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Il lavoro svolto nella presente tesi di laurea si sviluppa all’interno del progetto di ricerca europeo SmooHs (Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures-Monitoraggio intelligente di edifici e strutture storiche) nell’ambito del 7 Programma Quadro della Commissione Europea. Gli edifici storici sono caratterizzati da elementi architettonici, materiali e soluzioni progettuali uniche e pertanto da valorizzare. Al fine si salvaguardare tali beni storici si richiede una conoscenza approfondita dei processi di deterioramento, legati spesso a fattori ambientali, e una loro rilevazione immediata. Il monitoraggio continuo dei possibili parametri che influenzano i suddetti processi può contribuire significativamente, ma un’applicazione estesa di questa tecnica è finora fallita a causa dei costi elevati di sistemi completi di monitoraggio; per questo sono stati osservati solitamente pochi parametri. L’obiettivo del progetto prevede lo sviluppo di strumenti di monitoraggio e diagnostica competitivi per gli specialisti nel settore che vada al di là del mero accumulo di dati. La normativa, in particolare le Linee Guida per l’applicazione al patrimonio culturale della normativa tecnica di cui all’Ordinanza PCM-3274 del 2005, evidenziano l’importanza di raggiungere un elevato livello di informazione dell’oggetto e del suo comportamento strutturale attraverso un percorso conoscitivo pluriramificato. “Si ha pertanto la necessità di affinare tecniche di analisi ed interpretazione dei manufatti storici mediante fasi conoscitive dal diverso grado di attendibilità, anche in relazione al loro impatto. La conoscenza può infatti essere conseguita con diversi livelli di approfondimento, in funzione dell’accuratezza delle operazioni di rilievo, delle ricerche storiche e delle indagini sperimentali” (Linee guida per l’applicazione all patrimonio culturale della normativa tecnica di cui all’ordinanza PCM-3274, 2005). Per quanto riguarda la caratterizzazione meccanica dei materiali, la normativa cita “Tecniche diagnostiche non distruttive di tipo indiretto, quali prove soniche ed ultrasoniche, consentono di valutare l’omogeneità dei parametri meccanici nelle diverse parti della costruzione, ma non forniscono stime quantitative attendibili dei loro valori, in quanto essi vengono desunti dalla misura di altre grandezze”. Non viene identificata una procedura univoca di prove non distruttive per ciascuna tipologia edilizia, pertanto ci domandiamo quale sia la procedura più idonea da utilizzare, considerando il tipo di risultato che si vuole ottenere. Si richiedono quindi degli studi di fattibilità di diverse tecniche non distruttive, soprattutto tecniche per immagini che diano un risultato più immediato da comprendere. Per questo scopo è stato impostato un programma di ricerca per valutare l’efficacia di una tecnica non distruttiva, la tomografia sonica, su provini in muratura costruiti nei laboratori del LaRM (Laboratorio di Resistenza dei Materiali del DISTART dell’Università di Bologna), reputando questa la strada da percorrere verso una diagnostica strutturale sempre più dettagliata. I provini in muratura di laterizio PNDE e PNDF, presentano al loro interno dei difetti (in polistirolo espanso) di geometria e posizione nota e diverse tessiture murarie (muratura di laterizio tradizionale e muratura a sacco). Nel capitolo 2 vengono descritte le caratteristiche e le basi teoriche delle prove soniche e di altre tecniche non distruttive, al fine di poterne fare un confronto. La tomografia sonica è definita e sono illustrate le sue peculiarità; vengono inoltre riportati alcuni esempi di applicazioni della stessa su strutture storiche lignee e murarie. Nel capitolo 3 sono presentati i provini oggetto di studio ed introdotto qualche accenno sulla natura delle murature di laterizio. Sono specificati i corsi e le sezioni verticali sui quali viene sperimentata la tomografia; essi hanno precise caratteristiche che permettono di eseguire una sperimentazione mirata all’individuazione di anomalie in una sezione e al riconoscimento di diverse tessiture murarie. Nel capitolo 4 è illustrata la procedura di acquisizione dei dati in laboratorio e di rielaborazione degli stessi nella fase di post-processing. Dopo aver scelto, in base alla risoluzione, la distanza che intercorre tra le stazioni di misura, sono stati progettati i vari percorsi uscenti da ogni stazione trasmittente, andando a definire i ray-paths delle sezioni sia orizzontali che verticali. I software per il calcolo dei tempi di volo (in ambiente LabView) e per l’inversione degli stessi (Geotom) sono presentati e vengono definite le istruzioni per l’utilizzo. Il capitolo 5 assieme al capitolo 6, mostra i risultati ottenuti dall’inversione dei tempi di volo. Per i diversi corsi orizzontali e sezioni verticali sono riportate le mappe di velocità ottenute al variare di diversi parametri di settaggio impostati nel software tomografico. Le immagini tomografiche evidenziano le caratteristiche interne delle sezioni studiate, in base alla risoluzione geometrica della tecnica. Nel capitolo 7 e 8 sono mostrati i risultati delle prove soniche dirette applicate sia sui corsi verticali sia sulle sezioni verticali. Le stazioni di misura considerate sono le stesse utilizzate per la tomografia. Il capitolo 9 riporta il confronto tra le mappe di velocità prodotte dalla tomografia sonica e gli istogrammi delle velocità registrate nelle prove soniche dirette. Si evidenziano le differenze nell’individuazione di difetti tra due metodologie differenti. Infine sono riportate le conclusioni sul lavoro svolto. I limiti e i vantaggi della tecnica tomografica vengono desunti dai risultati ottenuti per varie tipologie di sezioni, a confronto anche con risultati di prove soniche dirette. Ciò ci porta a definire la fattibilità di utilizzo della tomografia sonica nella diagnosi delle strutture in muratura.


