967 resultados para surface defect recognition


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum(P. falciparum) merozoite surfaceprotein 2 (MSP-2) is one of bloodstage proteins that are associated withprotection from malaria. MSP-2 consistsof a highly polymorphic centralrepeat region flanked by a dimorphicregion that defines the two allelicfamilies, 3D7 and FC27; N- and Cterminalregions are conserved domains.Long synthetic peptides (LSP)representing the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 and constant regions arerecognized by sera from donors livingin endemic areas; and specific antibodies(Abs) are associated with protectionand active in antibody dependentcellular inhibition (ADCI) in vitro.However, the fine specificity ofAb response to the two allelic familiesof MSP-2 is unknown. Methods: Peptidesrepresenting dimorphic regionof 3D7 and FC27 families and theirC-terminal (common fragment to thetwo families) termed 3D7-D (88 aa),FC27-D (48 aa) and C (40 aa) respectivelywere synthesized. Overlapping20 mer peptides covering dimorphicand constant regions of two familieswere also synthesized for epitopemapping. Human sera were obtainedfrom donors living in malaria endemicareas. SpecificDand CregionsAbs were purified from single or poolhuman sera. Sera from mice were obtainedafter immunization with thetwo families LSP mixture in three differentadjuvants: alhydrogel (Alum),Glucopyranosyl Lipid Adjuvant-Stableoil-in-water Emulsion (GLA-SE)and Virosome. For ADCI, P. falciparum(strain 3D7) parasite wasmaintained in culture at 0.5% parasitemiaand 4% hematocrit in air tightbox at love oxygen (2%) and 37 ºC.Results: We identified several epitopesfrom the dimorphic and constantregions of both families of MSP-2, inmice and humans (adults and children).In human, most recognizedepitopes were the same in differentendemic regions for each domain ofthe two families of MSP-2. In mice,the differential recognition of epitopewas depending on the strain of mouseand interestingly on the adjuvantused. GLA-SE and alum as adjuvantswere more often associated with therecognition of multiple epitopes thanvirosomes. Epitope-specific Abs recognizednative merozoites of P.falciparum and were active in ADCIto block development of parasite.Conclusion: The delineation of a limitednumber of epitopes could be exploitedto develop MSP-2 vaccinesactive on both allelic families ofMSP-2.


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Extracellular, non-flagellar appendages, termed fimbriae are widespread among fungi. Fungal fimbriae range in diameter from 6-10 nm and exhibit lengths of up to 30 ~m. Fungal fimbriae have been implicated in several functions: adhesion, conjugation and flocculation. A possible role of fimbriae in host-mycoparasite interactions was the focus of this study . Using electron microscopy, fimbriae were observed on the surfaces of Mortiere lla cande labrum, Mortie re lla pusi lla and Phascolomyces articulosus with diameter means of 9.1±0.4 nm, 9.4±0.5 nm and 8.6±0.6 nm, respectively, and lengths of up to 25 ~m. Fimbriae were not observed on the surface of the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. Polyclonal antiserum (AU) prepared against the fimbrial protein of Ustilago violacea cross-reacted with 60 and 57 kDa M. candelabrum proteins. In addition, AU cross-reacted with 64 kDa proteins from both M. pusilla and P. articulosus. The proteins that cross-reacted with AU were electroeluted from polyacrylamide gels and were shown to subsequently form fibrils. The diameter means for the electroeluted fibrils were: for M. candelabrum 9.7±0.3 nm, M. pusilla 8.4±0.6 nm and P articulosus 9.2±0.5 nm. Finally, to ascertain the role of fimbriae in host-mycoparasite interactions, AU was incubated with P. virginiana and M. pusilla (mycoparasite/susceptible host) and with P. virginiana and P . articulosus (mycoparasite/ resistant host). It was observed that AU decreased significantly the level of contact between P. virginiana and M. pusilla and between P. virginiana and P. articulosus in comparison to prelmmune serum treatments. Thus, it was proposed that fimbriae might play recognition and attachment roles in early events of mycoparasitism.


