1000 resultados para 87-583
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
This paper presents the development of a scientific investigation that addresses the Latin text using theoretical concepts of Linguistic, Literary Poetic and Semiotic in order to focus mainly on aspects of the figurative expression. Therefore, the meaning effects raised by the perception through the reading of text were taken as baseline data to investigate the particular arrangement of language, responsible for expression of these effects. As a result of this investigation, a metalinguistic discourse was produced about the basic features of the poetic figurativity of the text. This analysis and description had a focus mainly on the first step of the procedures of figurativization, i.e., the figuration of the discourse, when a theme is coated by semiotic figures. In addition, reference notes were drafted to accompany the selected translation of support, with general comments about the culture (mythology, history, geography, philosophy, etc.), necessary data to an more comprehensive understanding of the text (these notes shall provide basic subsidies for reading the original Latin)
Amino acids play fundamental roles in plant morphogenesis. Among sources of organic nitrogen (N), glutamine has frequently been used during the establishment and maintenance of cell and tissue cultures. The aim of this study was analyse endogenous levels of glutamine during somatic and zygotic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana (Feijoa or pineapple guava). The in vitro absorption of H-3-labelled glutamine was investigated. Zygotic embryos and embryogenic cultures (EC) were evaluated at 30 d and 70 d after explant inoculation onto the medium. Endogenous levels of glutamine were similar during zygotic and somatic embryogenesis, and showed a gradual decline until day-24 in culture. The highest rates of H-3-labelled glutamine uptake were observed during the first 2 h of incubation, resulting in values of 6.29 mu mol g(-1) fresh weight (FW) for zygotic embryos, 14.43 mu mol g(-1) FW for EC after 30 d, and 13.85 mu mol g(-1) FW for EC after 70 d. These results showed that the decreased levels of glutamine observed during the initial phase of development may be related to de novo protein synthesis and mobilisation during embryo maturation. The absorption of glutamine in the first 2 h of incubation also emphasises its involvement as an important source of N during morphogenesis of somatic and zygotic embryos.
A correlated two-body basis function is used to describe the three-dimensional bosonic clusters interacting via two-body van der Waals potential. We calculate the ground state and the zero orbital angular momentum excited states for Rb-N clusters with up to N = 40. We solve the many-particle Schrodinger equation by potential harmonics expansion method, which keeps all possible two-body correlations in the calculation and determines the lowest effective many-body potential. We study energetics and structural properties for such diffuse clusters both at dimer and tuned scattering length. The motivation of the present study is to investigate the possibility of formation of N-body clusters interacting through the van der Waals interaction. We also compare the system with the well studied He, Ne, and Ar clusters. We also calculate correlation properties and observe the generalised Tjon line for large cluster. We test the validity of the shape-independent potential in the calculation of the ground state energy of such diffuse cluster. These are the first such calculations reported for Rb clusters. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730972]
In einer Vielzahl von Ionenkristallen mit Wasserstoffbrücken kann der Übergang aus einer paraelektrischen in eine elektrisch geordnete Phase mittels Substitution der Deuteronen durch Protonen um typischerweise 100 K abgesenkt werden. Die Ursache dieses Isotopieeffekts wird in Tunnelmoden der Protonen, in der Kopplung der Protonen untereinander oder in der Geometrie bzw. Symmetrie der Wasserstoffbrücke gesucht. Als Modellsubstanzen zur Untersuchung bieten sich die Trialkalihydrogendisulfate an. Hier sind die Wasserstoffbrücken, welche die Sulfattetraeder lokal zu Dimeren vernetzen, weit voneinander getrennt. Daher wird kein langreichweitiges Wasserstoffbrückennetzwerk ausgebildet.Bei den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Rb3H1-xDx(SO4)2-Kristallen tritt der Phasenübergang im deuterierten Kristall bei 82 K auf und ist in protonierten Proben vollständig unterdrückt. Es wurde die 87Rb-NMR eingesetzt, weil damit Untersuchungen von Struktur und Dynamik im gesamten Konzentrationsbereich möglich sind. Die Meßgröße ist der elektrische Feldgradient (EFG), welcher durch die umgebenden Ionenladungen erzeugt wird.Durch orientierungsabhängige Messungen wurde gezeigt, daß die drei in der paraelektrischen Phase von Rb3D(SO4)2 vorkommenden EFG sich nicht durch Symmetrieoperationen ineinander überführen lassen. Es liegen somit kleine Abweichungen von einer monoklinen Symmetrie vor. Am Übergang in die antiferroelektrische Phase vervierfacht sich die Anzahl der kristallografisch inäquivalenten Einbaulagen. Aus dem Vergleich von NMR und Röntgenbeugung kann geschlossen werden, daß die Abweichungen von der monoklinen Raumgruppe und die elektrische Ordnung primär durch die Wasserstoffkerne verursacht werden. Aus der Aufspaltung der Resonanzlinien wurde ein statischer kritischer Exponent von ï¢ = 0,21 ï± 0,03 ermittelt, der mit trikritischem Verhalten verträglich ist. Die longitudinale Relaxation der Kernspinmagnetisierung wird durch Fluktuationen des EFG verursacht. Am Phasenübergang sind diese Fluktuationen an der Einbaulage der Rubidiumatome vergleichsweise groß und stark anisotrop. Beides läßt sich gut beschreiben, wenn angenommen wird, daß nur die Dynamik der Wasserstoffkerne die Kernspins relaxieren läßt. Für die longitudinale Relaxation wurde ebenfalls ein kritisches Verhalten am Phasenübergang gefunden. Der Exponent beträgt in deuterierten Proben ï¬ = -0,67 +- 0,07 und ist für die teildeuterierte Proben mit x = 0,5 größer: ï¬ = -1,15 +- 0,15. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß zur Beschreibung der NMR an verschiedenen Kernsorten weder, wie zuvor in der Literatur diskutiert, asymmetrische Wasserstoffbrücken noch Tunnelmoden erforderlich sind. Die hier erstmalig in den Trialkalihydrogendisulfaten gefundenen konzentrationsabhängigen kritischen Exponenten bilden einen neuen Prüfstein für die Modelle des Isotopieeffekts, die sich bisher primär auf die Erklärung der Phasenübergangstemperatur beschränkt haben.
