against the pandemic virus was extended for children up to 5 years in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, the study reinforces the recommendation to immunize school children to reduce the incidence of the disease.
Pneumocystis jirovecii é um micro-organismo fúngico que pode causar pneumonia em doentes imunocomprometidos. O ciclo de vida de Pneumocystis inclui uma forma biológica trófica e outra quística na qual estão presentes, em sua composição, hidratos de carbono chamados β-Glucanos. Estes componentes são liberados na corrente sanguínea após lise do micro-organismo pela resposta imunitária ou fármacos, sendo assim, considerado um marcador sorológico que atua como auxiliar no diagnóstico da PPc. Porém, este marcador não é específico para o gênero Pneumocystis, podendo ser um teste positivo em outras infecções fúngicas como a candidíase. Caracterizar a sequência genética da Glucano Sintetase permite uma nova abordagem em relação aos testes sorológicos e a possíveis novos alvos terapêuticos. Um teste sorológico para o β-Glucano específico para P. jirovecii podendo ser um marcador muito mais útil e confiável do que os utilizados atualmente. Neste trabalho foi feita a caracterização genética do fragmento correspondente à Glucano Sintetase de P. jirovecii com base na sequência de β-Glucano de P. carinii e na sequência completa de P. jirovecii através de metodologias de PCRs. Com o resultado do sequenciamento do fragmento de β-Glucano de P. jirovecii puderam ser observadas possíveis bases candidatas a polimorfismos de base única (SNP). Determinar os polimorfismos em uma sequência resulta em conhecimento da diversidade genética do micro-organismo para além de reconhecer marcadores moleculares que podem determinar sua origem geográfica, resistência a fármacos e fatores de virulência. Duas bases foram identificadas na sequência como possíveis SNPs. Estudos em projetos futuros com técnicas como o RFLP podem caracterizar e determinar as consequências e importância destes polimorfismos no fragmento da Glucano Sintetase de P. jirovecii. Estabelecer esta importância pode levar à compreensão do modelo de infecção e defesa deste micro-organismo para que possamos perceber melhor sua atuação
Introduction Molecular biology procedures to detect, genotype and quantify hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in clinical samples have been extensively described. Routine commercial methods for each specific purpose (detection, quantification and genotyping) are also available, all of which are typically based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the HCV 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR). This study was performed to develop and validate a complete serial laboratory assay that combines real-time nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) techniques for the complete molecular analysis of HCV (detection, genotyping and viral load) in clinical samples. Methods Published HCV sequences were compared to select specific primers, probe and restriction enzyme sites. An original real-time nested RT-PCR-RFLP assay was then developed and validated to detect, genotype and quantify HCV in plasma samples. Results The real-time nested RT-PCR data were linear and reproducible for HCV analysis in clinical samples. High correlations (> 0.97) were observed between samples with different viral loads and the corresponding read cycle (Ct - Cycle threshold), and this part of the assay had a wide dynamic range of analysis. Additionally, HCV genotypes 1, 2 and 3 were successfully distinguished using the RFLP method. Conclusions A complete serial molecular assay was developed and validated for HCV detection, quantification and genotyping.
IntroductionLeishmania major is the causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL), and great gerbils are the main reservoir hosts in Iran. Abarkouh in central Iran is an emerging focal point for which the reservoir hosts of ZCL are unclear. This research project was designed to detect any Leishmania parasites in different wild rodent species.MethodsAll rodents captured in 2011 and 2012 from Abarkouh district were identified based on morphological characteristics and by amplification of the rodent cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene. To detect Leishmania infection in rodents, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of each ear was extracted. Internal transcribed spacer-ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (ITS-rDNA), microsatellites, kinetoplast deoxyribonucleic acid (kDNA) and cytochrome b genes of Leishmania parasites were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing were employed to confirm the Leishmania identification.ResultsOf 68 captured rodents in the region, 55 Rhombomys opimus were identified and nine Leishmaniainfections (9/55) were found. In addition, eight Meriones libycus and two Tatera indicawere sampled, and one of each was confirmed to be infected. Two Meriones persicus and one Mus musculuswere sampled with no infection.ConclusionsThe results showed that all 11 unambiguously positive Leishmania infections were Leishmania major. Only one haplotype of L. major(GenBank access No. EF413075) was found and at least three rodents R. opimus, M. libycus and T. indica—appear to be the main and potential reservoir hosts in this ZCL focus. The reservoir hosts are variable and versatile in small ZCL focal locations.
