945 resultados para water quality index
This study evaluated selected limnological variables in inlet water in six sequentially distributed semi-intensive fishponds. Data were collected during 15 consecutive days in three distinct grow-out periods (May, October and January). Only phosphorus and pH varied among sites and periods (p < 0.01); the opposite (p > 0.05) occurred in the cases of nitrite and dissolved oxygen. No variation was reported with regard to dissolved oxygen, conductivity, alkalinity, free CO2, bicarbonate, chlorophyll-a, nitrite and ammonia did not vary throughout the period (p > 0.05). In May, or rather, the final grow-out period, the fishponds displayed high concentrations, mainly in nitrogen compounds. As from fishpond 3, the inlet water contained high levels of nutrients. The water is passed from pond to pond, evidencing the need for management practices adequate to the specific conditions of each pond. Water quality should be monitored more frequently during high grow-out period when food addition is more intense. Thereafter, more care should be taken, as highest phosphorus concentrations occurred in May.
This paper presents the construction of a fuzzy environmental quality index for decision support in municipal environmental management. Five groups of indicators were selected in order to obtain an equation that best represented reality in terms of environmental quality. The calculation was carried out using fuzzy mathematical concepts, with the aid of the package Fuzzy Logical Toolbox 2.1 for Matlab ® 6.1, which provides functions and some applications of the theory of fuzzy sets. The work seeks to create a method of inference concerning the nature of urban areas that are unsustainable with respect to the environment, an issue that is often relegated to the background during public policy discussions. The development of this index, together with its implementation and dissemination, could improve public awareness of environmental issues, and promote mobilization towards the use of best practices in local development. © 2010 IEEE.
The effects of artificial substrate and night-time aeration on the culture of Macrobrachium amazonicum were evaluated in 12 ponds stocked with 45 prawns m-2. A completely randomized design in 2 × 2 factorial scheme with three replicates was used. The combination of factors resulted in four treatments: with substrate and aeration (SA), with substrate and without aeration (SWA), without substrate and with aeration (WSA) and without substrate and aeration (WSWA). The presence of substrate in SA and SWA treatments reduced suspended particles (seston) by ~17.3% and P-orthophosphate by ~50%. The use of aerator (WSA and SA treatments) significantly (P < 0.05) increased the concentration of dissolved oxygen, suspended particles and nutrients in the pond water. These results indicate that the effect of substrate on turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) values is opposite to the effect of the aerator. The aerators in semi-intensive grow-out M. amazonicum farming lower water quality because they increased the amount of detritus and nutrients in the pond water. On the other hand, the use of artificial substrate reduces turbidity values, chlorophyll a, TSS and P-orthophosphate concentrations. Therefore, the combination of substrate addition and night-time aeration is not interesting because they have opposite effects. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
A situação socioeconômica de Bragança depende principalmente dos recursos biológicos estuarinos e marinhos, que são influenciados pelos ciclos de marés e climatologia. Coletas oceanográficas (com medidas de variáveis hidrológicas, hidro-dinâmicas e microbiológicas) foram realizadas na área mais urbanizada do estuário do Caeté, para caracterizar a qualidade das águas no setor estudado. Durante o período seco, o estuário foi mais eutrófico e apresentou os maiores valores de temperatura (30,5°C em Out./06), salinidade (17 psu em Fev./07), pH (8,24 em Fev./07) e coliformes fecais (>1000 MNP/ 100 ml em Dez./06 e Fev./07). As espécies fitoplanctô-nicas Cyclotella meneghiniana, Coscinodiscus centralis e outras espécies r-estrategistas também foram observadas. A falta de saneamento básico foi responsável pela contaminação local, especialmente durante o período seco, quando o esgoto foi lançado mais concentrado no estuário, mostrando a influência humana na redução da qualidade da água estuarina estudada. A pesca é considerada uma das principais atividades econômicas do município de Bragança e, portanto, esta contaminação poderá afetar negativamente a qualidade ambiental deste ecossistema amazônico.
