270 resultados para 11200321 M5


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Purpose: Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of disorders characterized by cytopenias, with a propensity for evolution into acute myeloid leukemias (AML). This transformation is driven by genomic instability, but mechanisms remain unknown. Telomere dysfunction might generate genomic instability leading to cytopenias and disease progression. Experimental Design: We undertook a pilot study of 94 patients with MDS (56 patients) and AML (38 patients). The MDS cohort consisted of refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (32 cases), refractory anemia (12 cases), refractory anemia with excess of blasts (RAEB) 1 (8 cases), RAEB2 (1 case), refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (2 cases), and MDS with isolated del(5q) (1 case). The AML cohort was composed of AML-M4 (12 cases), AML-M2 (10 cases), AML-M5 (5 cases), AML-M0 (5 cases), AML-M1 (2 cases), AML-M4eo (1 case), and AML with multidysplasia-related changes (1 case). Three-dimensional quantitative FISH of telomeres was carried out on nuclei from bone marrow samples and analyzed using TeloView. Results: We defined three-dimensional nuclear telomeric profiles on the basis of telomere numbers, telomeric aggregates, telomere signal intensities, nuclear volumes, and nuclear telomere distribution. Using these parameters, we blindly subdivided the MDS patients into nine subgroups and the AML patients into six subgroups. Each of the parameters showed significant differences between MDS and AML. Combining all parameters revealed significant differences between all subgroups. Three-dimensional telomeric profiles are linked to the evolution of telomere dysfunction, defining a model of progression from MDS to AML. Conclusions: Our results show distinct three-dimensional telomeric profiles specific to patients with MDS and AML that help subgroup patients based on the severity of telomere dysfunction highlighted in the profiles. Clin Cancer Res; 18(12); 3293-304. (C) 2012 AACR.


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Chlorophyll determination with a portable chlorophyll meter can indicate the period of highest N demand of plants and whether sidedressing is required or not. In this sense, defining the optimal timing of N application to common bean is fundamental to increase N use efficiency, increase yields and reduce the cost of fertilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficiency of N sufficiency index (NSI) calculated based on the relative chlorophyll index (RCI) in leaves, measured with a portable chlorophyll meter, as an indicator of time of N sidedressing fertilization and to verify which NSI (90 and 95 %) value is the most appropriate to indicate the moment of N fertilization of common bean cultivar Perola. The experiment was carried out in the rainy and dry growing seasons of the agricultural year 2009/10 on a dystroferric Red Nitosol, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design with five treatments, consisting of N managements (M1: 200 kg ha-1 N (40 kg at sowing + 80 kg 15 days after emergence (DAE) + 80 kg 30 DAE); M2: 100 kg ha-1 N (20 kg at sowing + 40 kg 15 DAE + 40 kg 30 DAE); M3: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 95 %; M4: 20 kg ha-1 N at sowing + 30 kg ha-1 N when chlorophyll meter readings indicated NSI < 90 % and, M5: control (without N application)) and four replications. The variables RCI, aboveground dry matter, total leaf N concentration, production components, grain yield, relative yield, and N use efficiency were evaluated. The RCI correlated with leaf N concentrations. By monitoring the RCI with the chlorophyll meter, the period of N sidedressing of common bean could be defined, improving N use efficiency and avoiding unnecessary N supply to common bean. The NSI 90 % of the reference area was more efficient to define the moment of N sidedressing of common bean, to increase N use efficiency.


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The aim of this Thesis is to investigate (i) how common the bimodal Blue Straggler Stars (BSS) radial distribution is in stellar clusters and (ii) which are the physical processes that can produce this bimodality. We discuss possible relations between the properties of the BSS radial distribution and the dynamical state of the hosting clusters by making use of dynamical models and simulations. When relevant, we also discuss the possible links with some cluster "anomalies" and the effects of a massive object (like Imtermediate Mass Black Hole) in the cluster center. To this purpose we present the observational multiwavelength studies of the BSS populations and their radial distributions in 5 GGCs: M5, M55, M2, NGC 2419 and NGC 6388.


