767 resultados para , new media


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As tecnologias digitais trouxeram novas configurações para a comunicação como um todo e para a literatura em particular. A escrita, hoje, é reconcebida em função das características técnicas das mídias digitais. A presente pesquisa propõe uma discussão sobre os efeitos culturais dos tempos contemporâneos na tendência de fazer literatura, tomando como foco de análise a dimensão virtual ofertada especialmente pela Internet (SANTAELLA, 2007). A partir da análise dos novos formatos de circulação e expressão presentes no ciberespaço (LEVY, 1999), a exemplo dos blogs, abordamos a maneira como o hipertexto interfere nas práticas narrativo-literárias atuais (MARCUSCHI, 2010), modificando as formas de interação escritor/obra, escritor/leitor e leitor/obra, mediante o engendramento de uma função de mediação que, por sua vez, cria novos processos culturais de remodelamento dos padrões de percepção do mundo, dos indivíduos e da realidade social (MARTIN-BARBERO, 2003). Assim, pretende-se investigar as narrativas hipertextuais originadas da efetiva exploração por blogueiros dos recursos da hipermídia para a configuração de formatos expressivos próprios do meio em questão, a partir do que será denominado de texto webliterário.


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Este estudo é o resultado de uma pesquisa que analisou a relação entre teoria e prática das ações propostas pela Organização Não Governamental Projeto Saúde e Alegria (ONG-PSA), na localidade de Suruacá, no rio Tapajós, no município de Santarém, oeste paraense. A problemática de investigação foi conduzida a partir de dois questionamentos centrais: Como se dá a relação entre teoria e prática no que se refere ao trabalho desenvolvido pelo Projeto Saúde e Alegria no Telecentro Comunitário de Suruacá? E qual o impacto que o uso de novos meios comunicacionais causou na vivência cultural na área pesquisada? A análise dos dados foi produzida, a partir do levantamento bibliográfico e documental sobre as ações da ONG, de dados disponibilizados no site oficial do PSA, do vídeo institucional da ONG, do que se viu e ouviu na localidade Suruacá e da visão de pesquisadores e agentes das áreas de Comunicação, Cultura e Educação que atuam fora do PSA. Entre os resultados da pesquisa, constatou-se que a proposta publicizada pelo Projeto corresponde com a descrição da entrevista realizada com os moradores do local que nos últimos 25 anos têm acompanhado, trabalhado e recebido as ações do PSA. Percebeu-se que há uma práxis convergente presente na relação comunicacional e educacional entre o PSA e Suruacá, não de natureza exclusivamente dialética, mas também dialógica, no sentido de complexidade entendida no pensamento de Morin (1991), das mediações do pensamento de Martín-Barbero (1997) e da dialogicidade profunda no pensamento de Freire (1996), em processos envolvendo Comunicação, Cultura e Educação em Suruacá, mas pondera-se que a presença desta ONG no interior da Amazônia brasileira não dispensa a ação do estado na efetivação de políticas públicas nas áreas de comunicação, cultura, educação e saúde.


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The current rise of the Internet has allowed distances being shortened more and more-creating virtual communities with the most different people, discussing and debating opinions about their environments, what they consume or what they do. Social media has put the people and, consequently, organizations gradually changing their positions about the environment in which they are inserted. Organizations are forced to adapt to new media-always attentive to what people are saying about them. The objective of this project is to give the Public Relations the activity to analyze what is going on in these social networks, always ahead of the organization, posing as a mediator of public opinion between social networks and the organization


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The various changes occurring in society in the late twentieth century created a context of true technological revolution based on information. These changes resulted in three points: a new way to communicate with the emergence of new media and communication platforms; a new role assigned to organizations increasingly blamed for social problems, and a greater access to information by society, which forms more critical and demanding. The convergence of these three consequences observed strengthening of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and the importance of internal communication in their construction. This literature review and empirical research, based on a case study with the Junior Enterprise of Public Relations at Unesp Bauru, studied the role of Public Relations in the process of communication management as a facilitator of internal processes towards mobilization for Social Responsibility. It intent to see which are the main barriers to the inclusion of the concept too. The study shows the relevant current context itself, in which the concern with the changing social scenario should be seen as opportunities for growth. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility should be inserted into the organizational DNA to its consolidation, characterizing itself as a cultural and dependent matter of internal restructuring. The role of public relations in this context covers the management of communication and harmony of the interests of all public organization


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Creative spaces need freedom. Any productions, especially with artistic content, need space to mistakes, that is, for an attempt away from the standard. The independent production environment is recognized in different artistic sectors as a space for innovation, to be free of the serial production logic. The major innovations in the international scenario of games came from the independent productions. Great classics revolutionized the aesthetics and functionality of this new media. This project aims to analyze the productive chains of Brazilian independent games, starting with a regional analysis. The goal is to observe the factors responsible for the innovation that these games can offer, the management aspects of creative processes, articulation of innovative agents and resources mobilized. Brazil currently has the fourth largest gaming market in the world with expectation of strong growth for years to come, but arises in the international market as a consumer. Given this regional demand is necessary to study the tools of production, even to help fill that need. Not only the production of games should be thought, the media coverage is also another important factor, in view of the economic importance of this segment. Understanding the mechanisms of innovation in the gaming universe, its impact on the formation of public and coverage of specialized journalism in this new media are possible outcomes of future studies and research that scientific research can contribute


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of e-sports (or electronic sports) in sports journalism in transmedia context. To achieve this goal are performed refl ections on the current concept of sport, the strong presence of game culture in contemporary society and their implications in the media ecosystem through the presentation of an on-line platform for electronic sports, called Twitch. Th is thread moves into a new media ecosystem created in interdisciplinary sphere that encompasses sports and media & technology. In this environment sports and video games seek merge into the concept of e-sport (electronic sport), a phenomenon of contemporary digital culture.


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The genre documentary in itself characterized by citizen emancipation from the content discussed in his works. Termed as images of the people by Jean-Claude Bernardet (2003), the documentary is gaining traction in social development when added to citizen participation offered by transmedia storytelling. This study presents the results obtained from a literature search, the film analysis and experimentation supported in quasi-experimental methodology, results that support these conditions. Hopefully, from this discussion, consolidate the systematic development of transmedia documentary works in new media ecology and that maximizes the role of journalism by a traditionally audiovisual platform, now with other strands to the representation of the news.


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The social media are increasingly present in the lives of citizens, especially when the intention is to share views and information among its communities. However, that is something that leaves the control of citizens near the cluster communication, and reinforce construction of public opinion. This paper presents, from a conceptual discussion and case study grounds to believe that contemporary citizens are the true owners of the fourth estate.


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The newspaper is a communication channel for the society in general, but now, with the new media, some citizens are unplugged of the information because they are not concerned on the Internet language. For these citizens, the interactive maps is an option, because it adopts playful language in the communication process. This article presents a study about interface and interactive maps for Unplugged citizen. The adopted method is quantitative and qualitative research about six existent maps in web newspaper on three countries: United States, Brazil and Spain. The results present information about interfaces, information’s and communication processes in these study objects.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)