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Astrocytes are the brain nonnerve cells that are competent for gliosecretion, i.e., for expression and regulated exocytosis of clear and dense-core vesicles (DCVs). We investigated whether expression of astrocyte DCVs is governed by RE-1-silencing transcription factor (REST)/neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF), the transcription repressor that orchestrates nerve cell differentiation. Rat astrocyte cultures exhibited high levels of REST and expressed neither DCVs nor their markers (granins, peptides, and membrane proteins). Transfection of a dominant-negative construct of REST induced the appearance of DCVs filled with secretogranin 2 and neuropeptide Y (NPY) and distinct from other organelles. Total internal reflection fluorescence analysis revealed NPY-monomeric red fluorescent protein-labeled DCVs to undergo Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis, which was largely prevented by botulinum toxin B. In the I-II layers of the human temporal brain cortex, all neurons and microglia exhibited the expected inappreciable and high levels of REST, respectively. In contrast, astrocyte REST was variable, going from inappreciable to high, and accompanied by a variable expression of DCVs. In conclusion, astrocyte DCV expression and gliosecretion are governed by REST. The variable in situ REST levels may contribute to the well-known structural/functional heterogeneity of astrocytes.
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:263 000], Echelle de 40000 Mètres
Mammalian sex chromosomes have undergone profound changes since evolving from ancestral autosomes. By examining retroposed genes in the human and mouse genomes, we demonstrate that, during evolution, the mammalian X chromosome has generated and recruited a disproportionately high number of functional retroposed genes, whereas the autosomes experienced lower gene turnover. Most autosomal copies originating from X-linked genes exhibited testis-biased expression. Such export is incompatible with mutational bias and is likely driven by natural selection to attain male germline function. However, the excess recruitment is consistent with a combination of both natural selection and mutational bias.
A usabilidade é um conceito que ultrapassa as fronteiras de aprendizagem ou da facilidade de uso. É um termo mais vasto e envolve vários critérios para medi-la. Diversos estudos proeminentes foram desenvolvidos, cada um dispondo de um conjunto de métricas com o propósito de avaliar a usabilidade. O presente trabalho monográfico versa o estado actual da usabilidade dos sites governamentais em Cabo Verde, bem como adoptar alguns métodos de avaliação de entre os vários existentes, que permita fazer uma avaliação crítica dos sites governamentais. Tendo em consideração a importância que os sites governamentais têm para a população, é preciso que se encontrem bem estruturados para que os cidadãos cabo-verdianos e não só, se sintam satisfeitos e confortáveis ao navegar por eles e que realizem as suas tarefas em curto espaço de tempo. Neste sentido, foram seleccionados os dez sites mais representativos do governo de Cabo Verde. A análise focou mais as páginas principais dos sites abordados, buscando ocorrências a serem comparadas com as recomendações, medidas e heurísticas utilizadas para a pesquisa. O resultado da análise foi registado em tabelas e gráficos criados para cada um dos sites estudados, descrevendo problemas e acertos encontrados.
Basados en la compilación de resultados de análisis sedimentológicos (granulometría, contenido orgánico) de 1191 estaciones realizadas por IMARPE, de 1975 a 2001, la compilación de información sobre el tema entre los 3°30’S y los 15°30’S y con el conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino de esta región, se definen tres grandes áreas: al norte de los 6°15’S, de 6°15’S a 9°30’S y entre 9°30’ y 15°30’S. Entre los 3°30’ y los 6°15’S los contenidos de materia orgánica son mayores a 5% y menores a 10%, el carbono orgánico predomina con valores <1% a 2%. Los sedimentos corresponden a facies de fango y arenas, de origen terrígeno. El ancho de la plataforma es variable aproximadamente de 3 a 30 mn (14 mn promedio), la pendiente del talud superior es bastante pronunciada, presenta caídas bruscas. El relieve es disparejo, con fuertes desmembramientos en el borde exterior de la plataforma y el talud superior debido a que se encuentra surcado por cañones submarinos. En el extremo noroccidental de esta zona, se halla el Banco de Máncora cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. Entre los 6°30’S y los 9°30’S los contenidos de materia orgánica se incrementan de 5% a 15%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico son >2% y llegan a 5%, en algunos casos localmente superan este valor casi en tres puntos más. En los sedimentos del sector norte de esta zona predominan facies texturales de arenas y fango de origen terrígeno y también biógenos (foraminíferos), hacia el sur de esta zona predominan sedimentos de origen biogénico y autigénico (principalmente fosforita). El ancho de la plataforma se incrementa hasta alcanzar su máxima magnitud, esta es variable, aproximadamente de 22 a 70 mn. El talud superior tiene un declive moderado. El relieve del fondo marino en el borde exterior de la plataforma y talud superior se hallan surcados por cañones submarinos (7° - 9°S). Frente a Punta Chao aproximadamente a 65 mn se encuentra el Banco de Chimbote cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. La granulometría de los sedimentos y sus estadígrafos muestran un cambio definido desde los 10°30’S. Desde los 9°30’ a los 15°45’S los valores de materia orgánica por lo general sobrepasan el 15% y pueden alcanzar hasta 32,12%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico varían de 5% a 11,14%. En esta zona se encuentra presente, principalmente fango limoso y fango arcilloso terrígeno y biógeno (diatoméico). El ancho de la plataforma varía de modo general entre 10 y 50 mn (24 mn promedio aproximadamente). La pendiente del talud superior es suave en casi toda su extensión, el relieve del fondo marino es bastante uniforme, surcado por algunos pequeños cañones submarinos que no afectan la regularidad del relieve. De la interpretación de la data, análisis de parámetros estadísticos generados y condiciones de los sedimentos, se encontró coincidencia en la zona de la plataforma y talud superior de más de uno de los factores medio ambiente deposicional que permiten la preservación del contenido de materia orgánica tales como: Tipo y condiciones geoquímicas del sedimento y fondo marino, morfología del fondo marino, hidrodinámica, fuente de suministro, tasa de sedimentación, bioturbación.