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In this work we introduce an analytical approach for the frequency warping transform. Criteria for the design of operators based on arbitrary warping maps are provided and an algorithm carrying out a fast computation is defined. Such operators can be used to shape the tiling of time-frequency plane in a flexible way. Moreover, they are designed to be inverted by the application of their adjoint operator. According to the proposed mathematical model, the frequency warping transform is computed by considering two additive operators: the first one represents its nonuniform Fourier transform approximation and the second one suppresses aliasing. The first operator is known to be analytically characterized and fast computable by various interpolation approaches. A factorization of the second operator is found for arbitrary shaped non-smooth warping maps. By properly truncating the operators involved in the factorization, the computation turns out to be fast without compromising accuracy.


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Subduction zones are the favorite places to generate tsunamigenic earthquakes, where friction between oceanic and continental plates causes the occurrence of a strong seismicity. The topics and the methodologies discussed in this thesis are focussed to the understanding of the rupture process of the seismic sources of great earthquakes that generate tsunamis. The tsunamigenesis is controlled by several kinematical characteristic of the parent earthquake, as the focal mechanism, the depth of the rupture, the slip distribution along the fault area and by the mechanical properties of the source zone. Each of these factors plays a fundamental role in the tsunami generation. Therefore, inferring the source parameters of tsunamigenic earthquakes is crucial to understand the generation of the consequent tsunami and so to mitigate the risk along the coasts. The typical way to proceed when we want to gather information regarding the source process is to have recourse to the inversion of geophysical data that are available. Tsunami data, moreover, are useful to constrain the portion of the fault area that extends offshore, generally close to the trench that, on the contrary, other kinds of data are not able to constrain. In this thesis I have discussed the rupture process of some recent tsunamigenic events, as inferred by means of an inverse method. I have presented the 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Japan) earthquake (Mw 8.1). In this study the slip distribution on the fault has been inferred by inverting tsunami waveform, GPS, and bottom-pressure data. The joint inversion of tsunami and geodetic data has revealed a much better constrain for the slip distribution on the fault rather than the separate inversions of single datasets. Then we have studied the earthquake occurred on 2007 in southern Sumatra (Mw 8.4). By inverting several tsunami waveforms, both in the near and in the far field, we have determined the slip distribution and the mean rupture velocity along the causative fault. Since the largest patch of slip was concentrated on the deepest part of the fault, this is the likely reason for the small tsunami waves that followed the earthquake, pointing out how much the depth of the rupture plays a crucial role in controlling the tsunamigenesis. Finally, we have presented a new rupture model for the great 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mw 9.2). We have performed the joint inversion of tsunami waveform, GPS and satellite altimetry data, to infer the slip distribution, the slip direction, and the rupture velocity on the fault. Furthermore, in this work we have presented a novel method to estimate, in a self-consistent way, the average rigidity of the source zone. The estimation of the source zone rigidity is important since it may play a significant role in the tsunami generation and, particularly for slow earthquakes, a low rigidity value is sometimes necessary to explain how a relatively low seismic moment earthquake may generate significant tsunamis; this latter point may be relevant for explaining the mechanics of the tsunami earthquakes, one of the open issues in present day seismology. The investigation of these tsunamigenic earthquakes has underlined the importance to use a joint inversion of different geophysical data to determine the rupture characteristics. The results shown here have important implications for the implementation of new tsunami warning systems – particularly in the near-field – the improvement of the current ones, and furthermore for the planning of the inundation maps for tsunami-hazard assessment along the coastal area.


