980 resultados para wavefront height
After attending this presentation, attendees will: (1) understand how body height from computed tomography data can be estimated; and, (2) gain knowledge about the accuracy of estimated body height and limitations. The presentation will impact the forensic science community by providing knowledge and competence which will enable attendees to develop formulas for single bones to reconstruct body height using postmortem Computer Tomography (p-CT) data. The estimation of Body Height (BH) is an important component of the identification of corpses and skeletal remains. Stature can be estimated with relative accuracy via the measurement of long bones, such as the femora. Compared to time-consuming maceration procedures, p-CT allows fast and simple measurements of bones. This study undertook four objectives concerning the accuracy of BH estimation via p-CT: (1) accuracy between measurements on native bone and p-CT imaged bone (F1 according to Martin 1914); (2) intra-observer p-CT measurement precision; (3) accuracy between formula-based estimation of the BH and conventional body length measurement during autopsy; and, (4) accuracy of different estimation formulas available.1 In the first step, the accuracy of measurements in the CT compared to those obtained using an osteometric board was evaluated on the basis of eight defleshed femora. Then the femora of 83 female and 144 male corpses of a Swiss population for which p-CTs had been performed, were measured at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern. After two months, 20 individuals were measured again in order to assess the intraobserver error. The mean age of the men was 53±17 years and that of the women was 61±20 years. Additionally, the body length of the corpses was measured conventionally. The mean body length was 176.6±7.2cm for men and 163.6±7.8cm for women. The images that were obtained using a six-slice CT were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 1.25mm. Analysis and measurements of CT images were performed on a multipurpose workstation. As a forensic standard procedure, stature was estimated by means of the regression equations by Penning & Riepert developed on a Southern German population and for comparison, also those referenced by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 All statistical tests were performed with a statistical software. No significant differences were found between the CT and osteometric board measurements. The double p-CT measurement of 20 individuals resulted in an absolute intra-observer difference of 0.4±0.3mm. For both sexes, the correlation between the body length and the estimated BH using the F1 measurements was highly significant. The correlation coefficient was slightly higher for women. The differences in accuracy of the different formulas were small. While the errors of BH estimation were generally ±4.5–5.0cm, the consideration of age led to an increase in accuracy of a few millimetres to about 1cm. BH estimations according to Penning & Riepert and Trotter & Gleser were slightly more accurate when age-at-death was taken into account.2,3 That way, stature estimations in the group of individuals older than 60 years were improved by about 2.4cm and 3.1cm.2,3 The error of estimation is therefore about a third of the common ±4.7cm error range. Femur measurements in p-CT allow very accurate BH estimations. Estimations according to Penning led to good results that (barely) come closer to the true value than the frequently used formulas by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 Therefore, the formulas by Penning & Riepert are also validated for this substantial recent Swiss population.
PURPOSE The present study aimed at the comparison of body height estimations from cadaver length with body height estimations according to Trotter and Gleser (1952) and Penning and Riepert (2003) on the basis of femoral F1 section measurements in post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) images. METHODS In a post-mortem study in a contemporary Swiss population (226 corpses: 143 males (mean age: 53±17years) and 83 females (mean age: 61±20years)) femoral F1 measurements (403 femora: 199 right and 204 left; 177 pairs) were conducted in PMCT images and F1 was used for body height estimation using the equations after Trotter and Gleser (1952, "American Whites"), and Penning and Riepert (2003). RESULTS The mean observed cadaver length was 176.6cm in males and 163.6cm in females. Mean measured femoral length F1 was 47.5cm (males) and 44.1cm (females) respectively. Comparison of body height estimated from PMCT F1 measurements with body height calculated from cadaver length showed a close congruence (mean difference less than 0.95cm in males and less than 1.99cm in females) for equations both applied after Penning and Riepert and Trotter and Gleser. CONCLUSIONS Femoral F1 measurements in PMCT images are very accurate, reproducible and feasible for body height estimation of a contemporary Swiss population when using the equations after Penning and Riepert (2003) or Trotter and Gleser (1952).
A variety of studies indicate that the process of athrosclerosis begins in childhood. There was limited information on the association of the changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids in school age children and adolescents. Previous longitudinal studies of children typically with insufficient frequency of observation could not provide sound inference on the dynamics of change in blood lipids. The aims of this analysis are (1) to document the sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG); (2) to evaluate the relationship of changes in anthropometric variables, such as height, weight and BMI, to blood lipids from age 8 to 18 years. ^ Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study designed to examine the patterns of serial change in major cardiovascular risk factors. Cohort of three different age levels, 8, 11 and 14 years at baseline, with a total of 678 participants were enrolled. Each member of these cohorts was examined three times per year for up to four years. ^ Sex- and ethnic-specific trajectory and velocity curves of blood lipids; demonstrated the complex and polyphasic changes in TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG longitudinally. The trajectory curves of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C with age showed curvilinear patterns of change. The velocity change in TC, HDL-C and LDL-C showed U-shaped curves for non-Blacks, and nearly linear lines in velocity of TG for both Blacks and non-Blacks. ^ The relationship of changes in anthropometric variables to blood lipids was evaulated by adding height, weight, or BMI and associated interaction terms separately to the basic age-sex models. Height or height gain had a significant negative association with changes in TC, LDL-C and HDL-C. Weight or BMI gain showed positive associations with TC, LDL-C and TC, and a negative relationship with HDL-C. ^ Dynamic changes of blood lipids in school age children and adolescents observed from this analysis suggested that using fixed screening criteria under the current NCEP guidelines for all ages 2–19 may not be appropriate for this age group. The association of increasing BMI or weight to an adverse blood lipid profile found in this analysis also indicated that weight or BMI monitoring could be a future intervention to be implemented in the pediatric population. ^
Height of instrument (HI) blunders in GPS measurements cause position errors. These errors can be pure vertical, pure horizontal, or a mixture of both. There are different error regimes depending on whether both the base and the rover both have HI blunders, if just the base has an HI blunder, or just the rover has an HI blunder. The resulting errors are on the order of 30 cm for receiver separations of 1000 km for an HI blunder of 2 m. Given the complicated nature of the errors, we believe it would be difficult, if not impossible, to detect such errors by visual inspection. This serves to underline the necessity to enter GPS HI's correctly.
