822 resultados para undergraduate psychology students
Aims: to compare the performance of undergraduate students concerning semi-implanted central venous catheter dressing in a simulator, with the assistance of a tutor or of a self-learning tutorial. Method: Randomized controlled trial. The sample consisted of 35 undergraduate nursing students, who were divided into two groups after attending an open dialogue presentation class and watching a video. One group undertook the procedure practice with a tutor and the other with the assistance of a self-learning tutorial. Results: in relation to cognitive knowledge, the two groups had lower performance in the pre-test than in the post-test. The group that received assistance from a tutor performed better in the practical assessment. Conclusion: the simulation undertaken with the assistance of a tutor showed to be the most effective learning strategy when compared to the simulation using a self-learning tutorial. Advances in nursing simulation technology are of upmost importance and the role of the tutor in the learning process should be highlighted, taking into consideration the role this professional plays in knowledge acquisition and in the development of critical-reflexive thoughts and attitudes. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT 01614314).
Misconceptions about heat and temperature have been seen across all educational levels, even in undergraduate engineering courses. One way these misconceptions can be remediated is through instructional methods, such as inquiry-based activities. Performance on assessments in sciences and engineering has been found to vary when gender is taken into consideration. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of participant gender, professor gender, and level of inquiry-based activities on the conceptual understanding of 247 undergraduate engineering students in thermodynamics. A pre-test post-test design was used. Conceptual understanding of thermodynamics was measured by students’ scores on the Concept Inventory for Engineering Thermodynamics (CIET; Vigeant, Prince & Nottis, 2011). Inquiry-based activities were developed by the researchers and given to professors who determined if they would do all, some, or none of them as they taught. Significant differences were found among participants of different gender, different gender of the professor instructing the course, and level of inquiry-based activity. The participants who were exposed to all of the activities provided didsignificantly better on the post-test than those who were only exposed to some or none of the activities. The results from this current study indicated that differences in gender, professorgender, and level of inquiry-based activity has an effect on undergraduate engineering students’ conceptual understanding of thermodynamics. Future research should investigate more factorsthat contribute to lower representation of women in the engineering field.
Engineering students continue to develop and show misconceptions due to prior knowledge and experiences (Miller, Streveler, Olds, Chi, Nelson, & Geist, 2007). Misconceptions have been documented in students’ understanding of heat transfer(Krause, Decker, Niska, Alford, & Griffin, 2003) by concept inventories (e.g., Jacobi,Martin, Mitchell, & Newell, 2003; Nottis, Prince, Vigeant, Nelson, & Hartsock, 2009). Students’ conceptual understanding has also been shown to vary by grade point average (Nottis et al., 2009). Inquiry-based activities (Nottis, Prince, & Vigeant, 2010) haveshown some success over traditional instructional methods (Tasoglu & Bakac, 2010) in altering misconceptions. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether undergraduate engineering students’ understanding of heat transfer concepts significantly changed after instruction with eight inquiry-based activities (Prince & Felder, 2007) supplementing instruction and whether students’ self reported GPA and prior knowledge, as measured by completion of specific engineering courses, affected these changes. The Heat and Energy Concept Inventory (Prince, Vigeant, & Nottis, 2010) was used to assess conceptual understanding. It was found that conceptual understanding significantly increased from pre- to post-test. It was also found that GPA had an effect on conceptual understanding of heat transfer; significant differences were found in post-test scores onthe concept inventory between GPA groups. However, there were mixed results when courses previously taken were analyzed. Future research should strive to analyze how prior knowledge effects conceptual understanding and aim to reduce the limitations of the current study such as, sampling method and methods of measuring GPA and priorknowledge.
Higgins School of the Humanities/Difficult Dialogues: Video Recording from 11/3/2011 event featuring Tom Hayden and Bob Ross "Engagement and Citizenry" Event Description: During their undergraduate years, students participate in a community that is a microcosm of society, and have the opportunity to learn about what it means to be a member of a society—a citizen—while they live it. How do we as educators (and humanists) best support and model this process? Where in our pedagogy can we enhance and develop the qualities of skillful empathy, effective analysis and motivated responsibility that good citizenship demands? Our guest for a conversation on engagement and citizenry is long-time activist Tom Hayden, who was the primary author of the Port Huron Statement of Students for a Democratic Society, which became known for its advocacy of “participatory democracy”. He is joined in conversation by Professor Bob Ross of Clark University, who participated with Hayden in the founding of SDS.
