758 resultados para transtorno bipolar
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o risco de suicídio nos pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG). Métodos Estudo transversal com 253 pacientes dos ambulatórios de Psiquiatria, Nefrologia e Cardiologia do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Alagoas. O instrumento utilizado foi o MINI 5.0.0 (Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview). Resultados Os indivíduos com TAG corresponderam a 16,6% da amostra, sendo 30,8% nos pacientes entrevistados no ambulatório de psiquiatria e 11,3% nos pacientes entrevistados nos demais ambulatórios. A maioria é do sexo feminino (83,3%), casada (53,8%), sendo a média de idade de 44 (±12,2) anos. Houve comorbidade psiquiátrica em 88,1% dos entrevistados; 54,8% possuíam duas ou mais e 33,3% tinham apenas uma. A mais prevalente foi depressão maior (53,7%), seguida de distimia (21,4%) e depressão recorrente (14,6%). O risco de suicídio foi observado em 54,8% dos indivíduos com TAG. Conclusão A prevalência de TAG foi significativamente maior que na população geral, principalmente no ambulatório de psiquiatria. A maioria dos pacientes apresentou comorbidade psiquiátrica, especialmente transtornos de humor, além de risco de suicídio. O TAG mostrou elevada correlação com transtornos de humor e significativa associação com o risco de suicídio.
RESUMO Folie à deux, ou transtorno delirante induzido, é uma síndrome rara caracterizada por transferência de delírios de um sujeito considerado primariamente psicótico para um ou mais sujeitos considerados secundários em relação à origem do delírio. Apesar de ser um diagnóstico considerado raro, e até por isso esquecido nos tratados psiquiátricos atuais, nosso artigo descreve um caso de folie à deux entre mãe (sujeito delirante primário) e filha (paciente previamente saudável e secundariamente psicótica) que teve sucesso terapêutico e evolução muito favorável. Apesar de nosso caso ter tido evolução favorável, há relatos na literatura de desfechos trágicos como infanticídio. Além disso, nosso artigo chama atenção para alguns aspectos importantes. Primeiro, quadros de folie à deux podem ocorrer em muitas situações, e não só em confinamentos, diferentemente do que os sistemas classificatórios atuais tendem a fazer. Igualmente, não são tão raros como se supõe. Por último, os clínicos devem estar atentos a possíveis problemas psiquiátricos não reconhecidos no indivíduo considerado secundário.
ABSTRACT Objetive To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. Methods A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for at least a six months period, had their response to this medication assessed through the use of a standardized instrument. The ALDA scale is based on retrospective clinical data, in our study assessed through a thoroughly reviewed of the medical charts, and is used to evaluate the clinical improvement with the treatment (Criterion A), corrected by the acknowledgement of possible confounding factors, such as duration of the treatment, compliance and concomitant use of additional medications (Criterion B), in order to estimate the response that can be specifically attributable to lithium. Results Our study found an inverse relation between the number of mood episodes with psychotic symptoms and lithium treatment outcome. Conclusion The results reinforce the hypothesis that lithium seems to be less efficacious in patients with bipolar disorder who present psychotic symptoms.
FUNDAMENTO: A prevalência da fibrilação atrial, os gastos com o sistema de saúde e a elevada morbidade e mortalidade associadas a ela, têm justificado a procura por novas abordagens terapêuticas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade da técnica cirúrgica, a segurança e os resultados inicias da cirurgia vídeo-assistida para a ablação da fibrilação atrial isolada com radiofrequência bipolar. MÉTODOS: Dez pacientes (90% homens) com fibrilação atrial (50% paroxística) sintomática e refratária à terapia medicamentosa, sem doença cardíaca que requeresse cirurgia concomitante, foram submetidos à ablação da arritmia guiada por toracoscopia, no período de maio de 2007 a maio de 2008. Variáveis clínicas, laboratoriais e de imagem foram prospectivamente coletadas antes, durante e no seguimento pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: A cirurgia foi realizada conforme o planejado em todos os pacientes. Não houve lesão iatrogênica de estruturas intratorácicas ou óbitos. No seguimento médio de seis meses, 80% dos pacientes estão livres de fibrilação atrial. Houve melhora significativa dos sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca classe funcional New York Heart Association (2,4 ± 0,5 para 1,6 ± 0,7; p = 0,011). Não houve evidência de estenose de veias pulmonares à angiotomografia, nesta série. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia vídeo-assistida para o tratamento da fibrilação atrial é reprodutível e segura. Há melhora evolutiva dos sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca após a cirurgia.
