193 resultados para têxteis
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This article approaches possibilities and strategies of building to development of fashion product. It investigates the application of different constructive resources of textile materials of same composition and trim, establishing for this parameters of formal similarity. The conception of products process is conducted by three-dimensional expression, which allows the steps for creating and delivering happen simultaneously. Three-dimensional modeling techniques enable the buildings that are structured by the following features investigated: intervention in the textile surface, insertion of independent elements, and different confection resolutions. The results instigate reflection about the processes involved.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Tendo como premissa a alteração dos padrões de vida da sociedade, desde meados do século passado os quais promoveram novos estilos de vida e novos padrões de consumo, nomeadamente no âmbito dos Têxteis e Vestuários, esta dissertação de mestrado investiga as medidas e boas práticas implementadas em Portugal, e no Mundo, para a valorização dos resíduos pósconsumo, descartados ou de vestuário usado. A metodologia utilizada teve como alicerce uma pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica que permitiu conhecer e compreender o estado da arte e identificar as questões mais pertinentes para o estabelecimento da problemática em estudo, o tratamento do resíduo de vestuário usado em Portugal. Numa primeira fase, foram realizadas 18 entrevistas através de guião, construído para o efeito e aplicado a uma amostra por conveniência constituída pelas entidades consideradas de relevância no sector têxtil e da reciclagem. Posteriormente foi construído um segundo questionário, o qual, foi aplicado a uma amostra aleatória de 175 empresas, e alvo de tratamento estatístico adequado para validação do modelo do Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Resíduos de Vestuário Usado para Portugal. Com base no trabalho desenvolvido o presente estudo apresenta uma proposta de Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Resíduos de Vestuário Usado para Portugal, à semelhança do que já existe para outras fileiras de resíduos e visa sensibilizar e contribuir para a necessidade de que o desenvolvimento seja alavancado em bases de sustentabilidade. Desenvolvimento não é sinónimo de destruição e carece de cidadania empresarial e individual, enquanto comportamentos de responsabilidade colectiva.
A monitorização de sinais vitais é uma ferramenta essencial da medicina, principalmente no que se relaciona com a avaliação do estado físico de qualquer indivíduo. As ferramentas foram evoluindo ao longo do tempo, tendo a tecnologia desempenhado um papel central na melhoria do seu desempenho. Apesar destes dispositivos estarem intimamente ligados ao contexto médico, as mudanças no estilo de vida no consumo dos utilizadores fizeram com que estas ferramentas passassem a fazer parte do quotidiano. O paradigma alterou-se, ou seja, quando eram utilizadas exclusivamente para fins médicos, agora são também usados para actividades relacionadas com o lazer e desporto. A preocupação com a monitorização de sinais vitais cresceu nos últimos anos, pois a interpretação correcta destes dados permite intervir em certos aspectos da rotina diária, melhorando a qualidade de vida. A portabilidade tornou-se um factor importante uma vez que grande parte dos utilizadores, associa estes dispositivos à sua actividade física. Desta necessidade surgem novos tipos de produtos, que inclusivamente são associados e integrados em peças de vestuário. Este factor obriga a tecnologia a miniaturizar os componentes, no sentido de tornar possivel o funcionamento destes produtos em qualquer lugar e hora. Por outro lado, quanto menos intrusivo for o dispositivo melhor conforto e funcionalidade oferece ao utilizador. Assim sendo, a disciplina do design deve ter em conta as premissas de funcionamento dos diferentes componentes que permitem recolher dados sobre os sinais vitais: batimento cardíaco e temperatura. A intervenção da disciplina do design nesta investigação passa pelo re-design de um dispositivo existente, que é analisado no seu desempenho funcional, ergonómico e estético. O dispositivo em questão é portátil e colocado na zona inferior da perna, acima do tornozelo. Todas as envolvências ergonómicas e funcionais são tomadas em conta para a concepção de hipóteses que incrementem a performance do dispositivo. A integração de componentes e a avaliação funcional são mais eficazes quando se utilizam técnicas de prototipagem, que permitem uma visão efectiva da realidade. Para melhor conceber as propostas, e aprofundar o conhecimento sobre estas técnicas realizaram-se testes com o objectivo de aferir a precisão e a qualidade do acabamento das superfícies das peças prototipadas. No sentido de criar uma proposta final, são criadas várias hipóteses de solução que são avaliadas segundo a detecção de problemas, bem como através do contacto com os utilizadores. Ao longo da investigação as propostas evoluem, culminando naquela que é apresentada como uma proposta optimizada, que aglutina todo o levantamento literário, testes, e análises feitas durante a construção do documento.