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Der Elektroosmotische Fluß (EOF) ist der Motor der Kapillarelektrochromatographie. Er ist abhängig von der Oberflächenladung, von dem Teilchendurchmesser der verwendeten Packungsmaterialien, von der Pufferkonzentration, von dem pH - Wert und von dem Anteil des organischen Lösemittels im Fließmittel. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluß dieser Parameter untersucht. Das Zetapotential als Maß für die Ladungsdichte an der Oberfläche eignet sich zur Charakterisierung der Packungsmaterialien und der damit gepackten Kapillaren. Es wurden in dieser Arbeit _-Potentiale mehrerer chemisch modifizierter Kieselgele mit nativen Kieselgelen verglichen. Die pH-Abhängigkeit der _-Potentiale spiegelt sich im EOF wider.Chemisch modifizierte Kieselgele mit gemischtfunktionellen Gruppen oder Ionenaustauschergruppen zeigen ein großes Zeta – Potential ohne pH-Abhängigkeit. Wie experimentell gezeigt wurde, sind Kapillaren, die mit diesen Materialien gepackt wurden, nicht reproduzierbar in Bezug auf den EOF und die Effizienz der Trennung. Deswegen wurden in dieser Arbeit Additive zu dem Fließmittelgemisch gegeben, die die Ladung des Puffers erhöhen und damit den EOF beschleunigen sollen. Durch dynamisches Benetzen der Oberfläche, durch Micellenbildung und durch Addukte mit den Analyten können diese Additive die Selektivität der Trenung beeinflussen, wie am Beispiel mehrerer Testgemische gezeigt wurde, die Geschwindigkeit des EOF bleibt davon unberührt. Kapillaren, die mit porösen und unporösen Kieselgelen gepackt wurden, verhalten sich in der CEC gleich: bei niedrigen pH-Werten und niedrigen Pufferkonzentrationen werden die kleinsten Bodenhöhen und die größten EOF – Geschwindigkeiten gemessen. Das Minimum der H vs u Kurven liegt für CEC – Kapillaren mit porösen 3 µm - Materialien (Hypersil ODS) bei dem Zwei- bis Dreifachen (H ª 2 - 3 dp), mit unporösen 3 µm - Materialien (MICRA NPS ODS) bei dem Doppelten (H ª 2 dp) und mit unporösen 1,5 µm - Materialien (MICRA NPS ODS) bei dem Eineinhalbfachen (H ª 1,5 µm) des mittleren Teilchendurchmessers, d.h es ergibt sich für kleinere Teilchendurchmesser eine höhere Effizienz. Kapillaren mit unporösen Teilchen haben ein geringeres Totvolumen als mit porösen Teilchen gefüllte, deshalb scheint der EOF besonders schnell zu sein. Trennungen auf Kapillaren, die mit unporösen Teilchen gefüllt sind, erweisen sich als besonders schnell, da der geringe Kohlenstoffgehalt eine schnelle Einstellung des Verteilungsgleichgewichts bewirkt. Fließmittel mit einem hohen Anteil an polaren organischen Lösemitteln (Acetonitril bzw. Methanol) machen diesen Vorteil zunichte, die Analyten werden nicht getrennt.Aus mehreren kommerziell erwerbbaren Komponenten wurde ein Instrument aufgebaut, das sich als Kapillar Elektrophorese, als Kapillar Elektrochromatographie, als µ-HPLC und als spannungsunterstützte µ-HPLC verwenden läßt. Dieses Gerät eignet sich besonders zur Kombination der CEC mit der µ-HPLC, die man vielleicht spannungsunterstützte µ-HPLC nennen darf. Mit diesem Gerät konnte der Einfluß des elektrischen Feldes auf den EOF gemessen werden, da mit wesentlich kürzeren gepackten Kapillaren gearbeitet werden kann. Der EOF, wie er aus der CEC bekannt ist, kann in der spannungsunterstützten µ-HPLC neben dem hydrodynamischen Fluß nachgewiesen werden. Beide Effekte arbeiten neben einander, damit lassen sich hydrodynamisch betriebene Anlagen mit elektrokinetisch betriebenen koppeln. Das scheint auf den ersten Blick ein Schritt zurück zu sein, bietet jedoch ungeahnte Möglichkeiten für die Zukunft, da die geringen Flüsse, die man zum Betreiben dieser Anlagen braucht, mit modernen Spritzenpumpen leicht handhabbar sind. Die Vorteile dieses Systems zeigen sich in dem geringen Fließmittelverbrauch, dem geringen Probenmengenbedarf, der hohen Selektivität und dem universellen Einsatz.


