882 resultados para 1.95 GeV Kr ions
In recent years, stable and long laminarplasma jets have been successfully generated, and thus it is possible to achieve low-noise working surroundings, better process repeatability and controllability, and reduced metal-oxidation degree in plasma materials processing. With such a recent development in thermal plasma science and technology as the main research background, modeling studies are performed concerning the DCarcplasmatorch for generating the long laminar argon plasma jet. Two different two-dimensional modeling approaches are employed to deal with the arc-root attachment at the anode surface. The first approach is based on circumferentially uniform arc-root attachment, while the second uses the so-called fictitious anode method. Modeling results show that the highest temperature and maximum axial-velocity at the plasmatorch exit are ~15000 K and ~1100 m/s, respectively, for the case with arc current of 160 A and argon flow rate of 1.95×10{sup}(-4)kg/s.
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)
En este trabajo pretendemos alcanzar un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, estudiamos la influencia del compromiso afectivo de los empleados percibido por el directivo, tanto sobre su nivel de confianza, como sobre la capacidad de aprendizaje organizativo (CAO). Igualmente, analizamos cómo influye sobre la CAO esta predisposición del directivo a confiar en sus empleados. En segundo lugar, examinamos si el compromiso afectivo de los empleados percibido por el directivo, la confianza del directivo y la CAO favorecen la innovación en producto. Aplicando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (Partial Least Squares -PLS-) sobre una muestra de 92 empresas pertenecientes a sectores innovadores españoles se concluye que el compromiso afectivo que el directivo percibe en los empleados determina su nivel de confianza en aquellos. Asimismo, ambas variables (compromiso afectivo de los empleados percibido por el directivo y confianza del directivo) explican la CAO. Finalmente, se comprueba que los dos factores considerados (compromiso afectivo percibido y confianza) influyen sobre la innovación en producto a través de la CAO.
Numerous investigations have utilized various semi-purified and purified diets to estimate the protein and amino acid requirements of several temperate fishes. The vast literature on the protein and amino acid requirements of fishes has continued to omit that of the tropical warm water species. The net effect is that fish feed formulation in Nigeria have relied on the requirement for temperate species. This paper attempts to review the state of knowledge on the protein amino acid requirements of fishes with emphasis on the warm water species, the methods of protein and amino acid requirement determinations and the influence of various factors on nutritional requirement studies. Finally evidence are presented with specific examples on how requirements of warm water fishes are different from the temperate species and used this to justify why fish feed formulation in Nigeria are far from being efficient
Electron acceleration using a tightly focused ultraintensity laser beam is investigated numerically and strong phase dependence is found. The acceleration is periodic to the variety of the initial laser field phase, and the accelerated electrons are emitted in pulses of which the full width is the half period of the laser field. When a 10 PW intense laser beam is used, the electron with energy less than 1 Mev can be accelerated up to energies about 1.4 GeV. The optimal initial condition for electron acceleration is found. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
This report contains results from the second cruise of the Modis Optical Characterization Experiment (MOCE). Data presented here were obtained on the Mexican Research Vessel El Puma between 29 March and 13 April along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California. Three types of data are reported: high spectral resolution radiometry at three depths for 13 stations; salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles at the same stations; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen.(PDF is 90 pages.)
This report contains CTD profiling results from the seventh cruise to the Marine Optics Buoy (MOBY) site near the Island of Lanai. Data presented here were obtained on the University of Hawaii Research Vessel Moana Wave between 26 and 30 June 1994. Two types of data are reported: vertical profile observations of salinity, temperature beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence, profiles; and total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen taken from water samplers at those stations.
This report contains results from the third cruise of the Marine Optical Characterization Experiment (Fig. 1). A variety of spectroradiometric observations of the upper water column and atmosphere were made by investigators from the University of Miami, NOAA, CHORS and MLML. Data presented here were obtained by oceanographic CTD profiler: salinity, temperatllre, dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation and chlorophyll-a fluorescence; and by water samplers: total suspended matter and suspended organic carbon and nitrogen, salinity, and dissolved oxygen.
Commercially available software packages for IBM PC-compatibles are evaluated to use for data acquisition and processing work. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) acquired computers since 1978 to use on shipboard data acquisition (Le. CTD, radiometric, etc.) and data processing. First Hewlett-Packard desktops were used then a transition to the DEC VAXstations, with software developed mostly by the author and others at MLML (Broenkow and Reaves, 1993; Feinholz and Broenkow, 1993; Broenkow et al, 1993). IBM PC were at first very slow and limited in available software, so they were not used in the early days. Improved technology such as higher speed microprocessors and a wide range of commercially available software made use of PC more reasonable today. MLML is making a transition towards using the PC for data acquisition and processing. Advantages are portability and available outside support.