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Cell surface proteins obtained by alkaline extraction from isolated cell walls of Mortierella pusilla and M. candelabrum, host and nonhost, respectively, to the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana, were tested for their ability to agglutinate mycoparasite spores. The host cell wall protein extract had a high agglutinating activity (788 a.u. mg- t ) as compared with the nonhost extract (21 a.li. mg- t ). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell wall proteins revealed four protein bands, a, b, c, and d (Mr 117, 100, 85 and 64 kd, respectively) at the host surface, but not at the nonhost surface, except for the faint band c. Deletion of proteins b or c from the host cell wall protein extract significantly reduced its agglutinating activity. Proteins band c, obtained as purified preparations by a series of procedures, were shown to be two glycoproteins. Carbohydrate analysis by gas chromatography demonstrated that glucose and Nacetylglucosamine were the major carbohydrate components of the glycoproteins. It was further shown that the agglutinating activity of the pure preparation containing both band c was 500-850 times that of the single glycoproteins, suggesting the involvement of both glycoproteins in agglutination. The results suggest that the glycoproteins band c are the two subunits of agglutinin present at the host cell surface. The two glycoproteins band c purified from the host cell wall protein extract were further examined after various treatments for their possible role in agglutination, attachment and appressorium formation by the mycoparasite. Results obtained by agglutination and attachment tests showed: (1) the two glycoprotein-s are not only an agglutinin responsible for the mycoparasite spore agglutination, but may also serve as a receptor for the specific recognition, attachment and appressorium formation by the mycoparasite; (2) treatment of the rnycoparasite spores with various sugars revealed that arabinose, glucose and N-acetylglucosamine inhibited the agglutination and attachment activity of the glycoproteins, however, the relative percentage of appressorium formation was not affected by the above sugars; (3) the two glycoproteins are relatively stable with respect to their agglutinin and receptor functions. The present results suggest that the agglutination and attachment may be mediated directly by certain sugars present at the host and mycoparasite cell surfaces while the appressorlum formation may be the response of complementary combinations of both sugar and protein, the two parts of the glycoproteins at the interacting surfaces of two fungi.


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We discuss the relation between continuum bound states (CBSs) localized on a defect, and surface states of a finite periodic system. We model an experiment of Capasso et al. [F. Capasso, C. Sirtori, J. Faist, D. L. Sivco, S-N. G. Chu, and A. Y. Cho, Nature (London) 358, 565 (1992)] using the transfer-matrix method. We compute the rate for intrasubband transitions from the ground state to the CBS and derive a sum rule. Finally we show how to improve the confinement of a CBS while keeping the energy fixed.


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Aggregates of oxygen vacancies (F centers) represent a particular form of point defects in ionic crystals. In this study we have considered the combination of two oxygen vacancies, the M center, in the bulk and on the surface of MgO by means of cluster model calculations. Both neutral and charged forms of the defect M and M+ have been taken into account. The ground state of the M center is characterized by the presence of two doubly occupied impurity levels in the gap of the material; in M+ centers the highest level is singly occupied. For the ground-state properties we used a gradient corrected density functional theory approach. The dipole-allowed singlet-to-singlet and doublet-to-doublet electronic transitions have been determined by means of explicitly correlated multireference second-order perturbation theory calculations. These have been compared with optical transitions determined with the time-dependent density functional theory formalism. The results show that bulk M and M+ centers give rise to intense absorptions at about 4.4 and 4.0 eV, respectively. Another less intense transition at 1.3 eV has also been found for the M+ center. On the surface the transitions occur at 1.6 eV (M+) and 2 eV (M). The results are compared with recently reported electron energy loss spectroscopy spectra on MgO thin films.


