957 resultados para swd: Ubiquitous Computing


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We consider the problem of secure communication in mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Achieving security in WSNs requires robust encryption and authentication standards among the sensor nodes. Severe resources constraints in typical Wireless Sensor nodes hinder them in achieving key agreements. It is proved from past studies that many notable key management schemes do not work well in sensor networks due to their limited capacities. The idea of key predistribution is not feasible considering the fact that the network could scale to millions. We prove a novel algorithm that provides robust and secure communication channel in WSNs. Our Double Encryption with Validation Time (DEV) using Key Management Protocol algorithm works on the basis of timed sessions within which a secure secret key remains valid. A mobile node is used to bootstrap and exchange secure keys among communicating pairs of nodes. Analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the DEV using Key Management Protocol Algorithm is better than the SEV scheme and other related work.


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Ubiquitous Computing is an emerging paradigm which facilitates user to access preferred services, wherever they are, whenever they want, and the way they need, with zero administration. While moving from one place to another the user does not need to specify and configure their surrounding environment, the system initiates necessary adaptation by itself to cope up with the changing environment. In this paper we propose a system to provide context-aware ubiquitous multimedia services, without user’s intervention. We analyze the context of the user based on weights, identify the UMMS (Ubiquitous Multimedia Service) based on the collected context information and user profile, search for the optimal server to provide the required service, then adapts the service according to user’s local environment and preferences, etc. The experiment conducted several times with different context parameters, their weights and various preferences for a user. The results are quite encouraging.


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There is an increasing number of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems that are time-sensitive and resource-aware. From healthcare to building and even home/office automation, it is now common to find systems combining interactive and sensing multimedia traffic with relatively simple sensors and actuators (door locks, presence detectors, RFIDs, HVAC, information panels, etc.). Many of these are today known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Quite frequently, these systems must be capable of (1) prioritizing different traffic flows (process data, alarms, non-critical data, etc.), (2) synchronizing actions in several distributed devices and, to certain degree, (3) easing resource management (e.g., detecting faulty nodes, managing battery levels, handling overloads, etc.). This work presents FTT-MA, a high-level middleware architecture aimed at easing the design, deployment and operation of such AmI systems. FTT-MA ensures that both functional and non-functional aspects of the applications are met even during reconfiguration stages. The paper also proposes a methodology, together with a design tool, to create this kind of systems. Finally, a sample case study is presented that illustrates the use of the middleware and the methodology proposed in the paper.


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Aplicações ubíquas e pervasivas são cientes do contexto dos recursos utilizados no que diz respeito à disponibilidade e qualidade. Esta classe de aplicações pode se beneficiar de mecanismos para descobrir recursos que atendam aos requisitos não-funcionais desejados, e mecanismos para monitorar a qualidade destes recursos. Neste trabalho é proposta uma arquitetura para dois serviços que deveriam ser incluídos na infra-estrutura de suporte a ser utilizada pelas aplicações mencionadas: um Serviço de Contexto, que provê acesso a informações de contexto, e um Serviço de Descoberta, que permite a descoberta dinâmica de recursos, levando em conta restrições de contexto a serem satisfeitas. Estes serviços se apóiam em Agentes de Recursos, que efetivamente monitoram os recursos e sensores. Uma implementação de referência foi desenvolvida, oferecendo os serviços mencionados na forma de Serviços Web e implementando os Agentes de Recursos empregando um padrão de projeto simples. Para avaliar os serviços estes foram utilizados como infra-estrutura para o desenvolvimento de um sistema tolerante a falhas e uma aplicação de assistência domiciliar remota (tele-saúde). O desempenho dos serviços também foi avaliado.


