917 resultados para thermo-solvatochromism


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In this thesis, a predictive analytical and numerical modeling approach for the orthogonal cutting process is proposed to calculate temperature distributions and subsequently, forces and stress distributions. The models proposed include a constitutive model for the material being cut based on the work of Weber, a model for the shear plane based on Merchants model, a model describing the contribution of friction based on Zorev’s approach, a model for the effect of wear on the tool based on the work of Waldorf, and a thermal model based on the works of Komanduri and Hou, with a fraction heat partition for a non-uniform distribution of the heat in the interfaces, but extended to encompass a set of contributions to the global temperature rise of chip, tool and work piece. The models proposed in this work, try to avoid from experimental based values or expressions, and simplifying assumptions or suppositions, as much as possible. On a thermo-physical point of view, the results were affected not only by the mechanical or cutting parameters chosen, but also by their coupling effects, instead of the simplifying way of modeling which is to contemplate only the direct effect of the variation of a parameter. The implementation of these models was performed using the MATLAB environment. Since it was possible to find in the literature all the parameters for AISI 1045 and AISI O2, these materials were used to run the simulations in order to avoid arbitrary assumption.


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This work presents the archaeometallurgical study of a group of metallic artefacts found in Moinhos de Golas site, Vila Real (North of Portugal), that can generically be attributed to Proto-history (1st millennium BC, Late Bronze Age and Iron Age). The collection is composed by 35 objects: weapons, ornaments and tools, and others of difficult classification, as rings, bars and one small thin bent sheet. Some of the objects can typologically be attributed to Late Bronze Age, others are of more difficult specific attribution. The archaeometallurgical study involved x-ray digital radiography, elemental analysis by micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, microstructural observations by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The radiographic images revealed structural heterogeneities frequently related with the degradation of some artefacts and the elemental analysis showed that the majority of the artefacts was produced in a binary bronze alloy (Cu-Sn) (73%), being others produced in copper (15%) and three artefacts in brass (Cu-Zn(-Sn-Pb)). Among each type of alloy there’s certain variability in the composition and in the type of inclusions. The microstructural observations revealed that the majority of the artefacts suffered cycles of thermo-mechanical processing after casting. The diversity of metals/alloys identified was a discovery of great interest, specifically due to the presence of brasses. Their presence can be interpreted as importations related to the circulation of exogenous products during the Proto-history and/or to the deposition of materials during different moments at the site, from the transition of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age (Orientalizing period) onwards, as during the Roman period.


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Microinjection molding of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes (CNT) requires previous production of the nanocomposites, often by melt extrusion. Each processing step has a thermo-mechanical effect on the polymer melt, conveying different properties to the final product. In this work, polyamide 6 and its composites with pristine and functionalized CNT (f-CNT) were processed by a mini twin-screw extrusion, followed by microinjection molding. The morphology induced on the polymer by each process was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction. Calorimetric analysis showed a secondary crystallization for the microinjected materials, absent for the extruded materials. The characterization of microinjected polyamide 6 by X-ray diffraction revealed a large contribution of the c phase to the total crystallinity, mainly in the skin region, while the nanocomposites and extruded materials were characterized by a larger contribution of the a phase. Functionalization of CNT did not affect significantly the polymer morphology compared to composites with pristine CNT.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis


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Due to the fact that different injection molding conditions tailor the mechanical response of the thermoplastic material, such effect must be considered earlier in the product development process. The existing approaches implemented in different commercial software solutions are very limited in their capabilities to estimate the influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties. Thus, the accuracy of predictive simulations could be improved. In this study, we demonstrate how to establish straightforward processing-impact property relationships of talc-filled injection-molded polypropylene disc-shaped parts by assessing the thermomechanical environment (TME). To investigate the relationship between impact properties and the key operative variables (flow rate, melt and mold temperature, and holding pressure), the design of experiments approach was applied to systematically vary the TME of molded samples. The TME is characterized on computer flow simulation outputsanddefined bytwo thermomechanical indices (TMI): the cooling index (CI; associated to the core features) and the thermo-stress index (TSI; related to the skin features). The TMI methodology coupled to an integrated simulation program has been developed as a tool to predict the impact response. The dynamic impact properties (peak force, peak energy, and puncture energy) were evaluated using instrumented falling weight impact tests and were all found to be similarly affected by the imposed TME. The most important molding parameters affecting the impact properties were found to be the processing temperatures (melt andmold). CI revealed greater importance for the impact response than TSI. The developed integrative tool provided truthful predictions for the envisaged impact properties.


