486 resultados para swing conveyor


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Confronted with high variety and low volume market demands, many companies, especially the Japanese electronics manufacturing companies, have reconfigured their conveyor assembly lines and adopted seru production systems. Seru production system is a new type of work-cell-based manufacturing system. A lot of successful practices and experience show that seru production system can gain considerable flexibility of job shop and high efficiency of conveyor assembly line. In implementing seru production, the multi-skilled worker is the most important precondition, and some issues about multi-skilled workers are central and foremost. In this paper, we investigate the training and assignment problem of workers when a conveyor assembly line is entirely reconfigured into several serus. We formulate a mathematical model with double objectives which aim to minimize the total training cost and to balance the total processing times among multi-skilled workers in each seru. To obtain the satisfied task-to-worker training plan and worker-to-seru assignment plan, a three-stage heuristic algorithm with nine steps is developed to solve this mathematical model. Then, several computational cases are taken and computed by MATLAB programming. The computation and analysis results validate the performances of the proposed mathematical model and heuristic algorithm. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.


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Simultaneous high modulation speed and high modulation efficiency operation of a two-electrode tapered laser is reported. 1Gb/s direct data modulation is achieved with 68mA applied current swing for a 0.95W output optical modulation amplitude. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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For realization of hexagonal BDD-based digital systems, active and sequential circuits including inverters, flip flops and ring oscillators are designed and fabricated on GaAs-based hexagonal nanowire networks controlled by Schottky wrap gates (WPGs), and their operations are characterized. Fabricated inverters show comparatively high transfer gain of more than 10. Clear and correct operation of hexagonal set-reset flip flops (SR-FFs) is obtained at room temperature. Fabricated hexagonal D-type flip flop (D-FF) circuits integrating twelve WPG field effect transistors (FETs) show capturing input signal by triggering although the output swing is small. Oscillatory output is successfully obtained in a fabricated 7-stage hexagonal ring oscillator. Obtained results confirm that a good possibility to realize practical digital systems can be implemented by the present circuit approach.


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High quality n-type CdS nanobelts (NBs) were synthesized via an in situ indium doping chemical vapor deposition method and fabricated into field effect transistors (FETs). The electron concentrations and mobilities of these CdS NBs are around (1.0x10(16)-3.0x10(17))/cm(3) and 100-350 cm(2)/V s, respectively. An on-off ratio greater than 10(8) and a subthreshold swing as small as 65 mV/decade are obtained at room temperature, which give the best performance of CdS nanowire/nanobelt FETs reported so far. n-type CdS NB/p(+)-Si heterojunction light emitting diodes were fabricated. Their electroluminescence spectra are dominated by an intense sharp band-edge emission and free from deep-level defect emissions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The integrated pilot-scale dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis system from corncob was demonstrated for modernizing utilization of biomass residues. The raw bio-syngas was obtained by the pyrolyzer/gasifier at the yield rate of 40-45 Nm(3)/h. The content of tar in the raw bio-syngas was decreased to less than 20 mg/Nm(3) by high temperature gasification of the pyrolysates under O-2-rich air. More than 70% CO2 in the raw bio-syngas was removed by pressure-swing adsorption unit (PSA). The bio-syngas (H-2/CO approximate to 1) was catalytically converted to DME in the fixed-bed tubular reactor directly over Cu/Zn/Al/HZSM-5 catalysts. CO conversion and space-time yield of DME were in the range of 82.0-73.6% and 124.3-203.8 kg/m(cat)(3)/h, respectively, with a similar DME selectivity when gas hourly space velocity (GHSV, volumetric flow rate of syngas at STP divided by the volume of catalyst) increased from 650 h(-1) to 1500 h(-1) at 260 degrees C and 4.3 MPa. And the selectivity to methanol and C-2(+) products was less than 0.65% under typical synthesis condition. The thermal energy conversion efficiency was ca. 32.0% and about 16.4% carbon in dried corncob was essentially converted to DME with the production cost of ca. (sic) 3737/ton DME. Cu (111) was assumed to be the active phase for DME synthesis, confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization.


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Using satellite images taken on different dates, GIS analysis of aerial photos, bathymetric maps and other field survey data, tidal troughs and major sand ridges in the northern Jiangsu coastal area were contrasted. The results show that there have been three types of movement or migration of tidal trough in this area: (1) Periodic and restricted, this type of trough usually developed along the beaches with immobile gully head as a result of the artificial dams and the swing range increased from gully head to the low reaches, so they have been obviously impacted by human activity and have longer swing periods; (2) Periodic and actively, this kind of trough, which swung with a fast rate and moved periodically on sand ridges, were mainly controlled by the swings of the host tidal troughs and hydrodynamic forces upon tidal sand ridge and influenced slightly by human constructions; (3) Steadily and slowly, they are the main tidal troughs with large scale and a steady orientation in this area and have slow lateral movement. The differences in migration mode of tidal trough shift result in different rates of migration and impact upon tidal sand ridges. Lateral accumulation on current tidal trough and deposition on abandoned tidal troughs are the two types of sedimentation of the tidal sand ridges formation. The whole radial sand ridge was generally prone to division and retreat although sand ridges fluctuated by the analysis of changes in talwegs of tidal troughs and shorelines of sand ridges.