Introduction This work presents the initial findings of a molecular epidemiological investigation of Trypanosoma cruzi in triatomine insects in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. Methods A total of 511 triatomines from different regions of the state were examined. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from the intestinal contents of the insects using phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers 121/122 targeting DNA kinetoplast (kDNA) was then performed to identify T. cruzi, and positive samples were subjected to PCR using the primer pair TcSC5D-F/R followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with the restriction enzymes SphI and HpaI (1 U/reaction), cloning and sequencing. Results One hundred samples were positive for T. cruzi, and three discrete typing units (DTUs) were identified (TcI, TcII, and TcBat). Triatoma sordida had the highest T. cruzi occurrence (83.3%), and DTUs were found in three samples: 58.3% of the samples were TcI, 33.3% were TcII and 8.3% were TcBat. There was a clear geographical distribution of the DTUs throughout the state, with TcI, TcII and TcBat located in the center, TcI located in the east, and TcII located in the west. Conclusions This study showed the occurrence of overlapping DTUs in State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The distributions of the DTUs were different, with TcI, TcII and TcBat in the center of the state, TcI predominantly in the east, and TcII in the west. Further studies may reveal a more defined mosaic distribution of DTUs in MS.
Toxoplasmosis and leishmaniasis are two worldwide zoonoses caused by the protozoan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania spp., respectively. This report describes the clinical and laboratorial findings of a co-infection with both parasites in a 4-year-old female dog suspected of ehrlichiosis that presented anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia, hyperglobulinemia, tachyzoite-like structures to the lung imprints, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results positive for T. gondii (kidney, lung, and liver) and Leishmania spp. Co-infection with Toxoplasma gondii and Leishmania braziliensis was confirmed by sequencing; restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (RFLP-PCR) confirmed an atypical T. gondii genotype circulating in dogs that has been reported to cause human congenital toxoplasmosis.
AbstractINTRODUCTIONThe aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of the extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-encoding CTX-M gene in Escherichia coliisolates.METHODS:Phenotypic screening of 376 E. coli isolates for ESBL was conducted using disk diffusion. ESBL-producing isolates were tested using PCR and specific primers. The blaCTX-M cluster was identified using the RFLP method, and its genotype was sequenced.RESULTS:From 202 ESBL-producing E. coli , 185 (91.5%) possessed CTX-M genes. CTX-M-1 subtypes were found in 98% of the isolates. The blaCTX-M gene was identical to CTX-M-15.CONCLUSIONS:A high prevalence of CTX-M-1-producing E. coli apparently exists in Shiraz, Iran.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: In the Americas, mucosal leishmaniasis is primarily associated with infection by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. However, Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis is another important cause of this disease in the Brazilian Amazon. In this study, we aimed at detecting Leishmaniadeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within paraffin-embedded fragments of mucosal tissues, and characterizing the infecting parasite species.METHODS: We evaluated samples collected from 114 patients treated at a reference center in the Brazilian Amazon by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses.RESULTS: Direct examination of biopsy imprints detected parasites in 10 of the 114 samples, while evaluation of hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides detected amastigotes in an additional 17 samples. Meanwhile, 31/114 samples (27.2%) were positive for Leishmania spp. kinetoplast deoxyribonucleic acid (kDNA) by PCR analysis. Of these, 17 (54.8%) yielded amplification of the mini-exon PCR target, thereby allowing for PCR-RFLP-based identification. Six of the samples were identified as L. (V.) braziliensis, while the remaining 11 were identified as L. (V.) guyanensis.CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of applying molecular techniques for the diagnosis of human parasites within paraffin-embedded tissues. Moreover, our findings confirm that L. (V.) guyanensisis a relevant causative agent of mucosal leishmaniasis in the Brazilian Amazon.