FUNDAMENTO: O tratamento da fibrilação atrial com dispositivo de ablação de tecidos por radiofrequência bipolar em concomitância à cirurgia cardíaca tem se mostrado método eficaz no tratamento desta arritmia. OBJETIVO: Descrever a experiência inicial do Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia no tratamento cirúrgico da fibrilação atrial com uso de dispositivo de radiofrequência bipolar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, relatando o resultado de acompanhamento pós-operatório de um ano. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 2008 e março de 2009, 47 pacientes (36 mulheres) consecutivos, com idade média de 53,7 ± 10,6 anos, apresentando fibrilação atrial por um período médio de 34,6 meses (3 a 192 meses) foram submetidos à ablação cirúrgica desta arritmia, por radiofrequência bipolar, durante o procedimento que motivou a indicação da cirurgia. Oito apresentavam fibrilação atrial intermitente e 39, contínua. Oitenta e um por cento foram submetidos à cirurgia valvar como procedimento principal. Esta é uma análise retrospectiva, observacional, com avaliação de um ano de pós-operatório das variáveis clínicas e de Holter 24 h. RESULTADOS: Dos 47 pacientes, 40 sobreviveram um ano. Desses, 33 foram submetidos a Holter 24 h, em um intervalo médio de 401 dias após a cirurgia. Encontrou-se a seguinte distribuição de ritmos: 24 (73%) sinusal, 5 (15%) fibrilação atrial, três (9%) Flutter atrial e um (3%) ritmo juncional. Foram observados dois acidentes vasculares encefálicos, sendo um associado à arritmia supraventricular. CONCLUSÃO: A ablação cirúrgica de fibrilação atrial com dispositivo de radiofrequência bipolar concomitante à cirurgia cardíaca é método eficaz para o tratamento desta arritmia.
BACKGROUND: Dissection during laparoscopic surgery produces smoke containing potentially toxic substances. The aim of the present study was to analyze smoke samples produced during laparoscopic colon surgery using a bipolar vessel sealing device (LigaSuretrade mark). METHODS: Four consecutive patients undergoing left-sided colectomy were enrolled in this pilot study. Smoke was produced by the use of LigaSuretrade mark. Samples (5,5l) were evacuated from the pneumoperitoneum in a closed system into a reservoir. Analysis was performed with CO2-laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy and confirmed by a Fourier-transform infrared spectrum. The detected spectra were compared to the available spectra of known toxins. RESULTS: Samples from four laparoscopic sigmoid resections were analyzed. No relevant differences were noted regarding patient and operation characteristics. The gas samples were stable over time proven by congruent control measurements as late as 24 h after sampling. The absorption spectra differed considerably between the patients. One broad absorption line at 100 ppm indicating H2O and several unknown molecules were detected. With a sensitivity of alpha min ca 10-5 cm-1 no known toxic substances like phenol or indole were identified. CONCLUSION: The use of a vessel sealing device during laparoscopic surgery does not produce known toxic substances in relevant quantity. Further studies are needed to identify unknown molecules and to analyze gas emission under various conditions.
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : Internet est une source importante d'information sur la santé mentale. Le trouble bipolaire est communément associé à un handicap, des comorbidités, un faible taux d'introspection et une mauvaise compliance au traitement. Le fardeau de la maladie, de par les épisodes dépressifs et maniaques, peut conduire les personnes (dont le diagnostic de trouble bipolaire a été déjà posé ou non), ainsi que leur famille à rechercher des informations sur Internet. De ce fait, il est important que les sites Web traitant du sujet contiennent de l'information de haute qualité, basée sur les évidences scientifiques. Objectif.: évaluer la qualité des informations consultables sur Internat au sujet du trouble bipolaire et identifier des indicateurs de qualité. Méthode: deux mots-clés : « bipolar disorder » et « manic depressive illness » ont été introduits dans les moteurs de recherche les plus souvent utilisés sur Internet. Les sites Internet ont été évalués avec un formulaire standard conçu pour noter les sites sur la base de l'auteur (privé, université, entreprise,...), la présentation, l'interactivité, la lisibilité et la qualité du contenu. Le label de qualité « Health On the Net» (HON), et l'outil DISCERN ont été utilisés pour vérifier leur efficacité comme indicateurs de la qualité. Résultats: sur les 80 sites identifiés, 34 ont été inclus. Sur la base de la mesure des résultats, la qualité du contenu des sites s'est avérée être bonne. La qualité du contenu des sites Web qui traitent du trouble bipolaire est expliquée de manière significative par la lisibilité, la responsabilité et l'interactivité aussi bien que par un score global. Conclusions: dans l'ensemble, la qualité du contenu de l'étude des sites Web traitant du trouble bipolaire est de bonne qualité.
