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A preliminary investigation of electrocatalytic oxidation activity ofbutanol isomers has been carried out to study their potential asfuels for direct alcohol fuel cells. The electrochemical study wascarried out on Pt and Pd electrodes using a three electrode cell setup in alkaline media. The primary alcohol isomers of butanol wereobserved to behave similarly in their electrochemical reactionswhereas 2-butanol showed completely different oxidation featureson both catalysts. For example, no poisoning effects were observedfor 2- butanol unlike for the primary butanol isomers. In contrast,tert-butanol did not show any oxidation reaction on Pt and Pdelectrodes. Furthermore, Pd was not active at all in acidic mediafor butanol oxidation. The reactivity of butanol isomers were foundto be in the order n-butanol>iso-butanol>2-butanol>tert-butanolbased on the oxidation current density values.
Abstract: Psychometric properties of two self-report clinical competence scales for nursing students.
Background: It is important to assess the clinical competence of nursing students to gauge their professional development and educational needs. This can be measured by self-assessment tools. Anema and McCoy (2010) contended that the currently available measures need further psychometric testing.
Aim: To test the psychometric properties of Nursing Competencies Questionnaire (NCQ) and Self-Efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP) clinical competence scales.
Method: A non-randomly selected sample of n=248 2nd year nursing students completed NCQ, SECP and demographic questionnaires (June and September 2013). Mokken Scaling Analysis (MSA) was used to test the structural validity and scale properties, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were subsequently tested.
Results: The NCQ provided evidence of a unidimensional scale which had strong scale scalability coefficients Hs =0.581; but limited evidence of item rankability HT =0.367. MSA undertaken with the SECP scale identified two potential unidimensional scales the SECP28 and SECP7, each with adequate evidence of good/reasonable scalablity psychometric properties as a summed scale but no/very limited evidence of scale rankability (SECP28: Hs = 0.55, HT=0.211; SECP7: Hs = 0.61, HT=0.049). Analysis of between cohort differences and NCQ/ SECP scale scores produced evidence of convergent and discriminant validity and good internal reliability: NCQ α = 0.93, SECP28 α = 0.96, and SECP7 α=0.89.
Discussion: The NCQ was verified to have evidence of reliability and validity; however, as the SECP findings are new, and the sample small, with reference to Straat and colleagues (2014), the SECP results should be interpreted with caution and verified on a second sample.
Conclusions: Measurement of perceived self-competence could inform the development of nursing competence and could start early in a nursing programme. Further testing of the NCQ and SECP scales with larger samples and from different years is indicated.
Anema, M., G and McCoy, JK. (2010) Competency-Based Nursing Education: Guide to Achieving Outstanding Learner Outcomes. New York: Springer.
Straat, JH., van der Ark, LA and Sijtsma, K. (2014) Minimum Sample Size Requirements for Mokken Scale Analysis Educational and Psychological Measurement 74 (5), 809-822.
Volunteer administrators from 105 hospitals in five states in the northeast and southern United States provided open-ended survey responses about what they perceived to be the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing healthcare volunteer management. Taken together, these 105 hospitals used a total of 39,008 volunteers and 5.3 million volunteer hours during a 12-month period between 2010 and 2011. A qualitative content analysis of administrator responses suggests that primary challenges include volunteer recruitment and retention, administrative issues, and operational difficulties brought about by the current economic crisis. Key opportunities include more explicitly linking the volunteer function to hospital outcomes and community impact, expanding volunteer recruitment pools and roles and jobs, and developing organizational support for volunteers and making the volunteer management function more efficient and effective.
Pollen is routinely monitored, but it is unknown whether pollen counts represent allergen exposure. We therefore simultaneously determined olive pollen and Ole e 1 in ambient air in C"ordoba, Spain, and "Evora, Portugal, using Hirst-type traps for pollen and high-volume cascade impactors for allergen. Pollen from different days released 12-fold different amounts of Ole e 1 per pollen (both locations P < 0.001). Average allergen release from pollen (pollen potency) was much higher in C"ordoba (3.9 pg Ole e 1/pollen) than in "Evora (0.8 pg Ole e 1/pollen, P = 0.004). Indeed, yearly olive pollen counts in C"ordoba were 2.4 times higher than in "Evora, but Ole e 1 concentrations were 7.6 times higher. When modeling the origin of the pollen, >40% of Ole e 1 exposure in "Evora was explained by high-potency pollen originating from the south of Spain. Thus, olive pollen can vary substantially in allergen release, even though they are morphologically identical.
O cinema português não tem junto do público nacional o mesmo apelo de outros tempos. Hoje a oferta é maior e o cinema norte-americano parece ter invadido as salas de cinema portuguesas. Hoje o cinema português está mais dependente do financiamento público, a ida às salas de cinema para ver produções nacionais é parca quando comparada com afluência para ver filmes de outros países e a produção nacional nem sempre passa nas salas nacionais. Sob este cenário, o trabalho aqui apresentado pretende responder ao que parece ser uma necessidade de desenvolvimento e de crescimento do sector usando como ferramenta as relações públicas. Este trabalho consiste, assim, numa aplicação prática das técnicas de relações públicas para construir uma estratégia de comunicação que, por um lado, promova o cinema português e que, por outro, fortaleça o sector.