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Organotin compounds have found in the last few decades a wide variety of applications. Indeed, they are used successfully as antifouling paints, PVC stabilizers and ion carriers, as well as homogeneous catalysts. In this context, it has been proved that the Lewis acidity of the metal centre allows these compounds to promote the reaction between alcohol and ester. However their use is now limited by their well-known toxicity, moreover they are hardly removable from the reaction mixture. This problem can be overcome by grafting the organotin derivative onto a polymeric cross-linked support. In this way the obtained heterogeneous catalyst can be easily filtered off from the reaction mixture, thus creating the so-called "clean organotin reagents", avoiding the presence of toxic organotin residues in solution and the tin release in the environment. In the last few years several insoluble polystyrene resins containing triorganotin carboxylate moieties have been synthesized with the aim of improving their catalytic activity: in particular we have investigated and opportunely modified their chemical structure in order to optimize the accessibility to the metal centre and its Lewis acidity. Recently, we replaced the polymeric matrix with an inorganic one, in order to dispose of a relatively cheaper and easily available support. For this purpose an ordered mesoporous silica, characterized by 2D-hexagonal pores, named MCM-41, and an amorphous silica have been selected. In the present work two kinds of MCM-41 silica containing the triorganotin carboxylate moiety have been synthesized starting from a commercial Cab-O-Sil M5 silica. These catalysts have two different spacers between the core and the tin-carboxylate moiety, namely a polyaliphatic chain (compound FT29) or a poliethereal one (compound FT6), with the aim to improve the interaction between catalyst and reacting ester. Three catalysts supported onto an amorphous silica have been also synthesized: the structure is the same as silica FT29, i.e. a compound having a polialiphatic chain, and they have different percentage of organotin derivative grafted on the silica surface (10, 30, 50% respectively for silica MB9, SU27 and SU28). The performances of the above silica as heterogeneous catalysts in transesterification reactions have been tested in a model reaction between ethyl acetate and 1-octanol, a primary alcohol sensitive to the reaction conditions. The alcohol conversion was assessed by gas-chromatography, determining the relative amount of transesterified product and starting alcohol after established time intervals.


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Le Leucemie Acute Mieloidi di sottotipo FAB M4 e M5, le Leucemie Acute Linfoblastiche e le Leucemie Bifenotipiche sono frequentemente caratterizzate da traslocazioni del gene 11q23/MLL con formazione di oncogeni di fusione e produzione di oncoproteine che inducono la trasformazione neoplastica. Tali leucemie con riarrangiamenti di 11q23/MLL sono caratterizzate da prognosi infausta e scarsa responsività alle terapie convenzionali. Data la necessità di trovare terapie efficaci per le leucemie con traslocazione di MLL, in questo lavoro di ricerca sono stati progettati, caratterizzati e validati siRNA per il silenziamento genico degli oncogeni di fusione di MLL, con lo scopo di valutare il ripristino delle normali funzionalità di differenziamento cellulare e l’arresto della proliferazione neoplastica. Sono stati progettati siRNA specifici per gli oncogeni di fusione di MLL, sia per le regioni conservate nei diversi oncogeni di fusione, sia a livello del punto di fusione (breakpoint), sia per le regioni sui geni partner. I siRNA sono stati valutati su linee cellulari contenenti diverse traslocazioni del gene MLL. Il silenziamento è stato valutato sia a livello cellulare in termini di riduzione della capacità proliferativa e del numero delle cellule leucemiche, sia a livello molecolare tramite l’analisi della diminuzione dell’mRNA degli oncogeni di fusione di MLL. E’ stata valutata la diminuzione delle oncoproteine di fusione di MLL in seguito a trattamento con siRNA. E’ stata analizzata la variazione dell’espressione di geni dipendenti da MLL in seguito a trattamento con siRNA. Sono stati messi a punto modelli murini bioluminescenti di leucemie acute con traslocazioni di MLL innanzitutto per studiare il trafficking in vivo e la progressione leucemica delle leucemie acute con traslocazione di MLL. Successivamente sono stati utilizzati i modelli murini per lo studio in vivo dell’efficienza e della tossicità dei siRNA progettati e validati in vitro, valutando diversi sistemi di delivery per i siRNA in vivo.