The use of quetiapine for treatment of bipolar disorders at a higher dosage than the licensed range is not unusual in clinical practice. Quetiapine is predominantly metabolised by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and to a lesser extent by CYP2D6. The large interindividual variability of those isozyme activities could contribute to the variability observed in quetiapine dosage. The aim of the present study is to evaluate if the use of high dosages of quetiapine in some patients, as compared to patients treated with a dosage in the licensed range (up to 800 mg/day), could be explained by a high activity of CYP3A4 and/or of CYP2D6. CYP3A4 activities were determined using the midazolam metabolic ratio in 21 bipolar and schizoaffective bipolar patients genotyped for CYP2D6. 9 patients were treated with a high quetiapine dosage (mean ± SD, median; range: 1467 ± 625, 1200; 1000-3000 mg/day) and 11 with a normal quetiapine dosage (433 ± 274, 350; 100-800 mg/day). One patient in the high dose and one patient in the normal dose groups were genotyped as CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizers. CYP3A4 activities were not significantly different between the two groups (midazolam metabolic ratio: 9.4 ± 8.2; 6.2; 1.7-26.8 vs 3.9 ± 2.3; 3.8; 1.5-7.6, in the normal dose group as compared to the high dose group, respectively, NS). The use of high quetiapine dosage for the patients included in the present study cannot be explained by variations in pharmacokinetics parameters such as a high activity of CYP3A4 and/or of CYP2D6.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and correlates of childhood and adolescent sexual and/or physical abuse (SPA) in bipolar I disorder (BDI) patients treated for a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre admitted 786 first-episode psychosis patients between 1998 and 2000. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. A total of 704 files were available; 43 were excluded because of a nonpsychotic diagnosis at endpoint and 3 due to missing data regarding past stressful events. Among 658 patients with available data, 118 received a final diagnosis of BDI and were entered in this study. RESULTS: A total of 80% of patients had been exposed to stressful life events during childhood and adolescence and 24.9% to SPA; in particular, 29.8% of female patients had been exposed to sexual abuse. Patients who were exposed to SPA had poorer premorbid functioning, higher rates of forensic history, were less likely to live with family during treatment period, and were more likely to disengage from treatment. CONCLUSIONS: SPA is highly prevalent in BDI patients presenting with a first episode of psychotic mania; exposed patients have lower premorbid functional levels and poorer engagement with treatment. The context in which such traumas occur must be explored in order to determine whether early intervention strategies may contribute to diminish their prevalence. Specific psychological interventions must also be developed.
OBJECTIVE: Although the maximal quetiapine doses in the published studies were restricted to 800 mg/day, higher quetiapine doses are not unusual in clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness, tolerability and clinical reasons associated to the use of high dosage of quetiapine (>800 mg), when used under routine clinical conditions, in a sample of bipolar disorder and schizoaffective bipolar inpatients. METHODS: Charts of all bipolar and schizoaffective adult inpatients, who had received quetiapine for a mood episode between 1999 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. These charts also included the assessment of manic and depressive symptoms on admission and at discharge using the Beck-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) and the Montgomery Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS), respectively. RESULTS: Data of 50 patients were analyzed. The overall F in repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant MAS scores reduction between admission and discharge. MAS scores reduction did not differ between the high and low quetiapine groups. Similarly, a significant MADRS reduction was found. Again, no differences between the high and the low dose group were found. Logistic regression analysis of the 50 patients revealed only mixed episodes predicted high quetiapine dosage. CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirms quetiapine efficiency and tolerability in the treatment of bipolar episodes, even in doses > to 800 mg and found a link between quetiapine doses and mixed episodes
Bipolar disorder has a genetic component, but the mode of inheritance remains unclear. A previous genome scan conducted in 70 European families led to detect eight regions linked to bipolar disease. Here, we present an investigation of whether the phenotypic heterogeneity of the disorder corresponds to genetic heterogeneity in these regions using additional markers and an extended sample of families. The MLS statistic was used for linkage analyses. The predivided sample test and the maximum likelihood binomial methods were used to test genetic homogeneity between early-onset bipolar type I (cut-off of 22 years) and other types of the disorder (later onset of bipolar type I and early-onset bipolar type II), using a total of 138 independent bipolar-affected sib-pairs. Analysis of the extended sample of families supports linkage in four regions (2q14, 3p14, 16p23, and 20p12) of the eight regions of linkage suggested by our previous genome scan. Heterogeneity testing revealed genetic heterogeneity between early and late-onset bipolar type I in the 2q14 region (P = 0.0001). Only the early form of the bipolar disorder but not the late form appeared to be linked to this region. This region may therefore include a genetic factor either specifically involved in the early-onset bipolar type I or only influencing the age at onset (AAO). Our findings illustrate that stratification according to AAO may be valuable for the identification of genetic vulnerability polymorphisms.