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La visió és probablement el nostre sentit més dominant a partir del qual derivem la majoria d'informació del món que ens envolta. A través de la visió podem percebre com són les coses, on són i com es mouen. En les imatges que percebem amb el nostre sistema de visió podem extreure'n característiques com el color, la textura i la forma, i gràcies a aquesta informació som capaços de reconèixer objectes fins i tot quan s'observen sota unes condicions totalment diferents. Per exemple, som capaços de distingir un mateix objecte si l'observem des de diferents punts de vista, distància, condicions d'il·luminació, etc. La Visió per Computador intenta emular el sistema de visió humà mitjançant un sistema de captura d'imatges, un ordinador, i un conjunt de programes. L'objectiu desitjat no és altre que desenvolupar un sistema que pugui entendre una imatge d'una manera similar com ho realitzaria una persona. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'anàlisi de la textura per tal de realitzar el reconeixement de superfícies. La motivació principal és resoldre el problema de la classificació de superfícies texturades quan han estat capturades sota diferents condicions, com ara distància de la càmera o direcció de la il·luminació. D'aquesta forma s'aconsegueix reduir els errors de classificació provocats per aquests canvis en les condicions de captura. En aquest treball es presenta detalladament un sistema de reconeixement de textures que ens permet classificar imatges de diferents superfícies capturades en diferents condicions. El sistema proposat es basa en un model 3D de la superfície (que inclou informació de color i forma) obtingut mitjançant la tècnica coneguda com a 4-Source Colour Photometric Stereo (CPS). Aquesta informació és utilitzada posteriorment per un mètode de predicció de textures amb l'objectiu de generar noves imatges 2D de les textures sota unes noves condicions. Aquestes imatges virtuals que es generen seran la base del nostre sistema de reconeixement, ja que seran utilitzades com a models de referència per al nostre classificador de textures. El sistema de reconeixement proposat combina les Matrius de Co-ocurrència per a l'extracció de característiques de textura, amb la utilització del Classificador del veí més proper. Aquest classificador ens permet al mateix temps aproximar la direcció d'il·luminació present en les imatges que s'utilitzen per testejar el sistema de reconeixement. És a dir, serem capaços de predir l'angle d'il·luminació sota el qual han estat capturades les imatges de test. Els resultats obtinguts en els diferents experiments que s'han realitzat demostren la viabilitat del sistema de predicció de textures, així com del sistema de reconeixement.


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Phosphorylation of the coronavirus nucleoprotein (N protein) has been predicted to play a role in RNA binding. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the kinetics of RNA binding between nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated infectious bronchitis virus N protein with nonviral and viral RNA by surface plasmon resonance (Biacore). Mass spectroscopic analysis of N protein identified phosphorylation sites that were proximal to RNA binding domains. Kinetic analysis, by surface plasmon resonance, indicated that nonphospborylated N protein bound with the same affinity to viral RNA as phosphorylated N protein. However, phosphorylated N protein bound to viral RNA with a higher binding affinity than nonviral RNA, suggesting that phosphorylation of N protein determined the recognition of virus RNA. The data also indicated that a known N protein binding site (involved in transcriptional regulation) consisting of a conserved core sequence present near the 5' end of the genome (in the leader sequence) functioned by promoting high association rates of N protein binding. Further analysis of the leader sequence indicated that the core element was not the only binding site for N protein and that other regions functioned to promote high-affinity binding.


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface points and a wireframe on the surface of a freeform object using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed surface points are frontier points and the wireframe is a network of contour generators. Both of them are reconstructed by pairing apparent contours in the 2D images. Unlike previous works, we empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points automatically cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely spread on smooth or flat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not under-sampled or under-represented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method. Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object. The unique pattern of the reconstructed points and contours may be used in 31) object recognition and measurement without computationally intensive full surface reconstruction. The results are obtained from both computer-generated and real objects. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the orientational ordering on the surface of a sphere using Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations of rods interacting with an anisotropic potential. We restrict the orientations to the local tangent plane of the spherical surface and fix the position of each rod to be at a discrete point on the spherical surface. On the surface of a sphere, orientational ordering cannot be perfectly nematic due to the inevitable presence of defects. We find that the ground state of four +1/2 point defects is stable across a broad range of temperatures. We investigate the transition from disordered to ordered phase by decreasing the temperature and find a very smooth transition. We use fluctuations of the local directors to estimate the Frank elastic constant on the surface of a sphere and compare it to the planar case. We observe subdiffusive behavior in the mean square displacement of the defect cores and estimate their diffusion constants.