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) isolates by DNA fingerprinting has contributed to tuberculosis (TB) control. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of MTB isolates from Tehran province in Iran. METHODS MTB isolates from 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan TB patients were fingerprinted by standard IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and spoligotyping. RESULTS The copy number of IS6110 ranged from 10-24 per isolate. The isolates were classified into 22 clusters showing ≥ 80% similarity by RFLP analysis. Fourteen multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates were grouped into 4 IS6110-RFLP clusters, with 10 isolates [71% (95% CI: 45-89%)] in 1 cluster, suggesting a possible epidemiological linkage. Eighteen Iranian isolates showed ≥ 80% similarity with Afghan isolates. There were no strains with identical fingerprints. Spoligotyping of 70 isolates produced 23 distinct patterns. Sixty (85.7%) isolates were grouped into 13 clusters, while the remaining 10 isolates (14.2%) were not clustered. Ural (formerly Haarlem4) (n = 22, 31.4%) was the most common family followed by Central Asian strain (CAS) (n = 18, 25.7%) and T (n = 9, 12.8%) families. Only 1strain was characterized as having the Beijing genotype. Among 60 Iranian and 10 Afghan MTB isolates, 25% (95% CI: 16-37) and 70% (95% CI: 39-89) were categorized as Ural lineage, respectively. CONCLUSIONS A higher prevalence of Ural family MTB isolates among Afghan patients than among Iranian patients suggests the possible transmission of this lineage following the immigration of Afghans to Iran.
Lymnaea truncatula é um gastrópode de água doce com importância em medicina por ser hospedeiro intermediário do tremátode parasita Fasciola hepatica. É o único hospedeiro intermediário desta espécie encontrado até agora em Portugal. A fasciolose é responsável por perdas de produtividade em gado. Nos humanos, é uma parasitose emergente com relevo em saúde pública em várias regiões do globo. Portugal é o segundo país europeu com maior prevalência. L. truncatula é de difícil controlo por ser anfíbia e ter boa capacidade de sobrevivência e adaptação. A eficácia dos programas de controlo e monitorização depende da correcta identificação das espécies de hospedeiros intermediários, dado que nem todas as espécies apresentam a mesma sensibilidade à infecção por F. hepatica. A morfologia da concha e a anatomia dos órgãos são insuficientes na identificação das espécies, sendo necessário usar técnicas de biologia molecular. Os objectivos deste estudo foram: estudar a distribuição, a variação da densidade populacional ao longo do ano, a diversidade genética, os habitats e a influência de parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos, na densidade populacional de L. truncatula em cinco distritos portugueses (Coimbra, Évora, Leiria, Lisboa e Funchal). Realizaram-se inquéritos malacológicos bimestrais durante 2 anos, entre Janeiro de 2006 e Dezembro de 2007 em Portugal continental e dois (Julho e Novembro de 2009) na ilha da Madeira. No continente, encontrou-se L. truncatula em: ribeiros temporários, com pouca vegetação, substrato de argila e matéria em decomposição e com água límpida, incolor e inodora, e com concentração de cálcio e de sulfatos até 50 mg/l e 267mg/l, respectivamente. A presença de outras espécies de moluscos, como Planorbarius metidjensis, Lymnaea peregra e da subclasse Prosobronchiata, assim como concentrações elevadas de nitratos, estão associados a uma menor densidade populacional. Na ilha da Madeira, os habitats foram predominantemente: escorrimentos de encosta, permanentes, com fraca exposição solar, pouca vegetação, substrato de rocha, argila e matéria em decomposição e com água