In autumn 2007 the Swiss Medical School of Berne (Switzerland) implemented mandatory short-term clerkships in primary health care for all undergraduate medical students. Students studying for a Bachelor degree complete 8 half-days per year in the office of a general practitioner, while students studying for a Masters complete a three-week clerkship. Every student completes his clerkships in the same GP office during his four years of study. The purpose of this paper is to show how the goals and learning objectives were developed and evaluated. Method:A working group of general practitioners and faculty had the task of defining goals and learning objectives for a specific training program within the complex context of primary health care. The group based its work on various national and international publications. An evaluation of the program, a list of minimum requirements for the clerkships, an oral exam in the first year and an OSCE assignment in the third year assessed achievement of the learning objectives. Results: The findings present the goals and principal learning objectives for these clerkships, the results of the evaluation and the achievement of minimum requirements. Most of the defined learning objectives were taught and duly learned by students. Some learning objectives proved to be incompatible in the context of ambulatory primary care and had to be adjusted accordingly. Discussion: The learning objectives were evaluated and adapted to address students’ and teachers’ needs and the requirements of the medical school. The achievement of minimum requirements (and hence of the learning objectives) for clerkships has been mandatory since 2008. Further evaluations will show whether additional learning objectives need to be adopte
Este artículo analiza el diseño curricular de un Seminario de Investigación Socioeducativa para estudiantes de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y reflexiona acerca de su contribución a forjar un "habitus investigativo cualitativo" entre estudiantes que asumen el rol de investigadores. El trabajo recupera diferentes abordajes acerca de la relación investigación-docencia en otras latitudes, para luego examinar los supuestos, objetivos y modalidades de trabajo del seminario y la utilización de trabajos prácticos secuenciales que vertebran la cursada. Se argumenta que esta experiencia de "enseñanza basada en investigación" contribuiría a inculcar una concepción dialógica, reflexiva y situada de la investigación social
Este artículo analiza el diseño curricular de un Seminario de Investigación Socioeducativa para estudiantes de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y reflexiona acerca de su contribución a forjar un "habitus investigativo cualitativo" entre estudiantes que asumen el rol de investigadores. El trabajo recupera diferentes abordajes acerca de la relación investigación-docencia en otras latitudes, para luego examinar los supuestos, objetivos y modalidades de trabajo del seminario y la utilización de trabajos prácticos secuenciales que vertebran la cursada. Se argumenta que esta experiencia de "enseñanza basada en investigación" contribuiría a inculcar una concepción dialógica, reflexiva y situada de la investigación social
Este artículo analiza el diseño curricular de un Seminario de Investigación Socioeducativa para estudiantes de Sociología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, y reflexiona acerca de su contribución a forjar un "habitus investigativo cualitativo" entre estudiantes que asumen el rol de investigadores. El trabajo recupera diferentes abordajes acerca de la relación investigación-docencia en otras latitudes, para luego examinar los supuestos, objetivos y modalidades de trabajo del seminario y la utilización de trabajos prácticos secuenciales que vertebran la cursada. Se argumenta que esta experiencia de "enseñanza basada en investigación" contribuiría a inculcar una concepción dialógica, reflexiva y situada de la investigación social
O trabalho emocionalmente desgastante dos profissionais das áreas de saúde implica não só a necessidade de uma habilitação acadêmica, mas, acima de tudo, uma adaptação, um equilíbrio emocional satisfatório, premissa básica para um serviço eficaz à saúde da população. Preocupando-se com o futuro profissional de Psicologia, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade verificar o grau de eficácia adaptativa de alunos do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo SP e, quando necessário, fazer-lhes indicação terapêutica. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a utilização da EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, foram feitas entrevistas diagnósticas individuais no NEPAP (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Atendimento Psicológico), da UMESP, em 10% dos alunos do curso de Psicologia, dos períodos matutino e noturno. Os resultados foram analisados individualmente e inter-grupos com a finalidade de se obter um panorama geral do grau de eficácia adaptativa desses alunos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que embora alguns alunos apresentassem dificuldades nos setores Afetivo-Relacional e Produtividade, a grande maioria foi considerada normal .(AU)
O trabalho emocionalmente desgastante dos profissionais das áreas de saúde implica não só a necessidade de uma habilitação acadêmica, mas, acima de tudo, uma adaptação, um equilíbrio emocional satisfatório, premissa básica para um serviço eficaz à saúde da população. Preocupando-se com o futuro profissional de Psicologia, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade verificar o grau de eficácia adaptativa de alunos do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo SP e, quando necessário, fazer-lhes indicação terapêutica. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a utilização da EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, foram feitas entrevistas diagnósticas individuais no NEPAP (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Atendimento Psicológico), da UMESP, em 10% dos alunos do curso de Psicologia, dos períodos matutino e noturno. Os resultados foram analisados individualmente e inter-grupos com a finalidade de se obter um panorama geral do grau de eficácia adaptativa desses alunos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que embora alguns alunos apresentassem dificuldades nos setores Afetivo-Relacional e Produtividade, a grande maioria foi considerada normal .(AU)
In the beginning of modern plant biology, plant biologists followed a simple model for their science. This model included important branches of plant biology known then. Of course, plants had to be identified and classified first. Thus, there was much work on taxonomy, genetics, and physiology. Ecology and evolution were approached implicitly, rather than explicitly, through paleobotany, taxonomy, morphology, and historical geography. However, the burgeoning explosion of knowledge and great advances in molecular biology, e.g., to the extent that genes for specific traits can be added (or deleted) at will, have created a revolution in the study of plants. Genomics in agriculture has made it possible to address many important issues in crop production by the identification and manipulation of genes in crop plants. The current model of plant study differs from the previous one in that it places greater emphasis on developmental controls and on evolution by differential fitness. In a rapidly changing environment, the current model also explicitly considers the phenotypic variation among individuals on which selection operates. These are calls for the unity of science. In fact, the proponents of “Complexity Theory” think there are common algorithms describing all levels of organization, from atoms all the way to the structure of the universe, and that when these are discovered, the issue of scaling will be greatly simplified! Plant biology must seriously contribute to, among other things, meeting the nutritional needs of the human population. This challenge constitutes a key part of the backdrop against which future evolution will occur. Genetic engineering technologies are and will continue to be an important component of agriculture; however, we must consider the evolutionary implications of these new technologies. Meeting these demands requires drastic changes in the undergraduate curriculum. Students of biology should be trained in molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecosystem biology, including all living organisms.
