186 resultados para wilt
Includes bibliographical references (p. [143]-161) and index.
"Verzeichnis der 1684-1725 von J. Ph. Krieger in Weissenfels Aufgeführten eigenen Kirchenstücke, sowie der in bibliotheken Handschriftlich erhaltenen Werke": p. xxiv-lii.
With piano accompaniment "for rehearsal only."
For solo voice. Two versions of each song are given: one with lute accompaniment in modern notation and in tablature, and one with accompaniment arranged for piano. The altus, tenor and bassus parts are omitted.
Mode of access: Internet.
Screenhouse studies were conducted to investigate the effects of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. glycines and Sclerotium rolfsii on the pathogenicity of Meloidogyne incognita race 2 on soybean and the influence of the nematode on wilt incidence and growth of soybean. The interaction of each fungus with the nematode resulted in reduced shoot and root growth. Final nematode population was also reduced with concomitant inoculation of nematode and fungus or inoculation of fungus before nematode. While M. incognita suppressed wilt incidence in two nematode-susceptible cultivars of soybean (TGX 1485-2D and TGX 1440-IE), it had limited effect on wilt incidence in the nematode resistant cultivar of soybean (TGX 1448-2E). When F. oxysporum was inoculated with the nematode, the mean number of nematodes that penetrated soybean roots decreased by 75% in TGX 1448-2E, 68% in TGX 1485-1D and 65% in TGX 1440-1E. Similarly when the soil was treated with S. rolfsii, the number decreased by 78% in TGX 1448-2E, 77% in TGX 1485-1D and 68% in TGX 1440-1E. The nematode did not develop beyond second-stage juvenile in TGX-1448-2E.
The plant hormones abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene are involved in diverse plant processes, including the regulation of gene expression during adaptive responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Previously, ABA has been implicated in enhancing disease susceptibility in various plant species, but currently very little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. In this study, we obtained evidence that a complex interplay between ABA and JA-ethylene signaling pathways regulate plant defense gene expression and disease resistance. First, we showed that exogenous ABA suppressed both basal and JA-ethylene-activated transcription from defense genes. By contrast, ABA deficiency as conditioned by the mutations in the ABA1 and ABA2 genes, which encode enzymes involved in ABA biosynthesis, resulted in upregulation of basal and induced transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Second, we found that disruption of AtMYC2 (allelic to JASMONATE INSENSITIVE1 [JIN1]), encoding a basic helix-loop-helix Leu zipper transcription factor, which is a positive regulator of ABA signaling, results in elevated levels of basal and activated transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Furthermore, the jin1/myc2 and aba2-1 mutants showed increased resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. Finally, using ethylene and ABA signaling mutants, we showed that interaction between ABA and ethylene signaling is mutually antagonistic in vegetative tissues. Collectively, our results indicate that the antagonistic interactions between multiple components of ABA and the JA-ethylene signaling pathways modulate defense and stress responsive gene expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Symptoms associated with pistachio dieback in Australia include decline (little or no current season growth), xylem staining in shoots two or more years old, trunk mu and limb lesions (often covered by black, superficial fungal growth), excessive exudation of resin, dieback and death of the tree. Bacteria belonging to the genus Xanthomonas have been suggested as the causal agent. To confirm the constant association between these bacteria and the disease syndrome, the absence of other pathogens and the identity of the pathogen, we performed a series of isolations and pathogenicity tests. The only microorganism consistently isolated from diseased tissue was a bacterium that produced yellow, mucoid colonies and displayed morphological and cultural characteristics typical of the genus Xanthomonas. Database comparisons of the fatty acid and whole-cell protein profiles of five representative pistachio isolates indicated that they all belonged to X. translucens, but it was not possible to allocate the isolates to pathovar. Pathogenicity tests on cereals and grasses supported this identification. However, Koch's postulates have been only partially fulfilled because not all symptoms associated with pistachio dieback were reproduced on inoculated two-year-old pistachio trees. While discolouration was observed, dieback, excessive resinous exudate and trunk and limb lesions were not produced; expression of these symptoms may be delayed, and long-term monitoring of a small number of inoculated trees is in progress.
Treatment of cut freesia var. Cote d'Azur flowers with methyl jasmonate (MeJA, 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1)) vapour suppressed petal specking caused by Botrytis cinerea infection. MeJA efficacy was concentration and incubation temperature dependent. Disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters decreased with increasing MeJA concentration from 0.025 to 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1). However, there were no significant (P > 0.05) differences among MeJA concentrations examined. MeJA was more effective in reducing B. cinerea flower specking at 20 degrees C than at 12 degrees C. MeJA treatment was ineffective at 5 degrees C. At 20 degrees C, MeJA treatment at 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1) reduced disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters by 58, 50 and 48%, respectively, as compared to untreated controls. In a repeat experiment, disease severity, lesion numbers and lesion diameters on MeJA vapour treated flowers after 12 h of incubation were reduced by 68, 56 and 50%, respectively. MeJA did not exert direct antifungal activity in-vitro, suggesting that treatment in-vivo reduced B. cinerea-induced flower specking by induction of host defence responses. MeJA at 0.1 mu l MeJA l(-1) significantly (P < 0.05) increased vase life of cut freesia flowers and delayed senescence judged by lower wilt scores and higher fresh weights as compared to untreated controls. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Soilborne diseases such as Fusarium wilt, Black root rot and Verticillium wilt have significant impact on cotton production. Fungi are an important component of soil biota with capacity to affect pathogen inoculum levels and their disease causing potential. Very little is known about the soil fungal community structure and management effects in Australian cotton soils. We analysed surface soils from ongoing field experiments monitoring cotton performance and disease incidence in three cotton growing regions, collected prior to 2013 planting, for the genetic diversity and abundance as influenced by soil type, environment and management practices and link it with disease incidence and suppression. Results from the 28S LSU rRNA sequencing based analysis indicated a total of 370 fungal genera in all the cotton soils and the top 25 genera in abundance accounted for the major portion of total fungal community. There were significant differences in the composition and genetic diversity of soil fungi between the different field sites from the three cotton growing regions. Results for diversity indices showed significantly greater diversity in the long-term crop rotation experiment at Narrabri (F6E) and experiments at Cowan and Goondiwindi compared to the Biofumigation and D1 field experiments at ACRI, Narrabri. Diversity was lowest in the soils under brassica crop rotation in Biofumigation experiment. Overall, the diversity and abundance of soil fungal community varied significantly in the three cotton growing regions indicating soil type and environmental effects. These results suggest that changes in soil fungal community may play a notable role in soilborne disease incidence in cotton.
The cotton industry in Australia funds biannual disease surveys conducted by plant pathologists. The objective of these surveys is to monitor the distribution and importance of key endemic pests and record the presence or absence of new or exotic diseases. Surveys have been conducted in Queensland since 2002/03, with surveillance undertaken by experienced plant pathologists. Monitoring of endemic diseases indicates the impact of farming practices on disease incidence and severity. The information collected gives direction to cotton disease research. Routine diagnostics has provided early detection of new disease problems which include 1) the identification of Nematospora coryli, a pathogenic yeast associated with seed and internal boll rot; and 2) Rotylenchulus reniformis, a plant-parasitic nematode. This finding established the need for an intensive survey of the Theodore district revealing that reniform was prevalent across the district at populations causing up to 30% yield loss. Surveys have identified an exotic defoliating strain (VCG 1A) and non-defoliating strains of Verticillium dahliae, which cause Verticillium wilt. An intensive study of the diversity of V. dahliae and the impact these strains have on cotton are underway. Results demonstrate the necessity of general multi-pest surveillance systems in broad acre agriculture in providing (1) an ongoing evaluation of current integrated disease management practices and (2) early detection for a suite of exotic pests and previously unknown pests.
Fusarium wilt of banana, caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), is one of the most destructive diseases of banana. A particularly virulent strain of the pathogen, tropical race 4 (TR4), presents an emerging threat to banana producing regions throughout the world. No commercially acceptable banana cultivar is resistant to TR4 and, as with all strains of the Fusarium wilt pathogen, there is no effective chemical control. Genetic resistance to TR4 has been observed in the diploid wild banana Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis, which has consequently received attention as a potential source of Fusarium resistance genes. The aim of this research was to determine the pattern of inheritance of the resistance trait by screening plants for resistance to Foc subtropical race 4 (SR4) and TR4. Our results showed that the F1 progeny of self-fertilized malaccensis plants challenged in pot trials against SR4 (VCGs 0120, 0129, 01211) and TR4 (VCG 01213/16) segregated for resistance according to a Mendelian ratio of 3:1 which is consistent with a single dominant gene hypothesis.
Major diseases, including Fusarium wilt tropical race 4, threaten banana production systems worldwide. New sources of genetic resistance are considered necessary in the fight against such diseases. The triangular region of Indonesia taking in Sulawesi, the Maluku Islands and Lesser Sunda Islands was prioritized by the Global Musa Genetic Resources Network, MusaNet for exploration and collecting. It is just east of the Wallace Line, which is recognized as a transition zone for flora in southeast Asia, and had been little explored. Bioversity International funded a team of scientists from Indonesia and Australia to make collecting missions in the triangle in October 2012 and February 2013. Suckers and seeds of 35 promising new accessions were collected. About 90% of these are either wild species or diploid cultivars of more direct use to breeding programs. These were morphologically characterized during the collecting missions and included a set of photographs recommended by Bioversitys Taxonomic Advisory Group. Cigar leaf samples were also collected and sent as fresh samples to the International Banana Genotyping Centre in the Czech Republic. Ploidy and DNA (SSR) genotyping determinations from these samples have been invaluable in quickly interpreting and better appreciating what has been discovered. The new accessions have been grown on at Solok field collection, West Sumatra and will be made available by Indonesia to the international community, including breeding programs, for evaluation and utilization. Information on wild Eumusa prompts a rethinking of the phytogeography of Musa acuminata. The variation within the Australimusa species M. lolodensis highlights the need for broader study of this Musa section. French Plantain-like edible AAs and prospects for the generation of African plantains in the region were identified. The mission indicated existence of local edible ABs in eastern Indonesia in association with balbisiana hybrids origins in the region. Further explorations in the region should add to Musa diversity knowledge.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Fitopatologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fitopatologia, 2015.
Objetivo: Determinar diferencias en las impedancias basales registradas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal por radiofrecuencia de los pacientes sometidos a este procedimiento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá durante los años 2012 a 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico de corte retrospectivo, donde se analizaron todas las impedancias basales medidas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal, buscando diferencias significativas entre los segmentos de las arterias intervenidas, estratificados en proximal, medio distal y superior, lateral, inferior u ostial. Con seguimiento a los pacientes a tres, seis y doce meses en cuanto a presión arterial de consultorio. Resultados: Se evaluaron 150 puntos de denervación renal exitosos, correspondientes a 23 arterias renales de 11 procedimientos. La mediana de edad fue 56 años. Al realizar un modelo de regresión lineal no se encontró ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las impedancias de ninguno de los segmentos de las arterias ni sitios anatómicos. Se documentó disminución de presión arterial sistólica a tres meses, seis meses y doce meses de 14 mmHg (RIQ 10-33mmHg), 21 mmHg (RIQ 12-42mmHg) y 19 mmHg (RIQ 11-42 mmHg) respectivamente