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Cell sheet (CS) engineering, taking advantage of cellular self-matrix organized as in native tissue, has been largely explored, including by us, for different purposes [1â 3]. Herein we propose for the ï¬ rst time, the use of human adipose stem cells (hASCs)-derived CS to create adipose tissue analogues with different levels of maturation. hASCs were cultured on UpCellTM thermo-responsive dishes for 1, 3 and 5 days under basal conditions previously established by us [3]. The inï¬ uence of pre-differentiation time and respective cell number, over CS stability and differentiation was assessed. Mechanically robust CS were only obtained with 5 days pre-differentiation period. Adipogenesis was followed along the culture assessing the variation of expression of mesenchymal (CD73, CD105 but not CD90) and adipogenic (PPARg, FABP4 and LPL) markers by ï¬ ow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. Increased ratio of differentiated cells was achieved for longer pre-differentiation periods, while maturation degree was modulated by the maintenance medium. Independently of the overall CS differentiation/maturation level, 3D constructs were fabricated by stacking and further culturing 3 CS. Thus, by varying the culture conditions, different 3D adipose tissue-like microenvironments were recreated, enabling future development of new tissue engineering strategies, as well as further study of adipose tissue role in the regeneration of different tissues.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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The research described in this thesis has been developed as a part of the Reliability and Field Data Management for Multi-component Products (REFIDAM) Project. This project was founded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and Thermo King Europe. The project aimed to develop a system in order to manage the information required for reliability assessment and improvement of multi-component products, by establishing information flows within the company and information exchange with fleet users.


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The research described in this thesis has been developed as a part of the Reliability and Field Data Management for Multi-Component Products (REFIDAM) Project. This project was funded under the Applied Research Grants Scheme administered by Enterprise Ireland. The project was a partnership between Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and an industrial company, Thermo King Europe. The project aimed to develop a system to manage the information required for maintenance costing, cost of ownership, reliability assessment and improvement of multi-component products, by establishing information flows between the customer network and across the Thermo King organisation.


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მძლავრი ვერტიკალური წანაცვლებები მანტიაში წარმოიქმნა, დანალექ ფენაში კი ის უმნიშვნელოა. იგულისხმება, რომ ოკეანე „ტეტისის“ გამეჩხერება დაკავშირებულია მანტიასა და ქერქში ვერტიკალურ თერმომონაცვლებათა პროცესთან. შესაძლოა, რომ უგრანიტო ფენის წარმოქმნა შავ ზღვაში და კასპიის ზღვის ღრმა ნაწილში ამ პერიოდში ამოზევებას და გადარეცხვას უკავშირდება. რღვევები მოხოს ზედაპირზე წარმოიქმნება, გრძელდება „ბაზალტში“, ინტენსიურად ვითარდება „გრანიტში“ და დღემდე არსებობს დანალექ ფენში, რაც რეგიონში თანამედროვე მიწისძვრებს განაპირობებს.


