991 resultados para 3rd-degree Burns


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This manual has been produced by members of the national acoustics group (NAG) and represents the first in a series of outputs designed to promote co-ordination and consistency in Agency hydroacoustic surveys. It is designed as a field guide for Agency staff operating the SIMRAD EY500 portable scientific echosounder. It should be simplistic enough for the newcomer to EY500 to be able to set up and run a mobile hydroacoustic survey with some knowledge of the supporting theory. It should act as guidance for standardisation of survey procedures providing a concise list of settings and recommendations that can be used as a quick reference guide in the field. This manual condenses 5 years of practical experience of surveying fish populations using Simrad hardware and software for surveying large rivers and still waters throughout England and Wales. This document should be used as a companion to the manufacturers instruction manual and not act as a substitute for it.


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This is the first report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd June 1974. The report includes sections on fishery byelaws, estimates for the anticipated income and expenditure on fisheries for the current year, and fish mortality. The section on fish mortality includes the details of a fish kill on the River Marron, gives points along the river where water was sampled, and the results of the analysis. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd September 1974. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report 'Taking Stock', and information including the aims of a report entitled 'Coarse Fisheries'. The report also includes sections on the summary of the stocking carried out from Holmewrangle hatchery, biological work undertaken on the Rivers Liddel, fishery prosecutions, and fish mortalities. This section includes information on the date, location, extent of the kill and the cause. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd November 1975. The report contains information on the proceedings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committee and recommendations for these committees, proposed Coarse Fish Unit, netting on the Solway Firth, fishing licence duties, fisheries improvement works on the River Leven and fishing at Jumbles Reservoir. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd December 1974. The report looks at information on the Water Bailiffs establishment, including the organisation and the duties of both the Fisheries Inspector and the Senior Bailiff. It also includes the comments from the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report on 'Coarse Fisheries'. Also covered is the report by the Unit Fisheries Officer on fisheries activities. This includes biological work carried out including information on an invertebrate bottom sampling programme at 50 sites on the Eden and its tributaries, fish mortalities, information on the fishing of migratory fish, trout and coarse fish, hatchery work and fisheries prosecutions. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd May 1976. The report contains information on the regional fisheries organization, the review of the Water Industry in England and Wales, fisheries improvement work on the River Leven, Mitton Hatchery, new code of fishery byelaws, proposed byelaws (Coniston) and temporary licences. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd April, 1978. It covers information on Eskett Quarries, fisheries income and expenditure, British Steel Corporation's works at Workington effluent disposal and terminated angling leases. It also includes the report by the area fisheries officer on river conditions and fishing, migratory fish movements and Holmwrangle hatchery. Included in this report is also pollution incidents, fish disease and Yearl Weir fish counter. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd July, 1978. It covers information on the monitoring of radioactivity in migratory fish, fishing offences and prosecutions, the income from sale of rod and line licences, the review of discharge consent conditions, illegal netting, the Morecambe and Heysham sewerage scheme and fish counting work. It also covers the report by the area fisheries officer on river conditions and fishing for Lune, Furness, Wyre and tributaries. Also covered in the report is information on migratory fish movements, fish monitoring stations, Middleton hatchery, fish mortalities, fish diseases, biological work and stocking numbers of brown trout, rainbow trout and coarse fish by the Angling Associations. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd April, 1979. It includes the information on the meeting about the possible reduction of haaf netting on the Solway Estuary. Also covered is the report by the area fisheries officer on fisheries activities which comments on river conditions and fishing for salmon, sea trout and coarse fish and an update on Holmwrangle hatchery including mortalities due to water quality and gill infections in brown trout. It also looks at fish disease, research work and data of monthly salmon and migratory trout catches on rod, line, nets and fixed engines for the 1978 season. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd February, 1986. The report contains sections on Fishing Licence Duties 1987, the provisions of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, the Salmon Bill, and Fisheries Byelaws. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd November, 1986. The report contains sections on a proposed Haaf Net Limitation order, Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries in the Solway Firth, Ullswater Freshet pumping station, and Authority investigations into Acidity Problems in North West water. Also included is information on commercial salmon fishing in the River Lune and coarse fish close season in enclosed waters. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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Esta pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar as construções sentenciais de tópico-comentário, de tópico marcado e de tópico não marcado, em produções textuais de estudantes do sexto ao nono anos do segundo segmento do ensino fundamental de escola pública localizada em comunidade da Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido analisadas 316 produções de um universo de 1040. O aporte teórico é o Funcionalismo, com ênfase na teoria dos três diferentes tipos de sujeito Sujeito Lógico, Sujeito Psicológico e Sujeito gramatical de Halliday (1994) e na teoria da Estrutura Informacional (Information Structure) de Lambrecht (1994). Partindo de análise quantitativa e qualitativa de corpus, investigou-se, de um lado, o percentual de aparecimento de construções de tópico marcado e não marcado e, de outro, os diferentes tipos de tópico não marcado e as motivações sintáticas e pragmático-discursivas de sua utilização. A análise foi feita em duas etapas. Primeiramente, para a identificação e a quantificação das construções sentenciais de tópico marcado, procedeu-se à investigação das seguintes variáveis: 1) tipo de tópico marcado mais recorrente, segundo categorização específica referente ao tópico e suas relações argumentais com o verbo 2) Posição mais frequente, considerando a estrutura textual e a ambiência sintática de favorecimento do uso do pronome correferente (presença/ausência de sintagma ou oração intercalada entre tópico sentencial e pronome correferente). A fim de investigar os contextos favorecedores de uso dos tópicos não marcados sujeito pronominal pleno de 3 pessoa e sujeito pronominal nulo de 3 pessoa, consideraram-se as seguintes variáveis: 1) tipo de oração e 2) conexão discursiva cf. Paredes Silva (2003). Os resultados obtidos permitem sistematizar as condições de uso das estruturas estudadas. Com relação às construções sentenciais de tópico marcado, verificou-se que se constitui em estratégia de ativar no discurso o elemento sobre o qual informações novas serão transmitidas, marcando-o como o tópico sentencial. Relativamente aos tópicos não marcados, as estratégias de uso estão relacionadas ao tipo de oração e ao grau de conexão discursiva da sentença. O uso do sujeito nulo está diretamente relacionado à conexão discursiva de grau 1, denominado ótimo. Uma breve análise de tais construções em autores consagrados da literatura brasileira e demais autores brasileiros contemporâneos permite afirmar que as construções de tópico, principalmente as que contêm tópico marcado, merecem uma atenção maior no ensino de Língua Portuguesa, uma vez que constituem uma estratégia pragmático-discursiva de uso corrente e de função relevante nos processos interacionais. O estudo das construções de tópico, portanto, merece uma atenção especial, uma vez que refletem a riqueza de nosso idioma, ao representar uma estratégia pragmático-discursiva que, se bem desenvolvida, constituir-se-á em uma ferramenta a mais para o usuário da língua no que concerne ao uso consciente e competente do idioma materno