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语音是人们日常生活中高效、自然的交流方式之一。但是直到目前为止,语音交互方式在计算机技术上的应用还是比较少的。近年来,随着Ubiquitous Computing和便携式计算机的出现,再次对语音用户界面的应用提出了迫切的需求。而且语音识别、合成技术的发展也为语音交互界面的实现提供了技术基础。本文综合参考了国内外语音界面的一些应用系统实例以及语音这种独特的交流媒体的优点和局限性.总结了语音用户界面的适用环境和设计指导原则,并提出了对语音界面的发展展望。


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It is anticipated that constrained devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) will often operate in groups to achieve collective monitoring or management tasks. For sensitive and mission-critical sensing tasks, securing multicast applications is therefore highly desirable. To secure group communications, several group key management protocols have been introduced. However, the majority of the proposed solutions are not adapted to the IoT and its strong processing, storage, and energy constraints. In this context, we introduce a novel decentralized and batch-based group key management protocol to secure multicast communications. Our protocol is simple and it reduces the rekeying overhead triggered by membership changes in dynamic and mobile groups and guarantees both backward and forward secrecy. To assess our protocol, we conduct a detailed analysis with respect to its communcation and storage costs. This analysis is validated through simulation to highlight energy gains. The obtained results show that our protocol outperforms its peers with respect to keying overhead and the mobility of members.


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Low-Power and Lossy-Network (LLN) are usually composed of static nodes, but the increase demand for mobility in mobile robotic and dynamic environment raises the question how a routing protocol for low-power and lossy-networks such as (RPL) would perform if a mobile sink is deployed. In this paper we investigate and evaluate the behaviour of the RPL protocol in fixed and mobile sink environments with respect to different network metrics such as latency, packet delivery ratio (PDR) and energy consumption. Extensive simulation using instant Contiki simulator show significant performance differences between fixed and mobile sink environments. Fixed sink LLNs performed better in terms of average power consumption, latency and packet delivery ratio. The results demonstrated also that RPL protocol is sensitive to mobility and it increases the number of isolated nodes.


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Mobile devices offer a common platform for both leisure and work-related tasks but this has resulted in a blurred boundary between home and work. In this paper we explore the security implications of this blurred boundary, both for the worker and the employer. Mobile workers may not always make optimum security-related choices when ‘on the go’ and more impulsive individuals may be particularly affected as they are considered more vulnerable to distraction. In this study we used a task scenario, in which 104 users were asked to choose a wireless network when responding to work demands while out of the office. Eye-tracking data was obtained from a subsample of 40 of these participants in order to explore the effects of impulsivity on attention. Our results suggest that impulsive people are more frequent users of public devices and networks in their day-to-day interactions and are more likely to access their social networks on a regular basis. However they are also likely to make risky decisions when working on-the-go, processing fewer features before making those decisions. These results suggest that those with high impulsivity may make more use of the mobile Internet options for both work and private purposes but they also show attentional behavior patterns that suggest they make less considered security-sensitive decisions. The findings are discussed in terms of designs that might support enhanced deliberation, both in the moment and also in relation to longer term behaviors that would contribute to a better work-life balance.


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Wireless Inertial Measurement Units (WIMUs) combine motion sensing, processing & communications functionsin a single device. Data gathered using these sensors has the potential to be converted into high quality motion data. By outfitting a subject with multiple WIMUs full motion data can begathered. With a potential cost of ownership several orders of magnitude less than traditional camera based motion capture, WIMU systems have potential to be crucially important in supplementing or replacing traditional motion capture and opening up entirely new application areas and potential markets particularly in the rehabilitative, sports & at-home healthcarespaces. Currently WIMUs are underutilized in these areas. A major barrier to adoption is perceived complexity. Sample rates, sensor types & dynamic sensor ranges may need to be adjusted on multiple axes for each device depending on the scenario. As such we present an advanced WIMU in conjunction with a Smart WIMU system to simplify this aspect with 3 usage modes: Manual, Intelligent and Autonomous. Attendees will be able to compare the 3 different modes and see the effects of good andbad set-ups on the quality of data gathered in real time.


