722 resultados para 2182
As escavações realizadas em Braga ao longo das últimas três décadas forneceram dados que permitem analisar neste trabalho a temática da arquitetura doméstica de Bracara Augusta. Durante este período foi reunido um significativo acervo de dados arqueológicos que, apesar de desiguais quanto ao volume e qualidade de informação, possibilitam a caracterização de algumas habitações, ainda que exclusivamente incluídas na categoria de domus, já que o registo arqueológico ainda não forneceu, qualquer outro tipo de estrutura habitacional urbana. Pretende-se contextualizar este tipo de casa, analisando as diferentes partes orgânicas, evidenciando as suas especificidades formais, construtivas e funcionais.
El presente proyecto consiste en la implantación de Software Libre en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil (CENDI) No. 4, que es un centro de educación infantil de niños de 0 a 6 años con equipos antiguos de recursos limitados, de forma que se incorporen programas que sean adecuados a la edad de los niños, y además el profesorado pueda aprovechar los ordenadores, todo ello con el menor coste posible, debido a que el presupuesto del centro es muy limitado.
There has been a high local recurrence rate in rectal cancer. Besides improvements in surgical techniques, both neoadjuvant short-course radiotherapy and long-course chemoradiation improve oncological results. Approximately 40-60% of rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation achieve some degree of pathologic response. However, there is no effective method of predicting which patients will respond to neoadjuvant treatment. Recent studies have evaluated the potential of genetic biomarkers to predict outcome in locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiation. The articles produced by the PubMed search were reviewed for those specifically addressing a genetic profile's ability to predict response to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. Although tissue gene microarray profiling has led to promising data in cancer, to date, none of the identified signatures or molecular markers in locally advanced rectal cancer has been successfully validated as a diagnostic or prognostic tool applicable to routine clinical practice.
Second Quarterly County information for Census of Employment & Wage, County
Human Ag-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes are heterogeneous and include functionally distinct populations. In this study, we report that at least two distinct mechanisms control the expansion of circulating naive, memory, and effector CD8(+) T lymphocytes when exposed to mitogen or Ag stimulation. The first one leads to apoptosis and occurs shortly after in vitro stimulation. Susceptibility to cell death is prominent among primed T cell subsets, and it is inversely correlated with the size of the ex vivo Bcl-2(high) population within these subsets. Importantly, the Bcl-2(high) phenotype is associated to the proportion of responsive CD8(+) T cells, independently of their differentiation stage. The second one depends on the expression of newly synthesized cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(INK4a) that occurs in a significant fraction of T cells that had been actively cycling, leading to their cell cycle arrest upon stimulation. Strikingly, accumulation of p16(INK4a) protein preferentially occurs in naive as opposed to primed derived T lymphocytes and is not related to apoptosis. Significant levels of p16 are readily detectable in a small number of ex vivo CD8(+) T cells. Our observations reveal that activation-induced p16 expression represents an alternative process to apoptosis, limiting the proliferation potential of activated naive derived T lymphocytes.
This study aims to identify the constraints that complicate the assessment of speaking in Capeverdean EFL classrooms. A literature review was conducted on studies already done in the field of testing speaking in EFL Capeverdean classrooms. The study was carried out using qualitative method with some Capeverdean secondary school English teachers. The participants answered a questionnaire that asked teachers opinions and experiences about speaking assessment. The study found that Capeverdean English teachers do not adequately assess their students speaking ability. Therefore, the study pointed out the constraints of the Capeverdean context that complicate the assessment of speaking in EFL classrooms. The teachers reported the main constraints in order of significance as large classes, difficulty in marking oral tests, difficulty in designing oral tests and difficulty in separating the speaking skill from the listening skill. It concluded that Capeverdean English teachers need assistance with new tools to assess speaking in their classrooms. Thus, the author will make some suggestions, first to the Ministry of Education and then to English teachers in the field to assist them with the implementation of regular oral testing in Cape Verdean English classrooms.
Se analizó la distribución de la abundancia, biomasa, número de especies y diversidad del macrozoobentos de fondo blando en la ensenada de Sechura, Piura, ubicada entre los 5° 12´ y 5° 50´ de Latitud Sur y 81° 51´ de Longitud Oeste, para estudiar la estructura comunitaria macrozoobéntica y relacionarla con los parámetros ambientales de fondo. El estudio se efectuó mediante el recolectado de sedimento con una draga tipo van-Veen de 0,05 m2 de cobertura, en 23 estaciones entre 5 y 72 m de profundidad, del 07 al 10 de julio de 1998, además, se determinaron valores de temperatura, salinidad, oxígeno disuelto, materia orgánica, carbonatos totales y de granulometría de fondo. Se registraron 120 especies de las cuales 60 fueron poliquetos, 24 crustáceos, 21 moluscos y 15 de otros grupos. El grupo Polychaeta fue el de mayor abundancia con un 81% siendo Polydora socialis la especie más abundante (23%), con altas abundancias solo en dos estaciones (E-18 y E-19). Los poliquetos Paraprionospio pinnata. Mediomastus branchiferus y Prionospio peruana tuvieron también una alta abundancia (12, 9 y 6% respectivamente) con una mayor frecuencia (<82%) al igual que los Nemertinea III. Sin embargo, en biomasa, el más representativo fue el grupo Mollusca con un 50%, que se encontró incrementada por la presencia del gasterópodo Solenosteira gatesi (15%). Aunque el equinodermo Ophiactis kroeyeri fue la especie de mayor biomasa (19%).
La literatura ha estat, històricament, una forma de vivència i de coneixença del territori. En aquest sentit, el projecte Geografia literària dels Països Catalans esdevé una proposta de redescoberta de pobles, ciutats i comarques, de recuperació i fixació en la memòria d’espais, indrets, cases, monuments, edificis patrimonials o llocs mítics que han estat el centre d’interès dels nostres escriptors d’ençà dels trobadors i Ramon Llull fins als nostres dies. Per tot plegat, aquest treball té un triple objectiu: en primer lloc, donar a conèixer la iniciativa Geografia literària dels Països Catalans; en segon lloc, proposar-ne un marc teòric, i, per acabar, analitzar, específicament, alguns dels espais literaris que es localitzen a la comarca d’Osona.
[Traditions. Asie. Inde]