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Os autores observam que após a inactivação de sôro de cobaya a 54° durante 30 minutos permanecem no sôro as fracções thermolabeis em quantidade apreciavel; um tal sôro conservado na temperatura de 6°, por espaço de 18 horas, regenera parte da sua actividade alexica perdida. 2° Confirma-se a existencia de 4 componentes do complemento. 3° O chamado terceiro componente de Ritz e Coca é na verdade constituidos por dois elementos, pelos menos, differentes: um destructivel pelo formol e outro destructivel pelo hydrosulphito de sodio. 4° A ammonia, o formol e o hydrosulpito de sodio são capazes de destruir os constituintes thermoresistentes da alexina do sôro inactivado a 56° 30 minutos, ao passo que as emulsões de levedos, de orgãos ou de gelose não o são. 5° As emulsões de levedo addicionadas a uma mistura em partes eguaes de sôro fresco de cobaya e de sôro aquecido a 56°, 30 m., são capazes de retirar não só o terceiro componente contido no sôro fresco da mistura, mas tambem o terceiro componente contido no sôro inactivado pelo calor. 6° Sem excluir a hypothese de uma floculação em que o sôro aquecido exerça o papel de um colloide protector, os autores admittem que a inactivação do complemento pelas emulsões de levedo ou pela gelose seja devida a substancias thermolabeis, do sôro, depois de adsorpção por essas emulsões, de substancias anti-tripticas. 7° Os diversos elementos que constituem a alexina são adsorvidos pelos globulos sensibilizados na seguinte ordem: Globulos-sensibilizadora-Fracção thermo-resistente sensivel á ammonia-Fracção thermolabil Globulina-Fracção thermolabil albumina-Fracção thermoresistente sensivel ao formol-Fracção thermoresistente sensivel ao hydrosulphito de sodio. 8° Na reacção de Bordet-Wassermann fortemente positiva é fixada sobretudo a fracção globulina thermolabil do complemento e não sómente o terceiro componente como seria licito esperar; a fracção thermolabil albumina permanece de regra livre e activa no liquido. 9° Os autores acham que se deve considerar como demonstrada a origem hepatica da alexina. Segundo experiencias procedidas em cães intoxicados pelo chloroformio não só baixa consideravelmente o titulo alexico global do sôro mas tambem os titulos, de todos os constituintes da alexina separadamente, soffrem, com a excepção da fracção thermolabil globulina, uma reducção muito accentuada.


