987 resultados para 29-281


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Contiene los trabajos presentados, el programa científico y el perfil de instituciones marinas cubanas. Contains the papers presented, the scientific program and the profile of Cuban marine institutions.


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El próximo septiembre se cumplen treinta años de la llamada Expedición Naútica-Cientifíca “R. P. Francisco Morillo” realizada en botes neumáticos por un grupo de personas de diferentes orígenes y entre los que se encontraban naturalistas y profesionales de las Ciencias Naturales. A nivel profesional fue una gran experiencia, ya que me permitió transitar por un ámbito geográfico de difícil acceso, con flora y fauna cuya referencia la tenía solo a través de textos. Por otra parte y mirado a la distancia, fue muy interesante el comportamiento humano del grupo. Entiendo que un sociólogo podría dar alguna interpretación, pero he visto de todo, actos de solidaridad, de mezquindad, egoísmo y de cierta locura, como por ejemplo, querer matar un yacaré por el simple hecho de que estaba en la playa tomando sol. En este caso, la suerte estuvo del lado de la noble bestia, ya que los involucrados en las Ciencias Naturales pudimos detener semejante barbaridad y hacer comprender a los de “gatillo fácil” que no había ningún sentido en lo que querían hacer. Irónicamente, entre otras cosas, este viaje tenía dentro de sus objetivos participar en un Congreso de Conservación… Los objetivos del viaje para los naturalistas, sólo se cumplieron en parte, ya que al principio de esta travesía comenzaron a suscitarse problemas, principalmente por las características del río, lo que dificultó, por falta de tiempo, la toma de muestras y las consiguientes observaciones. A nivel personal me queda la riqueza que me dio esta experiencia y el haber conocido a dos personas que me llamaron profundamente la atención. A nuestro baqueano José “Pipo” Marty, un hombre generoso y de una gran sabiduría. El otro fue Exequiel Martínez, al que conocí en el congreso que se realizaba en Resistencia y con quién, a partir de ese momento, me une un lazo afectivo que nace de un profundo respeto y admiración.


