906 resultados para 860[82]-2.09


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En el presente trabajo se presenta una propuesta para la elaboración de un prototipo de silo prensa de palanca manual para ser utilizado para el proceso de ensilaje de forraje, el cual partió de un modelo comercial que se encuentra en el mercado internacional. Se plantearon las modificaciones que se realizarían al modelo para obtener un prototipo. Se describió el diseño de máquina y su construcción, además se realizaron pruebas de funcionamiento al prototipo, se utilizó pasto cubano CT-115 (P. purpureum x P. thyphoides), el material fue picado y compactado con el prototipo para la elaboración de ensilaje. Se describen las pruebas realizadas para determinar el tamaño y diámetro de silo obtenidos (82.2 cm x 83 cm) y el tiempo (36.2 min a 20 min) que le tomaría a un operario o dos elaborar una silo bolsa. Se obtuvo el peso promedio de los silos elaborados (100.2 kg). Para medir la eficiencia de la máquina se comparó su funcionamiento con un silo barril tradicional obteniendo un rendimiento de 0.3 ton h-1, contra un 0.14 ton h-1 respectivamente. El costo de elaboración de la máquina fue de $ 289.66, sin embargo este costo puede variar por que la máquina es de fácil construcción y puede ser elaborada por el mismo productor y con materiales no utilizados que se pueden encontrar en la finca


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Os norovírus (NV) são uma importante causa de hospitalização infantil. Crianças internadas por gastroenterite por NV (GENV) são consideradas portadoras de diarreia grave. O objetivo desse estudo, realizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, é descrever as características clínicas e a frequência da diarreia por NV em crianças hospitalizadas, comparando as taxas de detecção de NV em crianças vacinadas e não vacinadas contra rotavírus (Rotarix). Foram coletadas 659 amostras de fezes de igual número de crianças e encaminhadas para análise pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase, precedida de transcrição reversa no período de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2009. O percentual de amostras positivas para os NV foi de 27,3% nesse período. Das 180 amostras positivas para NV, 55% tiveram origem na comunidade (aqCo) e 45% foram de aquisição nosocomial (aqNo). O percentual de GENV nos dois anos anteriores (2004 e 2005) à introdução da vacina Rotarix foi de 28,3%, sendo 11,3% o percentual de amostras aqCo. Nos dois anos posteriores (2008 e 2009), a GENV significou 24,4%, e as amostras aqCo foram 14,9% (p<0,05). Em 647 crianças, 494 não receberam a vacina Rotarix, enquanto 151 crianças receberam, pelo menos, uma dose. O percentual de GENV foi de 23,8% e 39,7%, respectivamente (p<0,05). Apesar do comportamento sazonal dos casos de GENV aqCo, esse fato não teve significância estatística. Das 180 crianças, 61,6% tinham peso ≤ p10 do NCHS, 82,2% tinham idade ≤ 5anos. As crianças com idade ≤ 2 anos foram mais acometidas nos casos de aqCo do que àquelas de aqNo (p<0,05). Foram observados em 82 crianças: vômitos (73,2%), febre (54,9%), tosse (20,7%), coriza (2,2%), sangue nas fezes (8,5%), erupção cutânea (4,9%) e broncoespasmo (7,3%). Houve significância estatística com relação à frequência maior de febre, coriza, tosse e broncoespasmo nas crianças com GENV de aqCo do que naquelas de aqNo (p<0,05). De 69 crianças, 73,9% apresentaram desidratação e, dessas, 76,5% necessitaram de hidratação venosa. Esses dados tiveram significância estatística, representada por maiores percentuais nas crianças com GENV de aqCo do que naquelas de aqNo (p<0,05). Esse estudo demonstra que os NV foram um importante agente etiológico nos casos de gastroenterites em crianças hospitalizadas e responsável por altas taxas de infecções nosocomiais. Estatisticamente, não foi comprovada uma tendência de aumento dos casos de GENV no período do estudo, como também do aumento da frequência de GENV nos anos posteriores em relação aos anos anteriores à introdução da vacina Rotarix no Brasil em 2006. No entanto, houve significância estatística quando foi avaliado o percentual de GENV em crianças hospitalizadas vacinadas e não vacinadas contra RV. Um aumento dos casos de GENV em crianças poderá vir a acontecer nos próximos anos, quando é esperado que um número maior de crianças será vacinado contra RV. Tosse, coriza e broncoespasmo são sintomas que devem ser mais detalhadamente investigados. Estratégias de prevenção contra a disseminação dos NV são condutas importantes em unidades de internação. Uma vacina eficaz contra norovírus pode ser um benefício significativo para reduzir o percentual de crianças hospitalizadas por diarreia.


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Metal-framed traps covered with polyethylene mesh used in the fishery for the South African Cape rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) incidentally capture large numbers of undersize (<75 mm CL) specimens. Air-exposure, handling, and release procedures affect captured rock lobsters and reduce the productivity of the stock, which is heavily fished. Optimally, traps should retain legalsize rock lobsters and allow sublegal animals to escape before traps are hauled. Escapement, based on lobster morphometric measurements, through meshes of 62 mm, 75 mm, and 100 mm was investigated theoretically under controlled conditions in an aquarium, and during field trials. SELECT models were used to model escapement, wherever appropriate. Size-selectivity curves based on the logistic model fitted the aquarium and field data better than asymmetrical Richards curves. The lobster length at 50% retention (L50) on the escapement curve for 100-mm mesh in the aquarium (75.5 mm CL) approximated the minimum legal size (75 mm CL); however estimates of L50 increased to 77.4 mm in field trials where trapentrances were sealed, and to 82.2 mm where trap-entrances were open. Therfore, rock lobsters that cannot escape through the mesh of sealed field traps do so through the trap entrance of open traps. By contrast, the wider selection range and lower L25 of field, compared to aquarium, trials (SR = 8.2 mm vs. 2.6 mm; L25 =73.4 mm vs. 74.1 mm), indicate that small lobsters that should be able to escape from 100-mm mesh traps do not always do so. Escapement from 62-mm mesh traps with open entrance funnels increased by 40−60% over sealed traps. The findings of this study with a known size distribution, are related to those of a recent indirect (comparative) study for the same species, and implications for trap surveys, commercial catch rates, and ghost fishing are discussed.


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Bottom otter trawls with cut back upper panels were tested in the fischeries on Baltic Sea flounder and North Sea plaice to reduce cod by-catch. In a first series of experiments on board the fishing research cutter “Clupea” the cod-bycatch was reduced by 63 %. The catch of flounder was by 92 % higher in the cut back trawl. The same trawl with the same experimental set-up achieved aboard the fisching research vessel “Solea” on the other hand a reduction in cod-bycatch by 69 %. The catch of flounder was 23,3 % lesser in the topless trawl, which was in contrast to the “Clupea” trials. In the second series of experiments with the same cut back trawl the splits were shortened to reduce the net opening height from 0,9 m to 0,6 m previously. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 86 % and the catch of flounder was 81 % higher in comparison to the complete trawl. A prototype made of stronger net material but based on the cutting and rigging design of the tested cut back trawl with the shortened splits was tested with commercial twin trawlers. The cod-bycatch was reduced by 82,2 %, the catch of plaice by 43,3 % and the catch of dab by 44,6 % in the comparison to the commercial used trawl TV280. The flounder catch was in the topless trawl 10 % higher. In the North Sea in the comparison to a bottom trawl TV300 the cod by-catch was reduced by 89,8 %, but the catch of plaice and dab were 54 % and 58,7 % lesser. In the next step was a prototype of a normally in the North Sea plaice fisheries used trawl tested with a cut back of 2 m only. The cod catch was reduced by 16,9 % but the plaice catch, however , by 22,3 %. Kurzfassung Schleppnetze mit verkürzten Oberblättern wurden in der Fischerei auf Ostseeflunder und Nordseescholle zur Verringerung des Dorschbeifanges erprobt. In einer ersten Versuchsserie mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ wurde der Dorschbeifang um 63 % reduziert. Die Fänge der Zielart Flunder waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz dagegen um 92 % höher. Das gleiche Schleppnetz mit gleichem Versuchsaufbau erzielte auf dem Fischereiforschungsschiff „Solea“ dagegen eine Reduktion des Dorschbeifanges um 69 %, wobei im Gegensatz zu den „Clupea“-Versuchen der Flunderfang um 23,3 % im reduzierten Netz geringer war. In der zweiten Versuchsserie wurden die Netzstander am reduzierten Schleppnetz verkürzt, um die Netzöffnungshöhe zu verringern. Dadurch wurde der Dorschbeifang in Versuchen mit dem Forschungskutter „Clupea“ um 86 % verringert und die Flunderfänge waren im reduzierten Schleppnetz 81 % höher. Basierend auf dem Zuschnitt des erprobten Schleppnetzes, jedoch aus stärkerem Netzmaterial gefertigt, wurde ein Prototyp auf kommerziellen Doppelnetz-Kuttern erprobt. In der Ostsee wurde in diesen Versuchen der Dorschbeifang um 82,2 %, der Schollenfang um 43,3 % und der Klieschenfang um 44,6 % mit dem im Oberblatt verkürztem Schleppnetz im Vergleich zum Kutterschleppnetz TV280 reduziert. Der Flunderfang war im reduzierten Schleppnetz 10 % höher. Auf der Nordsee wurde mit diesem Versuchsnetz im Vergleich zu einem TV 300 der Kabeljaubeifang um 89,8 % verringert, die Schollenfänge waren jedoch 54 % geringer und die Klieschenfänge 58,7 % geringer als im Vergleichsnetz. In einer weiteren Variante wurde ein in der Nordseeschollenfischerei verwendetes Grundschleppnetz mit 2 m geringfügig im Oberblatt zurückgeschnitten und mit dem Prototyp auf einem Doppelnetz-Heckschlepper verglichen. Der Kabeljaubeifang wurde dadurch um 16,9 % der Schollenfang aber um 22,3 % verringert