O ambiente hospitalar é veículo de grande parte das infeções. Muitas destas infeções são originadas pelos microrganismos multirresistentes requerendo soluções de controlo difíceis e dispendiosas. Em Portugal, dos pacientes admitidos em hospitais, 5 a 10% adquirem infeções agudas que correspondem a cerca de 3 milhões de pacientes/ano. A existência de têxteis com eficiência antimicrobiana no contacto entre o doente e os profissionais de saúde poderia constituir uma barreira à propagação de tais microrganismos, com um relevante impacto na redução da infeção nosocomial. Alguns destes têxteis são descontaminados durante o seu ciclo de higienização (lençóis), outros são eliminados (batas e máscaras), acarretando custos substanciais e elevado impacto ambiental. Neste projeto pretende-se conjugar as necessidades atuais de têxteis hospitalares com alta eficiência antimicrobiana, sendo reutilizáveis e versáteis. Esta conjugação surge da necessidade de obter equipamento de proteção cirúrgica: a bata, a touca e a máscara. Todo este processo de estudo e criação, passa pela inserção da metodologia de design, desde a pesquisa das necessidades até à prototipagem, como também a validação do resultado obtido.
The diatomite is a natural material that has numerous applications due to changes in their physical and chemical properties after processing. It is currently used in the industry as a sound insulator , filter aid and industrial load . The filter material shall be inert chemical composition , which will diatomite confers a high commercial value and performance not found in other particulate materials , for this application. The diatomite surface undergoes changes after thermal treatment at high temperatures , from 800ºC , with properties that enable its application in the food , beverage , pharmaceutical , cosmetic and textiles . In this work , we developed a study on thermal treatment on natural diatomite to adapt their properties to the application as a filter aid . The heat treatments were performed in an open oven at temperatures of 800ºC , 1000ºC and 1200ºC for a time of 24 hours. Reagents were added in the constitution of the samples analyzed. The reagents used were sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 ) and sodium chloride (NaCl) . The samples were characterized by x - ray diffraction , x -ray fluorescence , scanning electron microscopy , analysis and particle size distribution , specific surface area by the BET method , and pore volume by BJH method. The results showed a reduction in porosity of the material as well as a significant increase in specific surface area after heat treatment and the reactants in the ratio of 3 wt%. The diatomaceous earth , after heat treatment , undergone changes in its coloration , varying in white, cream and beige , which directly interferes with the speed of filtration materials process. All results obtained before and after heat treatment of the material with the values obtained for samples already used industrially , Brazilian and American industry , which were characterized using the same test methods performed with the samples in the study were compared and showed promising efficiency when material studied in the region of Punaú - RN , after processing , reagent addition and heat treatment, as an element in the composition of filter .