O objetivo da presente tese é realizar uma abordagem acerca da realidade das entidades científicas no contexto da formação de professores de física. A literatura em ensino de ciências destaca a importância do entendimento de aspectos da natureza da ciência por professores. Dentre esses aspectos, exploramos a questão da realidade das entidades inobserváveis descritas pelas teorias científicas, tratando sobretudo de critérios utilizados para a caracterização dessa realidade por licenciandos, bem como possíveis influências na constituição desses critérios. Consideramos que um professor de física, durante sua atuação profissional, precisará lidar com a questão da realidade de entidades não acessíveis aos sentidos, tendo talvez de explicar em que se baseia uma proposição sobre sua existência. No desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, trouxemos alguns elementos de uma discussão que se dá no âmbito filosófico a respeito do realismo científico e também abordamos formulações teóricas que tratam da questão da realidade em perspectivas que se referem ao campo cotidiano e ao senso comum. Como referencial mais geral, utilizamos uma abordagem sobre cultura, que aponta para a influência de diversas estruturas culturais nas formas de entendimento do mundo e permite conceber a ciência como uma dessas estruturas. Entre outras coisas, a aprendizagem da ciência envolveria a compreensão de suas formas específicas de atribuir realidade, em contraposição às formas de outras estruturas culturais. Foram desenvolvidos três estudos, com análises fundamentadas em metodologias qualitativas. No primeiro, investigamos critérios usados por licenciandos em física para definir a realidade de entidades da ciência e de entes relacionados a outros domínios; no segundo, analisamos formas pelas quais certas entidades científicas são caracterizadas e tomadas como reais em uma coleção de livros didáticos de física do ensino superior; e, por fim, o terceiro consistiu na construção e utilização de um heurístico, com o objetivo de proporcionar reflexões acerca de questões relacionadas ao conhecimento científico e a elementos de outras estruturas culturais e foram analisadas as entrevistas de quatro estudantes de licenciatura sobre o uso desse instrumento. Os resultados obtidos parecem mostrar que há influência de elementos vindos de fora da ciência nos critérios utilizados por estudantes para a definição da realidade das entidades. Além disso, mostram que esse tema não é comumente trazido à reflexão dos alunos, o que não contribui para a reelaboração dos critérios de realidade já trazidos por eles de outros campos que não o científico. O heurístico utilizado no terceiro estudo serviu para trazer à tona as bases do pensamento dos estudantes e lhes indicar certos elementos para reflexão; existiram diferenças nos tipos de reflexão suscitados pelo instrumento, o que consideramos ser uma espécie de \"contextualização cultural\" na maneira de compreender as questões trazidas por ele. O desenvolvimento dos três estudos nos permitiu compreender alguns aspectos relevantes sobre os modos de entendimento das entidades da ciência e pensar sobre suas formas de tratamento em um curso de física.
On the campus at Ann Arbor is designed for undergraduate women students as a center for their activities. The facilities are available for the comfort of all University students, staff, alumni and their guests.
The magnificent fountain "Sunday Morning in Deep Waters", by Carl Milles stands before the Michigan League, designed for undergraduate women students as a center for their activities. Its facilities are available for the comfort of all university students, staff, alumni and their guests.
Recent studies in the area of psychological debriefing (PD) have reported adverse effects. This study examined one possible explanation for such effects, that of sensitisation to the possibility of pathology. Subjects were 161 psychology students (female, n = 121; male, n = 40) who had experienced trauma but received no previous treatment. Subjects either received an explanation (explanation group) or received no explanation at all (no explanation group) about trauma reactions prior to undertaking a therapeutic writing protocol. The hypothesis of increased morbidity where the possibility of pathology was made explicit was not supported. At 2 months, the explanation group had a greater reduction on Impact of Events Scale Revised JES-R) total scores, F(1, 151) = 3.98, p = .048, and on the General Health Questionnaire - 28 (GHQ-28) Anxiety and Insomnia subscale, F(1, 151) = 9.84, p = .002, and total score F(1, 150) 5.05, p = .026. High-avoidance copers in particular appeared to benefit from information provision, F(1, 148) = 4.2 6, p = .044. Results suggest that adverse findings associated with PD may not be due to information sensitising of participants to pathology and that the provision of information to trauma survivors appears to be a useful strategy. Recommendations were made regarding the management of those exposed to trauma and for future research.