989 resultados para 1995_01232348 TM-45 4302103


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大范围、实时、准确地监测典型草原地区草场退化或健康状况对于草原生态系统的保育、农牧业的可持续性发展具有非常重要的意义。比起传统的群落学研究方法,遥感技术对于监测大尺度的植被状况具有无可争议的优越性,并且已经被广泛引入监测植被覆盖变化的研究中。本项研究系统地分析、综述了过去用非遥感手段对放牧和草场退化的关注和研究,介绍了遥感技术应用于植被研究的理论基础、主要途径(植被指数)、有关领域的研究进展。特别是本文提出草场退化状况或整体健康状况可以由基干相互独立的层面表示,而过去监测植被变化主要依赖的NDVI等植被指数只能监测草原植被的个别层面(总量层)。 本文以草场放牧退化比较典型的内蒙古锡林河流域为研究对象,在进行了大量的野外样方调查的基础上,提出一种结合群落样方调查和遥感技术的监测草场健康状况的新方法。本文引入主成份分析方法(PCA),从包含12个反映群落各方面信息的变量中提取出3个有特定生态学意义的主成份,并进一步对其进行分析组合,得出一个能比较敏感、全面反映群落健康状况的新指标-草场健康指数(GHI)。 从6波段的植被光谱反射数据中比较理想地提取出2个主成份:可见光因子和红外光因子。表征群落总量、放牧退化的主成份和GHI与样方光谱反射值有相当的相关性,由此得到GHI与可光、红外光因子的回归模型。 应用此模型到卫星遥感数据(TM),得到GHI影像,并与同一数据的NDVI影像作对比研究,发现GHI在反映放牧等人为干扰对草原植被的影响效应方面比NDVI有明显的优点。此外,GHI影像对植被分布格局,特别是斑块结构有更好的显示效果。应用GHI到历史TM数据,对所研究地域的植被覆盖变化、农牧业的变迁模式等进行了定性研究。研究还发现有较长放牧史的过度放牧区的植被类型没有沿牧压梯度的规律性分布,而是呈随机斑块分布模式。


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神农架位于湖北省西部,长江以北、汉水以南的广阔地带,属北亚热带向暖温带的过渡区域。本文依据该地区所处地理位置的植被分布规律等资料,绘制了1:20万的植被复原图。并在此基础上,运用ERDAS imagine 8.4和Maplnfoprofessional 6.0软件,分别对神农架地区的TM影像(5、4、3波段)进行监督分类及目视解译,同时结合野外的样方调查,绘制了神农架地区1:20万的植被类型图,并建立了相应的属性数据库。最后,根据野外的GPS定位点对制图精度进行了Kappa检验。 制图结果表明,制图区总面积3476.67 km2,共计504个斑块。据统计,林地面积2607.45 km2,森林覆盖率75%;山地灌丛及亚高山灌丛总面积358.62 km2,占总面积的10.3%:草甸面积156.84 km2,占4.51%。自然植被划分为10个植被型,46个群系,以及农田(包括居民点)和茶园两种农业土地利用类型。其中针叶、落叶阔叶混交林面积最大(6个群系),约908 km2,占总面积的26.12%;其它依次为落叶阔叶林(1 1个群系),针叶林(4个群系),常绿阔叶林(3个群系),山地灌丛(5个群系),常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林(3个群系),亚高山灌丛(6个群系),草甸(4个群系)以及亚高山针叶林(3个群系)等。另外,两种农业土地利用类型面积共计430 kn12,占总面积的12.37%。 植被类型图与复原图叠加分析表明:①常绿阔叶林的理论分布区域,由常绿阔叶林,常绿、落叶阔叶混交林等7种植被型以及农田(含居民点)等土地利用类型共同组成。因处低海拔区域,人口集中,所以农田(含居民点)分布最广,所占面积最大,占到该区域面积的35.28%;加上长期的人为干扰,常绿阔叶林面积缩小至48.76 krr12,占到该区域面积的13.93%;②常绿、落叶阔叶混交林的理论分布区域内,因干扰后落叶阔叶林恢复较快,逐渐占据优势。另外,该区域海拔较低,人类活动也较频繁,农田(含居民点)面积仍有相当的比例;③针阔混交林理论分布区海拔位置高,人为活动影响少,原地带性植被保存较好,分布面积最大;其余部分为落阔林等7种植被型共同组成。④针叶林理论分布区域应是以巴山冷杉林为单优种的亚高山针叶林带,但因历史上的皆伐及火烧等原因,现面积仅有17 kfr12,占该区域的19.8%,其余则为亚高山灌丛及亚高山草甸所替代。


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We demonstrate mode-locking of a thulium-doped fiber laser operating at 1.94 μm, using a graphene-polymer based saturable absorber. The laser outputs 3.6 ps pulses, with ∼0.4 nJ energy and an amplitude fluctuation ∼0.5%, at 6.46 MHz. This is a simple, low-cost, stable and convenient laser oscillator for applications where eye-safe and low-photon-energy light sources are required, such as sensing and biomedical diagnostics. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Single grain, (RE)BCO bulk superconductors in large or complicated geometries are required for a variety of potential applications, such as motors and generators and magnetic shielding devices. As a result, top, multi-seeded, melt growth (TMSMG) has been investigated over the past two years in an attempt to enlarge the size of (RE)BCO single grains specifically for such applications. Of these multi-seeding techniques, so-called bridge seeding provides the best alignment of two seeds in a single grain growth process. Here we report, for the first time, the successful growth of YBCO using a special, 45{\deg} - 45{\deg}, arrangement of bridge-seeds. The superconducting properties, including trapped field, of the multi-seeded YBCO grains have been measured for different bridge lengths of the 45{\deg}- 45{\deg} bridge-seeds. The boundaries at the impinging growth front and the growth features of the top, multi-seeded surface and cross-section of the multi-seeded, samples have been analysed using optical microscopy. The results suggest that an impurity-free boundary between the two seeds of each leg of the bridge-seed can form when 45{\deg}- 45{\deg} bridge-seeds are used to enlarge the size of YBCO grains.


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A variety of multiseeding techniques have been investigated over the past 20 yr in an attempt to enlarge bulk (RE)BCO superconducting samples fabricated by the top-seeded melt growth (TSMG) process for practical applications. Unfortunately, these studies have failed to establish whether technically useful values of trapped field can be achieved in multiseeded bulk samples. In this work specially designed, 0°-0° and 45°-45° bridge seeds of different lengths have been employed to produce improved alignment of the seeds during the TSMG process. The ability of these bridge-seeded samples to trap magnetic field, which is the key superconducting property for practical applications of bulk (RE)BCO, is compared for the samples seeded using 0°-0° and 45°-45° bridge seeds of different lengths. The grain boundaries produced by these bridge seeds are analyzed in detail, and the similarities and differences between the two bridge-seeding processes are discussed. © 2013 The American Ceramic Society.