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Existing work in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering demonstrates that Digital Signal Processing techniques can effectively identify the presence of stress in the speech signal. These techniques use datasets containing real or actual stress samples i.e. real-life stress such as 911 calls and so on. Studies that use simulated or laboratory-induced stress have been less successful and inconsistent. Pervasive, ubiquitous computing is increasingly moving towards voice-activated and voice-controlled systems and devices. Speech recognition and speaker identification algorithms will have to improve and take emotional speech into account. Modelling the influence of stress on speech and voice is of interest to researchers from many different disciplines including security, telecommunications, psychology, speech science, forensics and Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The aim of this work is to assess the impact of moderate stress on the speech signal. In order to do this, a dataset of laboratory-induced stress is required. While attempting to build this dataset it became apparent that reliably inducing measurable stress in a controlled environment, when speech is a requirement, is a challenging task. This work focuses on the use of a variety of stressors to elicit a stress response during tasks that involve speech content. Biosignal analysis (commercial Brain Computer Interfaces, eye tracking and skin resistance) is used to verify and quantify the stress response, if any. This thesis explains the basis of the author’s hypotheses on the elicitation of affectively-toned speech and presents the results of several studies carried out throughout the PhD research period. These results show that the elicitation of stress, particularly the induction of affectively-toned speech, is not a simple matter and that many modulating factors influence the stress response process. A model is proposed to reflect the author’s hypothesis on the emotional response pathways relating to the elicitation of stress with a required speech content. Finally the author provides guidelines and recommendations for future research on speech under stress. Further research paths are identified and a roadmap for future research in this area is defined.


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Continuing achievements in hardware technology are bringing ubiquitous computing closer to reality. The notion of a connected, interactive and autonomous environment is common to all sensor networks, biosystems and radio frequency identification (RFID) devices, and the emergence of significant deployments and sophisticated applications can be expected. However, as more information is collected and transmitted, security issues will become vital for such a fully connected environment. In this study the authors consider adding security features to low-cost devices such as RFID tags. In particular, the authors consider the implementation of a digital signature architecture that can be used for device authentication, to prevent tag cloning, and for data authentication to prevent transmission forgery. The scheme is built around the signature variant of the cryptoGPS identification scheme and the SHA-1 hash function. When implemented on 130 nm CMOS the full design uses 7494 gates and consumes 4.72 mu W of power, making it smaller and more power efficient than previous low-cost digital signature designs. The study also presents a low-cost SHA-1 hardware architecture which is the smallest standardised hash function design to date.


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This work presents a novel approach for human action recognition based on the combination of computer vision techniques and common-sense knowledge and reasoning capabilities. The emphasis of this work is on how common sense has to be leveraged to a vision-based human action recognition so that nonsensical errors can be amended at the understanding stage. The proposed framework is to be deployed in a realistic environment in which humans behave rationally, that is, motivated by an aim or a reason. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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As ubiquitous computing becomes a reality, sensitive information is increasingly processed and transmitted by smart cards, mobile devices and various types of embedded systems. This has led to the requirement of a new class of lightweight cryptographic algorithm to ensure security in these resource constrained environments. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recently standardised two low-cost block ciphers for this purpose, Clefia and Present. In this paper we provide the first comprehensive hardware architecture comparison between these ciphers, as well as a comparison with the current National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard, the Advanced Encryption Standard.


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Those living with an acquired brain injury often have issues with fatigue due to factors resulting from the injury. Cognitive impairments such as lack of memory, concentration and planning have a great impact on an individual’s ability to carry out general everyday tasks, which subsequently has the effect of inducing cognitive fatigue. Moreover, there is difficulty in assessing cognitive fatigue, as there are no real biological markers that can be measured. Rather, it is a very subjective effect that can only be diagnosed by the individual. Consequently, the traditional way of assessing cognitive fatigue is to use a self-assessment questionnaire that is able to determine contributing factors. State of the art methods to evaluate cognitive! fa tigue employ cognitive tests in order to analyse performance on predefined tasks. However, one primary issue with such tests is that they are typically carried out in a clinical environment, therefore do not have the ability to be utilized in situ within everyday life. This paper presents a smartphone application for the evaluation of fatigue, which can be used daily to track cognitive performance in order to assess the influence of fatigue.