993 resultados para 770
以0.01mol·L^-1 CaCl2和0.005mol·L^-1 1DTPA作为提取剂,用简化的3步连续提取法对贵州省赫章县土法炼锌污染土壤中Zn、Cd的形态进行了分析.结果显示,污染土壤中Zn、Cd主要以残渣态的形式存在,CaCl2提取态和DTPA提取态Zn、CA平均仅占全量的0.63%、3.91%和lO.94%、10.13%.土壤中不同形态Zn、Cd含量与玉米中Zn、CA含量的相关分析结果显示,CaCl2提取态金属与玉米中金属含量投有显著的相关关系,而DTPA提取态、残渣态以及总量Zn、Cd与玉米根、茎叶中Zn、Cd含量显著正相关.这些结果表明CaCl2提取态Zn、Cd对土壤中该元素的植物有效态可能不具重要贡献,而DTPA提取态金属和金属总量在一定程度上能作为评价土壤中元素植物有效性的标准.
济阳坳陷是自三叠纪以来欧亚板块、印度洋板块和库拉-太平洋板块相互作用形成的一个叠置在华北板块上的中、新生代坳陷,位于华北板块东部,东临著名的郯庐大断裂。在坳陷中部的高青-平南断裂地区和西部惠民凹陷发现了大量的CO2气藏,近年来受到很多地质学家和地学工作者的注意。本文在前人资料和自己研究成果的基础上,详细分析了济阳坳陷CO2气藏的气体地球化学特征和惠民凹陷地区火成岩中方解石脉的碳氧同位素特征,为厘定区域内二氧化碳气的来源提供理论依据。通过系统的研究,获得了以下成果和结论: 济阳坳陷CO2气藏中,13CCO2值为-5.67~-3.35‰,主频率段为-4.76~-4.32‰,指示CO2气的主体为无机成因;而气藏中CH4的13C为-54.39~-35.00‰,主频率段为-54.39~-51.55‰,显示以有机成因为主。 济阳坳陷CO2气藏中3He/4He比值为2.80~4.49×10-6,主频率段为3.55~4.49×10-6;40Ar/36Ar值为317~1791,变化较大,主要分布在770~1791;13CCO2值与3He/4He成正相关关系;CO2/3Hem值介于0.769~10.2×109之间,主体为1.86~3.51×109,且CO2/3Hem值与CO2含量一定程度地正相关;CH4/3He比值介于1.01~5.65×108之间,接近于幔源流体值,而远低于壳源特征值,且CH4/3He比值随3He/4He比值减少而增加。以上种种特征都说明,济阳坳陷非烃类气藏中气体具有多来源的特征,但CO2主体是无机成因,并主要来自地幔,少量来自有机成因;在成藏过程,幔源CO2通过转变为CH4或者碳酸盐岩而丢失了部分CO2,壳源CO2和其它烃类加入到气藏中;花沟地区的气体地球化学特征与众不同,可能存在碳酸盐地层变质脱气产生的CO2的混入,但具体原因尚待进一步研究。 济阳坳陷惠民凹陷地区火成岩中方解石脉的碳同位素数据-3.30~3.14‰,氧同位素数据12.64~16.97‰,二者成正相关关系,同时也位于前人所说的沉积混染趋势线上,具有较为典型的壳幔混合特征。这些方解石脉的碳同位素又明显的位于海相碳酸盐岩范围之内,说明脉体的主要碳源不是深源的,而是来自于海相底层。
本论文在前人数据资料和研究成果的基础上,以北衙金矿床及其相关的富碱侵入岩作为主要研究对象,以探讨滇西新生代富碱火成岩成岩过程及富碱岩浆上升演化过程中的流体分异,北衙金矿床的成因,最终揭示北衙金矿床与相关的富碱侵入岩之间的关系为主要研究目的,通过主、微量(包括稀土)元素地球化学,Pb、Sr、Nd、C、O、S及He-Ar等同位素地球化学,以及流体包裹体地球化学等方面的研究获得以下主要认识:-1.滇西新生代富碱火成岩来源于EM-II型富集地慢,源区的交代富集过程与古特提斯洋壳的俯冲有关,俯冲板片的含水流体对上覆上慢楔的交代是滇西富碱侵入岩(相当于A型花岗岩)含水的原因,这次富碱岩浆活动是一次滞后的弧岩浆活动;富碱中、酸性岩浆由碱性玄武质岩浆混染约20%的主要来自变质基底的地壳物质演化而来;滇西新生代富碱岩浆具备岛弧岩浆的氧化条件(即fogfo2>FMQ+2,FMQ代表铁橄榄石一磁铁矿一石英氧缓冲),并在其上升演化过程中分异出大量的流体相,具有较大的An、Cu成矿潜力。2.北衙金矿的矿化时代33.0±1.5Ma与相关的富碱侵入岩的成岩时代(32-34Ma)一致。3,成矿早期流体或初始流体具有富碱岩浆在变质基底内分异的流体的Nd和sr同位素组成(Isr≈0.722390,ε Nd(t)≈-2.8)、矿区及外围富碱斑岩的平均Pb同位素组成(206Pb/204Pb=18.590,207Pb/204Pb=15.606,208Pb/204Pb=38.770)、与相关富碱斑岩一致的稀土配分模式、岩浆热液的C、O同位素组成(δ13C≈-5%0,61、尧11%0)、以及壳一慢混合He-Ar同位素组成(3He尸He;1 .80-1.94 Ra,3He/3 6Ar=1 .19 * 10-3-3.93火10·3)并显示明显的He-Ar分异(4oAr*/He=0.34-0.75),且以高温、高压、高盐度、富c02为特征,说明初始流体主要在变质基底内由富碱岩浆分异而来;初始流体在上升过程中由于温度、压力降低发生富co2相和盐水相的分离,成矿元素优先分配进入富COZ相,逐步演化为成矿阶段流体;成矿阶段流体在去气或与大气降水混合过程中释放出其中的成矿元素。4.约80%的成矿金属来自富碱岩浆,其余部分主要通过岩浆流体从变质基底摄取。结论:北衙金矿与相关的富碱侵入岩具有密切的成因关系。
O municipio de Iguaraci, com uma area de 770,96 km2, localiza-se na regiao semi-arida de Pernambuco, na Zona do Alto Pajeu. O estudo, na escala 1:100.000, identifica os diversos ambientes do municipio, com suas principais vocacoes, potencialidades e limitacoes. Pode, entao, subsidiar o planejamento de atividades agricolas, pecuarias, florestais ou outros tipos de atividades nao agricolas, incluindo recomendacoes de areas para preservacao ambiental. O municipio foi dividido em 15 segmentos geoambientais em funcao do arranjo e distribuicao dos diferentes solos em topossequencias, do grau xerofitico da caatinga (hiper e hipoxerofila) e, no caso das Serras e Serrotes, tambem foram consideradas suas dimensoes e diferencas geologicas. Estes segmentos geoambientais