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Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde ein neuartiges Aerosol-Ionenfallen-Massenspektrometer (AIMS) aufgebaut und umfassend charakterisiert. Mit dem AIMS kann die chemische Zusammensetzung der verdampfbaren Komponente (bei etwa 600 °C) von Aerosolpartikeln quantitativ und on-line bestimmt werden. Die Durchmesser der Teilchen, die analysiert werden können, liegen zwischen etwa 30 und 500 nm. Der experimentelle Aufbau greift auf ein bereits gut charakterisiertes Einlasssystem des Aerodyne Aerosol-Massenspektrometers (AMS) zurück, das einen Partikeleinlass, bestehend aus einer kritischen Düse und einer aerodynamischen Linse, einen Verdampfer für die Aerosolteilchen und eine Elektronenstoß-Ionenquelle enthält. Das kommerzielle AMS verwendet entweder ein lineares Quadrupol-Massenfilter (Q-AMS) oder ein Flugzeit-Massenspektrometer (ToF-AMS). Im AIMS hingegen wird eine dreidimensionale Ionenfalle als Massenanalysator eingesetzt. Dadurch eröffnen sich unter anderem Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung von MSn-Studien und Ionen/Molekül-Reaktionsstudien. Das Massenspektrometer und wichtige Teile der Steuerungselektronik wurden am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie in Mainz entworfen und hergestellt. Das AIMS wird von einem PC und einer Software, die in der Programmiersprache LabVIEW verfasst ist, gesteuert. Aufgrund seiner Kompaktheit ist das Instrument auch für den Feldeinsatz geeignet. Mit der Software Simion 7.0 wurden umfangreiche Simulationsstudien durchgeführt. Diese Studien beinhalten Simulationen zur Ermittlung der optimalen Spannungseinstellungen für den Ionentransfer von der Ionenquelle in die Ionenfalle und eine Abschätzung der Sammeleffizienz der Ionenfalle, die gut mit einem gemessenen Wert übereinstimmt. Charakterisierungsstudien zeigen einige instrumentelle Merkmale des AIMS auf. Es wurde beispielsweise ein Massenauflösungsvermögen von 807 für m/z 121 gefunden, wenn eine Analyserate von 1780 amu/s verwendet wird. Wird die Analyserate verringert, dann lässt sich das Massenauflösungsvermögen noch erheblich steigern. Bei m/z 43 kann dann ein Wert von > 1500 erzielt werden, wodurch sich Ionenfragmente wie C2H3O+ (m/z 43.0184) und C3H7+ (m/z 43.0548) voneinander trennen lassen. Der Massenbereich des AIMS lässt sich durch resonante Anregung erweitern; dies wurde bis zu einer Masse von 1000 amu getestet. Kalibrationsmessungen mit laborgenerierten Partikeln zeigen eine hervorragende Linearität zwischen gemessenen Signalstärken und erzeugten Aerosol-Massenkonzentrationen. Diese Studien belegen im Zusammenhang mit den gefundenen Nachweisgrenzen von Nitrat (0.16 μg/m³) und Sulfat (0.65 μg/m³) aus Aerosolpartikeln, dass das AIMS für quantitative Messungen von atmosphärischem Aerosol geeignet ist. Ein Vergleich zwischen dem AIMS und dem Q-AMS für Nitrat in städtischem Aerosol zeigt eine gute Übereinstimmung der gefundenen Messwerte. Für laborgenerierte Polystyren-Latexpartikel wurde eine MS/MS-Studie unter der Anwendung von collision induced dissociation (CID) durchgeführt. Das Verhältnis von Fragmentionen zu Analytionen wurde zu einem Wert von > 60% bestimmt. In der Zukunft können ähnliche MS/MS-Studien auch für atmosphärische Aerosolpartikel angewandt werden, wodurch sich neue Perspektiven für die Speziation von Aerosolbestandteilen eröffnen. Dann sollen vor allem Kondensationsprozesse, das heißt die Bildung von sekundärem Aerosol, detailliert untersucht werden.


