920 resultados para 860.07[Muñoz Molina]


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This paper reviews the fingerprint classification literature looking at the problem from a double perspective. We first deal with feature extraction methods, including the different models considered for singular point detection and for orientation map extraction. Then, we focus on the different learning models considered to build the classifiers used to label new fingerprints. Taxonomies and classifications for the feature extraction, singular point detection, orientation extraction and learning methods are presented. A critical view of the existing literature have led us to present a discussion on the existing methods and their drawbacks such as difficulty in their reimplementation, lack of details or major differences in their evaluations procedures. On this account, an experimental analysis of the most relevant methods is carried out in the second part of this paper, and a new method based on their combination is presented.


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In the first part of this paper we reviewed the fingerprint classification literature from two different perspectives: the feature extraction and the classifier learning. Aiming at answering the question of which among the reviewed methods would perform better in a real implementation we end up in a discussion which showed the difficulty in answering this question. No previous comparison exists in the literature and comparisons among papers are done with different experimental frameworks. Moreover, the difficulty in implementing published methods was stated due to the lack of details in their description, parameters and the fact that no source code is shared. For this reason, in this paper we will go through a deep experimental study following the proposed double perspective. In order to do so, we have carefully implemented some of the most relevant feature extraction methods according to the explanations found in the corresponding papers and we have tested their performance with different classifiers, including those specific proposals made by the authors. Our aim is to develop an objective experimental study in a common framework, which has not been done before and which can serve as a baseline for future works on the topic. This way, we will not only test their quality, but their reusability by other researchers and will be able to indicate which proposals could be considered for future developments. Furthermore, we will show that combining different feature extraction models in an ensemble can lead to a superior performance, significantly increasing the results obtained by individual models.


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Handwritten letter from Timothy Merritt to Rev. Epaphras "Kibbe[sic]" regarding religious developments in Boston as well as the death of Merritt's son. Dated 10/07/1803


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion of a poly-glutamine (poly-Q) stretch in the huntingtin (Htt) protein. Gain-of-function effects of mutant Htt have been extensively investigated as the major driver of neurodegeneration in HD. However, loss-of-function effects of poly-Q mutations recently emerged as potential drivers of disease pathophysiology. Early synaptic problems in the excitatory cortical and striatal connections have been reported in HD, but the role of Htt protein in synaptic connectivity was unknown. Therefore, we investigated the role of Htt in synaptic connectivity in vivo by conditionally silencing Htt in the developing mouse cortex. When cortical Htt function was silenced, cortical and striatal excitatory synapses formed and matured at an accelerated pace through postnatal day 21 (P21). This exuberant synaptic connectivity was lost over time in the cortex, resulting in the deterioration of synapses by 5 weeks. Synaptic decline in the cortex was accompanied with layer- and region-specific reactive gliosis without cell loss. To determine whether the disease-causing poly-Q mutation in Htt affects synapse development, we next investigated the synaptic connectivity in a full-length knock-in mouse model of HD, the zQ175 mouse. Similar to the cortical conditional knock-outs, we found excessive excitatory synapse formation and maturation in the cortices of P21 zQ175, which was lost by 5 weeks. Together, our findings reveal that cortical Htt is required for the correct establishment of cortical and striatal excitatory circuits, and this function of Htt is lost when the mutant Htt is present.


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In this exploratory research we analyze the structure sense evidenced by 33 secondary students (16-18 years old) in tasks requiring to reproduce the structure of given algebraic expressions. The expressions used were algebraic fractions related to algebraic identities. There were big differences between the students performance which allowed differencing levels in students´ structure sense. Questions and conjectures to be addressed in future research are presented.


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Esbozamos la teoría de la mediación semiótica con la cual es posible estudiar y comprender el papel de un profesor que decide aprovechar las características que tienen diferentes herramientas, por ejemplo los programas de geometría dinámica, usadas como mediadoras para favorecer procesos de aprendizaje, desde un punto de vista sociocultural.


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En este documento, se presentarán las etapas para diseñar un Modelo Instruccional en ambientes virtuales interactivos para la enseñanza de los números Reales, que tiene en cuenta: la formación matemática de los estudiantes, sus “niveles”, sus ritmos de aprendizaje, sus obstáculos en el aprendizaje y el tiempo oficial propuesto por la institución educativa para abordar los temas. Además, se explicitan, organizan y relacionan muchos de los elementos que se conjugan, y se camuflan, en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los temas matemáticos. Este diseño plantea ciertos elementos para el análisis del Discurso Matemático, del discurso didáctico y toma ciertos resultados de las investigaciones en Educación Matemática (Taxonomía SOLO y la Teoría de Súperítemes entre otras) para poner en relación los niveles en el discurso didáctico con los niveles de abstracción de los estudiantes.


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Este reporte trata de una investigación cooperativa cuyo tema es la comparación de la enseñanza de la geometría en Chile y en Francia (proyecto ECOS-CONYCIT). Después de definir nuestra metodología por zooms sucesivos, presentamos las mayores diferencias que encontramos entre los dos países. Estas diferencias conciernen a los ámbitos siguientes: la concepción de la geometría, los aspectos de la actividad matemática puestos en evidencia, la organización del aprendizaje, la extensión de los programas, la importancia dada a las aplicaciones de matemáticas y a la modelación. Los trabajos de C.Houdement y A.Kuzniak sobre los paradigmas geométricos nos permiten analizar las concepciones de la geometría.


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La calculadora graficadora como herramienta tecnológica ofrece la posibilidad de despertar el interés del estudiante y estimular su entendimiento, y en este trabajo se analiza la puesta en escena de una situación didáctica como nota de clase (Lluck, 2004). Conformada con una secuencia de actividades para ser trabajadas por los alumnos dentro y fuera del aula. Esta secuencia se diseña de tal forma que al ponerla en práctica es posible hacer matemáticas, considerando que dichos saberes matemáticos son necesarios para ser un ciudadano que se desempeñe con éxito en su labor y comprenda la importancia de la matemática en su vida actual y futura.