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数值模式是潮波研究的一种有利手段,但在研究中会面临各种具体问题,包括开边界条件的确定、底摩擦系数和耗散系数的选取等。数据同化是解决这些问题的一种途径,即利用有限数量的潮汐观测资料对潮波进行最优估计,其根本目的是迫使模型预报值逼近观测值,使模式不要偏离实际情况太远。本文采用了一种优化开边界方法,沿着数值模型的开边界优化潮汐水位信息,目的是设法使数值解在动力约束的意义下接近观测值,获得研究区域的潮汐结果。边界值由指定优化问题的解来定,以提高模拟区域的潮汐精度,最优问题的解是基于通过开边界的能量通量的变化,处理开边界处的观测值与计算值之差的最小化。这里提供了辐射型边界条件,由Reid 和Bodine(本文简称为RB)推导,我们将采用的优化后的RB方法(称为ORB)是优化开边界的特殊情况。 本文对理想矩形海域( E- E, N- N, 分辨率 )进行了潮波模拟,有东部开边界,模式采用ECOM3D模式。对数据结果的误差分析采用,振幅平均偏差,平均绝对偏差,平均相对误差和均方根偏差四个值来衡量模拟结果的好坏程度。 需要优化入开边界的解析潮汐值本文采用的解析解由方国洪《海湾的潮汐与潮流》(1966年)方法提供,为验证本文所做的解析解和方文的一致,本文做了其第一个例子的关键值a,b,z,结果与其结果吻合的相当好。但略有差别,分析的可能原因是两法在具体迭代方案和计算机保留小数上有区别造成微小误差。另外,我们取m=20,得到更精确的数值,我们发现对前十项的各项参数值,取m=10,m=20各项参数略有改进。当然我们可以获得m更大的各项参数值。 同时为了检验解析解的正确性讨论m和l变化对边界值的影响,结果指出,增大m,m=20时,u的模最大在本身u1或u2的模的6%;m=100时,u的模最大在本身u1或u2的模的4%;m再增大,m=1000时,u的模最大在本身u1或u2的模的4%,改变不大。当l<1时, =0处u的模最大为2。当l=1时, =0处u的模最大为0.1,当l>1时,l越大,u的模越小,当l=10时,u的模最大为0.001,可以认为为0。 为检验该优化方法的应用情况,我们对理想矩形区域进行模拟,首先将本文所采用的优化开边界方法应用于30m的情况,在开边界优化入开边界得出模式解,所得模拟结果与解析解吻合得相当好,该模式解和解析解在整个区域上,振幅平均绝对偏差为9.9cm,相位平均绝对偏差只有4.0 ,均方根偏差只有13.3cm,说明该优化方法在潮波模型中有效。 为验证该优化方法在各种条件下的模拟结果情况,在下面我们做了三类敏感性试验: 第一类试验:为证明在开边界上使用优化方法相比于没有采用优化方法的模拟解更接近于解析解,我们来比较ORB条件与RB条件的优劣,我们模拟用了两个不同的摩擦系数,k分别为:0,0.00006。 结果显示,针对不同摩擦系数,显示在开边界上使用ORB条件的解比使用RB条件的解无论是振幅还是相位都有显著改善,两个试验均方根偏差优化程度分别为84.3%,83.7%。说明在开边界上使用优化方法相比于没有采用优化方法的模拟解更接近于解析解,大大提高了模拟水平。上述的两个试验得出, k=0.00006优化结果比k=0的好。 第二类试验,使用ORB条件确定优化开边界情况下,在东西边界加入出入流的情况,流考虑线性和非线性情况,结果显示,加入流的情况,潮汐模拟的效果降低不少,流为1Sv的情况要比5Sv的情况均方根偏差相差20cm,而不加流的情况只有0.2cm。线性流和非线性流情况两者模式解相差不大,振幅,相位各项指数都相近, 说明流的线性与否对结果影响不大。 第三类试验,不仅在开边界使用ORB条件,在模式内部也使用ORB条件,比较了内部优化和不优化情况与解析解的偏差。结果显示,选用不同的k,振幅都能得到很好的模拟,而相位相对较差。另外,在内部优化的情况下,考虑不同的k的模式解, 我们选用了与解析解相近的6个模式解的k,结果显示,不同的k,振幅都能得到很好的模拟,而相位较差。 总之,在开边界使用ORB条件比使用RB条件好,振幅相位都有大幅度改进,在加入出入流情况下,流的大小对模拟结果有影响,但线形流和非线性流差别不大。内部优化的结果显示,模式采用不同的k都能很好模拟解析解的振幅。


