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The paper's goal is the first demonstration of the fabrication of high power Schottky diodes on synthetic diamond using oxide ramp termination. In order to allow full activated impurities at room temperature and a high hole mobility a low boron doping of the drift layer is employed. Several aspects of the manufacturing technology are presented. A termination with a small ramp angle can be obtained using only RIE technique due to diamond wafer nonuniformity (roughness). Experimental forward and reverse characteristics measured on diamond diodes are also included. © 2007 IEEE.
The Indo-Pacific lionfishes, Pterois miles and P. volitans, are now established along the U.S. southeast coast, Bermuda, Bahamas, and are becoming established in the Caribbean. While these lionfish are popular in the aquarium trade, their biology and ecology are poorly understood in their native range. Given the rapid establishment and potential adverse impacts of these invaders, comprehensive studies of their biology and ecology are warranted. Here we provide a synopsis of lionfish biology and ecology including invasion chronology, taxonomy, local abundance, reproduction, early life history and dispersal, venomology, feeding ecology, parasitology, potential impacts, and control and management. This information was collected through review of the primary literature and published reports and by summarizing current observations. Suggestions for future research on invasive lionfish in their invaded regions are provided.
一,缺失nifZ的棕色固氮菌突变种钼铁蛋白的晶体生长的研究进展 在一定的结晶条件下,缺失nifZ的棕色固氮菌突变种钼铁蛋白将从溶液中结晶出深棕色的短斜四棱柱晶体。PEG 8000、MgCl2、NaCl、Tris的浓度及缓冲液的pH对该蛋白的结晶及晶体生长影响的系统研究表明,它们的浓度和pH较低时,不出晶体;当pH高于8.0,随着前三种化合物浓度的逐渐提高,便在一周内出现大量小品体;再提高浓度后,便延长结晶时问但出质好、数少而个大的晶体;然后晶体随浓度的提高而又变小、变多、甚至晶质变差,直至不再出晶体。影响晶体生长的各因子的最适浓度随其它条件的改变而有所不同。当缓冲液的pH为8.2而PEG 8000,MgCl’、NaCI、蛋白质和Tris的浓度分别为1.86%、300 mmol/L、400 mmoUL、4.64g/L、53 mmo/L时,首次发现在一滴悬滴结晶液中只有一颗较大的优质晶体(最大两边线度均为0.16mm)。 二,从分别含Mn和Cr的培养基中生长的固氮菌突变种UW3中纯化的固氮酶的特性和结晶 缺失nifH基因的棕色固氮菌突变种UW3,在有钼环境中不能固氮生长,但能在无钼而含MnS01或Na2Cr01的无氮培养基中固氮生长。分别经超声破碎、加热除去部分杂蛋白、离子交换柱层析和Sephacryl S-200或S-300柱层析的分离纯化,分别得到二种固氮酶组分l蛋白。金属元素测定表明,这两种蛋白除含铁元素外还分别含有锰和铬元素。它们的吸收光谱、CD和AR谱互不完全相同,并都与OP-MoFe蛋白存在较大差异。含Mn固氮酶也能还原C2H2、质子和N2,对它们的还原的比活性都分别约为MoFe蛋白活性的50%。初步结果表明,这一突变种在这两种培养条件下都可能已表达了不同于已发现的三种固氮酶的新固氮酶组分l蛋白-MoFe、VFe和FeFe蛋白,分别为含Mn或Cr的固氮酶组分1蛋白,分别被称为uw3,-MnFe蛋白和UW3-CrFe蛋白。通过对PEG 8000、MgCI2、NaCI和缓冲液的种类和浓度等结晶条件的大量优化组合实验,首次获得uw3-MnFe蛋白和UW3-CrFe蛋白的的晶体。最大晶体为21.4×14.3×2.1μm。
Large (>458 mm) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) are dominant predators in Chesapeake Bay. In recent years, the Chesapeake Bay stock of striped bass has increased dramatically, raising concerns about their predatory impact and their forage requirements. In response to these concerns and the need for more recent ecological studies, this investigation was conducted to characterize feeding habits of large striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Stomach contents from 1225 striped bass from 458 to 1151 mm TL were examined in the spring and fall of 1997 and 1998. Striped bass consumed 52 different species of vertebrates and invertebrates; however, only a few species of clupeoid and sciaenid fishes dominated diets across both the seasons and size ranges of striped bass examined. Of finfish species, menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) was the dominant prey in most areas and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) replaced menhaden in importance in lower salinity waters. Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and other sciaenid fishes and anadromous herrings (Alosa spp.) also contibuted large percentages of striped bass diet. Although pelagic schooling fishes formed the majority of the diet, benthic fishes contributed a higher percentage to the diet than in previous studies of striped bass diet composition.
A total of 7244 Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Walbaum) were tagged in Greenland waters between 1986 and 1998 to increase information on stock delineations, to clarify migration routes, and to describe the seasonal movements of fjord populations. At present 517 recaptured Greenland halibut have been recorded. For Greenland halibut released in Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, and the fjords of southwestern and eastern Greenland, a substantial portion of recovered fish demonstrated migratory behavior, up to 2500 km, primarily to Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland. The recaptured fish provided evidence of intermingling between the population in Denmark Strait and the populations in Davis Strait and the southwest Greenland fjords. These observations support those of other studies that indicate that Greenland halibut inhabiting Davis Strait and the fjords of southwestern and eastern Greenland originate in the spawning grounds west of Iceland. The high mobility of offshore Greenland halibut within Baffin Bay and Davis Strait suggests that Greenland halibut migrate extensively between feeding and spawning areas. Greenland halibut in the fjords of northwestern Greenland appear to be resident in behavior and do not intermingle with offshore or more southerly inshore populations. A seasonal pattern in the recovery of these fish indicates that Greenland halibut aggregate in the inner part of fjords during the second half of the year (when inshore waters are not covered with ice).
The use of tapered waveguide lasers and amplifiers for enhanced picosecond pulse generation has led to order-of-magnitude peak power and pulse energy improvements. Monolithic pulse generation schemes have so far relied on a double-tapered bow-tie structure. The modeling of tapered lasers has so far been limited to steady-state operation or has lacked experimental comparison. This paper considers both experimentally and theoretically the gain-switched performance of bow-tie lasers of various taper angles. The role of transverse-mode spatial hole burning in tapered waveguide lasers is thereby investigated.