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Immune evasion by Plasmodium falciparum is favored by extensive allelic diversity of surface antigens. Some of them, most notably the vaccine-candidate merozoite surface protein (MSP)-1, exhibit a poorly understood pattern of allelic dimorphism, in which all observed alleles group into two highly diverged allelic families with few or no inter-family recombinants. Here we describe contrasting levels and patterns of sequence diversity in genes encoding three MSP-1-associated surface antigens of P. falciparum, ranging from an ancient allelic dimorphism in the Msp-6 gene to a near lack of allelic divergence in Msp-9 to a more classical multi-allele polymorphism in Msp-7 Other members of the Msp-7 gene family exhibit very little polymorphism in non-repetitive regions. A comparison of P. falciparum Msp-6 sequences to an orthologous sequence from P. reichenowi provided evidence for distinct evolutionary histories of the 5` and 3` segments of the dimorphic region in PfMsp-6, consistent with one dimorphic lineage having arisen from recombination between now-extinct ancestral alleles. In addition. we uncovered two surprising patterns of evolution in repetitive sequence. Firsts in Msp-6, large deletions are associated with (nearly) identical sequence motifs at their borders. Second, a comparison of PfMsp-9 with the P. reichenowi ortholog indicated retention of a significant inter-unit diversity within an 18-base pair repeat within the coding region of P. falciparum, but homogenization in P. reichenowi. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This review deals with surface-enhancved Raman scattering (SERS) employing Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films, which serve as model systems for developing theoretical and experimental studies to elucidate the SERS effect. In addition, LB films have be used as integral parts of molecular architectures for SERS-active substrates. On the other hand, SERS and surface-enhaced resonant Raman scattering (SERRS) have allowed various properties of LB films to be investigated, especially those associated with molecular-level interactions. In the paper, emphasis is placed on single molecule detection (SMD), where the target molecule is diluted on an LB matrix of spectral silent material (low Raman cross section). The perspectives and challenges for combining SERS and LB films are also discussed.


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A new approach to fabricate a disposable electronic tongue is reported. The fabrication of the disposable sensor aimed the integration of all electrodes necessary for measurement in the same device. The disposable device was constructed with gold CD-R and copper sheets substrates and the sensing elements were gold, copper and a gold surface modified with a layer of Prussian Blue. The relative standard deviation for signals obtained from 20 different disposable gold and 10 different disposable copper electrodes was below 3.5%. The performance, electrode materials and the capability of the device to differentiate samples were evaluated for taste substances model, milk with different pasteurization processes (homogenized/pasteurized, ultra high temperature (UHT) pasteurized and UHT pasteurized with low fat content) and adulterated with hydrogen peroxide. In all analysed cases, a good separation between different samples was noticed in the score plots obtained from the principal component analysis (PCA). Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A panel of 19 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was used to study the immunological variability of Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), a member of the genus Potyvirus, and to perform a first epitope characterization of this virus. Based on their specificity of recognition against a panel of 15 LMV isolates, the mAbs could be clustered in seven reactivity groups. Surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated the presence, on the LMV particles, of at least five independent recognition/ binding regions, correlating with the seven mAbs reactivity groups. The results demonstrate that LMV shows significant serological variability and shed light on the LMV epitope structure. The various mAbs should prove a new and efficient tool for LIVIV diagnostic and field epidemiology studies.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone repair process in the maxillary sinus in monkeys treated with high-density porous polyethylene (Medpor)Methods: Four capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were submitted to bilateral horizontal osteotomies in the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and divided into 2 groups: control group, left side with no implants, and porous polyethylene group, right side with Medpor. After a period of 145 days after implant placement, the maxillae were removed for histologic and histometric analyses.Results: Bone repair in osteotomized areas took place by connective tissue in 58.5% and 58.7% in the control group and the porous polyethylene group, respectively. In the contact surface with Medpor, bone repair occurred in 41.3%.Conclusions: Medpor was not reabsorbed within the period of this study and allowed bone repair surrounding it. The porous polyethylene constitutes a feasible alternative for bone defect reconstruction.


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In the present work we investigate the behavior of a vortex in a long superconducting cylinder near to a columnar defect at the center. The derivations of the local magnetic field distribution and the Gibbs free energy will be carried out for a cylinder and a cavity of arbitrary sizes. From the general expressions, it is considered two particular limits: one in which the radius of the cavity is very small but the radius of the superconducting cylinder is kept finite; and one in which the radius of the superconducting cylinder is taken very large (infinite) but the radius of the cavity is kept finite. In both cases the maximum number of vortices which are allowed in the cavity is determined. In addition, the surface barrier field for flux entrance into the cavity is calculated. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.