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Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (allo-HSCT) bietet bei einem hohen Anteil akuter Leukämien die einzige kurative Behandlungsmöglichkeit. Um die mit ihr assoziierte Morbidität und Mortalität zu senken und ihre Effektivität zu steigern, soll die GvL (graft-versus-leukemia)-Reaktion als eigentliches Therapieziel gegenüber der unerwünschten GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) möglichst selektiv verstärkt werden. Wesentliche Mediatoren beider Effekte sind alloreaktive T-Zellen. Bei HLA-Übereinstimmung zwischen Spender und Empfänger sind so genannte Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) und Leukämie-assoziierte Antigene (LAA) die mutmaßlichen Zielstrukturen beider Reaktionen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden in dem Leukämie-Modell der Patientin MZ201 [akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) vom Subtyp FAB M5] mittels T-Zell-basierter cDNA-Expressionsklonierung zwei neue Antigene identifiziert, die von allogenen, AML-reaktiven CD8+ T-Lymphozyten aus Blut eines HLA-passenden gesunden Spenders erkannt wurden. Es handelt sich zum einen um das HLA-B*5601-restringierte mHAg PLAUR-317P, das aus einem Polymorphismus des Gens PLAUR (plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor) resultiert. Das von den T-Zellen am Besten erkannte Peptid enthält die Aminosäuren 316 - 327. PLAUR wird in lymphohämatopoetischen Zellen und in verschiedenen Malignomen überexprimiert und ist dabei mit schlechterer Prognose und vermehrter Gewebeinvasivität assoziiert. Etwa 30% getesteter Individuen tragen das Allel PLAUR-317P. Zum anderen handelt es sich um ein Epitop aus der Signalregion des Chemokins CXCL3 [chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3], das von CD8+ T-Zellen des gleichen Spenders auf Leukämiezellen der Patientin MZ201 in Assoziation mit HLA-A*0201 erkannt wurde. Auch CXCL3 wird vorwiegend in Zellen der Myelopoese exprimiert. Aufgrund ihres Expressionsmusters sind beide Antigene potentielle Zielstrukturen für die Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss der Leukämieblasten im Rahmen der allo-HSCT. Weiterführende Untersuchungen müssen zeigen, ob diese Antigene tatsächlich in vivo GvL-Reaktionen hervorrufen. Die Kenntnis eines repräsentativen Spektrums solcher Antigene würde verbesserte Spenderselektionen erlauben und neue Wege des adoptiven T-Zelltransfers erschließen helfen.


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Allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantationen (HSZTs) werden insbesondere zur Behandlung von Patienten mit Hochrisiko-Leukämien durchgeführt. Dabei bewirken T-Zellreaktionen gegen Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) sowohl den therapeutisch erwünschten graft-versus-leukemia (GvL)-Effekt als auch die schädigende graft-versus-host (GvH)-Erkrankung. Für die Identifizierung neuer mHAgs mittels des T-Zell-basierten cDNA-Expressionsscreenings waren leukämiereaktive T-Zellpopulationen durch Stimulation naïver CD8+-T-Lymphozyten gesunder HLA-Klasse I-identischer Buffy Coat-Spender mit Leukämiezellen von Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (AML) generiert worden (Albrecht et al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 60:235, 2011). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit diesen im AML-Modell des Patienten MZ529 das mHAg CYBA-72Y identifiziert. Es resultiert aus einem bekannten Einzelnukleotidpolymorphismus (rs4673: CYBA-242T/C) des Gens CYBA (kodierend für Cytochrom b-245 α-Polypeptid; syn.: p22phox), der zu einem Austausch von Tyrosin (Y) zu Histidin (H) an Aminosäureposition 72 führt. Das mHAg wurde von T-Lymphozyten sowohl in Assoziation mit HLA-B*15:01 als auch mit HLA-B*15:07 erkannt. Eine allogene T-Zellantwort gegen CYBA-72Y wurde in einem weiteren AML-Modell (MZ987) beobachtet, die ebenso wie in dem AML-Modell MZ529 polyklonal war. Insgesamt konnte bei drei von fünf getesteten HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern, die homozygot für CYBA-72H (H/H) waren, eine CYBA-72Y-spezifische T-Zellantwort generiert werden. Das von den T-Lymphozyten übereinstimmend in niedrigster Konzentration erkannte Peptid umfasste die Aminosäuren 69 - 77, wobei das homologe Peptid aus CYBA-72H auch in hohen Konzentrationen keine Reaktivität auslöste. Eine reziproke Immunogenität des mHAg ist bislang nicht belegt. T-Lymphozyten gegen CYBA-72Y erkannten Leukämiezellen bei acht von zwölf HLA-B*15:01-positiven Patienten (FAB-Subtypen: M1, M2, M4, M5). Da das Gen CYBA für eine Komponente des mikrobiziden Oxidasesystems von phagozytierenden Zellen kodiert, ist es überwiegend in Zellen des hämatopoetischen Systems exprimiert. Von Leukozytensubtypen, aufgereinigt aus HLA-B*15:01-positiven Buffy Coat-Spendern mit CYBA-242T-Allel, wurden Monozyten und daraus abgeleitete dendritische Zellen durch CYBA-72Y-reaktive T-Lymphozyten sehr stark, untransformierte B-Zellen in weit geringerem Maße und Granulozyten sowie T-Lymphozyten nicht erkannt. Das für CYBA-72Y kodierende Allel CYBA-242T wurde bei 56% aller getesteten gesunden Spender und Malignompatienten (n=481) nachgewiesen. Unter Berücksichtigung der Häufigkeit des präsentierenden HLA-Allels ist davon auszugehen, dass etwa 4,5% der Kaukasier das mHAg CYBA-72Y zusammen mit HLA-B*15:01 tragen. Nach bisherigen Beobachtungen führt ein immunogener CYBA-72Y-Mismatch bei allogenen HSZTs nicht notwendigerweise zu einer schweren GvH-Erkrankung. Das hier beschriebene mHAg CYBA-72Y erscheint potenziell geeignet, im Rahmen einer allogenen HSZT die präferenzielle Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss von myeloischen Leukämiezellen zu bewirken. Jedoch sind weiterführende Untersuchungen erforderlich, um die therapeutische Relevanz des Antigens zu belegen.