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Foram examinadas 38 amostras de germens do grupo pullorumgallinarum, de origem européa, americana ou isoladas no Brasil, acompanhadas bacteriologicamente durante 3 annos, na fixidez de suas propriedades ou na possibilidade de sua transformação dum typo em outro. a) Distinguiram-se no estudo das propriedades cinco typos de germens no grupo pullorumgallinarum - 1) pullorum gazogeno, 2) pullorum não gazogeno, 3) intermedius, 4) gallinarum ou intermedius? gazogeno, 5) gallinarum não gazogeno. Os 2 primeiros e o 5º já bem cinhecidos e acceitos; o 4º admittido por Beck & Eber, em 1929, o 3º evidenciado por nós em 1935. b) O typo gallinarum gazogeno deve ser mais propriamente talvez considerado como typo intermedius gazogeno a vista de sua acção sobre sorbita e a xylose e sobre o meio de Jordan. c) O quadro final resume as caracteristicas mais importantes destes cinco typos, baseando-se a differenciação principalmente na alteração do vermelho neutro, na produção de H²S, na fermentação de glycerina, rhamnose, xylose, dulcita, sorbita e maltose, na acção sobre o tartaro, na producção de gaz e no aspecto das colonias na superficie de certos meios de cultura. d) Outras propriedades biologicas examinadas - acção sobre o leite, sôro de leite, dextrina, etc, admitidos por varios pesquizadores na differenciação, parecem distituidas de valor. e) As amostras mantiveram fixas as suas propriedades durante todo o tempo em que foram acompanhadas. A hypothese de uma possivel transformação de um typo em outro não foi confirmada em nenhuma das amostras estudadas, justificando a entidade dos varios typos admittidos. f) Discrepancias observadas na fermentação da maltose, referidas por varios pesquizadores com germens desse grupo, não foram confirmadas no presente trabalho. g) Encontrou-se no sôro sanguineo um factor capaz de transformar a maltose em glycose, tornando aquelle assucar fermentescivel. Essa substancia é thermo-estavel e resiste á acção de substancias antidiastasicas. h) A analyse sôrologica das amostras estudadas não permittiu differenciar os typos entre si.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Nutrition therapy is a cornerstone of burn care from the early resuscitation phase until the end of rehabilitation. While several aspects of nutrition therapy are similar in major burns and other critical care conditions, the patho-physiology of burn injury with its major endocrine, inflammatory, metabolic and immune alterations requires some specific nutritional interventions. The present text developed by the French speaking societies, is updated to provide evidenced-based recommendations for clinical practice. METHODS: A group of burn specialists used the GRADE methodology (Grade of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) to evaluate human burn clinical trials between 1979 and 2011. The resulting recommendations, strong suggestions or suggestions were then rated by the non-burn specialized experts according to their agreement (strong, moderate or weak). RESULTS: Eight major recommendations were made. Strong recommendations were made regarding, 1) early enteral feeding, 2) the elevated protein requirements (1.5-2 g/kg in adults, 3 g/kg in children), 3) the limitation of glucose delivery to a maximum of 55% of energy and 5 mg/kg/h associated with moderate blood glucose (target ≤ 8 mmol/l) control by means of continuous infusion, 4) to associated trace element and vitamin substitution early on, and 5) to use non-nutritional strategies to attenuate hypermetabolism by pharmacological (propranolol, oxandrolone) and physical tools (early surgery and thermo-neutral room) during the first weeks after injury. Suggestion were made in absence of indirect calorimetry, to use of the Toronto equation (Schoffield in children) for energy requirement determination (risk of overfeeding), and to maintain fat administration ≤ 30% of total energy delivery. CONCLUSION: The nutritional therapy in major burns has evidence-based specificities that contribute to improve clinical outcome.


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In an attempt to isolate Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from nature 887 samples of soil from Botucatu, SP, Brazil, were collected cultured in brain heart infusion agar supplemented with dextrose, in potato dextrose agar and in yeast extract starch dextrose agar, all with antibiotics, at 25º and 37ºC. Five thermo-dependent dimorphic fungi morphologically resembling P. brasiliensis were isolated; two from armadillo holes; further studies of the biology, antigenicity and genetic features of the five dimorphic fungi are necessary to clarify their taxonomy and their possible relation to P. brasiliensis. In addition, 98 dematiaceous fungi and 581 different species of Aspergillus spp. were also isolated. Our findings emphasize that armadillos and their environment are associated with thermo-dimorphic fungi and confirm the ubiquity of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi and Aspergillus spp.


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PURPOSE: Patients with hereditary retinoblastoma (Rb) develop in 4%-8% a malignant midline tumor called trilateral Rb (TRb). We report in this study on benign pineal cysts observed in patients investigated for TRb. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between September 1990 and December 2001, 172 patients were screened for TRb. Ninty-five had bilateral, 77 unilateral disease. The median age at diagnosis of Rb was 7 months (range 1-26). Treatment included enucleation, local treatment with cryotherapy or photocoagulation, first-line chemotherapy (CT), thermo-chemotherapy (TCT), Ruthenium plaque, and, rarely, external beam radiation (EBR). RESULTS: TRb was found in 5/95 patients (5.3%) with bilateral disease. Interestingly, five other patients (5.3%) presented a pineal cyst on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). No cysts were recorded in the 77 patients with unilateral disease. This difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The median age at diagnosis of the pineal cyst was 26 months (range 16-80), much younger than reported in literature for healthy children. Four of five patients with TRb died of the disease, while all the patients with pineal cysts remained stable and asymptomatic during a median follow-up of 41 months (range 37-54). CONCLUSIONS: This report describes benign cystic lesions of the pineal gland in patients with hereditary Rb, suggesting a benign variant of TRb. Underlying possible pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed.