978 resultados para volatile solids


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the impacts of spittlebug (Mahanarva fimbriolata) attack on sugarcane quality and ethanol production. Technological and microbiological parameters of juice and fermentation process were evaluated in ten fermentation cycles and two harvest seasons. Treatments consisted of different spittlebug stalk damage levels: control, with 100% of apparently healthy stalks; medium, with 15% of damaged or dry stalks (DDS); high, with 30% of DDS; and very high, with 60% of DDS. Spittlebug attack caused significant losses in cane quality, reducing total soluble solids, sucrose content, total reducing sugars, and pH, and increasing total phenolic compounds, and total and volatile juice acidity. The fermentation process was also significantly affected, resulting in lower ethanol content in wine. There was an increase in acetaldehyde concentration in the distillate. The spittlebug attack caused negative impacts on sugarcane quality and fermentation process, and these impacts are stronger in late season harvests.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential of an artificial mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in vitro and in bean seeds. The phytopathogenic fungus was exposed, in polystyrene plates, to an artificial atmosphere containing a mixture of six VOCs formed by alcohols (ethanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol and phenylethyl alcohol) and esters (ethyl acetate and ethyl octanoate), in the proportions found in the atmosphere naturally produced by yeast. Bean seeds artificially contamined with the pathogen were fumigated with the mixture of VOCs in sealed glass flasks for four and seven days. In the in vitro assays, the compounds 2-methyl-1-butanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol were the most active against S. sclerotiorum, completely inhibiting its mycelial growth at 0.8 µL mL-1, followed by the ethyl acetate, at 1.2 µL mL-1. Bean seeds fumigated with the VOCs at 3.5 µL mL-1 showed a 75% reduction in S. sclerotiorum incidence after four days of fumigation. The VOCs produced by S. cerevisiae have potential to control the pathogen in stored seeds.


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Background: Air pollution has become an important issue worldwide due to its adverse health effects. Among the different air contaminants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are liquids or solids with a high vapor pressure at room temperature that are extremely dangerous for human health. Removal of these compounds can be achieved using nanomaterials with tailored properties such as carbon nanotubes. Methods: Vertically-aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were successfully grown on quartz filters by means of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Furthermore, a plasma treatment was performed in order to modify the surface properties of the CNTs. The adsorption/desorption processes of three chlorinated compounds (trichloroethylene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene and chloroform) on the CNTs were studied using mass spectrometry measurements with a residual gas analyzer. Results: The adsorption capability of the CNTs increased after functionalization of their surface with a water plasma treatment. In addition, it was found that the presence of aromatic rings, water solubility and polarity of the VOCs play an important role on the adsorption/desorption kinetics at the CNTs surface. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the applicability of CNTs deposited on quartz filters for the removal or selective detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The presence of aromatic rings in VOCs results in π -stacking interactions with a significant increase of their adsorption. On the other hand, it was found that CNTs surface interactions increase with water solubility and polarity of the VOC.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia pintaliimatärkkelysten reologista käyttäytymistä korkeissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa. Tarve työn suorittamiselle syntyi kun tutkittiin pintaliimausta filminsiirtopuristimella tavallista korkeammissa kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa, sileän sauvan ollessa applikointilaitteena. Koska applikointi sileällä sauvalla tapahtuu hydrodynaamisten periaatteiden mukaisesti, sen käyttö edellyttää pintaliimojen reologisten ominaisuuksien tarkkaa tuntemusta ja hallintaa.Kiinnostuksen kohteena olevat ominaisuudet olivat tärkkelysten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden (8 – 30 %) vaikutus viskositeettiin eri lämpötiloissa (20, 30, 40 ja 50 ºC), leikkausnopeus alueella 1 s-1 - 700 000 s-1. Myös tärkkelysten myötörajat määritettiin tutkimuksessa. Viskositeetti eri leikkausnopeusalueilla mitattiin seuraavilla laitteilla: Bohlin VOR (matalat leikkausnopeudet ja myötöraja) ja Hercules HiShear (keskitason leikkausnopeudet) reometrit sekä Eklund kapillaariviskometri (korkeat leikkausno-peudet). Analysoidut tärkkelykset olivat kaksi anionista matalaviskoottista peruna (tärkkelys A) ja ohra (tärkkelys C) tärkkelystä, sekä yksi kationinen korkeaviskoottinen peruna tärkkelys (tärkkelys B). Tutkittujen tärkkelysten Brookfield viskositeetit (100 rpm) olivat (10 % liuos, 60 °C:ssa) tärkkelys A ja C: 25 ± 5 mPas ja tärkkelys B: 100 ± 20 mPas.Tärkkelysliuosten kuiva-ainepitoisuuden noustessa muuttui virtauskäyttäytyminen Newtoniaalisesta leikkausohenevaksi. Leikkausoheneva käyttäytyminen oli voimakkainta tärkkelys B:n kohdalla. Viskositeetti – lämpötila riippuvuus korkeissa leikkausnopeuksissa (esim. 500 000 s-1) oli vähäisempää, mitä oli oletettavissa Brookfield viskositeettiarvojen perusteella. Kaikki tarkkelykset osoittautuivat tiksotrooppisiksi, myös tiksotrooppisuus lisääntyi kuiva-ainepitoisuuden kasvaessa. Tärkkelysten myötörajat osoittautuivat odottamattoman alhaisiksi, kuitenkin varsinkin tärkkelys B:n myötörajat olivat selvästi riippuvaisia lämpötilasta ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudesta. Tutkittujen tärkkelysten virtauskäyttäytyminen oli kirjallisuudessa esitetyn kaltaista. Tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjun pituus oli tärkein tärkkelyksen reologisia ominaisuuksia määrittävä tekijä; mitä matalampi on tärkkelyksen molekyylimassa, sitä matalammat ovat viskositeetti ja myötöraja. Pintaliimauksessa tärkkelysmolekyylien ketjunpituudella on suuri vaikutus ajettavuuteen ja lopputuotteen ominaisuuksiin. Haasteellista pintaliimatärkkelyksen valinnassa on sellaisen yhdistelmän löytäminen, jossa sopivan reologisen käyttäytymisen omaava tärkkelys ja pintaliimatulle paperille tai kartongille asetetut vaatimukset kohtaavat.