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Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency-frequency in the absence of a specific cause. Investigating the expression levels of genes involved in the regulation of epithelial permeability, bladder contractility, and inflammation, we show that neurokinin (NK)1 and NK2 tachykinin receptors were significantly down-regulated in BPS patients. Tight junction proteins zona occludens-1, junctional adherins molecule -1, and occludin were similarly down-regulated, implicating increased urothelial permeability, whereas bradykinin B(1) receptor, cannabinoid receptor CB1 and muscarinic receptors M3-M5 were up-regulated. Using cell-based models, we show that prolonged exposure of NK1R to substance P caused a decrease of NK1R mRNA levels and a concomitant increase of regulatory micro(mi)RNAs miR-449b and miR-500. In the biopsies of BPS patients, the same miRNAs were significantly increased, suggesting that BPS promotes an attenuation of NK1R synthesis via activation of specific miRNAs. We confirm this hypothesis by identifying 31 differentially expressed miRNAs in BPS patients and demonstrate a direct correlation between miR-449b, miR-500, miR-328, and miR-320 and a down-regulation of NK1R mRNA and/or protein levels. Our findings further the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of BPS, and have relevance for other clinical conditions involving the NK1 receptor.


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to investigate the adhesion and invasion of periodontopathogenic bacteria in varied mixed infections and the release of interleukins from an epithelial cell line (KB cells). METHODS: KB cells were co-cultured with Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 and M5-1-2, Tannerella forsythia ATCC 43037, Treponema denticola ATCC 35405 and Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586 in single and mixed infections. The numbers of adherent and internalized bacteria were determined up to 18 h after bacterial exposure. Additionally, the mRNA expression and concentrations of released interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were measured. RESULTS: All periodontopathogenic bacteria adhered and internalized in different numbers to KB cells, but individually without any evidence of co-aggregation also to F. nucleatum. High levels of epithelial mRNA of IL-6 and IL-8 were detectable after all bacterial challenges. After the mixed infection of P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 and F. nucleatum ATCC 25586 the highest levels of released interleukins were found. No IL-6 and IL-8 were detectable after the mixed infection of P. gingivalis M5-1-2 and F. nucleatum ATCC 25586 and the fourfold infection of P. gingivalis ATCC 33277, T. denticola ATCC 35405, T. forsythia ATCC 43037 and F. nucleatum ATCC 25586. CONCLUSION: Anaerobic periodontopathogenic bacteria promote the release of IL-6 and IL-8 by epithelial cells. Despite a continuous epithelial expression of IL-8 mRNA by all bacterial infections these effects are temporary because of the time-dependent degradation of cytokines by bacterial proteases. Mixed infections have a stronger virulence potential than single bacteria. Further research is necessary to evaluate the role of mixed infections and biofilms in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.


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We present a near-infrared (0.9-2.4 mu m) spectroscopic study of 73 field ultracool dwarfs having spectroscopic and/or kinematic evidence of youth (approximate to 10-300 Myr). Our sample is composed of 48 low-resolution (R approximate to 100) spectra and 41 moderate-resolution spectra (R greater than or similar to 750-2000). First, we establish a method for spectral typing M5-L7 dwarfs at near-IR wavelengths that is independent of gravity. We find that both visual and index-based classification in the near-IR provides consistent spectral types with optical spectral types, though with a small systematic offset in the case of visual classification at J and K band. Second, we examine features in the spectra of similar to 10 Myr ultracool dwarfs to define a set of gravity-sensitive indices based on FeH, VO, Ki, Nai, and H-band continuum shape. We then create an index-based method for classifying the gravities of M6-L5 dwarfs that provides consistent results with gravity classifications from optical spectroscopy. Our index-based classification can distinguish between young and dusty objects. Guided by the resulting classifications, we propose a set of low-gravity spectral standards for the near-IR. Finally, we estimate the ages corresponding to our gravity classifications.