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芍药属由大约35个灌木和多年生草本种组成,分为三个组:牡丹组(Sect. Moutan)、北美芍药组(Sect. Onaepia)和芍药组(Sect. Paeonia)。四川牡丹(Paeonia decomposita Handel-Mazzetti)和块根芍药(P. intermedia Meyer)分别隶属于牡丹组和芍药组。在该属的所有种中,染色体基数均为 x = 5,最短的五号染色体是端部着丝粒染色体,很容易辨认。 本论文研究了块根芍药三个居群22个个体和四川牡丹两个居群13个个体的减数分裂。减数分裂异常广泛发生,以至于发现所有被研究的个体都有数量不等的桥、断片和单价体。结果表明在中期I,块根芍药第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.17个棒状二价体和2.7个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有2.04个棒状二价体和2.86个环形二价体,第三个居群平均每个细胞有2.21个棒状二价体和2.71个环形二价体。而在四川牡丹中,第一个居群平均每个小孢子母细胞有2.09个棒状二价体和2.81个环形二价体,第二个居群平均每个细胞有1.85个棒状二价体和3.08个环形二价体。 块根芍药第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.25 I + 4.87 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II,第三个居群是2n = 10 = 0.17 I + 4.92 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.89 II。四川牡丹第一个居群的平均减数分裂染色体构型是2n = 10 = 0.21 I + 4.90 II,第二个居群是2n = 10 = 0.14 I + 4.93 II,在该种的平均构型是2n = 10 = 0.20 I + 4.90 II。在块根芍药中,不同个体的配对系数变化范围在69.5%和81.07%之间,在四川牡丹中在72.97%和81.37%之间。 在后期I和末期I,出现了染色体桥、断片、落后染色体、不等分离等异常现象。最明显的减数分裂异常是后期I桥/断片。尽管在不同的居群中桥/断片异常出现的频率有所变化(块根芍药居群一是26.03%,居群二是11.67%,居群三是13.39%;四川牡丹居群一是7.59%,居群二是9%),但是这种异常出现在所有个体中(块根芍药平均为18.67%,四川牡丹平均为7.69%)。结果表明,所有的个体都是染色体臂内倒位结构杂合体,广泛存在于野生自然居群中,可能存在某些选择优势。而且,桥的出现频率和断片的大小在个体之间是变化的,这因此表明在这两个种中存在不同的倒位。然而,这两个种在野生居群中是如何维持染色体结构杂合的,其维持机制还有待于进一步阐明,还需要更进一步的证据。 该研究还揭示了块根芍药和四川牡丹这两个种具有共同的第五号染色体减数分裂异常:与长臂相比,短臂在遗传距离和物理距离之间存在巨大的背离。短臂的遗传距离,通过交叉频率计算出来,约是长臂的三十分之一(块根芍药)。然而,物理距离用臂的比率表示,大约是长臂的三分之一,物理距离是遗传距离的十倍。 在四川牡丹红心桥居群和其它居群之间,臂比存在微小的差异,而且在芍药属不同的种内也发现了存在差异。在四川牡丹中,环形二价体(两个臂形成交叉)和棒状二价体(仅一个臂形成交叉)的比率是1.94 : 98.06,而在块根芍药中是3.42 : 96.58。在这两个种中,棒状二价体大大多于环形二价体。在第五号染色体的短臂上可能存在某些“搭车效应”,这表明第五号染色体的短臂上存在高度永久杂合,导致短臂高度保守、极为稳定。这与芍药属古老的分布格局、进化历史长可能存在某些联系。四川牡丹第五号染色体的后期I倒位桥出现频率非常低,仅为0.51 - 3.47%,平均为1.43%。而且断片长度是变化的,其变化范围在1.7 - 10.8 µm之间。