Present downslope iron accumulations were investigated in the rainforest zone in southern Cameroon. Six clay and Fe-hydroxide dominated patterns have been identified and occur on the lower part of hill slopes. They can be subdivided in three different sequences, related to gentle, moderate or steep slopes. They are discontinuous with respect to the dismantling zone of the old ferricrete cap formed at Cretaceous period. They show a gradual development from a soft Fe-crust (carapace) to a vesicular facies that will, with time, cover the whole landscape again.
BACKGROUND: Studies carried out on specific travelers' groups such as students describe an increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs during travel and vacation time. The present study investigates the risk behaviors (alcohol and drugs) in a general adult population in Switzerland travelling abroad who visited a travel clinic before departure. METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted in a travel clinic between January 2006 and December 2008. 14,496 patients came to the clinic for a pre-travel consultation. 3,537 of them answered a questionnaire about their life habits in Switzerland and during their last trip. The only exclusion criterion was an age inferior to 18 years old.The consumption habits of drugs and at-risk alcohol intake (8 standard drinks (SD) per week for women and 15 SD for men) was analyzed according to gender, sex, destination and profession. Predictors of adopting a risky behavior between habits in Switzerland and during their previous trip were also analyzed. RESULTS: 7% (229/3477) of participants declared having at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland and 14% (473/3275 [95% CI 13-16]) during their trip. 9% (332/3527) of the participants used drugs in Switzerland and 5% (178/3481) during their trip. Risk factors for at-risk alcohol consumption during a trip were: at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 31[95% CI 21-45]), smoking (1.7 [95% CI 1-2]), use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 2.2 [95% CI 2-3]), leisure travel (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1-2]) and managerial professions (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1-3]). Risk factors for the use of drugs during a trip were: alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 2.1 [95% CI 1-4]), smoking (OR 1.9 [95% CI 1-3]), and use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 29.7 [95% CI 19-45]). CONCLUSIONS: At-risk alcohol consumption and, to a lesser extent, use of drugs, affect a large number of travelers which expose them to health problems during a trip. Exploring the alcohol and drugs consumption patterns of people visiting a travel clinic should be part of the pre-travel routine consultation and would allow to identifying people who would benefit most from a specific prevention.
O resultado mais acurado da análise textural depende da completa dispersão da amostra de solo e da manutenção da estabilidade da fase dispersa. Alguns Latossolos podem apresentar problemas de dispersão, graças à presença de microagregados de alta estabilidade. Esses grupamentos, muito argilosos, são parcialmente desagregados pela dispersão química e mecânica, contribuindo, pelo seu tamanho, para superestimar, fundamentalmente, a proporção de silte do solo analisado. Assim, visando minimizar a proporção de pseudocomponentes na análise textural dos Latossolos, realizou-se um experimento de laboratório, para verificar a efetividade da dispersão em resposta à utilização de pré-tratamentos na remoção de agentes cimentantes. Os tratamentos corresponderam a um arranjo fatorial 7 x 2². Os fatores em estudo foram amostras de sete Latossolos dispersos com NaOH 0,01 mol L-1, com presença ou ausência de pré-tratamentos para remoção da matéria orgânica e dos óxidos de ferro e alumínio mal cristalizados. A fração silte foi novamente dispersa, determinando-se a proporção de argila e silte após a segunda dispersão. A remoção de matéria orgânica e a de óxidos de ferro e alumínio mal cristalizados provocaram incremento na proporção de argila, indicando a dispersão de microagregados com tamanhos correspondentes aos de outras frações texturais, em particular da fração silte. A presença do pseudo-silte foi confirmada em todos os solos estudados, sobretudo nos solos mais oxídicos. As frações areia fina e areia grossa também apresentaram microagregados de argilas. Após a segunda dispersão, a fração silte apresentou valores que variaram de 0,199 a 0,537 kg kg-1 de argila. Para reduzir a proporção de pseudo-silte, há necessidade de realizar pré-tratamentos. Como a resposta aos pré-tratamento testados não foi cumulativa, sugere-se utilizar o pré-tratamento para remover óxidos de ferro e alumínio mal cristalizados.