Cross sections for the photoproduction of neutral pi, eta, rho and phi mesons on hydrogen have been measured at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center using a missing mass spectrometer technique. The data cover photon energies between 5.0 and 17.8 GeV and four momentum transfer squared t between -.12 and -1.38 (GeV/c)2.
Pion differential cross sections at lower energies show a peak at low momentum transfers, a distinctive dip and secondary maximum for t in the region -.4 to -.9 (GeV /c)2, and a smooth decrease at higher momentum transfers. As photon energy increases, the dip becomes less pronounced, in contradiction to the expectations of simple Regge theories based on the exchange of omega and B trajectories only.
Eta photoproduction was measured only below 10 GeV. The cross section has about the same magnitude as the pion production cross section, but decreases exponentially with t, showing no dip.
Rho mesons appear to be diffractively produced. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(8.5t + 2t2). It falls slowly with energy, decreasing about 35 percent from 6 GeV to 17.8 GeV. A simple quark model relation appears to describe the data well.
Phi meson cross sections are also consistent with diffraction production. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(4t). The cross section tends to decrease slightly with photon energy.
The spin dependent cross sections, σT1/2 and σT3/2 , and asymmetries, A∥ and A⊥ for 3He have been measured at the Jefferson Lab's Hall A facility. The inclusive scattering process 3He(e,e)X was performed for initial beam energies ranging from 0.86 to 5.1 GeV, at a scattering angle of 15.5°. Data includes measurements from the quasielastic peak, resonance region, and the deep inelastic regime. An approximation for the extended Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral is presented at a 4-momentum transfer Q2 of 0.2-1.0 GeV2.
Also presented are results on the performance of the polarized 3He target. Polarization of 3He was achieved by the process of spin-exchange collisions with optically pumped rubidium vapor. The 3He polarization was monitored using the NMR technique of adiabatic fast passage (AFP). The average target polarization was approximately 35% and was determined to have a systematic uncertainty of roughly ±4% relative.
We measured the recoil proton polarization in the process γp → pη at the 1.5 GeV Caltech electron synchrotron, at photon energies from 0.8 to 1.1 GeV, and at center-of-mass production angles around 90°. A counter-spark chamber array was used to determine the kinematics of all particles in the final state of the partial mode γp → pη (η → 2γ). The protons' polarization was determined by measuring an asymmetry in scattering off carbon. Analysis of 280,000 pictures yielded 2400 useful scatters with a background which was 30% of the foreground. The polarization results show a sizeable opposite parity interference at 830 MeV, 950 MeV, and 1100 MeV.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo monitorar o agrotóxico Mancozeb no solo em diferentes sistemas de plantios de tomate utilizando a metodologia de decomposição dos ditiocarbamatos (DTCs) com geração de dissulfeto de carbono (CS2). Este método é amplamente utilizado na determinação dos resíduos de DTCs em alimentos, tendo sido adaptado para trabalhar com amostras de solo artificiais e reais. O método foi avaliado utilizando amostras contaminadas artificialmente a partir de uma amostra de solo controle, proveniente da Amazônia. A contaminação foi realizada com uma solução de campo (2 g.L-1 em água) do agrotóxico Manzate 800 (Mancozeb). A partir do momento em que foram determinadas as condições ideais de operação do método de decomposição dos DTCs, analisou-se o teor de Mancozeb em amostras reais, provenientes de uma área cultivada com tomate, no Município de São José de Ubá (RJ), sob sistemas de Plantios Convencional, Mínimo e Direto. Foi possível constatar a presença de teores de Mancozeb nas amostras reais de solo em estudo, coletadas nas profundidades 0 - 5 cm; 5 - 10 cm; 10 - 20 cm e 20 - 40 cm. Os resultados mostraram que os solos provenientes dos sistemas convencional e mínimo apresentaram, na camada superficial, um teor de Mancozeb de (7,44 mg.kg-1 e 5,70 mg.kg-1) superior ao obtido no sistema direto, que apresentou teores de (1,14 mg.kg-1 e 1,95 mg.kg-1) de Mancozeb