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利用动态气室法(Li-Cor 8100),于2005-2007年生长季对我国北方温带典型草原生态系统的土壤呼吸作用及其影响因子进行了野外动态观测。研究结果表明,温带典型草原生态系统的土壤呼吸及其影响因子存在明显的季节变化和年际变化。土壤呼吸的季节变化主要受土壤温度和土壤水分控制,峰值出现在温度高、水分适中的6、7和8月。在生长季初期和末期,土壤温度和土壤水分较低,土壤呼吸接近于零。土壤呼吸年际变化受到降水分配的影响,植物生长旺季降水充足土壤呼吸较高,2007年的夏季干旱抑制了土壤呼吸。 土壤呼吸与土壤温度呈指数相关,与土壤水分呈二项式关系。与未去除植物的样方相比,去除植物后土壤温度降低,其中2005年达到显著水平(P < 0.01);土壤水分在三年中都显著提高(P < 0.001)。利用土壤呼吸与温度、水分建立的模拟方程表明,异养呼吸约占土壤呼吸的49.19%,根际呼吸占50.81%,两者对土壤呼吸的贡献大致相当,但呈现明显的季节变化,根际呼吸在植物生长旺季的贡献大于异养呼吸。同时,根际呼吸的比例受到降水分布的影响,在干旱时期,根际呼吸的比例远大于异养呼吸,说明在这个干旱半干旱的生态系统中植物更能忍受水分胁迫。 根据土壤呼吸与温度、水分三者的模拟方程分析表明,2005-2007三年的土壤呼吸和异养呼吸均值分别为1.65和1.07 µmol m-2 s-1,分别比实测值1.79和1.30 µmol m-2 s-1减少了8.6和18.04%;如果测定频次改为每周一次,土壤呼吸和异养呼吸则分别减少了10.51和13.76%。由此说明,降水对土壤呼吸产生的脉冲效应在一个完整的生长季中也存在,异养呼吸下降的比例更高,说明异养呼吸对降水脉冲效应的响应较大。因此,研究土壤呼吸时不能忽略降水的脉冲效应,同时应当考虑不同组分对脉冲效应的差异。 综合三年的研究数据表明,在不同水分条件下土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10) 不一致。在四个土壤水分(<5%,5-10%,10-15%和>15%)范围内,土壤呼吸的Q10值分别为1.58,1.80,2.10和2.06;在土壤水分为5-10%,10-15%和>15%的范围内,异养呼吸的Q10值分别为1.58,1.70和1.66。由此表明,土壤呼吸的温度敏感性在10-15%水分范围内最高。在不同水分条件下,异养呼吸的Q10值都低于包含了根际呼吸的土壤呼吸的Q10值,表明根际呼吸的Q10值高于异养呼吸,根际呼吸对土壤温度的变化更为敏感。从年际变化来看,2005年异养呼吸和土壤呼吸的Q10值并没有显著差异(均为2.05);异养呼吸的Q10值在2006和2007年显著低于土壤呼吸的Q10值(分别为2006年:2.09和1.81;2007年:1.44和1.36);受到夏季干旱的影响,2007年的土壤呼吸和异养呼吸的Q10值与2005和2006年相比显著降低。