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In forensic investigation of firearm-related cases, determination of the residual amount of volatile compounds remaining inside a cartridge could be useful in estimating the time since its discharge. Published approaches are based on following the decrease of selected target compounds as a function of time by using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). Naphthalene, as well as an unidentified decomposition product of nitrocellulose (referred to as "TEA2"), are usually employed for this purpose. However, reliability can be brought into question given their high volatility and the low reproducibility of their extracted quantities. In order to identify alternatives and therefore develop improved dating methods, an extensive study on the composition and variability of volatile residues in nine different types of cartridges was carried out. Analysis was performed using headspace sorptive extraction (HSSE), which is a more exhaustive technique compared to SPME. 166 compounds were identified (several of which for the first time), and it was observed that the final compositional characteristics of each residue were strongly dependent on its source. Variability of single identified compounds within and between different types of cartridge, as well as their evolution over time, was also studied. Many explosion products containing up to 4 aromatic rings were found to be globally present in high proportions amongst residues. 27 of them (excluding naphthalene) also presented detectable decreases during the first 24 h. Therefore, they could be used as complementary target analytes in future dating methods.


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Substances emitted into the atmosphere by human activities in urban and industrial areas cause environmental problems such as air quality degradation, respiratory diseases, climate change, global warming, and stratospheric ozone depletion. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are major air pollutants, emitted largely by industry, transportation and households. Many VOCs are toxic, and some are considered to be carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic. A wide spectrum of VOCs is readily oxidized photocatalytically. Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) over titanium dioxide may present a potential alternative to air treatment strategies currently in use, such as adsorption and thermal treatment, due to its advantageous activity under ambient conditions, although higher but still mild temperatures may also be applied. The objective of the present research was to disclose routes of chemical reactions, estimate the kinetics and the sensitivity of gas-phase PCO to reaction conditions in respect of air pollutants containing heteroatoms in their molecules. Deactivation of the photocatalyst and restoration of its activity was also taken under consideration to assess the practical possibility of the application of PCO to the treatment of air polluted with VOCs. UV-irradiated titanium dioxide was selected as a photocatalyst for its chemical inertness, non-toxic character and low cost. In the present work Degussa P25 TiO2 photocatalyst was mostly used. In transient studies platinized TiO2 was also studied. The experimental research into PCO of following VOCs was undertaken: - methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) as the basic oxygenated motor fuel additive and, thus, a major non-biodegradable pollutant of groundwater; - tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) as the primary product of MTBE hydrolysis and PCO; - ethyl mercaptan (ethanethiol) as one of the reduced sulphur pungent air pollutants in the pulp-and-paper industry; - methylamine (MA) and dimethylamine (DMA) as the amino compounds often emitted by various industries. The PCO of VOCs was studied using a continuous-flow mode. The PCO of MTBE and TBA was also studied by transient mode, in which carbon dioxide, water, and acetone were identified as the main gas-phase products. The volatile products of thermal catalytic oxidation (TCO) of MTBE included 2-methyl-1-propene (2-MP), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water; TBA decomposed to 2-MP and water. Continuous PCO of 4 TBA proceeded faster in humid air than dry air. MTBE oxidation, however, was less sensitive to humidity. The TiO2 catalyst was stable during continuous PCO of MTBE and TBA above 373 K, but gradually lost activity below 373 K; the catalyst could be regenerated by UV irradiation in the absence of gas-phase VOCs. Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water were identified as ultimate products of PCO of ethanethiol. Acetic acid was identified as a photocatalytic oxidation by-product. The limits of ethanethiol concentration and temperature, at which the reactor performance was stable for indefinite time, were established. The apparent reaction kinetics appeared to be independent of the reaction temperature within the studied limits, 373 to 453 K. The catalyst was completely and irreversibly deactivated with ethanethiol TCO. Volatile PCO products of MA included ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and water. Formamide was observed among DMA PCO products together with others similar to the ones of MA. TCO for both substances resulted in the formation of ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and water. No deactivation of the photocatalyst during the multiple long-run experiments was observed at the concentrations and temperatures used in the study. PCO of MA was also studied in the aqueous phase. Maximum efficiency was achieved in an alkaline media, where MA exhibited high fugitivity. Two mechanisms of aqueous PCO – decomposition to formate and ammonia, and oxidation of organic nitrogen directly to nitrite - lead ultimately to carbon dioxide, water, ammonia and nitrate: formate and nitrite were observed as intermediates. A part of the ammonia formed in the reaction was oxidized to nitrite and nitrate. This finding helped in better understanding of the gasphase PCO pathways. The PCO kinetic data for VOCs fitted well to the monomolecular Langmuir- Hinshelwood (L-H) model, whereas TCO kinetic behaviour matched the first order process for volatile amines and the L-H model for others. It should be noted that both LH and the first order equations were only the data fit, not the real description of the reaction kinetics. The dependence of the kinetic constants on temperature was established in the form of an Arrhenius equation.


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Combining headspace (HS) sampling with a needle-trap device (NTD) to determine priority volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water samples results in improved sensitivity and efficiency when compared to conventional static HS sampling. A 22 gauge stainless steel, 51-mm needle packed with Tenax TA and Carboxen 1000 particles is used as the NTD. Three different HS-NTD sampling methodologies are evaluated and all give limits of detection for the target VOCs in the ng L−1 range. Active (purge-and-trap) HS-NTD sampling is found to give the best sensitivity but requires exhaustive control of the sampling conditions. The use of the NTD to collect the headspace gas sample results in a combined adsorption/desorption mechanism. The testing of different temperatures for the HS thermostating reveals a greater desorption effect when the sample is allowed to diffuse, whether passively or actively, through the sorbent particles. The limits of detection obtained in the simplest sampling methodology, static HS-NTD (5 mL aqueous sample in 20 mL HS vials, thermostating at 50 °C for 30 min with agitation), are sufficiently low as to permit its application to the analysis of 18 priority VOCs in natural and waste waters. In all cases compounds were detected below regulated levels


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Needle trap devices (NTDs) are a relatively new and promising tool for headspace (HS) analysis. In this study, a dynamic HS sampling procedure is evaluated for the determination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in whole blood samples. A full factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of the number of cycles and incubation time and it is demonstrated that the controlling factor in the process is the number of cycles. A mathematical model can be used to determine the most appropriate number of cycles required to adsorb a prefixed amount of VOCs present in the HS phase whenever quantitative adsorption is reached in each cycle. Matrix effect is of great importance when complex biological samples, such as blood, are analyzed. The evaluation of the salting out effect showed a significant improvement in the volatilization of VOCs to the HS in this type of matrices. Moreover, a 1:4 (blood:water) dilution is required to obtain quantitative recoveries of the target analytes when external calibration is used. The method developed gives detection limits in the 0.020–0.080 μg L−1 range (0.1–0.4 μg L−1 range for undiluted blood samples) with appropriate repeatability values (RSD < 15% at high level and <23% at LOQ level). Figure of merits of the method can be improved by using a smaller phase ratio (i.e., an increase in the blood volume and a decrease in the HS volume), which lead to lower detection limits, better repeatability values and greater sensibility. Twenty-eight blood samples have been evaluated with the proposed method and the results agree with those indicated in other studies. Benzene was the only target compound that gave significant differences between blood levels detected in volunteer non-smokers and smokers


