1000 resultados para 120-747


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Many genera of modern planktic foraminifera are adapted to nutrient-poor (oligotrophic) surface waters by hosting photosynthetic symbionts, but it is unknown how they will respond to future changes in ocean temperature and acidity. Here we show that ca. 40 Ma, some fossil photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera were temporarily 'bleached' of their symbionts coincident with transient global warming during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO). At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 748 and 1051 (Southern Ocean and mid-latitude North Atlantic, respectively), the typically positive relationship between the size of photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifer tests and their carbon isotope ratios (d13C) was temporarily reduced for ~100 k.y. during the peak of the MECO. At the same time, the typically photosymbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera Acarinina suffered transient reductions in test size and relative abundance, indicating ecological stress. The coincidence of minimum d18O values and reduction in test size-d13C gradients suggests a link between increased sea-surface temperatures and bleaching during the MECO, although changes in pH and nutrient availability may also have played a role. Our findings show that host-photosymbiont interactions are not constant through geological time, with implications for both the evolution of trophic strategies in marine plankton and the reliability of geochemical proxy records generated from symbiont-bearing planktic foraminifera.


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Pollen, spore, and dinoflagellate cyst floras of Late Cretaceous age were found at Sites 748 (120-748C-62R through -79R) and 750 (120-750B-11W) of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 to the Kerguelen Plateau area in the Southern Indian Ocean. The ranges of dinocyst and sporomorph species indicate ages between the Cenomanian and Coniacian (to possibly the early Santonian). The ratio of marine/terrestrial flora elements is extremely variable, showing a trend from highly terrestrial (up to -70%) in the late Cenomanian to highly marine (up to 90%) in the Coniacian/early Santonian. Low sedimentation rates of about 3-5 cm/1000 yr were calculated for the glauconitic sediments of Turonian and Coniacian age at Site 748 (lithologic Subunit IIIB).