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Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are well-established minimally invasive treatment options for compression fractures of osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Possible procedural disadvantages, however, include incomplete fracture reduction or a significant loss of reduction after balloon tamp deflation, prior to cement injection. A new procedure called "vertebral body stenting" (VBS) was tested in vitro and compared to kyphoplasty. VBS uses a specially designed catheter-mounted stent which can be implanted and expanded inside the vertebral body. As much as 24 fresh frozen human cadaveric vertebral bodies (T11-L5) were utilized. After creating typical compression fractures, the vertebral bodies were reduced by kyphoplasty (n = 12) or by VBS (n = 12) and then stabilized with PMMA bone cement. Each step of the procedure was performed under fluoroscopic control and analysed quantitatively. Finally, static and dynamic biomechanical tests were performed. A complete initial reduction of the fractured vertebral body height was achieved by both systems. There was a significant loss of reduction after balloon deflation in kyphoplasty compared to VBS, and a significant total height gain by VBS (mean +/- SD in %, p < 0.05, demonstrated by: anterior height loss after deflation in relation to preoperative height [kyphoplasty: 11.7 +/- 6.2; VBS: 3.7 +/- 3.8], and total anterior height gain [kyphoplasty: 8.0 +/- 9.4; VBS: 13.3 +/- 7.6]). Biomechanical tests showed no significant stiffness and failure load differences between systems. VBS is an innovative technique which allows for the possibly complete reduction of vertebral compression fractures and helps maintain the restored height by means of a stent. The height loss after balloon deflation is significantly decreased by using VBS compared to kyphoplasty, thus offering a new promising option for vertebral augmentation.


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Rationale: There is increasing evidence that short-term exposure to air pollution has a detrimental effect on respiratory health, but data from healthy populations, particularly infants, are scarce. Objectives: To assess the association of air pollution with frequency and severity of respiratory symptoms and infections measured weekly in healthy infants. Methods: In a prospective birth cohort of 366 infants of unselected mothers, respiratory health was assessed weekly by telephone interviews during the first year of life (19,106 total observations). Daily mean levels of particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3) were obtained from local monitoring stations. We determined the association of the preceding week's pollutant levels with symptom scores and respiratory tract infections using a generalized additive mixed model with an autoregressive component. In addition, we assessed whether neonatal lung function influences this association and whether duration of infectious episodes differed between weeks with normal PM10 and weeks with elevated levels. Measurements and Main Results: We found a significant association between air pollution and respiratory symptoms, particularly in the week after respiratory tract infections (risk ratio, 1.13 [1.02-1.24] per 10 μg/m(3) PM10 levels) and in infants with premorbid lung function. During times of elevated PM10 (>33.3 μg/m(3)), duration of respiratory tract infections increased by 20% (95% confidence interval, 2-42%). Conclusions: Exposure to even moderate levels of air pollution was associated with increased respiratory symptoms in healthy infants. Particularly in infants with premorbid lung function and inflammation, air pollution contributed to longer duration of infectious episodes with a potentially large socioeconomic impact.