O movimento de afirmação eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), como padrão para a preparação e difusão dos relatórios financeiros e outras publicações empresariais, foi encabeçado pelo American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) em conjunto com aproximadatnente outras 30 organizações. Desde o primeiro encontro internacional sobre a especificação XBRL, realizado em Nova York no mês de Outubro de 1999, que a lista de participantes se tem alargado incluindo proeminentes instituições financeiras, organizações profissionais de serviços, organizações profissionais de contabilidade e fornecedores de tecnologia sobrevindo, ao mesmo tempo, um incontável número de alianças e ligações. A XBRL é uma linguagem standard utilizada no ambiente da Internet cujo desenvolvimento permitirá obter uma informação de melhor qualidade, mais rápida, mais económica e mais eficaz, para o processo de criação e publicação de relatórios financeiros e empresariais. Neste artigo os autores apresentam, resumidamente, as vantagens referidas pela literatura para esta nova tecnologia, descrevem sumariamente as características técnicas da XBRL, traçam o seu percurso desde 1999 e analisam o potencial deste standard para Portugal, bem como a sua aplicação em diferentes áreas de investigação.
BACKGROUND: Data from prospective cohort studies regarding the association between subclinical hyperthyroidism and cardiovascular outcomes are conflicting.We aimed to assess the risks of total and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality, CHD events, and atrial fibrillation (AF) associated with endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism among all available large prospective cohorts. METHODS: Individual data on 52 674 participants were pooled from 10 cohorts. Coronary heart disease events were analyzed in 22 437 participants from 6 cohorts with available data, and incident AF was analyzed in 8711 participants from 5 cohorts. Euthyroidism was defined as thyrotropin level between 0.45 and 4.49 mIU/L and endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism as thyrotropin level lower than 0.45 mIU/L with normal free thyroxine levels, after excluding those receiving thyroid-altering medications. RESULTS: Of 52 674 participants, 2188 (4.2%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism. During follow-up, 8527 participants died (including 1896 from CHD), 3653 of 22 437 had CHD events, and 785 of 8711 developed AF. In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, subclinical hyperthyroidism was associated with increased total mortality (hazard ratio[HR], 1.24, 95% CI, 1.06-1.46), CHD mortality (HR,1.29; 95% CI, 1.02-1.62), CHD events (HR, 1.21; 95%CI, 0.99-1.46), and AF (HR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.16-2.43).Risks did not differ significantly by age, sex, or preexisting cardiovascular disease and were similar after further adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, with attributable risk of 14.5% for total mortality to 41.5% forAF in those with subclinical hyperthyroidism. Risks for CHD mortality and AF (but not other outcomes) were higher for thyrotropin level lower than 0.10 mIU/L compared with thyrotropin level between 0.10 and 0.44 mIU/L(for both, P value for trend, .03). CONCLUSION: Endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with increased risks of total, CHD mortality, and incident AF, with highest risks of CHD mortality and AF when thyrotropin level is lower than 0.10 mIU/L.
Resultados de la evaluación de la biomasa de merluza peruana (Merluccius gayi peruanus), con el método hidroacústico. La evaluación comprendió desde el Callao hasta la frontera norte y desde las 20 bz hasta más de 300 bz de profundidad. La biomasa fue estimada en 256.809 t, ± 15,8%. La densidad media global fue de 13,9 t/mn2. Se presentan cartas de distribución y concentración del recurso y se discuten posibles fuentes de error.
Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level textural index of bone microarchitecture derived from lumbar spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. TBS is a bone mineral density (BMD)-independent predictor of fracture risk. The objective of this meta-analysis was to determine whether TBS predicted fracture risk independently of FRAX probability and to examine their combined performance by adjusting the FRAX probability for TBS. We utilized individual-level data from 17,809 men and women in 14 prospective population-based cohorts. Baseline evaluation included TBS and the FRAX risk variables, and outcomes during follow-up (mean 6.7 years) comprised major osteoporotic fractures. The association between TBS, FRAX probabilities, and the risk of fracture was examined using an extension of the Poisson regression model in each cohort and for each sex and expressed as the gradient of risk (GR; hazard ratio per 1 SD change in risk variable in direction of increased risk). FRAX probabilities were adjusted for TBS using an adjustment factor derived from an independent cohort (the Manitoba Bone Density Cohort). Overall, the GR of TBS for major osteoporotic fracture was 1.44 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.35-1.53) when adjusted for age and time since baseline and was similar in men and women (p > 0.10). When additionally adjusted for FRAX 10-year probability of major osteoporotic fracture, TBS remained a significant, independent predictor for fracture (GR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.24-1.41). The adjustment of FRAX probability for TBS resulted in a small increase in the GR (1.76, 95% CI 1.65-1.87 versus 1.70, 95% CI 1.60-1.81). A smaller change in GR for hip fracture was observed (FRAX hip fracture probability GR 2.25 vs. 2.22). TBS is a significant predictor of fracture risk independently of FRAX. The findings support the use of TBS as a potential adjustment for FRAX probability, though the impact of the adjustment remains to be determined in the context of clinical assessment guidelines. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
1886/05/30 (Numéro 809).
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