A cutaneous horn was observed close to the free margin of the inferior right eyelid in a 26-year-old-male patient. A minimal resection was primarily performed. Histopathologic study disclosed a precancerous keratosis. As the tumor had not been entirely excised, a complementary resection was performed secondarily to obtain the entire resection of the tumor.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether baseline demographic, clinical, articular and laboratory variables predict methotrexate (MTX) poor response in polyarticular-course juvenile idiopathic arthritis. METHODS: Patients newly treated for 6 months with MTX enrolled in the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization (PRINTO) MTX trial. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were used to identify baseline predictors of poor response according to the American College of Rheumatology pediatric (ACR-ped) 30 and 70 criteria. RESULTS: In all, 405/563 (71.9%) of patients were women; median age at onset and disease duration were 4.3 and 1.4 years, respectively, with anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) detected in 259/537 (48.2%) patients. With multivariate logistic regression analysis, the most important determinants of ACR-ped 70 non-responders were: disease duration > 1.3 years (OR 1.93), ANA negativity (OR 1.77), Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) disability index > 1.125 (OR 1.65) and the presence of right and left wrist activity (OR 1.55). Predictors of ACR-ped 30 non-responders were: ANA negativity (OR 1.92), CHAQ disability index > 1.14 (OR 2.18) and a parent's evaluation of child's overall well-being < or = 4.69 (OR 2.2). CONCLUSION: The subgroup of patients with longer disease duration, ANA negativity, higher disability and presence of wrist activity were significantly associated with a poorer response to a 6-month MTX course.
Polypeptide chains form open knots in many proteins. How these knotted proteins fold and finding the evolutionary advantage provided by these knots are among some of the key questions currently being studied in the protein folding field. The detection and identification of protein knots are substantial challenges. Different methods and many variations of them have been employed, but they can give different results for the same protein. In the present article, we review the various knot identification algorithms and compare their relative strengths when applied to the study of knots in proteins. We show that the statistical approach based on the uniform closure method is advantageous in comparison with other methods used to characterize protein knots.
Primary hyperaldosteronism is a clinical syndrome characterized by an elevated aldosterone secretion by the adrenals. The present case series describes 7 cats with primary hyperaldosteronism, which were presented between 2002 and 2011. Common clinical symptoms were weakness, anorexia, cervical ventroflexion and blindness. All cats showed hypokalemia. In 6 cats, blood pressure was determined: 5 cats showed hypertension, of which 4 animals exhibited retinal detachment and blindness. In the ultrasonographic examination, unilateral adrenomegaly was present in 6 cats whereas one animal showed normal adrenals. In 4 cats, the serum aldosterone concentration was above the reference range. Five cats underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, which was accomplished uneventfully and returned the electrolytes back to normal. Histopathological examination of the adrenals revealed 2 carcinomas and 4 adenomas; one cat with ultrasonographic normal adrenals exhibited bilateral nodular hyperplasia.
High mortality in newborn babies with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is principally due to persistent pulmonary hypertension. ATP-dependent potassium (K(ATP)) channels might modulate pulmonary vascular tone. We have assessed the effects of Pinacidil, a K(ATP) channel opener, and glibenclamide (GLI), a K(ATP) channel blocker, in near full-term lambs with and without CDH. In vivo, pulmonary hemodynamics were assessed by means of pressure and blood flow catheters. In vitro, we used isolated pulmonary vessels and immunohistochemistry to detect the presence of K(ATP) channels in pulmonary tissue. In vivo, pinacidil (2 mg) significantly reduced pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) in both controls and CDH animals. GLI (30 mg) significantly increased pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and PVR in control animals only. In vitro, pinacidil (10 microM) relaxed, precontracted arteries from lambs with and without CDH. GLI (10(-5) microM) did not raise the basal tone of vessels. We conclude that activation of K(ATP) channels could be of interest to reduce pulmonary vascular tone in fetal lambs with CDH, a condition often associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.