límpida, incolor e inodora, acima dos 14,4ºC. A densidade populacional diminui com o aumento dos valores de nitratos e aumenta com a concentração de cálcio na água. As fezes de animais presentes junto às colecções de água não apresentaram ovos de F. hepatica. Foi encontrado um exemplar de F. hepatica no fígado de um gamo da Tapada Nacional de Mafra (distrito de Lisboa)Estudou-se a diversidade genética de L. truncatula através de RAPD-PCR e sequenciação do gene ribossomal 18S e da região ITS-2 (este também por PCR-RFLP). Identificou-se pela primeira vez em Portugal continental e na ilha da Madeira uma espécie, geneticamente diferente mas morfologicamente muito semelhante a L. truncatula – Lymnaea schirazensis. Na ilha da Madeira, foi detectado um haplotipo distinto do presente no continente. O marcador de RAPD - OPA2 e PCR-RFLP com HpaII, são bons marcadores para distinção entre L. truncatula e L. schirazensis. Adicionalmente, detectou-se pela primeira vez na ilha da Madeira L. (Pseudosuccinea) columella, conhecido hospedeiro intermediário de F. hepatica. Este estudo permitiu melhorar o conhecimento sobre hospedeiros intermediários de F. hepatica em Portugal, o que poderá melhorar o controlo e monitorização da fasciolose.
A ocorrência do papiloma vírus humano (HPV) é um problema de saúde pública, pois tem sido associado ao câncer. O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar a ocorrência de papilomavírus humano na cérvice uterina de mulheres da região ocidental da Amazônia Brasileira. O estudo foi realizado na capital de Rondônia, Porto Velho. Foram identificados os tipos de HPV e resultados moleculares foram correlacionados com aqueles os testes colpocitológicos de amostras provenientes de 334 mulheres que realizaram exames preventivos no Sistema Único de Saúde. Obteve-se o material genético viral do papilomavírus humano (DNA-HPV) e o fragmento de 450 pb da região conservada do gene L1 amplificado e submetido à análise do polimorfismo dos fragmentos de restrição (RFLP). Das 334 amostras analisadas, 31% foram confirmados com a presença de material viral (DNA-HPV). Confirmou-se a existência dos tipos: HPVS-16, 18, 33, 53 e 58, que identificam o grupo de alto risco oncogênico com 72% (74/103) de ocorrência, bem como os HPVS-11, 42 e 44 pertencentes ao grupo de baixo risco oncogênico com 28% de ocorrência. Os perfis recorrentes durante o desenvolvimento da análise foram do HPV-16 e -18 com 17% e 16%, respectivamente. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que mais de 80% das amostras analisadas e que continham material viral não apresentavam nenhuma alteração celular no teste citológico, o que reforça a necessidade de se difundir o uso das técnicas moleculares em diagnósticos convencionais.
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Two polymorphisms in the TGF-ß1 gene (-509C/T and 869T/C) were described to influence susceptibility to gastric and breast cancers. The 869T/C polymorphism was also associated with overall survival in breast cancer patients. In the present study, we investigated the relevance of these TGF-ß1 polymorphism in glioma risk and prognosis. A case-control study that included 114 glioma patients and 138 cancer-free controls was performed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI). The influence of TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms on glioma patient survival was evaluated by a Cox regression model adjusted for patients' age and sex and represented in Kaplan-Meier curves. Our results demonstrated that TGF-ß1 gene polymorphisms -509C/T and 869T/C are not significantly associated with glioma risk. Survival analyses showed that the homozygous -509TT genotype associates with longer overall survival of glioblastoma (GBM) patients when compared with patients carrying CC + CT genotypes (OR, 2.41; 95 % CI, 1.06-5.50; p = 0.036). In addition, the homozygous 869CC genotype is associated with increased overall survival of GBM patients when compared with 869TT + TC genotypes (OR, 2.62; 95 % CI, 1.11-6.17; p = 0.027). In conclusion, this study suggests that TGF-ß1 -509C/T and 869T/C polymorphisms are not significantly associated with risk for developing gliomas but may be relevant prognostic biomarkers in GBM patients.