984 resultados para Östman, Ann-Catrin
Richard Bull, architect. Known at various times as Detroit Observatory, Campus Observatory, Old Observatory. On verso: The razing of the 1908 wing of the Detroit Observatory on East Ann St. provided a fascinating spectacle for some sidewalk observers a few weeks ago... Published: University Record, July 6, 1976, cover
Signature on verso: W.A. Lewis [Lewis was a student at UM in the late 1890's]
Signature on verso: W.A. Lewis [Lewis was a student at UM in the late 1890's]
University of Michigan Diagonal
Handwritten caption: Entrance to Laboratory and Law Building
When this image was taken this building was a hospital. Built 1840. Professors' Houses (East Residence) 1840-1868. University Hospital 1868-1891. Additions in 1877 and after in the form of two parallel wings built out from back of house and several additions onto them. Dental College 1891-1908. Building removed 1908. Replaced by new Chemistry Building 1910
North Wing completed in 1841; renamed Mason Hall in 1843 in honor of Stevens J. Mason, first governor of Michigan. South Wing (also called South College) built in 1849. Both wings demolished in 1950. Handwritten on mount: Lecture rooms. Mich. University
The Students' Observatory was erected in 1878. It was located to the south of the Detroit Observatory.
Map shows size city wards, township sections, lot boundaries, buildings and other cultural features, and sections of land annexed by the city.
not drawn to scale; Oriented with north to the upper right.