This is the third paper in a four-part series considering the fundamental question, “what does the word “height” really mean?” The first paper reviewed reference ellipsoids and mean sea level datums. The second paper reviewed the physics of heights culminating in a simple development of the geoid and explained why mean sea level stations are not all at the same orthometric height. This third paper develops the principle notions of height, namely measured, differentially deduced changes in elevation, orthometric heights, Helmert orthometric heights, normal orthometric heights, dynamic heights, and geopotential numbers. We conclude with a more in-depth discussion of current thoughts regarding the geoid.
This study was designed to investigate the effect of calcium and fluoride intake, and parity and lactation on the risk of spinal osteoporosis. Height loss was used as a surrogate measure for spinal fractures by taking advantage of documented changes in height found during the 25-year follow-up of the Charleston Heart Study cohort. Women who had lost 2-4" in height or who had no change in height during the follow-up period were defined as case and comparison subjects respectively. Calcium intake when the subjects were "about 25" and in the recent past, average intake of fluoride over 25 years, and parity and history of breastfeeding were ascertained by questionnaire from 54 case and 77 comparison subjects. Low calcium intake in the past decreased the risk of height loss (age-adjusted OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.1-0.96) although several potentially important confounding variables could not be adjusted for. There was no association between risk of height loss and present calcium intake (OR = 0.8, 95%CI: 0.3-2.6 for low versus high intake) after adjustment for past calcium intake. High fluoride intake decreased the risk of height loss (adjusted OR = 0.4, 95%CI: 0.1-1.2). The effect of fluoride or calcium intake in the present was modified by the level of the other nutrient. Compared to a low intake of both calcium and fluoride, a high intake of one increased the risk of height loss (crude OR = 3.3 for high fluoride/low calcium, crude OR = 6.0 for high calcium/low fluoride) although a high intake of both was slightly protective (crude OR = 0.7). It is estimated that a "high" nutrient intake in this population was greater than 850mg/day for calcium and 2mg/day for fluoride. After adjustment for age, increasing parity decreased the risk of height loss in women who had never breastfed (OR = 0.2, 95%CI: 0.01-1.7 for 4 or more children). Women who had breastfed were also at lower risk of height loss than nulliparous women (OR = 0.3, 95%CI: 0.1-1.2 for 4 or more children) although at any level of parity, breastfeeding women had a greater risk of height loss than did non-breastfeeding women. ^
Studies suggest that slim infants (low weight-for-height) experienced higher mortality rates than average or high weight-for-height infants (Miller and Hassanein, 1973; Hoffman, Meirik, and Bakketeig, 1984). In this study, the 1980 National Natality Survey and the National Fetal Mortality Survey were used to examine the association of weight, height and perinatal mortality. All singleton births to white married mothers, between 18 and 34 years of age and of parity less than 4, for whom both mother's and hospital questionnaires were completed in those two surveys (3796 live births and 2043 fetal deaths) were selected for analysis. Overall, low weight and height infants had excess mortality rates. However, after adjustment for low birthweight and preterm birth status, low weight and height infants had only slightly higher mortality rates than their medium or high weight and height counterparts. The current study consists of relatively well-educated white married mothers of optimal reproductive age and low parity. Therefore, lower than expected mortality rates for slim infants may be attributed to these favorable demographic factors in this sample as compared with previous studies, or because of advances in perinatal medicine, slim infants may be prevented from achieving the high mortality seen in earlier studies. ^
This data set contains a time series of plant height measurements (vegetative and reproductive) from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In addition, data on species specific plant heights for the main experiment are available from 2002. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. 1. Plant height was recorded, generally, twice a year just before biomass harvest (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August). Methodologies of measuring height have varied somewhat over the years. In earlier year the streched plant height was measured, while in later years the standing height without streching the plant was measured. Vegetative height was measured either as the height of the highest leaf or as the length of the main axis of non-flowering plants. Regenerating height was measured either as the height of the highest flower on a plant or as the height of the main axis of flowering. Sampled plants were either randomly selected in the core area of plots or along transects in defined distances. For details refer to the description of individual years. Starting in 2006, also the plots of the management experiment, that altered mowing frequency and fertilized subplots (see further details in the general description of the Jena Experiment) were sampled. 2. Species specific plant height was recorded two times in 2002: in late July (vegetative height) and just before biomass harvest during peak standing biomass in late August (vegetative and regenerative height). For each plot and each sown species in the species pool, 3 plant individuals (if present) from the central area of the plots were randomly selected and used to measure vegetative height (non-flowering indviduals) and regenerative height (flowering individuals) as stretched height. Provided are the means over the three measuremnts per plant species per plot.
This data set contains measurements of plant height: vegetative height (non-flowering indviduals) and regenerative height (flowering individuals) in 2002 from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the Main Experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2002, plant height was recorded twice a year: in late June and just before biomass harvest during peak standing biomass in late August. For 3 target plant individuals (if present) per sown species from the central area of the plots, vegetative height (non-flowering indviduals) and regenerative height (flowering individuals) were measured as stretched height. Provided are the indivdiual measurements and the mean over the measured plants per plot (in June) and the mean over the measured plants per plot (in August).