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蓝藻是迄今地球上发现的最古老、分布最广和最具多样性的光合自养原核生物,其细胞结构简单,具有类似于植物的光合作用,是研究光合作用及其它代谢过程重要的模式生物。由于这类生物起源于远古前寒武纪,但至今依然繁多,在极端寒冷的南北极冰湖和近于沸腾温度的温泉,以及高盐、强碱的极端环境中均有存在,它们在漫长的进化过程中如何应对灾难性环境、针对随时可能遭遇的不同胁迫环境因子形成了怎样的分子适应机制,是近年来倍受关注但仍未诠释的问题之一。由于蓝藻与高等植物叶绿体在进化上密切相关,搞清楚这类生物适应不同胁迫环境因子的分子基础及其作用机制,对从进化的角度理解光合生物与环境相互作用、通过同源性发现作物抗逆育种新靶标,有重要的理论和实践意义。 逆境应答蛋白的表达是细胞对逆境胁迫的主要适应机制之一。在特定的逆境条件下,细胞通常会表达一组蛋白质,用于识别与传递环境胁迫信号、稳定细胞内环境、消除并修复逆境造成的损伤等。因此,逆境应答蛋白的系统鉴定和功能确认,是揭示逆境条件下细胞代谢网络及抗逆性分子机制的关键。单细胞模式蓝藻基因组序列的确定,极大地推动了蓝藻细胞蛋白质组成模式研究,也为系统发掘蓝藻逆境应答蛋白、理解和揭示分子适应机制提供了新的切入点。Synechocystis 6803是第一个完成基因组测序的放氧光合模式生物。由于其具有易培养、可转化、对环境条件变化反应快等优点,以该藻种为材料所展开的逆境应答特别是盐胁迫蛋白质组研究方面已经取得了重要的进展,而对高pH胁迫的蛋白质组研究还鲜有报道。因此,本论文以Synechocystis 6803为材料,从分离纯化的亚细胞组分入手,采用蛋白质组学研究手段,对蓝藻细胞应答高pH胁迫的蛋白质代谢网络进行探讨。利用蔗糖密度离心和水溶性两相分离法相结合的方法,分别获得了对照(pH7.5)和处理(pH11)细胞的质膜、外膜和类囊体膜,并分别构建了包括可溶性蛋白和膜组分的一维和二维蛋白质凝胶电泳图谱。分析结果表明,高pH胁迫下质膜和可溶性蛋白蛋白组分的变化较外膜和类囊体膜蛋白组分更为明显。在考马斯亮兰染色胶上共发现有近110个蛋白点上调或下调表达,其中有82个蛋白点来源于质膜。对质膜蛋白进行的差异荧光标记双向电泳(2-D DIGE)分析结果与考马斯亮兰染色结果基本一致。对质膜上的82个蛋白点进行胶内消化和MALDI-TOF和MALDI-TOF/TOF质谱鉴定,得到了39个不同基因产物,其中25个是上调蛋白,14个是下调蛋白。在这些发生变化的蛋白中,近1/3是ABC型转运蛋白,如3个磷转运蛋白(Sll0679,Sll0683,Sll0684)均在高pH胁迫下明显上调。其它高pH响应蛋白包括参与光合作用(PsaF,Sll0819;CpcA,Sll1578)、呼吸作用(CoxB,Sll0813)以及细胞分裂过程的蛋白(MinD,Sll0289)。还有LexA repressor (Sll1626)和Guanylyl cyclase(Cya2,Sll0646)等起调控作用的蛋白质。此外发现8个高pH胁迫响应蛋白为功能未知的新蛋白。生物信息学预测结果显示,在已鉴定的质膜响应蛋白中有17个蛋白具有信号肽。6个蛋白为具有跨膜域的膜蛋白,其中的3个膜蛋白是首次被证明定位于质膜上,且其表达与高pH胁迫有关。这些研究结果对从分子水平理解蓝藻细胞主动应对高pH胁迫、维护细胞内pH相对稳定机制有重要启示。


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In Tachypleus gigas (Muller) the fecundity varied from 1242 to 6565 with a mean of 3758±1962. Maximum fecundity was recorded in T. gigas ranging in carapace length between 161 and 170 mm. The ova diameter was between the range of 1.54 and 2.09 mm with a mean modal value of 1.81 mm. The mean number of ova per mm carapace length, per g body mass and per g ovary mass were 22±12.8, 7±2.0 and 27±3.3 respectively. Linear relationships were obtained between fecundity, carapace length, body mass and ovary mass of T. gigas.


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Lancifodilactone G (1), a novel, highly oxygenated nortriterpenoid featuring a partial enol structure and a spirocyclic moiety, was isolated from the medicinal plant Schisandra lancifolia. Its structure and stereochemistry were determined from extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR and mass spectral data, coupled with single-crystal X-ray analysis. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 95.47 +/- 14.19 mu g/mL and a selectivity index in the range of 1.82-2.46.