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As the performance gap between microprocessors and memory continues to increase, main memory accesses result in long latencies which become a factor limiting system performance. Previous studies show that main memory access streams contain significant localities and SDRAM devices provide parallelism through multiple banks and channels. These locality and parallelism have not been exploited thoroughly by conventional memory controllers. In this thesis, SDRAM address mapping techniques and memory access reordering mechanisms are studied and applied to memory controller design with the goal of reducing observed main memory access latency. The proposed bit-reversal address mapping attempts to distribute main memory accesses evenly in the SDRAM address space to enable bank parallelism. As memory accesses to unique banks are interleaved, the access latencies are partially hidden and therefore reduced. With the consideration of cache conflict misses, bit-reversal address mapping is able to direct potential row conflicts to different banks, further improving the performance. The proposed burst scheduling is a novel access reordering mechanism, which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks. Subjected to a threshold, reads are allowed to preempt writes and qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of the bursts. A sophisticated access scheduler selects accesses based on priorities and interleaves accesses to maximize the SDRAM data bus utilization. Consequentially burst scheduling reduces row conflict rate, increasing and exploiting the available row locality. Using a revised SimpleScalar and M5 simulator, both techniques are evaluated and compared with existing academic and industrial solutions. With SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, bit-reversal reduces the execution time by 14% on average over traditional page interleaving address mapping. Burst scheduling also achieves a 15% reduction in execution time over conventional bank in order scheduling. Working constructively together, bit-reversal and burst scheduling successfully achieve a 19% speedup across simulated benchmarks.


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In-cylinder pressure transducers have been used for decades to record combustion pressure inside a running engine. However, due to the extreme operating environment, transducer design and installation must be considered in order to minimize measurement error. One such error is caused by thermal shock, where the pressure transducer experiences a high heat flux that can distort the pressure transducer diaphragm and also change the crystal sensitivity. This research focused on investigating the effects of thermal shock on in-cylinder pressure transducer data quality using a 2.0L, four-cylinder, spark-ignited, direct-injected, turbo-charged GM engine. Cylinder four was modified with five ports to accommodate pressure transducers of different manufacturers. They included an AVL GH14D, an AVL GH15D, a Kistler 6125C, and a Kistler 6054AR. The GH14D, GH15D, and 6054AR were M5 size transducers. The 6125C was a larger, 6.2mm transducer. Note that both of the AVL pressure transducers utilized a PH03 flame arrestor. Sweeps of ignition timing (spark sweep), engine speed, and engine load were performed to study the effects of thermal shock on each pressure transducer. The project consisted of two distinct phases which included experimental engine testing as well as simulation using a commercially available software package. A comparison was performed to characterize the quality of the data between the actual cylinder pressure and the simulated results. This comparison was valuable because the simulation results did not include thermal shock effects. All three sets of tests showed the peak cylinder pressure was basically unaffected by thermal shock. Comparison of the experimental data with the simulated results showed very good correlation. The spark sweep was performed at 1300 RPM and 3.3 bar NMEP and showed that the differences between the simulated results (no thermal shock) and the experimental data for the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and the pumping mean effective pressure (PMEP) were significantly less than the published accuracies. All transducers had an IMEP percent difference less than 0.038% and less than 0.32% for PMEP. Kistler and AVL publish that the accuracy of their pressure transducers are within plus or minus 1% for the IMEP (AVL 2011; Kistler 2011). In addition, the difference in average exhaust absolute pressure between the simulated results and experimental data was the greatest for the two Kistler pressure transducers. The location and lack of flame arrestor are believed to be the cause of the increased error. For the engine speed sweep, the torque output was held constant at 203 Nm (150 ft-lbf) from 1500 to 4000 RPM. The difference in IMEP was less than 0.01% and the PMEP was less than 1%, except for the AVL GH14D which was 5% and the AVL GH15DK which was 2.25%. A noticeable error in PMEP appeared as the load increased during the engine speed sweeps, as expected. The load sweep was conducted at 2000 RPM over a range of NMEP from 1.1 to 14 bar. The difference in IMEP values were less 0.08% while the PMEP values were below 1% except for the AVL GH14D which was 1.8% and the AVL GH15DK which was at 1.25%. In-cylinder pressure transducer data quality was effectively analyzed using a combination of experimental data and simulation results. Several criteria can be used to investigate the impact of thermal shock on data quality as well as determine the best location and thermal protection for various transducers.