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The initital purpose for developing artificial oxygen carriers was to replace blood transfusions in order to avoid their adverse effects such as immunologic reactions, transmission of infectious diseases, limited availability and restricted storage conditions. With the advent of new generations of artifical oxygen carriers, a shift of paradigm evolved that considers the artificial oxygen carriers as oxygen therapeutics re-distributing oxygen delivery in the favor of tissues in need. This function may find a particular application in tissues rendered hypoxic due to arterial occlusive diseases. This review, based on a large series of intravital microscopy studies in a hamster skin flap model, outlines the optimal design of hemoglobin vesicles?HbVs?given for the above intention. In summary, the HbV should be of a large diameter, and oxygen affinity, colloid osmotic pressure and viscosity of the HbV solution should be high.


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Water-saturated debris flows are among some of the most destructive mass movements. Their complex nature presents a challenge for quantitative description and modeling. In order to improve understanding of the dynamics of these flows, it is important to seek a simplified dynamic system underlying their behavior. Models currently in use to describe the motion of debris flows employ depth-averaged equations of motion, typically assuming negligible effects from vertical acceleration. However, in many cases debris flows experience significant vertical acceleration as they move across irregular surfaces, and it has been proposed that friction associated with vertical forces and liquefaction merit inclusion in any comprehensive mechanical model. The intent of this work is to determine the effect of vertical acceleration through a series of laboratory experiments designed to simulate debris flows, testing a recent model for debris flows experimentally. In the experiments, a mass of water-saturated sediment is released suddenly from a holding container, and parameters including rate of collapse, pore-fluid pressure, and bed load are monitored. Experiments are simplified to axial geometry so that variables act solely in the vertical dimension. Steady state equations to infer motion of the moving sediment mass are not sufficient to model accurately the independent solid and fluid constituents in these experiments. The model developed in this work more accurately predicts the bed-normal stress of a saturated sediment mass in motion and illustrates the importance of acceleration and deceleration.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the ability of delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 mapping to evaluate the quality of repair tissue after microfracture. DESIGN: Twelve knees from 12 goats were studied. An osteochondral defect (diameter, 6mm; depth, 3mm) with microfracture was created in the weight-bearing aspect of both the medial and lateral femoral condyles. Goats were euthanized at 24 weeks (n=6) and 48 weeks (n=6) postsurgery. Pre-contrast R1 (R1pre) and post-contrast R1 (R1post) measurements for dGEMRIC and a pre-contrast T2 measurement for T2 mapping were performed with a 3T MR imaging system. MR imaging findings were compared with histological and biochemical assessments. RESULTS: In native cartilage, significant correlations were observed between the R1post and the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentration, as well as DeltaR1 (difference between the R1pre and R1post) and the GAG concentration (P<0.05). In repair tissue, a significant correlation was observed between DeltaR1 and the GAG concentration (P<0.05), but not between the R1post and the GAG concentration. In both repair tissue and native cartilage, no correlation was observed between T2 and the water concentration or between T2 and the hydroxyproline (HP) concentration. A zonal variation of T2 and a clear dependence of T2 on the angles relative to B0 were observed in native cartilage, but not in repair tissue. CONCLUSION: dGEMRIC with DeltaR1 measurement might be useful for the evaluation of the GAG concentration in repair tissue after microfracture. T2 mapping might be useful for the differentiation of repair tissue after microfracture from native cartilage; however, its potential to assess the specific biochemical markers in native cartilage as well as repair tissue may be limited.


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In order to harness the unique properties of nanoparticles for novel clinical applications and to modulate their uptake into specific immune cells we designed a new library of homo- and hetero-functional fluorescence-encoded gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) using different poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(ethylene glycol)-based polymers for particle coating and stabilization. The encoded particles were fully characterized by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy, zeta potential and dynamic light scattering. The uptake by human monocyte derived dendritic cells in vitro was studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy and quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. We show how the chemical modification of particle surfaces, for instance by attaching fluorescent dyes, can conceal fundamental particle properties and modulate cellular uptake. In order to mask the influence of fluorescent dyes on cellular uptake while still exploiting its fluorescence for detection, we have created hetero-functionalized Au-NPs, which again show typical particle dependent cellular interactions. Our study clearly prove that the thorough characterization of nanoparticles at each modification step in the engineering process is absolutely essential and that it can be necessary to make substantial adjustments of the particles in order to obtain reliable cellular uptake data, which truly reflects particle properties.


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ašer ḥibbēr ... Mē'îr Poprš