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A UHV atomic force microscope with a conducting tip is used to measure the tip-sample conductance as a function of the applied force on well-ordered, monolayer islands of C60 on Cu(111). By imaging the sample before and after each force-distance experiment, it was possible to investigate the forces required for the removal of individual C60 molecules from the islands. The removal of C60 occurs near defects or edges of the C60 islands and requires an applied force of 5-20 nN, which corresponds to applied pressures of order 1 GPa. In addition, it was possible to investigate the strength of the C60 film on the molecular scale. It was found that the mechanical stiffness of a C60 molecule is of order 6 N/m and the islands appear to undergo a reversible yield process at an applied pressure of around 1.2 GPa.
A novel bombesin-related peptide was isolated from skin secretions of Chinese red belly toad Bombina maxima. Its primary structure was established as pGlu-Lys-Lys-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Phe-Met-NH2. The amino-terminal (N-terminal) 8-residue segment comprising four prolines and three basic residues is extensively different from bombesins from other Bombina species. The peptide was thus named proline rich bombesin (PR-bombesin). PR-bumbesin was found to elicit concentration-dependent contractile effects in the rat stomach strip, with both increased potency and intrinsic activity as compared with those of [Leu(13)]bombesin. Analysis of different bombesin cDNA structures revealed that an 8 to 14- nucleotide fragment replacement in the peptide coding region (TGGGGAAT in the cDNAs of multiple bombesin forms from Bombina orientalis and CACCCCGGCCACCC in the cDNA of PR-bombesin) resulted in an unusual Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro motif in the N-terminal part of PR-bombesin. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper introduces a method by which intuitive feature entities can be created from ILP (InterLevel Product) coefficients. The ILP transform is a pyramid of decimated complex-valued coefficients at multiple scales, derived from dual-tree complex wavelets, whose phases indicate the presence of different feature types (edges and ridges). We use an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to cluster large ILP coefficients that are spatially adjacent and similar in phase. We then demonstrate the relationship that these clusters possess with respect to observable image content, and conclude with a look at potential applications of these clusters, such as rotation- and scale-invariant object recognition. © 2005 IEEE.
测定了4个种(红蹼树蛙、黑蹼树蛙、白斑小树蛙和红吸盘小树蛙)共11个种群的16S rRNA基因片段.双斑树蛙、马来棱皮树蛙、越南棱皮树蛙以及日本溪树蛙的同源序列通过GenBank检索获得.去除所有插入、缺失及模糊位点后,比对序列长度为500 bp,其中变异位点115个,简约信息位点92个.以日本溪树蛙为外群,运用Bayesian法、MP法和ML法构建了系统发育树.结果表明红蹼树蛙和白斑小树蛙在种级水平上均不是单系.红蹼树蛙海南种群与双斑树蛙亲缘关系更近,并且来自云南不同地理种群的红蹼树蛙可以分为两大支系;越南棱皮树蛙与红吸盘小树蛙聚为一支,马来棱皮树蛙嵌套在白斑小树蛙不同地理种群中.进而认为白斑小树蛙是马来棱皮树蛙的同物异名,建议将红吸盘小树蛙并入棱皮树蛙属.
下载PDF阅读器2008年3月-2009年3月,把35 000尾滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)仔稚鱼分别饲养于3个池塘进行对比饲养研究.密度分别是:P1为208尾/m3;P2为167尾/m3;P3为41尾/m3.饲养期间采用相同的管理措施.每天数据收集采用:在仔鱼孵化后的5~16d的每天8:00和18:00从每个育苗池中捞取5~8尾仔鱼进行测量分析.仔鱼开口30d后,每月从培育池各捞取15尾,测量全长和体重.研究发现,滇池金线鲃仔鱼的开口时间为孵化后的5 d,混合营养期3~5d,这与初孵的演池金线鲃仔鱼的全长和卵黄囊较大有关.在容易造成仔鱼大量死亡的混合营养期,通过采用浆状物-轮虫-人工混合饲料的方式,大幅度提高了滇池金线鲃仔稚鱼的存活率,孵化一年后的滇池会线鲃稚鱼存活率可达82.7%.经过一周年的饲养,滇池金线鲃稚鱼的体重由(0.027±0.01)g(0.003~1.22)增长到(8.83±0.54)g (3.7~16.7),月均增重为0.73 g;全长由(15.8±0.30)mm (11.5~20.0)增长到(91.6±1.67)mm (75.0~16.0),全长月均增长6.32 mm.滇池金线鲃稚鱼全年全长的增长呈线性相关,y=9.82+7.05month(R2=0.9891);全年体重的增长呈指数关系,y=0.0158month2.54(R2=0.9939).
目的 建立和保存白裤瑶B 淋巴母细胞永生细胞株。方法 采用EB 病毒转化外周血B 淋巴细胞,同 时加环孢菌素A 法。结果 成功地建立了含有44 株永生细胞的白裤瑶永生细胞库。供血者身体健康,三代均为 白裤瑶。结论 建立永生细胞库,可永久保存白裤瑶特有的基因组,为民族起源、演进和遗传多样性的研究提供细 胞资源。
经过8年的野外考察, 我国特有的珍稀濒危动物滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)的现状已基本查明. 这一物种的全部现存自然种群只有13个, 分布在云南的德钦、兰坪、维西、丽江和西藏的芒康5县境内. 其现存种群数量约为1000-1500只. 该物种分布范围的东界是金沙江, 西界是澜沧江, 分布最北的1个猴群的纬度为29°20′N, 最南的1个猴群的纬度为26°14′N. 所有现存自然种群几乎均处在相互隔离状态, 呈岛屿分布, 群间不可能进行基因交流. 其栖息地内的森林中, 高大乔木主要为冷杉, 林中灌木主要为杜鹃和竹林。
该文详细总结了近年来三螺旋DNA的结构和应用研究方面的进展, 分析了各种因素(例如pH、抗衡离子、温度等)对三螺旋稳定性的影响, 并提出了一些在三螺旋DNA中富有挑战性的需进一步研究的问题。