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Bedeutung des § 2 Abs. 1 BetrVG für die Reichweite und die Grenzen der Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrates nach § 87 BetrVG.. Ebenso wie im BetrVG 1952 bildet auch im BetrVG 1972 und im BetrVG 2001 der vierte Teil mit den Regelungen über die Mitwirkung und Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer das eigentliche Kernstück des Gesetzes. Zentralvorschrift für die Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats in sozialen Angelegenheiten ist dabei § 87 BetrVG. Diese Regelung umfasst alle Arbeitsbedingungen, die nicht schon gesetzlich oder tariflich geregelt sind, anderseits aber oft nur einheitlich für alle Arbeitnehmer im Betrieb geregelt werden können. Soweit die Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen der einzelnen Gegenstände in § 87 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 bis Nr. 13 BetrVG erfüllt sind, hat der Betriebsrat eine umfassende funktionelle Zuständigkeit zur Mitbestimmung in sämtlichen sozialen Angelegenheiten. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit soll es daher sein, Rechtsnatur, Struktur und Anwendungsbereich des Gebots der vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit und der Mitbestimmungsrechte gem. § 87 BetrVG zu klären. Hier ist insbesondere zu erörtern, ob Mitbestimmungsrechte des Betriebsrats gem. § 87 Abs. 1 BetrVG außerhalb des Katalogs der gesetzlichen Vorschriften aus dem Grundsatz der vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit herzuleiten sind. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt in der Herausarbeitung der Korrektur- und Schrankenfunktion des § 2 Abs. 1 BetrVG im Bereich der Mitbestimmung nach § 87 Abs. 1 BetrVG.
Although the period of the historic “Celtic migrations” is archaeologically extensively studied, the long-lasting question whether mass migration or increased individual mobility caused the expansion of the La Tène culture throughout continental Europe persist. Strontium (Sr) and in part oxygen (O) isotope analysis of human remains from the early La Tène cemeteries of Nebringen (Germany), Münsingen-Rain (Switzerland), Monte Bibele (Italy) and the Czech cemeteries of Radovesice I, Radovesice II and Kutná Hora was, therefore, carried out to investigate the importance of residential changes during this time period. These isotope analyses showed that most analysed individuals either came from the area they were buried in or from the surrounding area of the cemetery. An exception was formed by the Czech cemeteries, where almost a quarter of the studied individuals appeared non-local. Together with Nebringen, these cemeteries also had the most varied Sr isotope ratios, which suggest highly mobile communities in which individuals regularly changed their residency. The isotopic ratios of the cemeteries of Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele appeared far less varied. In part, these differences might be explained by the community structures of these cemeteries. Morphological kinship analysis in Münsingen-Rain demonstrated biological relatedness among most of the analysed individuals. These related individuals also shared similar isotope signatures, which suggest an origin from the surrounding Aar Valley. In the vicinity of the cemetery of Monte Bibele, an associated settlement site was discovered. The deceased presumably not only shared this settlement, but also cultivated the same land plots. Dispersed settlement structures were suggested for Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora, as these agriculturally favourable landscapes were densely populated during prehistoric times. Connected to these community structures are the prevailing geological conditions in these areas. Both Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele are located in a region where homogeneous geological conditions prevail, whereas the landscapes of Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora are characterised by complex heterogeneous geological conditions. As the majority of individuals in Nebringen and the Czech cemeteries correspond to the expected isotope values for the studied areas, regularly changing land plots might have contributed to the observed variation. Although mass migration as depicted by the historical sources was not observed individual mobility of a small part of these studied communities certainly played a role. Males appeared, thereby, to have slightly more often a non-local birthplace or moved during childhood. Male mobility was, however, not always associated with burial as a warrior. Females, on the other hand, originated more often from the region. Patrilocal residential patterns, with the exception of the Czech cemeteries, were nevertheless not observed. Objects and ideas also seem to have been exchanged freely, as there are no indications that individuals with particular grave goods came from specific areas. It rather appears that the individuals buried with them were either local or had different places of origin. This can be explained by the fact that the exact origin of grave goods is difficult to establish and the occurrence of similar 87Sr/86Sr values in different areas. This study provided important new insights on the period of the “Celtic migrations” and the way of life of these prehistoric people.
Atomic magnetometry was performed at Earth's magnetic field over a free-space distance of ten meters. Two laser beams aimed at a distant alkali-vapor cell excited and detected the Rb-87 magnetic resonance, allowing the magnetic field within the cell to be interrogated remotely. Operated as a driven oscillator, the magnetometer measured the geomagnetic field with less than or similar to 3.5 pT precision in a similar to 2 s data acquisition; this precision was likely limited by ambient field fluctuations. The sensor was also operated in self-oscillating mode with a 5.3 pT root Hz noise floor. Further optimization will yield a high-bandwidth, fully remote magnetometer with sub-pT sensitivity. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4747206]