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为了比较婆罗门牛和BMY牛的雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P4)水平及胚胎生产潜力,并探讨MOET技术在BMY牛扩繁中的应用前景,采用进口激素(日本产FSH 24~36 mg+美国产PG 35 mg)和国产激素(国产FSH 10~12 mg+国产PG 0.8 mg)对全放牧婆罗门牛和BMY牛进行超排,并于超排前(同期发情第7天)、超排开始、超排第3天、超排发情当天和胚胎回收当天采集血液,采用RIA法分析血浆中的E2和P4水平。结果表明,BMY牛的黄体数和获胚(卵)数、可用胚数分别较婆罗门牛高2.09个和0.95、0.36枚,但差异不显著(P>0.05);BMY牛的排卵率较婆罗门牛高18.46%(P<0.01),而可用胚率则较婆罗门牛低2.55%(P<0.01)。BMY牛在5个处理时段的E2和P4平均值分别较婆罗门牛高0.58 pg/mL(P<0.01)和1.44 ng/mL(P>0.05),在各处理时段的P4水平变化规律几乎与婆罗门牛一致,E2/P4值为婆罗门牛的5.16倍。结果提示,BMY母牛的E2和P4水平高于婆罗门牛,在激素水平和繁殖性能方面表现出一定的杂种优势;E2水平低是婆罗门牛发情微弱和排卵率低的主要原因...


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研究了长江上游特有鱼类厚颌鲂的含肉率及其肌肉生化成分和能值。结果表明 :厚颌鲂的含肉率为72 72 % ;其肌肉生化成分 (鲜重百分比 ) :水分含量为 79 2 6%、蛋白质 16 82 %、脂肪 2 10 %、灰分 1 0 8%、无氮浸出物 0 73 %、比能值 4 93KJ/g及E/P2 9 3 3KJ/g。肌肉生化成分含量与体长变化无明显关系。经单因素方差分析 5— 6月份样品与 10月份样品在脂肪和无氮浸出物含量上有显著差异 (P <0 0 5)。肌肉中含有 17种氨基酸 ,总量为69 54%


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The white cloud mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes Lin is an endemic species to southern China and the genus has two species, Tanichthys albonubes Lin and Tanichthys micagemmae Freyhof et Herder. The distribution range of T. albonubes Lin and T. micagemmae is very narrow and only found in the mountain brooks of Baiyunshan Mountain (White Cloud Mountain), Huaxian Country and the vicinity of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province and Halong, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam respectively. The wild populations of this fish had already been on the verge of extinction when Shu-Yan Lin first discovered it in 1932 at the Baiyunshan Mountain. It was believed to be extinct in the wild because there were no reports of this fish in the wild since 1980. In September 2003, a small and isolated population of the fish was discovered in a mountain puddle in the north vicinity of Guangzhou. Additional studies are needed to determine the survival and propagation of the released fish. The protection of their natural habitat should be implemented.


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AIMS: Our aim was to determine whether alterations in biomechanical properties of human diseased compared to normal coronary artery contribute to changes in artery responsiveness to endothelin-1 in atherosclerosis. MAIN METHODS: Concentration-response curves were constructed to endothelin-1 in normal and diseased coronary artery. The passive mechanical properties of arteries were determined using tensile ring tests from which finite element models of passive mechanical properties of both groups were created. Finite element modelling of artery endothelin-1 responses was then performed. KEY FINDINGS: Maximum responses to endothelin-1 were significantly attenuated in diseased (27±3 mN, n=55) compared to normal (38±2 mN, n=68) artery, although this remained over 70% of control. There was no difference in potency (pD2 control=8.03±0.06; pD2 diseased=7.98±0.06). Finite element modelling of tensile ring tests resulted in hyperelastic shear modulus μ=2004±410 Pa and hardening exponent α=22.8±2.2 for normal wall and μ=2464±1075 Pa and α=38.3±6.7 for plaque tissue and distensibility of diseased vessels was decreased. Finite element modelling of active properties of both groups resulted in higher muscle contractile strain (represented by thermal reactivity) of the atherosclerotic artery model than the normal artery model. The models suggest that a change in muscle response to endothelin-1 occurs in atherosclerotic artery to increase its distensibility towards that seen in normal artery. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that an adaptation occurs in medial smooth muscle of atherosclerotic coronary artery to maintain distensibility of the vessel wall in the presence of endothelin-1. This may contribute to the vasospastic effect of locally increased endothelin-1 production that is reported in this condition.