989 resultados para 726
El informe Olivenza 2015 aborda los siguientes contenidos: - Cambios en el marco normativo de la discapacidad. - Medición estadística, análisis demográfico e inclusión social de la discapacidad a partir de diversas fuentes y siguiendo el Sistema de Indicadores propio desarrollado por el OED. - Mercado laboral y discapacidad, con el apoyo de ODISMET. - Gasto público en discapacidad. - Discapacidad y uso de TIC, con el apoyo de la Fundación VODAFONE. - Población con discapacidad en Extremadura: demografía, inclusión y uso de TICs.
Dissertação mest., Biologia marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Recent changes in the seasonal timing (phenology) of familiar biological events have been one of the most conspicuous signs of climate change. However, the lack of a standardised approach to analysing change has hampered assessment of consistency in such changes among different taxa and trophic levels and across freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments. We present a standardised assessment of 25 532 rates of phenological change for 726 UK terrestrial, freshwater and marine taxa. The majority of spring and summer events have advanced, and more rapidly than previously documented. Such consistency is indicative of shared large-scale drivers. Furthermore, average rates of change have accelerated in a way that is consistent with observed warming trends. Less coherent patterns in some groups of organisms point to the agency of more local scale processes and multiple drivers. For the first time we show a broad scale signal of differential phenological change among trophic levels; across environments advances in timing were slowest for secondary consumers, thus heightening the potential risk of temporal mismatch in key trophic interactions. If current patterns and rates of phenological change are indicative of future trends, future climate warming may exacerbate trophic mismatching, further disrupting the functioning, persistence and resilience of many ecosystems and having a major impact on ecosystem services
Purpose: This paper presents a combined multi-phase supplier selection model. The process repeatedly revisits the criteria and sourcing decision as the development process continues. This enables a structured adoption of product and production system innovation from strategic suppliers, where previously the literature purely focuses on product innovation or cost reduction. Design/methodology/approach: The authors adopted an embedded researcher style, inductive, qualitative case study of an industrial supply cluster comprising a focal automotive company and its interaction with three different strategic stamping suppliers. Findings: Our contribution is the multi-phased production and product innovation process. This is an advance from traditional supplier selection and also an extension of ideas of supplier-located product development as it includes production system development, and complements the literature on working with strategic suppliers. Specifically, we explicitly articulate the previously unreported issue of whether a supplier chosen for its innovation capabilities at the start of the new product development process will also be the most appropriate supplier during the production system development phase, when an ability to work collaboratively may be the most important attribute, or in the large-scale production phase when an ability to manufacture at low unit cost may be most important. Originality/value: The paper identifies a multi-phase approach to tendering within a fixed body of strategic suppliers which seeks to identify the optimum technological and process decisions as well as the traditional supplier sourcing choice. These areas have not been combined before and generate a valuable approach for firms to adopt as well as for researchers to extend our understanding of a highly complex process.
Este estudo pretende analisar a influência do caudal de ar novo insuflado num edifício administrativo no desempenho energético do seu sistema AVAC. O RSECE determina os caudais mínimos de AN para renovação do ar interior e qualidade do ar aceitável em espaços em que não haja fontes atípicas de poluentes e sem fumadores. Existe uma tendência para se projectar sistemas AVAC insuflando o caudal mínimo de AN, para assim se poupar no consumo de energia. No entanto, em determinadas situações, com esse procedimento está-se a fazer precisamente o contrário. Nessas situações não se está a aproveitar a oportunidade de aumentar a QAI e, simultaneamente, reduzir o consumo de energia. Neste estudo calculou-se o consumo energético do sistema AVAC do edifício, inicialmente insuflando o caudal mínimo de AN, e depois repetiu-se o cálculo várias vezes aumentando esse mesmo caudal progressivamente. Este cálculo foi feito para dois tipos de sistemas de ar, CAV e VAV, e para três localizações diferentes do mesmo edifício. Foi também estudada a possibilidade do sistema funcionar em regime de “free cooling”, e também foram feitos cálculos para diferentes temperaturas de insuflação em situação de arrefecimento. Concluiu-se que, para as localizações do edifício em que este apresenta necessidades de arrefecimento anuais superiores às de aquecimento, o caudal de AN responsável pelo menor consumo energético do seu sistema AVAC é superior ao mínimo imposto pelo RSECE. Observou-se também que, quando se insufla no edifício o caudal mínimo de AN e o sistema está preparado para funcionar em regime de “free cooling”, conseguem-se poupanças no consumo energético anual do sistema bastante relevantes, independentemente do balanço entre as necessidades de aquecimento e arrefecimento anuais que o edifício apresenta. Em relação aos dois sistemas de ar estudados concluiu-se que, em qualquer das situações estudadas, o sistema VAV apresenta consumos energéticos inferiores.
BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.
The primary care physician is frequently consulted in first line for infectious complications in organ transplant recipients. Many infections without signs of severity can nowadays be managed on an outpatient basis. However, a number of clinical situations specific to transplant recipients may require special attention and knowledge. In particular, the general practitioner must be aware of the potential interactions between immunosuppressive and antimicrobial therapies, the risk of renal dysfunction as a consequence of diarrhea or urinary tract infection, and the diagnostic of CMV disease as a cause of fever without obvious source occurring several months after transplantation. Collaboration with the transplantation specialists is recommended in order to assure an optimal management of these patients.
Presenta un atlas sedimentológico compuesto por un texto explicativo y 19 cartas elaboradas en base a la información obtenida de 726 muestras de sedimento superficial de la plataforma continental peruana y del talud continental, extraídas entre 1976 y 1983 mediante una draga Van Veen de 0,10m2. Incluye la batimetría de la zona estudiada,la ubicación de los puntos de muestreo, la textura y granulometría del sedimento, así como el contenido tanto de carbonatos como de carbono orgánico. Las cartas son más detalladas para la plataforma que para el talud y muestran la predominancia de sedimentos arenosos en la mayor parte de la plataforma continental y del talud superior entre los 6°15' y 10°30' S, y la presencia de arcilla limosa cubriendo todo el talud continental y gran parte de la plataforma al sur de los 10°30' S. En cuanto al carbono orgánico y carbonatos se observa valores muy bajos ( <2% de carbono orgánico y <10% de carbonatos en sedimento) al norte de los 10"30'S y valores altos (>5%- 20% de carbono orgánico y hasta de 30%-50% de carbonatos) al sur de los 10°30'S.
La temperatura y salinidad en la superficie del mar, fluctuaron entre 15,3°C a 26,5°C y 28,0‰ a 35,4‰ respectivamente; los bajos valores de salinidad (<34,8‰) se ubicaron próximos a la costa, relacionados con la descarga de los ríos. Aguas Subtropicales Subsuperficiales (S‰>35,1), en forma de cuña se pegaron a la costa frente a Matarani y hasta aproximadamente 30 mn frente a San Juan, originando las mayores anomalías positivas del área de estudio (3,6°C a 4,9°C); anomalías negativas sólo se detectaron entre Callao y Pisco, en un rango de 0,7°C y 39,9%.
Analyzing the type and frequency of patient-specific mutations that give rise to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an invaluable tool for diagnostics, basic scientific research, trial planning, and improved clinical care. Locus-specific databases allow for the collection, organization, storage, and analysis of genetic variants of disease. Here, we describe the development and analysis of the TREAT-NMD DMD Global database (http://umd.be/TREAT_DMD/). We analyzed genetic data for 7,149 DMD mutations held within the database. A total of 5,682 large mutations were observed (80% of total mutations), of which 4,894 (86%) were deletions (1 exon or larger) and 784 (14%) were duplications (1 exon or larger). There were 1,445 small mutations (smaller than 1 exon, 20% of all mutations), of which 358 (25%) were small deletions and 132 (9%) small insertions and 199 (14%) affected the splice sites. Point mutations totalled 756 (52% of small mutations) with 726 (50%) nonsense mutations and 30 (2%) missense mutations. Finally, 22 (0.3%) mid-intronic mutations were observed. In addition, mutations were identified within the database that would potentially benefit from novel genetic therapies for DMD including stop codon read-through therapies (10% of total mutations) and exon skipping therapy (80% of deletions and 55% of total mutations).
A number of recent papers have brought suggestive evidence for an active role of Chlamydiales in the establishment of the plastid. Chlamydiales define a very ancient group of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that multiply in vesicles within eukaryotic phagotrophic host cells such as animals, amoebae or other protists, possibly including the hypothetical phagotroph that internalized the cyanobacterial ancestor of the plastid over a billion years ago. We briefly survey the case for an active role of these ancient pathogens in plastid endosymbiosis. We argue that a good understanding of the Chlamydiales infection cycle and diversity may help to shed light on the process of metabolic integration of the evolving plastid.
1886/03/08 (Numéro 726).
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60477