In this work, the treatment of wastewater from the textile industry, containing dyes as Yellow Novacron (YN), Red Remazol BR (RRB) and Blue Novacron CD (NB), and also, the treatment of wastewater from petrochemical industry (produced water) were investigated by anodic oxidation (OA) with platinum anodes supported on titanium (Ti/Pt) and boron-doped diamond (DDB). Definitely, one of the main parameters of this kind of treatment is the type of electrocatalytic material used, since the mechanisms and products of some anodic reactions depend on it. The OA of synthetic effluents containing with RRB, NB and YN were investigated in order to find the best conditions for the removal of color and organic content of the dye. According to the experimental results, the process of OA is suitable for decolorization of wastewaters containing these textile dyes due to electrocatalytic properties of DDB and Pt anodes. Removal of the organic load was more efficient at DDB, in all cases; where the dyes were degraded to aliphatic carboxylic acids at the end of the electrolysis. Energy requirements for the removal of color during OA of solutions of RRB, NB and YN depends mainly on the operating conditions, for example, RRB passes of 3.30 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 for 4.28 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 1); 15.23 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 24.75 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH 4.5); 10.80 kWh m-3 at 20 mA cm-2 to 31.5 kWh m-3 at 60 mA cm-2 (pH = 8) (estimated data for volume of treated effluent). On the other hand, in the study of OA of produced water effluent generated by petrochemical industry, galvanostatic electrolysis using DDB led to the complete removal of COD (98%), due to large amounts of hydroxyl radicals and peroxodisulphates generated from the oxidation of water and sulfates in solution, respectively. Thus, the rate of COD removal increases with increasing applied current density (15-60 mAcm-2 ). Moreover, at Pt electrode, approximately 50% removal of the organic load was achieved by applying from 15 to 30 mAcm-2 while 80% of COD removal was achieved for 60 mAcm-2 . Thus, the results obtained in the application of this technology were satisfactory depending on the electrocatalytic materials and operating conditions used for removal of organic load (petrochemical and textile effluents) as well as for the removal of color (in the case of textile effluents). Therefore, the applicability of electrochemical treatment can be considered as a new alternative like pretreatment or treatment of effluents derived from textiles and petrochemical industries.
The textile sector is one of the main contributors to the generation of industrial wastewaters due to the use of large volumes of water, which has a high organic load content. In these, it is observed to the presence of dyes, surfactants, starch, alcohols, acetic acid and other constituents, from the various processing steps of the textiles. Hence, the treatment of textile wastewater becomes fundamental before releasing it into water bodies, where they can cause disastrous physical-chemical changes for the environment. Surfactants are substances widely used in separation processes and their use for treating textile wastewaters was evaluated in this research by applying the cloud point extraction and the ionic flocculation. In the cloud point extraction was used as surfactant nonylphenol with 9.5 ethoxylation degree to remove reactive dye. The process evaluation was performed in terms of temperature, surfactant and dye concentrations. The dye removal reached 91%. The ionic flocculation occurs due to the presence of calcium, which reacts with anionic surfactant to form insoluble surfactants capable of attracting the organic matter by adsorption. In this work the ionic flocculation using base soap was applied to the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing dyes belonging to three classes: direct, reactive, and disperse. It was evaluated by the influence of the following parameters: surfactant and electrolyte concentrations, stirring speed, equilibrium time, temperature, and pH. The flocculation of the surfactant was carried out in two ways: forming the floc in the effluent itself and forming the floc before mixing it to the effluent. Removal of reactive and direct dye, when the floc is formed into textile effluent was 97% and 87%, respectively. In the case where the floc is formed prior to adding it to the effluent, the removal to direct and disperse dye reached 92% and 87%, respectively. These results show the efficience of the evaluated processes for dye removal from textile wastewaters.