foram agrupados em 5 subunidades geoambientais em funcao de diferenciacoes geologicas, aspectos morfoestruturais, e de combinacoes de caracteristicas de geologia e relevo. As subunidades geoambientais identificadas foram as seguintes: (1) Tabuleiros Interioranos Dissecados Isolados - TD (com o segmento geoambiental TD1); (2) Superficies Avermelhadas do Cristalino - SA (com o segmento geoambiental SA1); (3) Pediplanos do Alto Pajeu - PD (com os segmentos geoambientais PD1 a PD6); (4) Terracos Aluviais - Baixios - TA (com os segmentos geoambientais TA1 e TA2); e (5) Serras, Serrotes e Elevacoes Residuais - SS (com os segmentos geoambientais SS1 a SS5). Os segmentos geoambientais indicados preferencialmente para lavouras sao TD1, SA1, TA1, TA2, PD1 e PD2, que perfazem uma area de 76,48 km2. Os segmentos indicados para lavouras e/ou pastagens (plantadas ou naturais) sao PD3 e PD4, abrangendo uma area de 206,74 km2. Os segmentos geoambientais recomendados para pecuaria extensiva, pastagem natural e/ou plantada e apicultura, sao PD5 e PD6, perfazendo uma area de 359,56 km2. Os segmentos indicados para preservacao ambiental sao os SS1 a SS5, perfazendo uma area de 18,18 km2.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) provide a promising source for cell therapy and drug screening. Several high-yield protocols exist for hESC-CM production; however, methods to significantly advance hESC-CM maturation are still lacking. Building on our previous experience with mouse ESC-CMs, we investigated the effects of 3-dimensional (3D) tissue-engineered culture environment and cardiomyocyte purity on structural and functional maturation of hESC-CMs. 2D monolayer and 3D fibrin-based cardiac patch cultures were generated using dissociated cells from differentiated Hes2 embryoid bodies containing varying percentage (48-90%) of CD172a (SIRPA)-positive cardiomyocytes. hESC-CMs within the patch were aligned uniformly by locally controlling the direction of passive tension. Compared to hESC-CMs in age (2 weeks) and purity (48-65%) matched 2D monolayers, hESC-CMs in 3D patches exhibited significantly higher conduction velocities (CVs), longer sarcomeres (2.09 ± 0.02 vs. 1.77 ± 0.01 μm), and enhanced expression of genes involved in cardiac contractile function, including cTnT, αMHC, CASQ2 and SERCA2. The CVs in cardiac patches increased with cardiomyocyte purity, reaching 25.1 cm/s in patches constructed with 90% hESC-CMs. Maximum contractile force amplitudes and active stresses of cardiac patches averaged to 3.0 ± 1.1 mN and 11.8 ± 4.5 mN/mm(2), respectively. Moreover, contractile force per input cardiomyocyte averaged to 5.7 ± 1.1 nN/cell and showed a negative correlation with hESC-CM purity. Finally, patches exhibited significant positive inotropy with isoproterenol administration (1.7 ± 0.3-fold force increase, EC50 = 95.1 nm). These results demonstrate highly advanced levels of hESC-CM maturation after 2 weeks of 3D cardiac patch culture and carry important implications for future drug development and cell therapy studies.
Diversos estudios sobre tecnologías educativas para la docencia superior, formulan la participación activa y aprendizajes significativos, complementado con trabajo interactivo y autoestima positiva. Investigadores en educación afirman que “Construimos significados cuando relacionamos las nuevas informaciones con nuestros esquemas previos de comprensión de la realidad”. Por tanto, se propone incluir los contenidos dentro de situaciones naturales que impliquen el enfrentamiento del alumno con tareas que se asemejen a las complejas situaciones de la vida real y profesional. Esto apoyado con tecnología, donde el objetivo sea desarrollar actividades que permitan al alumno descubrir relaciones, propiedades, y donde desarrolle la capacidad de análisis, creatividad y una actitud crítica hacia los resultados.
In the flip-chip assembly process, no-flow underfill materials have a particular advantage over traditional underfill: the application and curing of the former can be undertaken before and during the reflow process. This advantage can be exploited to increase the flip-chip manufacturing throughput. However, adopting a no-flow underfill process may introduce reliability issues such as underfill entrapment, delamination at interfaces between underfill and other materials, and lower solder joint fatigue life. This paper presents an analysis on the assembly and the reliability of flip-chips with no-flow underfill. The methodology adopted in the work is a combination of experimental and computer-modeling methods. Two types of no-flow underfill materials have been used for the flip chips. The samples have been inspected with X-ray and scanning acoustic microscope inspection systems to find voids and other defects. Eleven samples for each type of underfill material have been subjected to thermal shock test and the number of cycles to failure for these flip chips have been found. In the computer modeling part of the work, a comprehensive parametric study has provided details on the relationship between the material properties and reliability, and on how underfill entrapment may affect the thermal–mechanical fatigue life of flip chips with no-flow underfill.
Ball shear test is the most common test method used to assess the reliability of bond strength for ball grid array (BGA) packages. In this work, a combined experimental and numerical study was carried out to realize of BGA solder interface strength. Solder mask defined bond pads on the BGA substrate were used for BGA ball bonding. Different bond pad metallizations and solder alloys were used. Solid state aging at 150degC up to 1000 h has been carried out to change the interfacial microstructure. Cross-sectional studies of the solder-to-bond pad interfaces was conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyzer to investigate the interfacial reaction phenomena. Ball shear tests have been carried out to obtain the mechanical strength of the solder joints and to correlate shear behaviour with the interfacial reaction products. An attempt has been taken to realize experimental findings by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). It was found that intermetallic compound (IMC) formation at the solder interface plays an important role in the BGA solder bond strength. By changing the morphology and the microchemistry of IMCs, the fracture propagation path could be changed and hence, reliability could be improved
Examines the provisions of European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/38 protecting the rights of EU citizens' partners to move freely within the EU. Highlights criticisms of the previous legislation, in particular, the lack of rights for cohabitees. Considers the extension of rights to registered partners, and the improved position of unmarried partners, noting, however, the lack of guidance on whether an unmarried couple's relationship is "durable" and "duly attested". Explains the circumstances in which non-EU spouses will not now lose the right of residence on divorce. [From Legal Journals Index]
The measurement of particle velocities in two-phase gas-solid systems has a wide application in flow monitoring in process plant, where two-phase gas-solids systems are frequently employed in the form of pneumatic conveyors and solid fuel injection systems. Such measurements have proved to be difficult to make reliably in industrial environments. This paper details particle velocity measurements made in a two phase gas-solid now utilising a laser Doppler velocimetry system. Tests were carried out using both wheat flour and pulverised coal as the solids phase, with air being used as the gaseous phase throughout. A pipeline of circular section, having a diameter of 53 mm was used for the test work, with air velocities ranging from 25 to 45 m/s and suspension densities ranging from 0.001 kg to 1 kg of solids per cubic meter of air. Details of both the test equipment used, and the results of the measurements are presented.