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东灵山地区年均降水量659.7mm,单次降水以雨量小、雨强低的降水为主。水汽压(年均17.7mb)、相对湿度(年均66%)的季节变化呈现生长季高、冬季低的趋势。年均蒸发量1019.5mm;气温、风速、日照时间和水压与月蒸发量和日蒸量相关显著;气温、日照时间和水压分别在11-6月、7-8月和9-10月为决定蒸发量的首要因子。枯枝落叶层、土壤层湿度主要受前十日降水量和坡向影响。 植物体含水量生长季节较高,冬季较低;含水量随径级的增大而降低。六个灌木树种的平均含水量大小顺序为:毛榛(48.62%)最高荆条(36.32%)最低;七个乔木树种水分含量为油松,56.14%;蒙椴,54.19%;华北落叶松,52.91%;五角枫,43.64%;辽东栎,41.87%;棘皮桦,41.13%;大叶白腊,37.79%。几种植被类型的储水量为:辽东栎林,82.08mm;华北落叶松林,47.35mm;混交林,34.60mm;油松林,31.33mm;灌丛,12.40mm。各树种叶片日最低水势的季节均值为:辽东栎,-16.1bar;五角枫,-15.8bar;大叶白腊,-15.1bar;糠椴,-13.4bar;棘皮桦,-12.3bar;蒙椴,-12.2bar。叶片水势的日间变化均呈一“V”形曲线;光照在叶片水势的日间变化中起着决定性作用。 96年各树种平均单株树干茎流量为辽东栎,30.3mm(4.19%);华北落叶松,16.1mm(2.22%);油松,8.9mm(1.23%);棘皮桦,2.9mm(0.40%)。两个生长季各林分冠层的水量平衡为:辽东栎林,树干流茎量101.87mm(9.18%),穿透降水量823.08mm(74.15%),截留量185.05mm(16.67%);华北落叶松林,树干径流量66.88mm(6.03%),穿透降水量836.92mm(75.40%),截留量206.20mm(18.58);混交林,树干径流量50.13(4.52%),穿透降水量846.78mm(76.29%),截留量212.20mm(19.12%);油松林,树干径流量33.90mm(3.05%),穿透降水量934.88mm(84.22%),截留量141.22mm(12.72%)。多元回归分析表明,树干流茎量S与降水量P和前24小时降水量P_1呈显著正相关关系;穿透降水量T与降水量P和最大雨强M正相关显著。附加截留量与降水时间成正比。 枯枝落叶层的生物量为:油松林,25.56t/hm~2;华北落叶松林20.01t/hm~2;辽东栎林,8.31t/hm~2;混交林,7.98t/hm~2。枯枝落叶层的平均实际持水量和有效持水量均以油松林最大,其次是华北落叶松林,而混交林和辽东栎林较低;枯枝落叶层的实际持水量和有效持水量的季节变化分别与前十日降水量P10成正相关和负相关关系。枯枝落叶层的截留量为油松林>华北落叶松林>辽东栎林>混交林;油松林(145.632mm和90.800mm)混交林(61.816mm和54.504mm)。油松林、辽东栎林、混交林和华北落叶松林去除枯枝落叶层后,土壤入渗量比对照平均降低100mm以上;表层土壤含水量分别比对照土壤下降了6.26、18.26、15.06和15.07个百分点。地表径流量分别增加了,辽东栎林34.299mm(603%)和15.816mm(525%);油松林14.593mm(732%)和10.584mm(1321%);混交林12.004mm(181%)和7.275mm(364%);华北落叶松林3.555mm(118%),3.275mm(229%)。96年生长季,各土壤流失量分别增加了:油松林172.751t/hm~2(124倍);辽东栎林836.500t/hm~2(119倍);混交林172.499t/hm~2(47倍);华北落叶松林11.557t/hm~2(11倍)。表层土壤容重分别增加了:油松林15.0%和20.6%,辽东栎林18.4%和28.2%,混交林11.5%和38.5%,华北落叶松林4.3%和17.1%。 0-60cm深度土壤容重平均值的大小顺序为:草地>灌丛>辽东栎林>油松林>混交林>华北落叶松林;而土壤孔隙度的大小顺序为华北落叶松林>混交林>油松林>辽东栎林>灌丛>草地。两个生长季为土壤实际储水量的均值:油松林,124.45mm,78.62mm;辽东栎林,131.23mm,87.72mm;混交林,180.41mm,113.90mm;华北落叶松林,165.53mm,127.95mm;灌丛,172.50mm,89.81mm;草地,152.92mm,89.59 mm分别比干旱年份97年高出45.83mm、43.51mm、51.63mm、37.58mm、82.69mm和63.33mm。两个生长季的地表径流量为草地,30.930mm(2.79%);灌丛,16.321mm(147%);油松林,2.911mm(0.26%);辽东栎林,8.703mm(0.78%);混交林,8.625mm(0.78%);华北落叶松林,4.447mm(0.40%)。油松林、混交林和华北落叶松林地表径流量与降水量P(mm)和最大雨强(mm/h)正相关显著;而辽东栎林、灌丛和草地的地表径流量则与降水量P(mm)、平均雨强Q(mm/hr)和最大雨强M(mm/hr)三者之间呈显著正相关关系。与草地相比(1220.093kg/hm~2,100%),灌丛、辽东栎林、混交林、油松林和华北落叶松林96年生长季的土壤流失量分别降低了85.05%、94.26%、96.99%、98.86和99.14%。 降水量是影响小流域径流量时间变化的主要因素;南沟和马牙石沟96年的径流量分别是97年的8.19倍和7.87倍,而径流深(46.25mm,52.75mm)分别比97年(5.65mm,6.70mm)高出40.60mm和46.05mm。两个小流域由于面积的差异而使南沟两年的径流量分别比马牙石沟高出2773.136m~3(13.15%)和235.434m~3(8.79%)。96年和97年马牙石沟径流深比南沟高出6.5mm(14.05%)和1.05mm(18.58%)。在地处大陆性季风气候区的东灵山地区,用0.010m~3/min/km~2/hr能较好地分割小流域的洪峰和基流。在五次暴雨水文曲线中,马牙石沟的快速径流量分别比南沟高出25.00%到143.33%。五次洪水水文响应R的平均值南沟为0.218%,马牙石沟为0.404%;与海洋性气候地区相比,东灵山地区小流域的R值要低一到两个数量级。马牙石沟洪峰流量Qp的平均值为418.772L/min要比南沟(281.191L/min)大48.9%。东灵山地区小流域的洪水径流过程可分为三种类型。


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鄂尔多斯高原位于中国北方敏感的生态过渡带,水分往往是制约该区域内植物生存、生长和生态系统结构与功能的最主要的限制因子。境内分布大面积的沙地,沙地天然植被以油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌丛为主,是重要的沙地牧场。油蒿在新固定沙地上和半流动沙地上长势良好,随着沙地的固定、地表土壤结皮的形成,生长变差,呈现出衰败的迹象。这种现象被认为是由于沙地土壤水分状况改变而驱动的自发演替。沙地土壤水分状况通常与降水量直接相关,降水格局影响植物根系层土壤水分的补充,植被、土壤结构及地表结皮、微地形等其它生物和非生物因素也会引起土壤水分在时间和空间上的再分配。降水只有克服植被和土壤表层的截留与直接蒸发,并下渗到根系层土壤中,才能有效地补充为土壤水分,进而为植物利用。因此,小雨量的降雨往往对土壤水分的补充,特别是对油蒿根系层土壤水分的补充效果有限。在该地区特定自然条件下,单次降雨雨量多大才能有效地补充沙地油蒿群落的土壤水分?在特定降雨格局下,一年内补充到土壤中且能被植物生长利用的有效降雨量究竟是多少?这些都直接影响土壤水分状况和群落的稳定以及长期演替。 为了解决以上两个问题,借助涡度相关技术对鄂尔多斯高原库布齐沙漠油蒿群落的蒸散过程及土壤水分状况进行观测,配合以地面植物群落、土壤物理特性调查,综合考虑生态系统水文平衡的各个环节,对沙地土壤水分状况以及降雨格局对土壤水分的补充进行了研究。 结果表明,2006年全年降水总量为229.4 mm,年蒸散量281.4 mm,降雨、蒸散主要集中在5~10月。5~10月间,降雨29次,总降雨量223.2 mm,各次降雨量、降雨历时、降雨强度变异较大。5.0 mm以下降雨16次,累计降雨量14.0 mm,5.0 mm以上降雨对总降雨量贡献大。雨后被植被和地表截留直接蒸发的水分和的有效降雨受降雨特性及其他气象条件共同影响,通常5.0 mm以上降雨能有效补充到油蒿根系层土壤,有效降雨量累计153.9 mm,降雨效率约68.9%。


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Challenges to fishing and preferred gear of multiple used Lake, whose water depth is controlled by opening of its dam gate were investigated. Geographic survey, interview and focused group discussion of fishermen were used to assess factors influencing effectiveness of fishing and the preferred gear of Asejire Lake. Water usage (s) such as frequency of Complete and Partial Opening of Dams Gate (CODG and PODG) were investigated as indices for hydrodynamic condition. Response during focused group discussion with about 33% of fishermen of the Lake were obtained on sources of disturbance to effective fishing (SDEF), most effective gear (MEG)- least environmentally perturbed gear, comparability of catch structure of preferred gear to conventional gear and sustainability of superiority of preferred gears in situations outside hydrodynamic condition (SSPPG). The PODG occurred 1-7times/Month-dry season, 15-18times/Month-wet season; CODG occurred 1-2times/Month in both season; Interval of CODG was 3-17 and 5-12days (dry and wet season). It affected set-net and catch. The SDEF were gear availability, weather condition, dam’s gate opening, religion activities and Health of fisher-folks. 50% respondents accepted opening of dams gate as most important disturbance while religion was least (5% respondents accepted). 60% respondents accepted traps as MEG being the least affected while 75% respondents accepted Gura cage trap as the MEG among traps.90% respondents accepted that among traps, its catch structure was closest (comparable) to conventional gear. However, 75% respondents rejected SSPPG. Opening of dams’ gate creates hydrodynamic condition and it affects fishing. Gura trap was preferred for fishing hydrodynamic condition.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance. KEYWORDS: Fermentation, yellow maize, Clarias gariepinus, Fish, Feed.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance.


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Studies on the nutrient composition of smoked-dried Clarias gariepinus were carried out, to assess the effects of pest infestation on the dried catfish from two different market (Abakpa and Kpirikpiri market) area in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Fish samples from the two markets where kept for pest to infest it and it were taken to Biochemistry Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Ebonyi State University to assess the damage of pest on dried catfish using standard methods. There was a significant different among the mean weight of fish from the two markets (Abakpa and kpirikpiri; 19.13kg and 18.98kg respectively) compared with the mean weight of the control 20.09kg. There was a variation in the proximate composition of the fishes from the two markets compared with the control, the decreases of the proximate composition are: crude protein from 60.07% to 40.27%; fat from 8.35% to 5.90%; moisture content from 11.67% to 10.67; fiber from 12.93 to 11.93; ash from 4.02% to 3.54% and carbohydrate 12.67% to 5.89%. The longer the storage periods of the infested smoked fish the more the tissue was degraded. Proper handling and storage of dried catfish are required to prolong the shelf life and nutrient content of dried catfish.


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Tilapia zillii was examined in three major dams in Ekiti State, Nigeria (Ureje dam, Ado, Egbe dam and Ero dam) for their morphometric characteristics and meristic traits. The results showed that the average body weight of the fish sampled were 145.86±50.06g in Ado, 30.19±9.35g in Egbe and 40.58±52.30g in Ero dam. Average total lengths were 21.29±3.20cm, 12.32±1.74cm and 11.24±1.56cm for Ado, Egbe and Ero dam respectively. The relationship between average weight and length of T. zillii showed that Y=15.202X-179.33 (R2=0.7181), Y=4.40049±-24.075 (R2=0.6708) and Y=2.6676X10.596 (R2=0.0063) for Ado, Egbe and Ero dam respectively. The results on headlength, total length, body weight and standard length and pre-pelvic distance are significantly different at 95% among the T.zillii of the three dams. There was no significant difference in the meristic traits of the T. zillii of the three dams. The population size of T.zillii in the three dams was just too small compared to other species of fish hence the need to assess the stock of fish in these dams critically for the encouragement of proper fishing activities in these dams.


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The contents of the heavy metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd and As were examined in the liver, heart, gills, kidney and muscles of the fish Clarias gariepinus from Eko-Ende dam in Ikirun, the capital of Ifelodun Local Government of Osun State, Nigeria. C. gariepinus is the fish of choice and the most demanded in the southwest of Nigeria. The highest metal concentrations were in the liver and the gills while the lowest was in the muscles. The general deceasing order of metal accumulation in the organs was Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Cd. Lead and arsenic were not detected in any organ. The values were of lower concentrations than found in many other dams and rivers in Nigeria and some other countries. The values were also lower than the FAO/WHO recommended maximum limits in fish samples, making the fish to be safe and not of any hazards for the consumers.