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在带式输送机动态过程仿真的基础上 ,以多驱动带式输送机系统为对象 ,对可控多驱动系统进行动力学分析·采用基于功率跟踪的方法 ,在合理的启动曲线的基础上 ,将第一驱动按合理启动曲线启动 ,其他驱动顺次跟踪第一驱动功率的控制策略·基于有限元方法建立了系统的动力学方程 ,提出了可控启动过程的动态分析算法 ,开发了动态设计软件BCD 2 0 ,通过对实际系统的仿真 ,证明了算法和软件的正确性·


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研究了带式输送机停机过程的动态设计 ,通过分析提出了输送机停机过程的力学模型为两种 :第 1模型与启动过程的力学模型相同 ,第 2模型为具有固定端的振动模型·分析了制动力的传动机理 ;在综合各种停机方式的基础上给出了停机过程的分类 ,提出了控制速度停机、自由停机和制动停机的计算方式及其计算方法 ;开发了带式输送机动态分析软件BCD .2 0的停机计算部分 ;应用软件对停机过程进行仿真研究 ,对停机过程进行了分析 ;给出了停机过程的动态设计方法和拉紧装置行程的计算式 ;得出了不同的停机方式结束后输送带的张力分布是不同的结果·所提出的方法可用于大型带式输送机停机过程的合理设计 ,避免事故的发生


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Block theory is an effective method on stability analysis of fractured rigid rock mass. There are a lot of discontinuous planes developed in rock mass of Jinping II hydropower station conveyor tunnel, so the stability of conveyor tunnel is related with whether there are unstable blocks on excavation planes. This paper deals with the stability of conveyor tunnel with stereo-analytical method for block theory on the basis of detailed investigation of rock mass data, and makes judgements on the movable blocks sliding types which are induced by all rock discontinuous planes and every excavation plane of conveyor tunnel. A conclusion is obtained that the sliding type of blocks is mainly single sliding, and a relatively few sliding types of double-sided sliding and vertical block falling; Also, the obvious statistical distribution result on movable blocks in conveyor tunnel indicates that there are a bit more instability blocks in left wall, left and right arches than right wall. In this paper, the stochastic probability model is drawn into block theory to study the sliding probability of key block on the basis of detailed investigation of its rock mass data and the development of the discontinuous planes in rock mass of Jinping II hydropower station conveyor tunnel. And some following conclusions are obtained. The relationship between trace length and the probability of instability of key block is inverse ratio. The probability of 1-3m primary joints are relatively higher. Key block containing joints J2 is relatively stable and the reinforcement of the arch would be crucial in the conveyor tunnel. They are all useful to offer effective reinforcement design and have important engineering values.


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This paper addresses the problem of efficiently computing the motor torques required to drive a lower-pair kinematic chain (e.g., a typical manipulator arm in free motion, or a mechanical leg in the swing phase) given the desired trajectory; i.e., the Inverse Dynamics problem. It investigates the high degree of parallelism inherent in the computations, and presents two "mathematically exact" formulations especially suited to high-speed, highly parallel implementations using special-purpose hardware or VLSI devices. In principle, the formulations should permit the calculations to run at a speed bounded only by I/O. The first presented is a parallel version of the recent linear Newton-Euler recursive algorithm. The time cost is also linear in the number of joints, but the real-time coefficients are reduced by almost two orders of magnitude. The second formulation reports a new parallel algorithm which shows that it is possible to improve upon the linear time dependency. The real time required to perform the calculations increases only as the [log2] of the number of joints. Either formulation is susceptible to a systolic pipelined architecture in which complete sets of joint torques emerge at successive intervals of four floating-point operations. Hardware requirements necessary to support the algorithm are considered and found not to be excessive, and a VLSI implementation architecture is suggested. We indicate possible applications to incorporating dynamical considerations into trajectory planning, e.g. it may be possible to build an on-line trajectory optimizer.


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A novel Lorenz-type system of nonlinear differential equations is proposed. Unlike the original Lorenz system, where the chaotic dynamics remain confined to the positive half-space with respect to the Z state variable due to a limiting threshold effect, the proposed system enables bipolar swing of this state variable. In addition, the classical set of parameters (a, b, c) controlling the behavior of the Lorenz system are reduced to a single parameter, namely a. Two possible modes of operation are admitted by the system; switching between these two modes results in the creation of a complex butterfly chaotic attractor. Numerical simulations and results from an experimental setup are presented