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Essential oils from leaves, ripe and unripe fruits of Schinus terebinthifolius growing in Brazil were investigated. Oil content from either ripe or unripe fruits was similar (4.65% and 3.98%, respectively). Sesquiterpenes (from 78.0% to 90.4%) dominated the oil content of both leaves and unripe fruit. The essential oils were tested in vitro for their allelopathic activity on germination and radicle growth of Lactuca sativa and Cucumis sativus at 1,000 and 10,000 µg mL-1concentrations. The three samples tested were more active in inhibiting the radicle growth for L. sativa (88.6-92.4%) than for C. sativus (50.5-84.5%) at 10,000 µg mL-1 concentration.


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The composition of the leaf, bark and wood oils of Povedadaphne quadriporata W. Burger from Costa Rica were analyzed by capillary GC/FID and GC/MS. One hundred and sixty-three compounds were identified. The major components from the leaf oil were a-pinene (21.2%), germacrene D (18.1%), b-pinene (14.8%), a-phellandrene (7.8%), a-copaene (6.6%), b-caryophyllene (6.1%) and d-cadinene (3.5%). From bark oil, the main constituents were a-pinene (27.7%), p-cymene (7.8%), b-pinene (7.4%), camphene (3.6%), a-copaene (3.5%) and limonene (3.3%). From wood oil, 1,10-di-epi-cubenol (8.0%), a-eudesmol (3.4%), cadalene (3.4%) and d-cadinene (3.0%) were the major compounds identified. This paper describes for the first time the composition of essential oils in this unique species and genus.


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The aim of this work is the production and characterization of plasma polymerized acetaldehyde thin films. These films show highly polar species, are hydrophilic, organophilic and easily adsorb organic reactants with CO radicals but only allow permeation of reactants with OH radicals. The good step coverage of films deposited on aluminum trenches is useful for sensor development. Films deposited on hydrophobic substrates may result in a discontinued layer, which allows the use of preconcentration in sample pretreatment. Deposition on microchannels showed the possibility of chromatographic columns and/or retention system production to selectively detect or remove organic compounds from gas flows.


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The volatile compounds of raw and extruded bovine rumen, extracted by dynamic headspace, were separated by gas chromatography and analyzed by GC-MS. Raw and extruded materials presented thirty-two volatile compounds. The following compounds were identified in raw bovine rumen: heptane, 1-heptene, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, toluene, hexanal, ethyl butyrate, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, heptanal, limonene, nonanal, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane and octadecane. The following compounds were identified in the extruded material: 1-heptene, 2,4-dimethylhexane, toluene, limonene, undecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane, octadecane and nonadecane. Mass spectra of some unidentified compounds indicated the presence of hydrocarbons with branched chains or cyclic structure.


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In order to characterize the composition of the main urban air organic compounds in the megacity of Sao Paulo, analysis of samples collected during the winter of 2003 downtown was carried out. The samplings were performed on the roof of a building in the commercial center of São Paulo. Hydrocarbons and carbonyls compounds were collected on August 4, 5 and 6. Comparing to previous data, the concentration of hydrocarbons presented no decrease in the concentration, except for the aldehydes, which decreased when compared to previous data. Among the HCs species analyzed, the highest concentrations observed were those of toluene (7.5 ± 3.4 ppbv), n-decane (3.2 ± 2.0 ppbv), benzene (2.7 ± 1.4 ppbv) and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (2.2 ± 1.5 ppbv).


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The chemical composition of the volatiles of Nectandra salicina growing wild in Costa Rica was determined by capillary GC/FID and GC/MS. Thirty-seven and forty-two compounds were identified in the leaf and branch oils respectively corresponding to about 92.6 and 86.2% of the total amount of the oils. The major components of the leaf oil were: atractylone (14.6%), viridiflorene (10.1%), α-pinene (9.4%), β-caryophyllene (7.2%), α-humulene (7.0%), δ-cadinene (6.1%), β-pinene (6.0%) and germacrene D (5.8%). The major components of the branch oil were: atractylone (21.1%), germacrene D (10.7%), viridiflorene (7.9%) and 7-epi-α-selinene (5.0%). When the oils were tested on different cell lines, all the LD50 values were higher than 150 µg/mL, with values very similar for the leaf and branch oils. Low toxicity could be explained by antagonistic effects among the main compounds present in the oils.