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We have previously shown that benzamidine-type compounds can inhibit the activity of arginine-specific cysteine proteinases (gingipains HRgpA and RgpB); well-known virulence factors of Porphyromonas gingivalis. They also hinder in vitro growth of this important periodontopathogenic bacterium. Apparently growth arrest is not associated with their ability to inhibit these proteases, because pentamidine, which is a 20-fold less efficient inhibitor of gingipain than 2,6-bis-(4-amidinobenzyl)-cyclohexanone (ACH), blocked P. gingivalis growth far more effectively. To identify targets for benzamidine-derived compounds other than Arg-gingipains, and to explain their bacteriostatic effects, P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 and P. gingivalis M5-1-2 (clinical isolate) cell extracts were subjected to affinity chromatography using a benzamidine-Sepharose column to identify proteins interacting with benzamidine. In addition to HRgpA and RgpB the analysis revealed heat-shock protein GroEL as another ligand for benzamidine. To better understand the effect of benzamidine-derived compounds on P. gingivalis, bacteria were exposed to benzamidine, pentamidine, ACH and heat, and the expression of gingipains and GroEL was determined. Exposure to heat and benzamidine-derived compounds caused significant increases in GroEL, at both the mRNA and protein levels. Interestingly, despite the fact that gingipains were shown to be the main virulence factors in a fertilized egg model of infection, mortality rates were strongly reduced, not only by ACH, but also by pentamidine, a relatively weak gingipain inhibitor. This effect may depend not only on gingipain inhibition but also on interaction of benzamidine derivatives with GroEL. Therefore these compounds may find use in supportive periodontitis treatment.


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Mature dolichol-linked oligosaccharides (mDLOs) needed for eukaryotic protein N-glycosylation are synthesized by a multistep pathway in which the biosynthetic lipid intermediate Man5GlcNAc2-PP-dolichol (M5-DLO) flips from the cytoplasmic to the luminal face of the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein Rft1 is intimately involved in mDLO biosynthesis. Yeast genetic analyses implicated Rft1 as the M5-DLO flippase, but because biochemical tests challenged this assignment, the function of Rft1 remains obscure. To understand the role of Rft1, we sought to analyze mDLO biosynthesis in vivo in the complete absence of the protein. Rft1 is essential for yeast viability, and no Rft1-null organisms are currently available. Here, we exploited Trypanosoma brucei (Tb), an early diverging eukaryote whose Rft1 homologue functions in yeast. We report that TbRft1-null procyclic trypanosomes grow nearly normally. They have normal steady-state levels of mDLO and significant N-glycosylation, indicating robust M5-DLO flippase activity. Remarkably, the mutant cells have 30-100-fold greater steady-state levels of M5-DLO than wild-type cells. All N-glycans in the TbRft1-null cells originate from mDLO indicating that the M5-DLO excess is not available for glycosylation. These results suggest that rather than facilitating M5-DLO flipping, Rft1 facilitates conversion of M5-DLO to mDLO by another mechanism, possibly by acting as an M5-DLO chaperone.


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We construct and analyze thermal spinning giant gravitons in type II/M-theory based on spherically wrapped black branes, using the method of thermal probe branes originating from the blackfold approach. These solutions generalize in different directions recent work in which the case of thermal (non-spinning) D3-brane giant gravitons was considered, and reveal a rich phase structure with various new properties. First of all, we extend the construction to M-theory, by constructing thermal giant graviton solutions using spherically wrapped M2- and M5-branes. More importantly, we switch on new quantum numbers, namely internal spins on the sphere, which are not present in the usual extremal limit for which the brane world volume stress tensor is Lorentz invariant. We examine the effect of this new type of excitation and in particular analyze the physical quantities in various regimes, including that of small temperatures as well as low/high spin. As a byproduct we find new stationary dipole-charged black hole solutions in AdS m × S n backgrounds of type II/M-theory. We finally show, via a double scaling extremal limit, that our spinning thermal giant graviton solutions lead to a novel null-wave zero-temperature giant graviton solution with a BPS spectrum, which does not have an analogue in terms of the conventional weakly coupled world volume theory.