Intelligent and functional Textile Materials have been widely developed and researched with the purpose of being used in several areas of science and technology. These fibrous materials require different chemical and physical properties to obtain a multifunctional material. With the advent of nanotechnology, the techniques developed, being used as essential tools to characterize these new materials qualitatively. Lately the application of micro and nanomaterials in textile substrates has been the objective of many studies, but many of these nanomaterials have not been optimized for their application, which has resulted in increased costs and environmental pollution, because there is still no satisfactory effluent treatment available for these nanomaterials. Soybean fiber has low adsorption for thermosensitive micro and nanocapsules due to their incompatibility of their surface charges. For this reason, in this work initially chitosan was synthesized to functionalise soybean fibres. Chitosan is a natural polyelectrolyte with a high density of positive charges, these fibres have negative charges as well as the micro/nanocápsules, for this reason the chitosan acts as auxiliary agent to cationize in order to fix the thermosensitive microcapsules in the textile substrate. Polyelectrolyte was characterized using particle size analyses and the measurement of zeta potential. For the morphological analysis scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and x-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and to study the thermal properties, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Near Infrared Spectroscopy analysis in the Region of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), colourimetry using UV-VIS spectrum were simultaneously performed on the substrate. From the measurement of zeta potential and in the determination of the particle size, stability of electrostatic chitosan was observed around 31.55mV and 291.0 nm respectively. The result obtained with (GD) for chitosan extracted from shrimp was 70 %, which according to the literature survey can be considered as chitosan. To optimize the dyeing process a statistical software, Design expert was used. The surface functionalisation of textile substrate with 2% chitosan showed the best result of K/S, being the parameter used for the experimental design, in which this showed the best response of dyeing absorbance in the range of 2.624. It was noted that soy knitting dyed with the thermosensitive micro andnanocapsules property showed excellent washing solidity, which was observed after 25 home washes, and significant K/S values.
This study analyzed the Worker’s Healthy Eating Program in Rio Grande do Norte state (RN) to assess its possible impact on the nutritional status of the workers benefitted. To that end, we conducted a cross-sectional observational prospective study based on a multistage stratified random sample comparing 26 small and medium-sized companies from the Manufacturing Sector (textiles, food and beverages, and nonmetallic minerals) of RN, divided into two equal groups (WFP and Non WFP). Interviews were conducted at each company by trained interviewers from Tuesday to Saturday between September and December 2014. Data were collected on the company (characterization and information regarding the program’s desired results) and workers (personal and professional information, anthropometrics, health, lifestyle and food consumed the previous day). Population estimates were calculated for RN on the characteristics of workers and the study variables. The main variable was BMI. The secondary variables were waist circumference (WC), nutritional diagnosis, calorie intake, blood pressure, metabolic variables and lifestyle indicators. The statistical method used was hierarchical mixed effects linear regression for interval variables and hierarchical mixed effects logistic regression for binary variables. The variables measured in ordinal scales were analyzed by ordinal logistic regression adjusted for correlated variables, adopting robust standard errors. The results for interval variables are presented as point estimates and their 95% confidence intervals; and as odds-ratios and their 95% confidence intervals for binary variables. The Fisher’s exact and Student’s t-tests were used for simple comparisons between proportions and means, respectively. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. A total of 1069 workers were interviewed, of which 541 were from the WFP group and 528 from the Non WFP group. Subjects were predominantly males and average age was 34.5 years. Significant intergroup differences were observed for schooling level, income above 1 MW (minimum wage) and specific training for their position at the company. The results indicated a significant difference between the BMI of workers benefitted, which was on average 0.989 kg/m2 higher than the BMI of workers from the Non WFP group (p=0.002); and between the WC, with the waist circumference of WFP group workers an average of 1.528 cm larger (p<0.05). Higher prevalence of overweight and obesity (p<0.001) and cardiovascular risk (p=0.038) were recorded in the WFP group. Tests on the possible effect of the WFP on health (blood pressure and metabolic indicators) and lifestyle indicators (smoking, alcohol consumption and exercise) were not significant. With respect to worker’s diets, differences were significant for consumption of saturated fat (lunch and daily intake), salt (lunch, other meals and daily intake) and proteins (other meals and daily intake), with higher consumption of these nutrients in the WFP group. The study showed a possible positive impact of the WFP on nutritional status (BMI and WC) among the workers benefitted. No possible effects of the program were observed for the lifestyle indicators studied. Workers benefitted consumed less salt, saturated fat and protein. The relevance of the WFP is recognized for this portion of society and it is understood that, if the program can reach and impact those involved, the development of educational initiatives aimed at nutritional and food safety may also exert a positive influence.
The Sustainability has been evidence in the world today; organizations have sought to be more and more into this philosophy in their processes, whether products or attendance. In the present work were manufactured eco-composites with animal fiber (dog wool) that is currently discarded into the environment without any use. Project phases consisted on the initial treatment of fibers with alkaline solution (NaOH) at 0.05 mols for removal of impurities, developing methods to convert these fibers (reinforcement) blended with castor oil polyurethane (matrix) in eco-composite with different proportions (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Fiber properties were evaluated by analysis of SEM, XRD and FTIR. The composites were produced by compression molding with dimensions 30x30x1cm. For characterization of the composites the following tests were performed: mechanical (tensile, compression, shore hardness A) according the standards and testing water absorption, moisture regain and biodegradation. The analysis of thermal properties on fibers and composites were by TG, DSC, thermal conductivity, resistivity, heat capacity and thermal resistance. Analyzing the results of these tests, it was observed that the composite reinforced with 20% showed a better thermal performance between others composites and dimensional stability when compared to commercial thermal insulation. Also is possible to observe a balance in moisture absorption of the composite being shown with its higher absorption rate in this same sample (20%). The micrographs show the fiber interaction regions with polyurethane to fill the empty spaces. In hardness and compression testing can identify that with increasing percentage of the fiber material acquires a greater stiffness by making a higher voltage is used for forming necessary. So by the tests performed in eco-composites, the highest percentage of fiber used as reinforcement in their composition obtained a better performance compared to the remaining eco-composites, reaching values very close to the PU.
The textile effluents are a complex mixture of many pollutants that contain high organic loads, severe color and toxic compounds. The high concentration of the textile effluent may cause increased chemical demand (COD) and biochemical (BOD) of oxygen, elevated temperature, acidity or alkalinity, causing damage and environmental problems. In addition to representing a serious threat to human health such effluent is also quite toxic to most aquatic organisms. And for this reason, one must meet the concentration limits for emission sources and sewage system. This study aimed to investigate the performance of electrochemical treatment of a textile effluent for the removal of color, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved organic matter by investigating the influence of experimental parameters such as the electrocatalyst materials (Ti/Pt and Ti/Pt-SnSb) and current density in order to compare their efficiency, energy consumption and cost. The dye Novacron Blue CD (NB) was employed in synthetic solution, while the dyes Remazol Yellow 3RS (RY 3RS) Remazol Red RR Gran (RR-RR Gran) and Navy Blue CL-R (NB CL-R) were used to generate simulated textile effluent laboratory. The results showed that the application of electrochemical oxidation process favors the elimination of color effectively independent the electrocatalytic material and current used, as well as treated effluent. However, the influence of electrocatalytic material was crucial to reduction of the organic matter in all cases.
Organic dyes have been widely used in various branches of dyeing industries. These compounds are known to be very toxic, mutagenic, cancinogenic only cause aesthetic pollution and irreversible damage to aquatic ecosystems and human health. Are recalcitrant contaminants due to its high stability and resistance to photobleaching and bio. Given this context, the search for technologies that can minimize the effects of such pollutants is required. In recent decades the Electrochemical Oxidation Process Advanced (PEOAs) based on the generation of strongly oxidizing species (radicals ●OH) offer promising approaches for the prevention of problems caused by industrial effluents. This study analyzed the degradation and mineralization of textile dyes and the study of a real effluent in order to assess the feasibility of PEOAs: Electro-Fenton (EF), Photo Electro-Fenton (PEF) and anodic oxidation (AO), and these methods still was studied the Solar Fotoelectro-Fenton (SPEF) in a pre-pilot plant, in order to study the electrochemical treatment on an industrial scale. In the study has compared the effect of PEOAs in the removal of color, TOC and decay kinetics of degradation of the compounds, and also for using the Congo Red (CR) SPEF studies were performed mineralization current efficiency (MCE). The best results are given to the treatment of the PEF for all the studied dyes. From the results it was possible to choose the PEF as the most effective and promising for application of treatment when compared to other methods of treatment, and prove from SPEF that the process can be used in industrial scales, since this method PEF has been improved and solar irradiation replaced the UVA lamp.