O padrão de distribuição das larvas de peixes na Baía do Guajará foi estudado através de coletas trimestrais e discutido em relação aos estágios de desenvolvimento dos indivíduos e a exposição dos mesmos aos contaminantes despejados pela Capital do Estado do Pará, Belém. A densidade e a diversidade larval foram baixas com forte dominância dos clupeídeos, engraulídeos e, em menor grau, os cianídeos. O principal período de reprodução foi definido no início do período chuvoso. Larvas de Clupeiformes em pré-flexão e flexão foram encontradas nos pontos de coletas mais afastados da cidade, enquanto aquelas em pós-flexão prevaleceram nas margens da cidade. Por outro lado, os cianídeos em pré-flexão e flexão foram capturados perto dos centros de atividade urbana, enquando aqueles em pós-flexão foram pouco abundantes. É sugerido que a baía se encontra na rota migratória dos cianídeos entre a área de desova e os berçários mais distantes. Apesar das águas no entorno da cidade de Belém mostraram sinais de contaminação, a qualidade ambiental na Baía do Guajará no momento do estudo estava apropriada para a vida das larvas de peixes. Nitrato com pH foram as variáveis que melhor explicaram a distribuição larval.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In view of the diversity of environments found in the Brazilian territory, it is understandable that the use of native species can provide more relevant information for ecotoxicological studies. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of water samples from the Atibaia River in an area that is under the influence of petroleum refinery using a native test-organism and submitting the data to PCA statistical analysis. Therefore, acute toxicity assays with Lecane bulla (Rotifera) were performed in four locations of the river, as well as physical-chemical analyses. Sampling was drawn in the dry and rainy seasons. The bioassays were static and lasted 48 hours; dead organisms were quantified at the end of the tests. Toxicological differences among the samples/per location and control were compared by means of the Analysis of Variance. Physical-chemical and mortality variables were simultaneously analyzed by multivariate analysis of the principal components and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Water samples from the exit of the refinery stabilization pond (location S.1) were toxic to L. bulla in both seasons, with significant differences in relation to the control and between the seasons. The statistical treatment of data showed that mortality was strong and positively correlated with total hardness, chlorides and EC, which together with pH presented higher values in location S.1, in the dry and in the rainy seasons. Due to its sensibility to the quality of the Atibaia river water samples, the potential use of L. bulla for ecotoxicological studies as an alternative test organism could be demonstrated.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto das atividades antropogênicas da cidade de Belém pela comparação da qualidade da água e das comunidades de larvas de peixes em dois igarapés que desembocam no rio Guamá. Um dos igarapés atravessa um subúrbio pobre e populoso de Belém, enquanto o outro é localizado em uma ilha de Belém, declarada Área de Proteção Ambiental desde 1997. Dois pontos de coletas foram definidos em cada igarapé e monitorados durante oito horas, a cada três meses e durante um ano. O igarapé em região urbana apresentou fortes alterações na qualidade da água, durante o ano todo e em todas as marés, e isto deve se essencialmente a presença de um elevado número de coliformes termotolerantes. Poucas larvas foram encontradas. A água foi considerada imprópria para uso e atividades humanas, assim como para a vida aquática. O igarapé da ilha apresentou primeiros sinais de contaminação por nutrientes e bactéria durante o período chuvoso, parcialmente decorrente de fontes de poluição difusa. Em ambos os córregos, as comunidades larvais foram quase exclusivamente compostas de clupeiformes. Todos os estágios de desenvolvimento larval foram encontrados. Densidades e proporções mais elevadas de larvas recém eclodidas foram registradas durante a estação seca e associadas à presença de nitrato. Resultados apontam a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema de drenagem urbano para esgoto e água pluvial na maior brevidade, e recomenda um estudo de monitoramento integrado do igarapé na Área de Proteção Ambiental.
Abstract The goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of bioswells in protecting water quality from urban runoff. The hypothesis tested in this project is that water in bioswells improves water quality. Water quality in both a bioswell and an underground concrete lined ditch, both containing ground and surface water, were tested for certain water quality parameters. These parameters consisted of: Dissolved Oxygen, pH, water temperature, weather temperature, Total Dissolved Solids, Specific Conductivity, Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Carbon, Chemical Oxygen Demand, and depth and width of the sampling site. An additional contaminant that was looked at was motor oil. This was measured by comparing Total Organic Carbon with Chemical Oxygen Demand. A variety of different methods to measure the water quality parameters were utilized. The concrete site had more stable readings, but much higher water temperatures. However, the bioswell water is mainly from surface water runoff, and the underground concrete lined pipe is from underground water, so the two cannot be directly compared. The bioswell had high readings, especially pertaining to Oxygen Demand, Total Organic Carbon, and Specific Conductivity in early test dates. But, these readings improved as they were filtered though the bioswell. As plant activity increased and the weather began to warm up there were more stable readings. It is concluded that bioswells are an effective way to reduce problems associated with urban runoff pertaining to certain water quality parameters.
ABSTRACT Riparian buffer zones are important sites of biodiversity, sediment trapping, pollutant removal, and hydrologic regulation that have significant implications for both people and wildlife. Urbanization’s influence on and need for adequate water quality increases the need for careful planning in regards to riparian areas. Wildlife are key components in the ecosystem functions of riparian zones and require consideration in peri-urban planning as well. This study reviews relevant literature to determine the recommended minimum riparian buffer width for maintaining water quality and habitat along Stevens Creek in Lincoln, Nebraska. Only sources that listed a specific purpose related to water quality and habitat for their buffer width recommendations were considered. The study found that the baseline buffer width recommended for Stevens Creek that would be adequate for both water quality maintenance and basic habitat is 50 ft (15 m) per side. This number may be modified based on other factors such as slope, soil particle size, adjacent land use, the presence of certain wildlife communities, stream size, and stream order.
White Rock Lake reservoir in Dallas, Texas contains a 150-cm sediment record of silty clay that documents land-use changes since its construction in 1912. Pollen analysis corroborates historical evidence that between 1912 and 1950 the watershed was primarily agricultural. Land disturbance by plowing coupled with strong and variable spring precipitation caused large amounts of sediment to enter the lake during this period. Diatoms were not preserved at this time probably because of low productivity compared to diatom dissolution by warm, alkaline water prior to burial in the sediments. After 1956, the watershed became progressively urbanized. Erosion decreased, land stabilized, and pollen of riparian trees increased as the lake water became somewhat less turbid. By 1986 the sediment record indicates that diatom productivity had increased beyond rates of diatom destruction. Neither increased nutrients nor reduced pesticides can account for increased diatom productivity, but grain size studies imply that before 1986 diatoms were light limited by high levels of turbidity. This study documents how reservoirs may relate to land-use practices and how watershed management could extend reservoir life and improve water quality.