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A tese desenvolvida neste estudo é que a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados que utilizam opiódes como terapeutica farmacológica da dor, pode ser prevenida por meio de ações de enfermagem que identifiquem os fatores predisponentes para a depressão respiratória, que considerem na rotina de aprazamento da terapeutica farmacológica da dor, as características farmacológicas dos medicamentos, para evitar interações medicamentosas e que monitorem adequadamente o paciente queimado para identificar precocemente sinais de depressão respiratória. Para tanto, este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver barreiras de segurança com foco em ações de enfermagem, para prevenção de depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados em uso de opióides. Trata-se de um estudo restrospectivo, em que foram analisados 272 prontuários de pacientes queimados internados em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ), de um hospital público federal de grande porte, no município do Rio de Janeiro. nos anos de 2011 a 2013. Dentre os 272 prontuários 42 atenderam os critérios de seleção da pesquisa, e destes, em 28,58% (n=12) foi identificada a ocorrência de depressão respiratória. Predominaram pacientes adultos jovens do sexo masculino. O óbito predominou no grupo com DR, assim como, queimaduras de 2 e 3 graus, e superfície corporal queimada com mediana de 50%. Os fatores predominantes para depressão respiratória foram insuficiencia renal, hipoalbuminemia e hipertensão arterial. Na terapia medicamentosa dos pacientes queimados, os analgésicos opióides são os mais utilizados, predominando o tramadol (45,49%) e a metadona (18,45%). Diazepam é o benzodiazepínico de escolha, entre os antidepressivos a imipramina é o mais utilizado, apesar de classificada como anticonvulsivantes a gabapentina, nos queimados é utilizada em dose analgésica. Tanto no grupo de pacientes com ou sem DR, os horários de adiministração de medicamentos que predominaram foram 22h e 06h. Foi evidenciado PIM em 66,6% dos pacientes estudados. A associação entre a ocorrência de PIM e a DR demonstrou-se positiva; os pacientes com que apresentaram PIM têm 2,5 vezes mais risco de apresentar DR. Os pares de medicamentos prevalentes e que apresentaram PIM no grupo com DR foram, metadona com diazepam (n=5), tramadol com fentanil (4), metadona com impramina e metadona com tramadol (n=3). No grupo sem DR foram metadona e tramadol (n=8), tramadol com fentanil (4), e metadona com diazepam (3). As vias oral e intravenosa predominaram nos pacientes com e sem DR, e não houve associação positiva entre a administração por essas vias e a oorrência de DR, constatando-se que a via de administração não é tão relevante para a DR. Nos pacientes com DR, 83,3% apresentaram PIM, principalmente nos horários 22h e 06h, horários próximos aos de ocorrência de DR. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para a segurança medicamentosa no uso de opióides, e na prevenção do eventos adverso grave como a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados.