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Work with consultants to help graziers understand implications of carbon in their pastures.
A generalized Gierer-Meinhardt model has been used to account for the transplantation experiments in Hydra. In this model, a cross inhibition between the two organizing centres (namely, head and foot) are assumed to be the only mode of interaction in setting up a stable morphogen distribution for the pattern formation in Hydra.
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Inter-annual rainfall variability is a major challenge to sustainable and productive grazing management on rangelands. In Australia, rainfall variability is particularly pronounced and failure to manage appropriately leads to major economic loss and environmental degradation. Recommended strategies to manage sustainably include stocking at long-term carrying capacity (LTCC) or varying stock numbers with forage availability. These strategies are conceptually simple but difficult to implement, given the scale and spatial heterogeneity of grazing properties and the uncertainty of the climate. This paper presents learnings and insights from northern Australia gained from research and modelling on managing for rainfall variability. A method to objectively estimate LTCC in large, heterogeneous paddocks is discussed, and guidelines and tools to tactically adjust stocking rates are presented. The possible use of seasonal climate forecasts (SCF) in management is also considered. Results from a 13-year grazing trial in Queensland show that constant stocking at LTCC was far more profitable and largely maintained land condition compared with heavy stocking (HSR). Variable stocking (VAR) with or without the use of SCF was marginally more profitable, but income variability was greater and land condition poorer than constant stocking at LTCC. Two commercial scale trials in the Northern Territory with breeder cows highlighted the practical difficulties of variable stocking and provided evidence that heavier pasture utilisation rates depress reproductive performance. Simulation modelling across a range of regions in northern Australia also showed a decline in resource condition and profitability under heavy stocking rates. Modelling further suggested that the relative value of variable v. constant stocking depends on stocking rate and land condition. Importantly, variable stocking may possibly allow slightly higher stocking rates without pasture degradation. Enterprise-level simulations run for breeder herds nevertheless show that poor economic performance can occur under constant stocking and even under variable stocking in some circumstances. Modelling and research results both suggest that a form of constrained flexible stocking should be applied to manage for climate variability. Active adaptive management and research will be required as future climate changes make managing for rainfall variability increasingly challenging.
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Työssä perehdytään "päivienvalikoimistekstien" analysointiin Rayleigh'n testillä. Näissä muinaisegyptiläisissä teksteissä päiville on annettu nk. prognoosi, joka on jokaisen päivän kolmelle osalle joko "hyvä" tai "huono". Analyysin tavoitteena on selvittää, olivatko hyvät ja huonot päivät jakautuneet satunnaisesti vai periodisesti vuoden aikana. Prognooseista löytyvä 29.5 päivän periodi, jolle saadaan huomattavan korkea merkitsevyys, viittaa Kuun synodisen jakson läsnäoloon kalenterissa. Löytyvistä periodeista 7.5 ja 30 ilmenee myös muinaisegyptiläisen siviilikalenterin vaikutus ennustuksiin. Aikasarjoista löydetään myös merkitseviä periodeja, joilla on mahdollisesti numerologinen merkitys. Periodi 2.85 viittaa mahdollisesti muinaisegyptiläiseen havaintoon Algol-tähdestä, joka on yksi tähtitieteen tunnetuimmista pimennysmuuttujista. Kyseessä voi siis olla historian vanhin tunnettu muuttuvan tähden periodin määritys.
We propose a family of multivariate heavy-tailed distributions that allow variable marginal amounts of tailweight. The originality comes from introducing multidimensional instead of univariate scale variables for the mixture of scaled Gaussian family of distributions. In contrast to most existing approaches, the derived distributions can account for a variety of shapes and have a simple tractable form with a closed-form probability density function whatever the dimension. We examine a number of properties of these distributions and illustrate them in the particular case of Pearson type VII and t tails. For these latter cases, we provide maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters and illustrate their modelling flexibility on simulated and real data clustering examples.
The application of variable-number tandem repeats (VNTR) genotyping of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates to assist in investigating incidents of bovine Johne’s disease in a low-prevalence region of Australia is described in the current study. Isolates from a response to detection of bovine Johne’s disease in Queensland were compared with strains from national and international sources. The tandem application of mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit (MIRU) and multilocus short sequence repeats (MLSSR) genotyping identified 2 strains, 1 that infected cattle on multiple properties with trace-forward histories from a common infected property, and 1 genotypically different strain recovered from a single property. The former strain showed an identical genotype to an isolate from India. Neither strain showed a genotypic link to regions of Australia with a higher prevalence of the disease. Genotyping has indicated incursions from 2 independent sources. This intelligence has informed investigations into potential routes of entry and the soundness of ongoing control measures, and supported strategy and policy decisions regarding management of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis incursions for Queensland.
Effects of large deformation and inelasticity are considered in formulating the behavior of columns of variable cross section subjected to an axial compressive load. Simple, approximate methods are used to obtain numerical results. The combined effect of the nonlinearities is shown to be of a hardening type for small column deflections
Climatic variability in dryland production environments (E) generates variable yield and crop production risks. Optimal combinations of genotype (G) and management (M) depend strongly on E and thus vary among sites and seasons. Traditional crop improvement seeks broadly adapted genotypes to give best average performance under a standard management regime across the entire production region, with some subsequent manipulation of management regionally in response to average local environmental conditions. This process does not search the full spectrum of potential G × M × E combinations forming the adaptation landscape. Here we examine the potential value (relative to the conventional, broad adaptation approach) of exploiting specific adaptation arising from G × M × E. We present an in-silico analysis for sorghum production in Australia using the APSIM sorghum model. Crop design (G × M) is optimised for subsets of locations within the production region (specific adaptation) and is compared with the optimum G across all environments with locally modified M (broad adaptation). We find that geographic subregions that have frequencies of major environment types substantially different from that for the entire production region show greatest advantage for specific adaptation. Although the specific adaptation approach confers yield and production risk advantages at industry scale, even greater benefits should be achievable with better predictors of environment-type likelihood than that conferred by location alone.
For the non-linear bending of cantilever beams of variable cross-section, the effect of large deformations, but with linear elasticity, is considered. The governing integral equation is solved by a numerical iterative procedure. Results for some typical cases are obtained and compared with some of those available in the literature.
Pursuit evasion in a plane is formulated with both players allowed to vary their speeds between fixed limits. A suitable choice of real-space coordinates confers open-loop optimality on the game. The solution in the small is described in terms of the individual players'' extremal trajectory maps (ETM). Each map is independent of role, adversary, and capture radius. An ETM depicts the actual real-space trajectories. A template method of generating constant control arcs is described. Examples of ETM for an aircraft flying at a constant altitude with fixed and varying speeds are presented.
An iterative method of constructing sections of the game surfaces from the players'' extremal trajectory maps is discussed. Barrier sections are presented for aircraft pursuit-evasion at constant altitude, with one aircraft flying at sustained speed and the other varying its speed.